Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. P h o n e C o m p an y l_ Dr' w K PemCT- conducting wheel drive civilian Jeep, *800; one Bernard Eastm an, real estate and , slaU!' wlde classes for the general lWfi John Deere bet loader, *250; insurance. 27otfc S itu a tio n A ired extension division oi the state sys one 1846 John Deere beet harvest WANTED—Work as telephone op tem of higher education, will speak er, *175; call 2063, Hansen's shop, (Continued from Page 1) at the chamber of commerce lu n -! Vale, Oregon. 2702xc erator, waitress or nurse. Patty Joe population growth in Malheur Spittler, 133 Ennis avenue. 27olxp cheon next week on "The Clinical' FOR SALE—Good business oppor county, which has been abnormal, Approach to the Problem of Al- tunities. FREE—A ride to Ogden or Logan, Good blacksmith shop has been greater in this county coholism completely equipped, also house goes Utah. Contact, Maurice Glover, Rt. than anywhere else on the sys- j -______. with deal, excellent location. *5000. 1, Nyssa. 27olxp tem. Complicating the situation 1 Here From N a m p a - even more, the company was tin- Mr. and Mrs. Pat Potter of Nam- Good paying auto repair shop build ing, stock and equipment, busy FOR SALE—63.8 acres. 51 acres row able to secure materials during the pa visited over the week-end at war and it was not until January, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenn Junction location, for only *7,500. crop land, 7-room home, bath and 1943 that the firm was able to eth Renstrom. s i N T i W K A T T A YOU ivU A N - ) ( A D E W H Y G EN TS THIS IS N O T . "get very much in the way of tel 7M l« UOPO H A TTA W t M EAN ?- ( / Y O U A NEW CAA - IT ONLY LOOKS l mat M t »» wt m w st ) tfM wm S ÏT d M o CO W te ll th e tr u t h - Y s t r ------- AMO RUN* LIK E NAN.. SINCE I ephone supplies”. í'f’ OW TH4 TR U TH - -A VOU ME AM W A B T - NO SPEED COP 1 To Eagle— MMtftt TOU UTTM6 CAN DfilVE A C A P / "After the war we had an aval Mr. and Mrs. Geo rue N. Bear JMUE* M OnkY TO PAV L LIK E T H A T O N H lS J anche of orders for phone service", visited Sunday at the home of Mr. GRAFT*IROM '’/ Q | the speaker said, “but the devel and Mrs. Prank Printz of Eagle. S Î W Â Â Y “ opment had to be gradual. Supplies They later visited friends at the \\l! 'IjM l.!/ were allocated all over the United veterans hospital in Boise. States and Vale. Ontario and Nys sa receive their just share. The Visit In Nyssa— situation is the same throughout Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Andrews the nation. Despite that fact, we and daughter, Judy, and Mrs. made a little more progress here Wells, all of Kimberly, Idaho, vis that elsewhere. We had to start ited Monday at the home of Rev. our development at the exchanges and Mrs. Donald Campbell. because of the demands in the city. We have done a number of Former Residents Visit— table jobs. The Cairo Junction Dr. and Mrs. Forrest Bodemer work will be finished in about 30 of Salem visited relatives over the days. That will about complete our week-end. They were accompanied cable jobs, except the one south to Nyssa by Dr. and Mrs. Lynn west of Nyssa. Hammerstead, also of Salem. WHOLESALE - RETAIL PHONE / / 7 "Instead of establishing an ex change at Adrian, we think we i Here From Utah— \V \SHiNG. POLISHING LUBRICATING tan give better service by extend- j Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Bumingham in,i the cable from Nyssa to Adrian, of Bountiful, Utah are visiting at We think this is the logical way the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom to handle the service”. Bumingham. Starting with 200 phones, the i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company now has 900 phones and County P. T. A. To Meet— Mr. Stommel predicted that it will The county council of the Parent- j evenutually have from 1500 to 1700. . Teacher association will hold a "That indicats a very unusual ^ meeting at the Adrian grade school growth and will present many pro- 1 November 5. The morning session, blems", w , « Mr. . Stommel said. «»u. beginning at 10 a. m„ will be devoted The Malheur Home Telephone to the business and reports. Lunch I company had one switchboard in will be served at noon by the Adrian its Nvssa office a few years ago, P. T. A. The program for the af it now has four and will have ternoon will include music, a round six early next year. The concern table discussion and a talk by a has added three toll lines to Boise. guest speaker. It has budgeted approximately $150,000 for construction next year. Peace Supper Planned— Much of it will be sipent for lines A peace supper will be held In running into rural areas, because the Methodist church in Nyssa work in the cities has been fairly Tuesday evening at 7 o’clock by the well completed. Boise Valley Fellowship of Recon “If you folks will bear with us ciliation. The public is Invited to a little longer we tvill be able to attend the supper and share by handle the situation satisfactorily”. taking a covered dish and table Mr. Stommel concluded. service. The speaker will be Rev. I The proposed new rates for Nys Merlin Clark, pastor of the Boise sa and Vale with present rates Valley Church of the Brethren. appearing first are as follows; Ur ban main stations—business, In Too Late To Classify dividual line, *425 and *5.25, and two-party line, $3.75 and $4.25; res FOR RENT—Three-room house, on idence, individual line, $2.50 and East Third street, possession at $4, two-party line $2.25 and $3.25, once, call 177-J( H. E. Collins.27otfc and four-party line, $2 and $2.75; ________________________________ suburban main stations—business MISCELLANEOUS — Don’t forget $3.50 and $3.75 and residence $2.25 j this is National Honey week. See and $3; farmer line main stations— Honey Foster’s advertisement in i business $1.25 and $1.50, and res- this issue. 27olxc ‘ idence 75 cents and $1, and ex- | ------------------------------------------------- tension stations— business and FOR SALE— At cost or less two semi-public $1.25 and $1.50, resi- 1948 Kiest lifter loaders; 3 Clmco] dence 75 cents and 75 cents and four-row beaters; two Kiest four- farmer line 25c cents and 35 cents, row bell toppers; one 1948 four- c .. .. 4 . I irvi! tu PAGE FIVE THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1949 ! basement, in very good condition. SALE CALENDAR This is a real value a t *20,000, H down, oaiance a t 8% interest. Ed PUBLIC FARM SALE—Six miles Jam ison and Ken Pond, Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 271-W. west of Vale on O raham boulavard, 27olxp then 4 miles up Bully creek on east side, Friday, Nov. 4. C attle and also FOR SALE—45 tons. 2nd and 3rd 7 cows owned by Carl Knapp, m a cutting hay. baled. Irene Hatch. chinery, other articles. Terms, cash. Adrian, Oregon 27o3xp Owner. Stephan Evans. Sale starts "IT HAPPENS EVERY Pi! NON. SAM. THE • B O V i' AM D I A R E LEAVING FOB P /M i LODGE IN THE M O R N IN G -W E WANT THE B E S T ß l f L E Í, SH ELLS AND C A M P IN G E Q U IP M E N T VOU V Í G O T -A N 'r N O S L IP -U P / TWO PUBLIC FARM SALES—1 p. m., Saturday. November 5. Located on Weiser river road, city limits, 1231 East Park street. 12 head dairy cattle, dairy equipment and farm machinery. L. L. Collins and F. A. Boozer, owners. n* By PLOTNER T E IJ H J J N IO A I ? S EN D A y m to j o t ' i m o t o r s plo tville , , •AM S1PANDED NEAR PINE LODGE ,SToP SEND I6NHÌON STOP KNOW I ----- IJ.PVÉ NAD MV CAR SERVICED ^ Ai“ SHU"" ,rn~ ----«" 7Nii /S N o r IN TACT IX H A P P E N S ÍVÍT2V DAY I N SOME:. WAV OR A N O TH ER . W H E N PLANING A M O T O Q T R IP SEE OUQ SERiKE h B jA A ltt S m JLHOL October at 1 p. m. Lunch served on grounds. Anderson and Church, auctioneers. NO ‘í iú N íx f u n t . I n ta m X T o & DOLLARS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 TO 31 BANG-UP SPECIALS—ALL GOOD CLEAN MERCHANDISE Many Prices As Low As Half Regular Price You can P ocket"^ up to $ 3 0 0 WHEN YOU BUY A FORD TRACTOR FOR O nly $1397.75 You can get this saving because the Ford T ractor sells from $200 to $300 less than other 2-plow tractors equipped with hydraulic controls, fenders and electric starting—ready to go to w ork. a * use the money you save to buy one or more of these. . . Dearborn Moldboard Plow only $ 2 0 0 .0 0 Dearborn Disc Plow only S249.20 lu r m iiiijM^il Dearborn Wagon only $ 1 2 9 .1 0 Dearborn Cordwood Saw only $ 9 6 .0 0 Nothing has been “stripped” from the Ford T ractert* make this low price possible. You get every great feature of this great tractor! Why give away the price of one or more Dearborn Imple ments, or of many other things you may irecd. when you can get a Ford Tractor for so much less. We re all set to demonstrate right on your farm. See us and save. KROPP & SONS Buy on PROOF!, MEN'S SPORT COATS TOILET SOAP CHILDREN'S DRESSES 2 BAGS Sale—$ 1 .2 5 Sale—$ 5 .9 5 Regular $1.98 Print Dresses For Children $ 1 .0 0 Regular $13.95 to $25.00 All Wool Fast Colors 80 Square Materials Good Quality New Styles Assorted designs Sport Coats. Size 34 to 39 Hand Soap And Colors 10 Bars Per Bag Assorted Patterns And Colors Sizes 1 To 6X WOMEN'S SATIN SLIPS MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Misses Anklets Sale—$ 1 .0 0 1 5 £ Pr. Sale—$ 1 .9 8 Regular $1.98 White And Pink H eavy W eight. Satin Slips Values From $2.98 And Up Plain Colors Sizes S. M. And L. Mostly Pattern Designs Seconds A Better Quality Slip Than You Can Sizes 14»/2 T o 17 Sizes 6 To 11 Imagine For The Price CHILD'S BOYS' ANKLETS - WOMEN'S PANTIES FOOTED SLEEPERS Sale—4 for $ 1 .0 0 Sale—3 prs. $ 1 .0 0 Sale—$ 1 .0 0 Regular 59c Regular 50c Stripe Anklets One Piece Footed Sleepers Assorted Colors Assorted Colors And Sizes For Boys And Men Sizes 1 To 4 Good Style And Good For Wear Sizes 8 To 11 Regular $1.98 CHAMBRAY BOYS' FLANNEL SHIRTS CHILD'S PANTS Sale—59<i yd Sale—$ 1 .0 0 Sale—2 for $ 1 .0 0 Beautiful Plain Colors Boys Assorted Color Plaid Nylon, Plastic Lined, Snap Side Extra Fine Quality Design Cotton Flannel Shirts Panties Regular 79c Assorted Colors Sells Regularly At $1.00 Yard Sizes 2 To 8 Several Colors Available Regular Price $1.98 Sizes Small To Extra Large WOMEN'S JTYLON HOSE MEN'S T SHIRTS HOUSE DRESSES Sale—2 for $ 1 .0 0 Sale—3 for $ 1 .0 0 2 .5 7 Fall Colors, Fine Quality Regular Sale—$ Regular 49c $2.98 Fast Color Dresses Irregulars White T Shirt Sizes 9 To 44 Styles Are New And Popular Sizes 872 To 10 V i Sizes Small, Medium And Large Women's. Children's And Men's DIME STORE SPECIALS MEN'S DRESS SOX LEAF RAKES (bamboo) 25c Sale—3 for $ 1 .0 0 SHOE SPECIALS METAL SPONGES, 3 for 10c Regular 50c HOT PADS. Per Pack. 10c Plain Color Dress Sox PRICED TO SELL Sizes 10 To 12 3 IN PACKAGE Your Ford Tractor Dealer Ontario, Oregon See the numerous bargains we are unable to advertise A S K FOR A FREE D E M O N S T R A T I O N - GOLDEN ROLE STORE - Nyssa Oregon