Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1949)
TH E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L , N Y S S A , O R E G O N . PAGE TW O KLASS V. PO W E LL - Editor snd SU BSCR IPTIO N KATES $2 00 One Year $1 25 Six months Single Copies 05 (Strictly In Advance! Published every Thursday Entered at the poo tot flee through the United Stales the act FubUihrr A D V E R T IS IN G K ATES Open rate, per Inch National, per inch Classifieds, per word Minimum 40c 49c 2c 30c at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879 T ig e r * D e fe a t Itiiild o g M 7 l o (Statewide, Boise, Idaho) Enough Boiseans wanted a municipal swimming pool to propose the project form ally at a bond election. T a x payers shuddered at the $135,000 cost and voted " N o ” last June 28. And that was that. The same story had a different ending in the city of Payette with its 5,000 population. Payette voters ap proved a $35,000 bond issue for a swimming pool about five years ago. Costs kept rising until it was apparent that the bond issue would have to be for $75,000. The citizens voted the swimming pool down when it was presented a second time at a bond election. Costly as it was, Payette still wanted a swimming pool A committee of citizens decided it could be done without a bond issue. They organized “ Community Swimming Pool, Inc., made I C. “ Ike” W hiteley the chairman, and asked every service organization, church and lodge to appoint one member to the board. A cement drive was the first step. Each child in the community was asked to bring one sack o f cement to help build the pool. In came cement—some if it toted on the handlebars of bisycles or pushed in w heelbar rows. Next was a finance drive with everyone in the county solicited. That raised $3,400. Smokers and card parties and dances and shows were held with the proceeds donated to the swimming pool fund. Building experts donated their time to make the plans The county and city, highway districts and pri vate contractors promised to furnish gravel and equip ment. The Lions club members agreed to furnish the labor. When actual construction was started, women brought coffee and refreshments to volunteer workers. A ll the K flu rm From Conference— Mrs E. K Burton returned last Thursday trom Portland, where she Here From North Bend— Mrs Frank Knottlngham and mended tile state conference for of North American Lesion auxiliary presi Donny Knottoingham dents and secretaries. Mrs Burton Bend. Oregon arrived Saturday was accompanied back to Nyssa morning to visit at the home of Mrs Mrs Knottlngham by M r and Mrs. W A. Sundberg. O P Counsll who visited at the Burton hom e; will remain until Thanksgiving. She several days before returning to | will be Joined later by Mr K n ot tlngham I Portland . oisís'0* . days. Mrs Howard Bair gave the lesson, which told about Welsh pioneer hardships and trials. Sec retary Emma Kesler read the roll and minutes. Honor guests were Mrs. Dave Christensen. 87 years old and Mrs mary E Bybee 79 years old Celia Carol Bybee presented two dances In costume, a Chinese ballet Fuel Dealers Division Roy Mellls. Distributor Associated Oil Company Payette. Idaho Ivan Worthington Payette Valley Co-op New Plymouth. Idaho Thompson Oil Co., Dlst Associated Oil Company Nyssa. Oregon J W Blair Payless Oas A Oil Company Payette. Idaho Boise Payette Lumber Co. Nyssa. Oregon Harry Osakl. Distributor Phillips Petroleum Ontario. Oregon FYnnk Blankenship. Agent Richfield OH Corporation Ontario. Oregon Boise Payette Lumber Co. Payette. Idaho Wayne Courson. Agent Shell OH Company Ontario. Oregon Barrett Dick Dick's Service Station New Plymouth. Idaho ALL BRANDS Wm Schireman Distributor Standard Oil Corporation Nyssa. Oregon GOLDMEDAL Frank Morris. Distributor Fletcher Oil Company Nyssa. Oregon R R Robertson. Distributor Standard OU Corporation Ontario. Oregon E B King Distributor Fletcher Oil Company Payette. Idaho Jim Blackwell. Distributor Standard Oil Corporation Vale. Oregon A Product of Standard of California Lloyd Irwin. Distributor Oeneral Petroleum Company Ontario. Oregon Stanton Transfer Payette. Idaho Engine* run cooler with Service Corner Distributor Ooodman Oil Company Vale. Oregon Ideal Oas A Appliance Co. Nyssa. Oregon Engine Lubricating Oil because they're lubri Bill Stewart Jobber Interstate Oil CVmpanv Cairo Junction Ontario. Oregon cated completely. Com p o u n d e d to p r e v e n t ring-«tick ing and corro sion. R P M K B Metcall Vale Consumers Co-op Vale. Oregon Nyssa Elevator Nyssa. Oregon D E L O tbl stsys on cylinder walls at ail times .. Arthur B Campo Dtst Utah Oil Company Frultland Idaho prevents Van Pet ten Lumber Oo Ontario. Oregon Ontario Elevator Ontario. Oregon runt . . . cuts repairs a t m uch a t 5 0 ° c l Van Pwten Lumber Co. Payette Idaho Owyhee Bottled Oas Service Ontario. Oregon W. E. Schireman P h o n e 61 -W N jtm « , Oregon Vern Wilson Distributor Payette Feed A Seed O s Payette. Idaho ______ AH Vale Orvgon d m and payaM s s a ar befare th e lath e f •t parchase Priced to sell. One 1941 International Truck with tag-along wheels. Factory built, two-speed rear-end, with 1946 K-8 motor. Western Corrugator Manufacturing Division Phone 181-W Orange Ade Juice Good Ave. and 1st 9* CRACKERS 5 CANS SUGAR 10 POUNDS CRISCO 790 2 POUND PACKAGE 790 NUCOA * BEST GRADE BEEF ROAST 950 3 POUND CAN 2 POUND BOX VELVEETA 420 10 POUND PAPER BAG 790 FLOUR 250 2 POUND BOX 490 490 LARGE SIZE 390 FRANKFURTERS POUND SLAB 290 POUND HALF OR WHOLE 490 BACON HAMS, CURED POUND Van Prtten Lumber Co. New Plymouth. Idaho Ontario Coal Company Ontario. Oregon One Kiesl Beet Harvester, 1948 model with hydraulic lift. Has been used on Moline and can be put on other m a k e s . 9* Fancy Apple Sauce C H Krasling Farmers' Supply Co-op Ontario. Oregon Eil Ffost. Consignee Uhlon Oil Company Ontario. Oregon FOR SALE 2 CAN M ILK D ie s e l One man with oife tractor can stay seated, and with the help of the Ferguson System, load, hitch, haul and spread manure at the rate of 40 loads a day. Your entire farm operation gets a big, speedy lift— with all the slow, tough, hand labor taken right out of this daily chore by the new Ferguson Spreader and Loader combination. SPREADER! The new hook ’n’ eye hitch couples and uncouples by Finger Tip Control right from the tractor seat. Shreds and spreads 70-bushel load in a 7-foot path, 4 to 20 loads per acre, as set. LOADER: Fork lowers and raises by Finger Tip Control— Foot pedal operates trip latch to dump. One-man attachment — once mounted, goes on and off in a few minutes. 46 OUNCE CAN PU M PK IN Inca Wilson. Comm Agent Signal Oil Company Ontario. Oregon • DELO LE G IO N A U X IL IA R Y MEETS The regular meeting of the Am erican Legion auxiliary was held last Thursday evening at the vet erans hall. Plans »e r e made for the gift-to-the-Yantes project that will be sponsored by the group again this year. During the meet- ir v Mrs. E H. Fleshman reported 1 lor the welfare committee and Mrs. and you’re loaded, ready to spread NO. 2<4 CAN NO. 490 POUND WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET PHONE 284 W - i 5 - R E CE PTIO N HONORS COUPLE A wedding reception was held October 7 in the L. D. S. recreation hall in Ontario for Mr. and Mrs Cecil Ray Bair, who were married In the Salt Lake City temple in the presence of 115 close relatives. The bride, formerly Thelda Hunter, daughter of Mr and Mrs. F. W. Hunter, made her own wedding dress, which was white slipper satin over lace, with a sweet scappoled sweetheart neck and long wrist- point sleeves. Her finger tip veil was held in place by a cornet of seed pearls and crystal beads. The veil was also worn at the wedding of the groom's sister, Mrs. Joyce Turner. The bride cerrled a bou quet of red roses with feather car nations. tied with a white satin rib- on. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Bair of Nyssa. Specials C. H Keaaling Farmers' Supply Co-op Nyssa. Oregon Tower's Feed A Fuel Co. Nyssa Oregon f HALLOW E'EN RETAIL CREDIT ASSOCIATION. INC. OF ONTARIO Boise Payette Lumber Co. Ontario. Oregon K IM - Uncial JCntcs of the to keep engines cool | (Continued from Page 1) 5— NEEDLE BELLES MEET the season on November 4. and will The Needle Belles 4-H club met participate In their last contest on last Friday at the home of their Armistice day at Payette. The Parma Panthers nipped the leader. Mrs. M. L. Myers Projet* Payette Pirates 7 to 6 in a game books were given the members and Pridav night at Parma. Panther the first year club members began Pullback Bieshear* raced 70 yards their needle cases. Following the In the first quarter to tally the meeting, a costume party was held. Parma touchdown and Shippley. Jean Walker and Brenda Myers re Parma halfback, made the place ceived prizes for the best costumes ment qood. In the third quarter and Jean Walker and Shirley A M IT Y CLUB MEETS the Pirates racked up a touchdown Thomas won prizes in the game Mrs. Robert Wilson entertained after a sustained drive. The pay contest. Games and stories were the members o i the Am ity club at o ff was a pass from Barber. Pirate enjoyed following a weiner roast. her home Friday, October 14. Mrs. quarterback, to Arnold, end. The Elwood Flinders spoke to the group conversion attempt failed. Statis FIRESID E G R O U P MEETS ; on dressmaking A social hour and tically the big Panther team held The junior girls of the L. D. S. refreshments followed the program a decided edge In ground gains church sponsored a fireside hour at but the Pirates were superior in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John The next meeting will be held at the the air The win boosted Parma Schenk Sunday evening. The 24 ! home of Mrs Calvin Wilson Friday. October 28. from the cellar into a three-way guests included members from the — §— tie for fourth place in league stand junior and senior girls group*, the HONORED A T SHOW ER ings. senior scouts and the "M " men. A Mrs. Robert Schweizer was the The powerful Vale Vikings thum piano solo was played by Betty ped Meridian SO to 0 in a game Fife, and a travel talk on Canada guest of honor at a bridal shower played at Meridian. Vale, tabbed was given by Miss Sherman Bybee given last Saturday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Victor Marshall. by many as the pick of the S.R.V. ■ -*- Games were enjoyed during the teams, has shown increased scoring B RID G E HOSTESS afternoon, with Mrs. Charles Sch power in the past three games Mrs. Harry Anderson entertain T h e Meridian game saw Pulw vlei. ed at her home last Tuesday even- weizer as prize vinner. Bouquets Viking back, lead a crushing ground | ing with a buffet dinner, followed of fall flowers were used about offense which Meridian was unable by two taoles o f bridge High scores the rooms. T h e honor guest re to stop The eight-touchdown par were held by Mrs. H. E. Spring ceived many lovely gifts from the ade by the Vikings boosted their steen o f Ordnance. Oregon and 25 guests present. The lace-covered «tensive status to the top in SJt.V. C harles Campbell of New Plymouth, table was centered with a doll as a bride, and with white tapers. R e circles '."raveling prizes went to H. E. Pruitland's scrappy Grizzlies con Springsteen and M B. Conrad T>f freshments were served by the hos tess and the assistant hostesses, tinued to march toward the south Payette. Mrs. George Schweizer and Mrs. western Idaho class B champion Lyman Pomeroy. ship by dumping Kuna 13-6. PIONEER D AUG H TERS MEET Emmett's Huskies nipped Cald The Daughters of Utah Pioneers S T U D Y CLUB MEETS well 13 to 6 In an upset victory. The met at the home of Mrs D O. Bybee The Catholic Study dub met in highly favored Cildw ell Cougars Thursday at 2:30. with Mrs Bessie the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were unable to cope with Chuick- Bair, taking charge of the meeting shenk. Husky halfback, and the The group sang 'Come, Come Ye Jones Monday evening. After the Husky speester proved a constant Saints." Mrs. Olen Hammon read a meeting a social evening was en- ! loyed. threat to the Cougar defense. history of the mobbings in the early HOW PAYETTE IIUILT A POOL There’s an easier way the regular meetings. T h next and tap and toe ballet number ac Kermit Lienkaemper, president of meeting will be held at the veterans the group, suggested plans for companied by her mother on the greater membership attendance at hall Thursday. November 3. piano. Lunch was served to 17 adults and five children. Pictures were taken of the group Mrs. Fae Duf fin gave a talk and demonstration o f cosmetics. T h e next meeting f a g t m t m m will be held the third Thuradaj afternoon o f November at the home of Mrs. Leo Chilli. labor, except $1,600 worth, was furnished free. Today Payette has a swimming pool which is second to none in the state. As many as 400 youngsters have used it without cost at one time. Bath houses and some other features are not completed, but they w ill be. The pool has been built for an outlay of $5,400 and every one in the community has a personal interest in it for it took the individual effort of all. I f the pool had been built through a bond issue, the property owner would have paid the cost even though he might not have wanted it. Nor used it. Built as it was, those who wanted the swimming pool put in the most effort to build it. Payette has set a fine example of community enter prise which other Idaho cities could well follow. The Gate City Journal T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 27. 1949 Gordon Williams. Assistant Mgr. O C T O B E R 28 A N D 29