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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1949)
X* —- PAGE TWO THE NYSSA. GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1949 Mr and Mrs. K a t returned with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. William Kirkson 1 and family of Stirling. Colorado ARCADIA, Oct 27—The Arcadia were guests at the home of Mr Sunshine club met October 14 with and Mrs. Schilling last week. Mrs IS members present. Mrs. Fred Bchelllng and Mrs. Jake Oroot gave Dlrkson and Mrs Schilling are cous- demonstrations on food for enter i ins. Mr and Mrs. Frank Morris and taining. The next meeting will be held Friday, October 29, with Mrs. family of Nyssa were dinner guests Anna Dail at her home on Imperial Sunday In the home of M r and Mrs. Clyde Bowers. avenue. Mr. and Mrs Bob M cKinney went Mrs. Minnie Houston returned Sunday f-om a week's visit with to Nampa Sunday to take home Oarland McKinney, who spent last friends in Council. Mrs Fannie Parson and her week here. Mr. and Mrs Virgil Holaday and daughter Mrs. Arlene Price of Prairie City, visited Mrs. Theo j family of Ukiah, Oregon were here Matherly and Mrs Anna Dail Sat visiting friends and pheasant hunt ing last week urday. Mr. and Mrs William Andaason Mr Krleman of Notus was guest speaker after Sunday school Sun and son of Ontario were callers Sunday evening In the home of Mr day Miss Shirly Schilling was a Sun and Mrs. Fred Schilling. Mr and Mrs. Charlie Bullard and day dinner guest In the home of Mr and Mrs, Otis Bullard return Deloris Dahanke. Mr and Mrs. Jake Oroot returned ed Wednesday from a deer hunt. last week from a visit In Portland Otis killed a three point buck. Arcadia Siiimhinc (dull lias Meeting DRESS AND BLOUSE SALE — ALL W O O L JERSEY DRESSES— SHARK SKIN COATS BETTY'S DRESS SHOP You are invited to enter. . . LEARN HOW THOUSANDS HAVE SAVED 15% ON FIRE INSURANCE COSTS T H R O U G H THE P R E F E R R E D R I S K PLAN Ask now if your property qualifies l RENSTROM tÎ * . • INSURANCE AGENCY Strong Capital Stock Protection Community < Ini» O f Owvhee Meets OWYHEE. Oct. 27—The Owyhee Community club met at the home of Mrs. Martha Klingback Thurs day, October 20, with Mrs. Lee Householder as assistant hostess. After the business meeting, a flower guessing contest was won by Mrs Harlan Kogar and a word scramble was won by Mrs. Louise Gregg Two vocal duels were sung by Mrs Doris Oregg and Mrs. Leona Winter. Mrs Grant Patterson became a member. Refreshments of apple pie, ice cream, coffee and cocoa were served to 16 members and 6 children. The November meeting will be held with Mrs Jesse Ditty. Rev Robert Kriner held preach ing services after Sunday school at the Owyhee Community church. Special music was given by Rev Kriner and two sons, Robert and Ronald. At the evening service a vocal duet was sung by Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Gregg. Rev. Kriner and fam ily were en tertained at dinner by Mr and Mrs. James Stephen, Sr. Mrs Martha Klingback and son, Fred, and Kay and Butch McDonald were also guests. Mr and Mrs Kenneth McDon ald left Thursday for Seattle, Brem erton and Kirkland. Washington for a visit with relatives and friends. Kay and Butch are spending the time with their grandmother, Mrs. Martha Klingback. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Smith of Walla Walla, en route home from a visit in Kansas City and Clarence, Missouri spent the week-end with Mrs. Smith's sister, Mrs. Martha Klingback. While here the K ling- backs and Smiths called on Mrs. Jay Duncan of Payette and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs G er ald DeBord, also of that city. Mr and Mrs. John Kogar of Wallu Walla were overnight guests of ttheir cousins Mr and Mrs. Har lan Kogar and family o f Owyhee corner. Frank Crocker and son, Louis, and Jim Moss of Madras were visitors the first of the week in the Earl Crocker home. Mrs. Norman Douglas was pleas antly surprised at a birthday dinner given Sunday by her relatives, Mrs J. B Mitchell und sons, Henry, Dln- zil and Ike, Mr. and Mrs A. T. Knowles and sons, Mr and Mrs. Phil Mitchell and Sam Bradley. In the afternoon Mr and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr and children called. Mr and Mrs. Lee Dlshner and two girls, Dora Lee and Susan Kay, of Emmett were guests Tuesday of Mr and Mrs George Oregg and Mrs. Martha Klingback Mrs. Dish- ner Is a niece of Mrs. Klingback. Mr and Mrs. Ellis Walters were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Patton. Sr.. Sunday night. Ouesls the past week in the Dar rell Williams home were Jay W il liams of Portland, Mr and Mrs. Meat 1 Williams and Bill Eackley of Amity. Jay and Mearl are brothers ui Darrell Williams. Mrs. Dorothy Slippy is taking the school census In Owyhee and Sun set valley. Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson of Cald- wel was a Sunday visitor In the Jess Ditty home. Ouesls In the Oral Hite home Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Alvon Ek&nger and sons, Stanley and Billy, Mrs Cora Glascock and Mr und Mrs Woodrow Brewer and children of Ontario. Guests from Portland In the W il liam Peutz home are J. T. Burt- cheall, Bud Barber, A. p. Ven ds Len, and Ralph Jones. They ar rived by plane Sunday evening to spend the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Hite, Jr. are entertaining In their home for Dr. Wagner and Curl Schweizer of Se attle and W A Bolting of P ort land. Other hunters in the com munity are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and daughter, Juanita of Portland. K o a il drew ard Hatch and Barbara attended a fam ily reunion Sunday In the H. R. Hatch home in Big Bend. The county road crew is working on the streets In Adrian this week. Mrs. Betty Korman and daughter, Kristine, have returned from Boise Mrs. Nlss Hatt o f Owyhee visited In the Vernon Parker home Sunday. Mrs. W. E. W illis gave a birthday dinner lor her son. Belle, who was four years old Sunday Mr and Mrs. Henry Day returned home Sunday from a trip to Canada. Mrs. Cecil Smith has been cook ing for five pheasant hunters from Portland the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hatch and son's from Joseph, Oregon, Russell Burton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burton of Portland visited in the we’en party at the Earl Winn home shower in the church basement Sat James McGinnis home Friday even i Saturday night. urday for Mrs. Carroll Rettig. She ing. The Pollyanna club gave a bridal is the former Ardis Hurst. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. English of Nampa visited their daughter, Mrs. Gayle Martin Thursday. Mrs. James McGinnis and Joyce were In Ontario on business Tues day. Mr and Mrs Dwain Hatch and Charles of Star. Idaho visited In the Howard Hatch home Sunday. 18 BRED HEIFERS Mrs. Dan Holly gave a birth 10 OPEN HEIFERS day dinner for her son, Ted, Sun day. 23 BULLS—SERVICEABLE AGE Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and Rev. and Mrs. Moore were Sunday SHOW 10:00 A. M. November 10. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mills. The Christian Endeavor of the Sale 12 Noon, November 11 Presbyterian church held a Hollo- FOURTH ANNUAL FALL SALE LEWISTON HEREFORD ASSOCIATION Lewiston, Idaho This offering made by the Lewiston Hereford As sociation members includes bulls and heifers that are smooth, strong boned and of quality that will add to any range or breeders herd. Plan to attend this established sale. HOW WOULD YOU LIK E TO LOSE YOUR YOUR YOUR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE SAVINGS AUTOMOBILE HOME Stockmen's mixer and dinner, 6:30 P. M. November 10th Bollinger Hotel ? An Uninsured Automobile Accident Could Cost You All This and More! Be Sure You Are Protected See Bob Thompson Sales Manager Auctioneer J. W. Thometz Box 305 Lewiston,Idaho Herman Schwartz Ferdinand, Idaho Catalog on request Frank T. Morgan Agency Lewiston Hereford Association Lewiston, Idaho Phone 97 Attention Farmers We Specialize In Farm Implement Repair Bring In Your Beel Harvesting Implements For Overhauling And Repair FULL STOCK OF GENUINE PARTS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT WE SELL ALSO PARTS FOR KIEST LIFTER LOADER Factory Trained Repairman B. & M . E Q U I P M E N T CO. Minneapolis Moline Dealer 95 % of all hauling jobs can be done with Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks Works On Adrian Streets AD R IAN. Oct. 27- Mr and Mrs. Robert EusUnail of Caldwell visited In the Eastmun and Olenn Brown homes Sunday. The movie actor. Robert M ont gomery, ute lunch at the McKee cafe Monday He is pheasant hunt ing in this area. Mr and Mrs James McGinnis | and family and Mr und Mrs. How- \ CHECK WITH US On Our New Low Price On Com plete AUTO PAINT JOBS • ' LET US WINTERIZE YOUR CAR by installing broken or missing glass and weather stripping the doors Buyer preference show* that in 95% of all hauling jobs, there’s a Chevrolet Advance-Design truck that will serve you more satisfactorily . . . for more years . . . at less cost. The wide range of the Chevrolet truck line— from smart panel delivery models up through specially equipped heavy-duty carriers— means you get a truck specifically designed to carry the load, all the w ay up to 16,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight. See us today —buy the Chevrolet truck that's just right for your jab. f ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS All Work Don« In Our Shop la Absolutely Guarant««d Nyssa Auto Body Shop MAC AND WAYNE Phone 107-W CHEVROLET S ^ T .^ A1™ « 8 i v V^ ^ lA 0 IN O *NES • D IA PH H A O M SPRINO TR AN SM ISSIO N S « HYPOIO REAR A D V A N c S ^ . ^ ™ ^ * ™ * M A K I S • W ID E-6A SE WHEELS DVANCE-OESION STYLIN G • B A U -T Y P E STEERIN G e UNIT-DESIGN BO DIES PREFiBRfD IT MORE USERS THAN THE NEXT TWO MARES COMIINEDI Cables Chevrolet Co. ONTARIO, OREGON I