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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1949)
THE N Y SSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N Y S SA . OREGON. TH URSDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1949 PAGE FOUR PA Ha SUt pun ed prn by me quo thl » las to ited her mother, sister and five Walla Walla. Mrs. Martha Kling- family and Miss Jean Dlerking brothers back and Fred Kling back visited drove to Melba. Idaho Sunday for was amnm/ Saturday at the Jesse Gregg home, a birthday dinner party for Helen Mrs Lewis Mitchell was among ^ and Mrs 8mlth houseguests of Kay Snyder, three-year-old daugh- the 40 relatives and friends giving | Mrs Klinkback. were en route to ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder, a surprise party and dinner for thelr home aIter visiting in Kansas. Mr and Mrs. Olaf Fyllingness en- Mrs Alonzo Knowles Sunday at the Mrs smith is a sister of Mrs Kling- i tertained Mr and Mrs. H. P. Knowles home. back. ' Crutchfield and son, Brian at a din- Mr and Mrs L B Land-eth and , Peg whlt* of Clinton. Utah was a ner Wednesday evening in their their two grondchildren, Sharon and j week-end guest at the Chester home. The occasion marked Mrs. Victor Landreth, all of Madras, and gowna home. Mrs. Bowns’ broth- Crutchfield’s birthday. Richard Divens of Nyssa were guests er, Richard West, his wife and two Mrs. William Orr and Mrs. Leslie of Mr and Mrs. Orover Cooper Sun sons of Clinton were guests at the Ballantyne attended a meeting of day at a pheasant dinner. home of Mrs Anna West On Sat- the L. D. 8. stake primary con- Mr. and Mrs Emmett Smith of I urday evening the two families en vention held in Ontario Saturday. Mrs. Christina Havens visited the joyed a family get-together at the home of Mr and Mrs. Prank Skeen. past week at the home of her The visitors all returned to Utah daughter, Mrs. Prank Briggs. Mrs. Havens has spent over a year vis I the first of the week. F u rn aces- Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Farwell and iting in Oregon, Idaho and Californ family of Parma were dinner guests ia. This Sunday Mr and Mrs. Briggs of Mr and Mrs. Jesse Gregg Sun- and Mrs. Havens attended a family The Ira Price family. Ed Price reunion and dinner at the Henry L ink Belt S t o k e r s M an , M a rr ie d o r S in g le. Bauer home in Boise. Mrs. Havens leaves from Boise this week for her S te a d y W ork home in Bismark, North Dakota. Mrs. James Chadd and daughter F o r R ig h t P a rty returned Friday after spending a week visiting at the home of her W ork R e q u ire s N o Optometrist parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dider- icksen in Caldwell. Mrs. Chadd’s S m okers sister, Mrs. Conley Locket of Willow Eyes Examined Creek, was also able to visit at the E O R G E I. K IN Z E R parental home five days of the week. Phone 720 Mr. Chadd and Gene Cleaver were on a hunting trip. H E A T IN G . P h o n e 144-J N y s s a o r 718 Arthur St. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ditty and family and Kenneth were dinner 74, P a r m a Caldwell, Idaho guests Sunday at the Leslie Ditty home in Ontario. Leaders of the L. D. S. young people attended the convention of M. I. A. leaders of the three ctakes of Nampa, Weiser and Boise. The convention was held in Boise with leaderss and speakers from Salt Lake City presenting new ideas for this year's M. I. A. activities. At tending Sunday were Mrs. Lila Mit chell, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ashby and Chester Ashby. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Maw attend ed both the Saturday and Sunday meetings, staying overnight in Boise, while Mrs. Fred Mitchell stayed with their children. Mr and Mrs. Doyn Price of On tario spent the day Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen. Mrs. Ira Price attended the Mon day afternoon meeting of room mothers and teachers to make plans for Hallowe’en party. Mrs. James Stephens, Sr. was hos tess to the members of the Pleasant Hour club Thursday afternoon at • IW'S the time w h e n Autumn culls let us clean summer’s dust out of your her home. Plans were made for serving lunch at the Helmer y ou o u t (o r u n im b le in y o u r llu ic k . uir filter, flush out tired summer crank Julum farm sale Tuesday. Next case oil with its grit and goo, check month’s meeting will be held at Slide under the wheel and answer that the home of Mrs. Earl Strickland. your carburetor adjustment to see that Ladies of the Chalk Butte H. E. C. call! lake u Fireball cruise through you’re getting the most powerful, most attended the canning contest at the the countryside, with your heart grow econom ical m ixture with O cto b e r’ s sugar company factory Monday, ing lighter and the years slipping olf went through the factory and had cooler, heavier atmosphere. lunch there. your shoulders at each mile! Sunday supper guests of Mr and We can do this quickly, economically, Mrs. Thomas Nishitani were Clare- Just one reminder, though. Make sure ence Curry, Bus Sill and Ben Cichy, with a sure touch. Our thorough lluick all of Seattle. your lluick is in top shape to keep step training and long Huick experience in Mr. and Mrs. Joe Judge of Ta with you. F ir it bring it in to us —and coma arrived Thursday for a visit doing each job the factory-designated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson way have earned us a reputation—we’re Field. Mrs. Judge Is a niece of Mr. the “ Fountain of Youth” for Huicks. Field. Mr Judge is a diesel en gineer employed in Alaska. Fifteen members of the Worth T o make it easy, w e’ ve printed a Fall while club met Thursday afternoon Check List below. Just tear this out, at the home of Mrs. Ditty, with Mrs. Clarence Dodson as co-hostess. The drive in this week and hand it to us — afternoon was spent socially. Lunch and when you head out for the open was served. The November meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. road there’ ll be a happy smile on your Thomas Nishitani, with Mrs. Robert face! Ditty assisting. Orover Cooper returned to his home Thursday evening after un dergoing surgery Monday at the Holy Rosary hospital. Miss Mertrude King arrived Thursday evening to visit at the Orover Cooper home. Miss King, an aunt of Mrs. Cooper, has been visiting in Des Moines, Iowa and Nebraska. It has been two years since Miss King has been in the valley. Pete Wilson, Hub Robb, Jim Robb and Vers Sessions rode in the hills Sunday. They plan on gath ering cattle for at least four days F a ll C h e ck u p — lights, brakes, next week, and then spending three tire w ear, front-end alignment, days driving the animals to the val oil filter unit, battery, car heater. ley Mrs. Bill Hamilton and daughter A d ju st — Carburetor, Teresa, were overnight guests at the distributor. Jim Robb home Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs Clifford Wolfe and Clean — Air cleaner. two daughters were supper guests F lu sh — Crankcase, cooling at the Burl Collins' home in New Plymouth Saturday. system. Mr and Mrs. Claire Snyder and Estim ate — Antifreeze family were supper guests Wednes requirements. day at the Orover Cooper home Mr Snyder is a brother of Mrs. A I S O — lubricate (bumper-to- Cooper This year they brought fresh sal mon to thekr hosts. Kenneth Lorensen purchased a new Allis Chalmers tractor last FUNSET VAIJ.KY, Oct.. 27 The week. James Knudsen family, Anderson Floyd Shaul. who has been vls- famlly and Mr. Johnson, ail of i iting the past month at the home Nehalem, Oregon aie again quests j of his aunt, Mrs. W L. Chapin, on the Kenneth Lorerwen farm eft Wednesday evening by train for the oiienin* of the hunting for his home at Long Pine, Ne- season. Young Johnson shot I braska. himself in the toe while going un- Mrs. Ira Chadd returned Sunday dec a ffftict* The visitors annual- | evening from a three-weeks trip to ly «top at the Lorensen home. 1 Callaway, Nebraska, where she vis- Young Alan Shoot« Him*« If In T oe , M e u lle r I lu af ed w< U -W AN TED - DR. G. W. GRAVES Estimates Gladly Given G ; Walls Seed Co. are among those going elk hunting [cisco. Mrs. Smith will visit in San j Francisco a month, and Mr. and from this district. Mr and Mrs. S. B. Hoffman left Mrs. Deane will go on to Florida, for an extended trip to California where they will spend the winter. and then to Nebraska They intend --------------— ------------------------------------ to be gone several months. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and General Contracting and family are living at the Hoffman Building home. Custom-Built Cabinets and The Cleaver brothers, Willis Bert- Furniture rum, Alva Goodell and James Furniture Repairing and Stephen. Jr. have been digging po Refinishing tatoes. The Cleavers have commer 1H miles north of Nyssa-Parma cial and seed potatoes while the Junction others have seed potatoes. To San Francisco— Mrs. Ella Smith left Tuesday morning with her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Deane of Emmett, for San Fran- Johnson Cabinet Shop Highway 96 Phone 023J1 We Are Now Available For Land Lev eling, Sub-Soiling, Dragline Work C. E. L E S E B E R G Phone 257-W Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho founte® N Wfm ü ' W * * " H i" " * * * b u m p er lu b ricatio n an d in spection). Buickcaie «as 6«t Roberts Nyssa, Inc. 2nd STREET AND GOOD AVE. Buena Vista Men On Hunting Trip BUENA VISTA. Oct. 27—Mr. and Mrs Irwin Topllff of Ola, Idaho spent Tuesday at the Edward Top- Uff home, Mrs Et. >dell and family of Vale were Bv .day dinner guests at the Alva Ooodell home. Mr. and Mrs Robert Doyle of California visited at the Willis Bertram home Friday. Willis Bertram and Howard Day HOSPITAL BENEFIT SALE Saturday, October 29 Nyssa City Park THREE BLOCKS SOUTH OF MAIN ST. Baby buggy. Car seats for infants. High chair. Training chairs. Carpet sweeper. Coal oil heater. All sorts of radios. Toaster. Electric irons. Dishes Pressure cooker. Floor lamps. Table lamps. Electric register. Breakfast table. Library table. Rocking chair. Springs and mattress. Bedstead and springs. Bedsteads. Piano stool. Flower stands. Davenport. Ice box. Office chair. Aluminum Silex. 9x12 rug. Mirror. Dozen old phonograph records. Water heater. Used electric range. Honey. Canned fruit. Typewriter. Foldaway Cot. Canned goods. Apples. Popcorn. Grain by the sack. Beans. Carrots. Potatoes. Towels. Pillow cases. Aprons. Fancy work. Lunch cloths. Electric ceiling fixtures. Two unfinished doors. Pair Of French Doors. Calf bucket. Cream separator. Lawn mower. One- row horse beet lifter. Moline tractor mower (almost new). Garden cultivator. Two 50-gallon oil barrels. Baled straw. Baled hay. Chickens, hens, pullets. Quilt (by dutch auction). 20 bags of dried beet pulp. Lawn Chairs. Proceeds Will Be Used For Purchase Of Furnishings For The Malheur Memorial Hospital Sponsored By The Ladies Hospital Auxiliary SALE STARTS AT 11 A. M. Lunch Sold On Grounds. Free Coffee Col. Burt Anderson and Col. Joe Church, auctioneers TOYLAND IS OPEN AT O WY H E E DRUG CO. SHOP EARLY G. H. PEIRSOL USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN PHONE 255-W r