Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1949)
rheNYSSA G /Ä Ü Ä T Y JOURNAL Top Herd Owned By Leroy Herrinan TH E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O REG O N , T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 27. 1949 Girls League Of S. K. Valley Meet I Wettstein, Valley View, milirmg 27 | Holsteins, averaging 34 pounds; i Grady Romans, Willow creek, 12 Holsteins, averaging 33.11 pounds, j Rosel Hunter, Nyssa, 10 Jerseys, I producing 32.91 pounds of butter- fat per cow; Wendell Richmond, 137 Holsteins, 31.4 pounds: Lee Stok er, Adrian, 43 Jerseys, averaging 30 pounds and C liff Wright with 33 Jerseys, averaging 30.97 pounds of fat per cow. "Maxine" a registered Jersey owned by Hope and Charley Grider was the highest producing cow with a record of 70.1 pounds of fat for September. A Holstein cow from the Romans’ herd was second with a record of 68 6 pounds and a Jersey from the D L Hurst herd at Adrian was third with 63.3 pounds. The Holstein herd owned by Le roy Herrman of Nyssa was the high est producing herd tested during the month of September. Ross Lane, testing supervisor for the Malheur County Dairy Herd Improvement association, said that Herrman’s herd of 16 cows averaged 45.2 pounds of butterfat to lead the list of 10 dairy herds that averaged more than 30 pounds of fat per cow. The herd of 29 Holsteins owned by Wayne and Ed K er of Oregon Slope was second with an average of 37.54 pounds per cow. Howard Bair of Nyssa with a herd of 24 Jerseys was third with a record of 35.6. Other dairymen with herds on the honor roll include Hope and Child Injured— Charley Grider, Nyssa, with 16 Jer Terry McKee, son of Mr. and seys averaging 34.8 pounds; Louis Mrs. Jack McKee, is recovering at A group of Nyssa high school girls attended the Snake River V al ley Girls league conference held in Vale last Friday. Those attend ing from Nyssa were Donna Tra- bert, Gladys Lewis, Lorretta Rus sell. Cleo Flinders, Carlene Jones, Janice Campbell and Mrs. Don Eng- strom, conference advisor. A program o f talent numbers from the valley high schools were presented during the morning ses sion. The Nyssa group presented S E C O N D S E C T IO N a reading. "Quiseppe on G o lf” by Cleo Flinders, and a vocal duet by Janice Campbell and Carlene Jones. Following the program, each local president told of the year's activ ities* of her group. The morning session closed with discussion groups on Girls League and teenage prob lems. Entertainment was furnished by the Vale League during the lun cheon hour. The afternoon session opened with a business meeting, followed by a talk on "Anglo-American Girls" by Mrs. Lloyd Wilson o f Nyssa, and a report by Gladys Lewis on the state girls league conference that she attended in Corvallis last spring. T o Japan— Mrs Howard Tucker, who has spent the summer at the home of her sister. Mrs. Nells Larson, left Saturday for Japan to join her hus band, who is stationed at Nagasaki. Mrs. Tucker plans to remain in Japan for two years. Here From Portland— Visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost were Mr. Frost’s cousin and wife. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Paige, and A1 Seigler, all of Portland. COMPLETE KITCHEN p K M tfrt PA YM EN T... 8 PIECES When a loss occurs, you can depend on prompt, fair settle ment of claims . . . with your insurance in this office . . . a service that comes with every policy. fo r $399 $80 Down Monthly Payments Nannette Bybee (left) and Phyllis Hadley are shown as they appeared in their song and dance routine "Put Yer Shoes On, Lucy” , in a Payette talent show sponsored by the Lions club in the Charm theater in Payette recently. The girls tied for first place in the contest and will appear in the six-weeks finals. his home from a head concussion suffered last Friday when he fell | from a milk truck near his home. G ree nha nd Degree Conferred On Boys The Greenhand degree was con ferred on a class of candidates from Nyssa and Vale high schools at a meeting o f the Future Farmers of America in the Nyssa gymnasium Monaay evening. October 21. The candidates included 22 boys from Nyssa and 18 from Vale. The initiation was conducted by the Nyssa F. F. A. officers and mem bers. The Greenhand members are first year F. F. A. boys who have developed satisfactory plans for conducting a supervised farming program, have learned the F. F. A. creed and have paid dues. The Greenhand degree Is the first and ,lowest In the F. F. A. work. The others by rank are Chapter Farmer, State Farmer and American Farmer. Refreshments were served by the Nyssa chapter following the meet ing to 80 persons. Includes 9x12 Felt Base Rug 8 cu.ft. Leonard Refrigerator Monarch Range 5 Pc. Chrome Set PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY Nyssa "Y o u r Dependable Furniture S to re" Ontario Vale Payette Coos Bay Visitors Here— Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Bloyd of Coos Bay, Oregon are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnes. Born At Nursing Home— Mr. and Mrs. Reader Hale of Jamison are the parents of a daugh ter, weighing 8 pounds, 4t4 ounces, born October 26 at the Nyssa Nurs ing home. I HE broomsticks are busy on Hal loween, but let those wicked spirits strain their eyes in the darkness. Who cares about them anyway? It's our children's eyesight that is precious. Young eyes need the protection of plenty of light for study and play, and children aren't aware of the need for good lighting to guard against eyestrain, unless we Visit In Washington— Mr. and Mrs. Ed Knettle and daughters, Linda, K ay and Sally, spent the week-end In Pomeroy, Washington, where they visited at the home of Mr. Knettles parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Knettle. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Knettle attended the home coming game at Pullman Sat urday when W. S. C. played U. C. L. A. Hear Lecturer— Mrs. C. A. Mully, Mrs. O lea Bil lings, Mrs. Bumall Brown, Mrs. Ron Campbell and Mrs. Clyde Snider attended a lecture given In Boise Monday at the Boise Junior college by Margery Wilson. Miss Wilson, a well known author, spoke on "Getting More Out of Life". The lecture was sponsored by the Boise Association of Uni versity Women: Only á 700 Prizes 2S M ew fatos The fmsktmm Cm e f the Y— r " 4 -d o o r Custom V -9 Ford Sodons, s q u ip p s d with Radio, “ M a p le Air*' H s o ts r, O v s rd rlv s , and W h lto SidswoM Tiros. provide it and teach them to use it. I 5 M E w fav7wct<s Be sure there's always enough light wherever children read or play their games. Fill every socket with the right-size light bulbs and shade it against glare. And when you provide better light for your youngsters, you'll automatically protect the eyes of the rest of the family. Bmmme M R H lo st lmm§er (OpdMoO C o n o r of D uty M o d o l P-3, V - l onpino, stabs b o d y , 158-Inch w h ootboso FORD Trucks, o q u ip p o d w ith R a d io a n d “ M a g ic A i r " H o o to r . O p tio n a l os prfsos to tho to p 5 o f tho 2 5 c o r winnors who s p o d fy p ro fo ro n co fo r o truck on Contost Entry M onk. Good light is easy to have at very little cost. Most pverv store sells light bulbs— buy them in cartons and I D A H O Y POWER Does So MUCH-Cost» So UTTLEJ Ü licute ut while we Paute • brt To tey our loetlert Are e hit. K 'etirienlial - Commercial Wiring COM PANY SERVICE CAI IS PHONE 1 I 1 M Ml W AY No NfSSA » US. BomV 300*50US Saarns Benot 350*25 UlSmam Borne SAflTT direr Sr * < roo, o oo m- SAmr comsri 4 more days to enter 1 . Ofivt to your Ford Osslsr dis ptsyiNi postsr shown boiow a Free Car Safety Check, f t. raa Cot Safety Insignia and Free ia try Blank. J . In 50 words or loss on antry (Osmars a f mm y mtmke mi tm la ) U m only official entry blank obtained at any Ford I W orsh ip diauiaylng the poster shown below. Print rlaarty your name and ad dr nan (b ) C'ontaat In limited to tho continental U. S. and Alaaka. ( « ) Prise* aa stated on antry blank, will be awarded on tho bosio of sincerity, originality and aptneos. Judg«*’ deriaiono Duplicate prixea in fcntriso muat bo blank finish this ststsmant: AN car* and trucks should ba safety checked periodically because___ * 4. Meli entry before midnight, October 31, to Ford Car Safety Contest Headquarters, Box fiJ'L Chicago 11, Illinois. or track mmy enter tarntest) submitted in tho name o f tho registered owner or hie desig nated representative. Only one entry per car or truck may be considered. All entri«* become the property of Ford Motor Company. Conti-et subject to Federal, State and local regulations and to con test rules on entry blank. té ) Winner«' names will bo pooted at all Ford I Jesters' not later than December 1, I »49. (• ) Contest lo open to all residents of United Stetes, n c e p t employee« of Ford Motor Company, Ford iJeai- era, their advert!». M r ing agencies or their '- U b a . T A U IT EAST H U K rot INSIGNIA A IN Ttr H ANK Herriman Motor Co.