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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1949)
/ PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1949 I mothers lace-edged wedding veil, Mrs Lenard Evans and the bride's | aught Into a simple cap with or- aunt. Mrs. V. B. Hellem. Mrs. Roy mge blossoms, and carried a bou Shaw. Mrs. Clarence Strawn, Mrs. quet of orchids and stephanotis. Ralph Mitchell and Mrs. Edgar The bride was attended by her Martin were in charge of the punch Lster, Mrs R. E. Lord o f Boise, as table. Miss Danda Lee Shaw and -5 - LO CAL COUPLE WED matron of honor. Mrs Lord wore a Miss Loren Schmelzel were in Miss Janice Anne McOee. daugh {own of bronze taffeta with match charge of the guest book, and Mrs ter of Mr and Mrs Q C. McOee ing head band and carried a bou- Boyd Cole, of Ogden. Utah, sister of F'rultland. became the bride of juet of bronze and yellow chrys- j of the groom and Mrs Ray Hopper of Ontario, sister of the bride, were Thomas C, Church, son of Mr and anthemums. Janet Hopper, niece o f the bride, j in charge of the gift table. Mrs. J. L. Church of Nyssa, at a double ring ceremony performed was flower girl. She wore a pale The bride's table was decorated at the Frultland Methodist church blue floor-length taffeta gown trim by Mrs Burton Chaney and Miss med with pink bows, and pink Margaret Gabin. Assisting with the Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. The candlelight ceremony was chrysanthemums In her hair. decoration o f the church were Mrs. Robert Church attended his bro L. L. Perrlgo, Mrs. Grant Gardner performed by the Rev Albert Camp ther as best man. and J eff McOee, and Mrs George Champion. bell Rostron before a background of pink chrysanthemums und white brother of the bride, and John Mrs Church is a graduate of the snapdragons and tall white tapers Church, brother of the groom, ser Frultland high school and St. Luke's school of nursing In Boise. She is In four tall eandlelabra. An aisle ved as ushers. A reception followed the wedding, employed at the Sarazln clinic. The bordered with greenery led to the alter and prayer cushion. Preced with Mrs. J. C. Parker, Miss Elsie groom p, a graduate of the Nyssa ing the ceremony Miss Donna Bray Schmid, Mrs. W E. Schmid, Mrs high school and attended Oregon He was with the sang,. " I Love You Truly" and ’Be Anson Davis, Mrs. Oeorge Sullins, State college. He cause" accompanied by Mrs. Robert Mrs Howard Manser and Mrs. Rob urmy air corps for 18 months Is employed In the laboratory of the Groves, who played the wedding ert Tackett as hostesses. Serving the wedding cake were Amalgamated Sugar company. The marches and the Incidental music. The candles were lighted by Miss the bride's grandmothers, Mrs. J. couple will reside In Nyssa H Young and* Mrs. Jim Whitmore Kay Ireland and Mrs. Jerry Mel- -5 - Assisting with the serving were Miss HOSTESS T O T H U R S D A Y CLUB cher. Thelma Secoy, Miss Mary Lou The bride, who was given In mar Mrs. R. O. Larson was hostess to riage by her father, wore a white Strange and Miss Francis Bacon, the members of her Thursday bridge Mrs. satin gown made with a high neck | Mrs Jean Blakesly, Mrs. Art Wheat club at her home last week Oeorge Mitchell won the prize for In the net yoke, wrist length sleeves, and Mrs. Charles Myers, and full skirt. The bride wore her Pouring were Mrs, H. J. Becker, high score and Mrs Tom Eldredge the traveling prize. - # - TU E SD AY CLUB P LA Y S The members of the Tuesday a f ternoon bridge club were geusts of p r o g r a m Mrs Burnall Brown this week. Guest players were Mrs Frank M or gan and Mrs. James Spofford. Mrs. J. J. Sarazln held high score and Mrs. C. A. Mally, second high. f u r i a i in t i's NYSSA SA TU R D A Y , OCTOBER 29 "Bomba. The Jungle Boy" Sure-fire action and story background to please young and old. CARTOON A N D SPORTS SU N D A Y AND M O N D AY, OCTOBER 30-31 Spencer Tracy— Deborah Kerr Leueen MacGarth—James Donald "Edward My Son" LEW He mastered a game that had to be played for keeps ... but found himself caught... between the violence Df hatred .. . and the compulsion of love. TOM AND JERRY CARTOON Mat. Nun., 2:30; Adm. 30r-9r, Inc. Tax Admission Evenings 44c-9c, Inc. Tax TU ESD AY, NOVEM BER 1 Lex Barker—Brenda Joyce Evelyn Ankers In "Tarzan's Magic Fountain" There’s nothing like a woman to come between two men. Adm. 30c lie, Inc. Tax W EDNESDAY A N D TH U R SD AY, NOVEMBER 2-3 Alan Ladd— Betty Field— Ruth Hussey In "The Great Gatsby" The great Gatsby who had unlimited wealth . . A fab ulous fellow who had everything he wanted except the love of one woman. W ill Rogers was one o f the best- liked Americans who ever lived and he was born Nov. 4, 1879. He was a humorist with a serious slant, who said, " I f a fellow doesn’t have a good time once in a while arid get a good laugh out of the serious side of life, he doesn’t half live." One of his most pointed political quips was, "W e'll never get anywhere with our finances 'til we pass a law say- lng that every time we appropriate something, wx? got to pass another bill along with It stating where the money Is coming from." W ill also said, " I never met a man I didn’t like.” How many of us can say the same? An Upper Darby, Penn., beauty shop posted a sign . ."Don't whistle at any of the girls leaving here ... it might be your grandmother." That's an optimistic attitude. Don't be too optimistic about car acci dents They can happen to Y O U ... especially If your brakes are "out of order". Protect yourself and others with our speedy, expert brake service ut H E R R IM A N M OTOR CO. Herrim an M o to r Com pany Admission Evenings 44c-9c, Inc. Tax Here are your 1949-50 Malheur county tax levies for all districts In the county. valuation, you can compute your tax for each taxing district In which you live I f you know your City M «1 «4 06 «7 68 09 71 72 73 7» 77 80 84 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 189 118 118 11 8 118 118 ill 20 1 20 l 20 1 20 1 20 1 6 0 24 2.4 43 3 20 25 3 25 3 0 0 1 8 0 0 14 5 149 156 92 87 10 6 36 1 36 1 30 1 .0 65 70 7.0 15 8 13 0 9 106 0 6 305 .7 .3 5 40 ISO 0 15 15 49 169 11 8 118 118 It 8 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 201 20 1 20 1 20 t 20.1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 201 20 1 20 1 20 1 201 t 201 201 20 1 90 1 20 1 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 Here From Marsing— Mrs. Ada Ostbery and daughter. Anna, of Marsing were in Nyssa Sunday visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. C. L. Smith. -* — _____ D INN E R HOSTESS Miss Barbra Browne was a dinner hostess last Saturday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Browne. The guests Includ ed Mrs. Robert Peterson, Mrs. Ed ward Boydell, Mrs. Dwight W yckoff and Mrs. Ted Morgan. E N T E R T A IN S BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Edward Boydell entertained the members o f her Tuesday after noon bridge club this week. Mrs. Warren Farmer aand Mrs. Eldon Ulmer were prize winners. Mrs. Robert Peterson was a guest play er. —| - W EDNESDAY CLUB P L A Y S The members of the Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs bridge club were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wieneke at her home last week. First prize went to Mrs Warren Farmer and second to Grant Lewis. kWRITIIlG PAPiR — ^ tn v E L O P ts y W e A R E proud o f ou r statio n ary o ffe rin g * — standard lino s in a w ide var.oty o f stylos and siz o s— suitable for e ve ry occasion o f c o rre sp o n d e n ce . Haulers Warned— Weighmasters of the state high way commission ere checking beet trucks i ery closeiy and Sergeant Walter Wall'er of the Oregon state police office at Ontario warns that beet haulers should not overload their trucks. F o r m a n a s w ell es women. E. W. PRUYN P op u larly priced, too. Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts Auk to see •o r mow utoeku of W hltu A W yc k o ff» Stationary. STATIONERY DEPARTMENT and accessories THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Phone 56-W G ordon ’ s D rive -I n M arket “ The Home of Quality and Service99 Mat., Sat., 2:30;A<kn. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Admission Kvenlnpi 44c-9, Inc. Tax I B RID G E CLUB MEETS Mr and Mrs. Ron Whitaker en tertained the members of their Sun day evening bridge club at their home last week. Mrs. George Sal lee held high score, and George Henneman, second high SHOWER FOR BRID E -E LEC T Miss Janice McOee was guest o f I honor at a bridal shower October | 10 at the home of Mrs. James Young of Frultland, with Mrs. Roy Shaw. Mrs Robert Oroves, Mrs. W L. Bray and Mrs James Young as assistant hostesses. The entertainment and games for the evening were based on Johnny Sheffield— Peggy Ann Garner 17 4 17 4 174 17 4 17.4 174 174 17.4 174 174 17 4 17 4 17 4 174 17 4 17 4 174 17 4 17 4 174 17 4 17 4 17 4 174 17 4 17.4 17 4 17 4 17 4 174 174 174 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 174 17 4 17 4 17 4 174 17 4 17 4 17 4 174 17 4 114 174 11« 114 11.« Hunters Successful— Ed Case, Guy Tanner and George Besendorfer left Tuesday for Elgin to hunt elk. They returned Wed- i nesday with three elk. THEATRE Telephone IOÔ 1 I 2 3 3A 4 5 0 8 8A (city I 10 11 12 13 14 15 ISA (cltyl 17 19 23 24 20 28A 26C 27 29 30 30A 31 40 42 43 45 4« 47 49 60 81 52 the theme of a medical clinic. The gifts for the honor guest who is a member of the Sarazln clinic staff, were brought in on a stretcher. Refreshments were served, using the Hollowe'en motif. 49 16 9 16 9 1 5 38 111 US 118 189 11 8 118 118 118 11 8 119 IS 169 86 169 38 38 119 119 11 8 118 11 8 118 1 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 lit 119 lit 88 36 .7 49 0 0 0 6 0 • 0 0 0 IS j 1 • 165 28.3 397 100 100 100 100 40 19 8 Total Mlllage 54 4 48 3 532 89 7 530 49 5 56 2 42.7 710 544 493 51.3 493 542 488 855 664 1 62 3 560 I 650 67 5 635 733 508 578 M8 663 64 8 554 594 47 0 650 53 1 537 75 8 500 49 5 49 8 501 j j j J | | Visit Our Store For Every-Day Low Prices Plenty of Free Parking Groceries Bakery Hewlett's Mince Meal 2 Pounds For 4 3 0 WAX PAPER 2 For 3 5 0 Standby Golden Pumpkin, No. 2 y2 2 For 2 5 0 2 For 3 5 0 490 CAMPBELL'S SOUPS MINCE Local Lux Girl Win EACH WRAPPER COUNTS CHOICE MEATS Contest Price VEGETABLE Bath Size Reg. Size 2 For 27c: PORK CHOPS Midget Cheese, 490 POUND $1.39 EACH 1 LUX LUX Wisconsin 590 2 For 3 3 0 2 for 23c 3 for 23c SIRLOIN STEAK POUND Veg. Beef, Chicken Noodle Cream of Mushroon ALL PUMPKIN 390 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW ONE VOTE TOMATO 3 For 3 2 0 DOZEN HALLOWE'EN WITCH CAKES 6 9 0 and $ 1 .2 5 OUR Utah Pride Tomatoes. No. 2l/2 Bulk Cider Furnish Container, Gallon Pies, Each -H ELP- Lorella Russell 125 it. ROLL 450 DOUGHNUTS RUM. BRANDY FLAVORED SQUASH PRODUCE Banana—Hubbard—Danish 3 0 lb. ORANGES CRANBERRIES Cape Cod Mass. 2 3 0 lb. Sweet Valencias 80 lb. 78 1 49 3 M I 493 49 3 508 491 493 493 49 3 49 3 493 4*3 Foot note "O ods" means your school district number Code 2S-A is that part of school district 3S-C outside the city o f Nyssa and the rural fire district near Nyssa 2S-C is the city of Nyssa 2« is that part o f a*-C outside the city of Nyssa and Inside the rural fire district. JOHN KOOPMAN. Hallowe’en Pumpkins BROCCOLI ARTICHOKES AVACADOS BRUSSEL SPROUTS LIMES SPINACH CUCUMBERS