Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1949)
THE N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N . P A G E F O UR lluilufit Party 1« noon In the United Presbyterian church parlor by the Pollyanna club. Games were played and then Mrs Rettlg was seated under an attract ive crepe paper unorella while she opened the gifts. The refreshments were calte and coffee Charles Wilson, form erly of this community was hunting here. Mr and Mrs. Carol R ettlg of Boise were guests o f M r and Mrs Jim Phifer Saturday evening. Attending the P. T. A. meeting at Adrian Thursday evening were Mrs. J. O. Lane and Myrna, Mr. and Mrs Given By Gran«;«* I K IN O M A N K O LO N Y, Oct. 27—At the Orange benefit card party held In the Adrian grade school building Wednesday evening, Mrs Dale Ash craft won high and Mrs. Herbert Thomas low for women and William Toomb high and Herbert Thomas low for men. Mr. and Mrs. Raney of Parma won the traveling prize. Mrs Carol Rettlg was honor guest at a shower given Saturday after- free! HOME TRIAL OFFER! Hereford Show, Company To Take Sales Scheduled Part In Give-Away Lynn Hurst. Mrs. Claude Day and Mrs. Oscar 8chaeffer. The Kingman Kolony Grange held its regular meeting Monday T h e fourth annual fall hereford evening with Mrs L. L. Kreager and Mrs Dick Kreigh as hostesses. show and sale sponsored by The The 4-H achievement program ; Lewiston Hereford association will was held Friday evening in the grade school building. The meeting he held in Lewiston Idaho Nov- was arranged by Mrs. Threlma El ember 10 and 11, according to J. liot. E M Hauser, county club W. Thometz, sales manager. The show will begin at 10 A. M. agent showed motion pictures. Mrs Dick Stockham and Beverly Thursday, November 10 and the sale at noon Friday, November 11. are spending the week at the Art All bulla will be of serviceable Sparks home while Mr Stockham Is elk hunting. Mr Spark's nephew, age toy «pring. They are well de veloped, of good size, and bone; Billy Is also at the Sparks home as lust the kind rangemen and ran his mother Is ill In a Boise hospital. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Call of Poca chers are needing to add to their tello were visitors in the Oscar herds, Thom etz said. Eighteen of the heifers are bred Schaeffer home from Thursday to some of the outstanding bulls until Sunday. Mrs. Call is a sister of the northwest. This offering of Mr Schaeffer. of 28 females provides an excel Hunters have been busy In this lent opportunity for Interested area over the week-end Most farm breeders and Individuals to make ers welcome the hunters as there selections from some of the best have been so many pheasants that breeding stock in the northwest, crops have been destroyed by them Thometz said. this season. Olenn Salter Is gradually improv- j Here From California— ing in health. He Is at a brother’s Olen Keningston of San Berna- home In Salt Lake City. His daugh dlno, California arrived in Nyssa ter. Mrs. Dolores Sharp, recently this week for his annual fall elk visited him. hunt with a group of local hunters. Mrs. Lynn Hurst, Mrs. Arthur Those making the trip this year are Case and Mrs. J. O. Lane attended Dr. Kenneth Kerby. Dick Stockham. a Mary and Martha society meet Bernard Frost, Dale Garrison. Ed ing at the Marion Kurtz home in ward Boydell, Glenn Keningston Newell Heights Thursday. and Eldon Ulmer. California Visitors Here— Mr and Mrs. Harold Weaver of Culver City, California visited last week at the home o f Mr and Mrs. Hamilton Chadderdon. Mrs. W eav er Is a sister of Mr. Chadderdon. Mr Weaver Is assistant superin tendent and husiness manager of the Culver City school system. To Boise— 10-Day Free Trial in Your Own Home WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED ----- DEALER FOR ----- PORTABLE DISHWASHER Electric Portable Dishwasher. Call u s-N O W Phone 106 Visit In Nyssa— Mr and Mrrs. Charles Wilson and new baby are visiting this week at the home o f Mrs Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W W Foster and with other relatives and friends in Nyssa and vicinity. Mrs. Ruth Harris of Boulder, Colorado, a cousin of Mr. Foster, Is also Visiting at the Foster home Mrs E. H. Fleshman and Mrs. Visit at Adrian— Ray Russell were Boise visitors last Mrs. Nellie Newbill and Mrs. Joe Saturday. While in Boise they vis- Bellon were dinner guests of Mrs. ltted Mrs. Louise McGaven at the Alice Walters o f Adrian last Thurs St Alphonsus hospital. day. G E N E R A L ^ ELECTRIC No expense — no obligation. Wash your own dishes in your own home with the new General T H U R S D A Y . O C TO B ER 27. 1949 GENERAL ELECTRIC 1 L aj ^UIL l L Heating Henneman Hardware Co. M A R R IA G E LICENSES Harold 8. Wilson of Nyaaa and Mary Elizabeth Schaffeld of Vale. W illiam L. Bethel of Harper and Yvonne D. Bisher of Vale. Avery Warren Larkin of Monroe and June Olive K olb of Junction City. Robert David Ledington of Weis- er and Erma Irene Kelpin of Pay ette. Charles F. Redsull and Lorene Sanders, both of Ontario. Edith A. Howell vs Charles E. Howell, divorce. P E T IT IO N S , PR O B ATE C O C R T Estate of Miguel Aleman, deceas The Nyssa Furniture company ed. will be one o f thousands of appli Estate of Clifford Costley, de- ance dealers participating In a $2,- ceasedd. 1 000,000 "Giveaway to top all G ive Estate of Oliver Earl Kerchner, aways." which will be conducted by deceased. the Crosley division, Avco Manu B U IL D IN G PE R M IT S facturing corporation, and its dis H. G. Johnson, construction, two tributors and dealers. houses, each 36 by 36, $7,500 each, W. A. Peterson described the lots 29 and 30, Eighth street, Glas “ giveaway" as "th e simplest to enter gow addition, masonry. and easiest to win—and by far the Ethel Mary Beckham, construct C O M PLA IN TS . C IR C U IT CO CRT biggest— in history." Aletha M. Fay vs Leo A. Fay, ion, garage. No. Second street, $735, Prizes will include nearly $2,000,- 12 by 26, frame. 000 worth of new 1950 custom model divorce. Joe E. Giron, alteration, East Rita C. Moore vs Charles Moore, Crosley shelvador refrigerators to Third street, $300, 14 by 12, frame. be given away by dealers, and 125 separate maintenance. awards to giand prize winners na tionally. T o enter, it will be necessary only to write, in a few words, ‘W hy I Should Be Given a New 1950 Shel vador Refrigerator." Entry blanks on which to write may be obtained without obligation at the Nyssa Furniture company store. The best local entry, as judged by a com mittee of prominent citizens of the community, will be awarded a new 1950 custom model Shelvador re frigerator, having a capacity of 9 cubic feet. National entries will be forwarded to Crosley headquart ers for the additional selection of national grand prize winners. First national prize will be $10,- 000 in cash and a complete Crosley kitchen, having a retail value of $1,520; second prize. $5,000 in cash plus a complete electric kitchen; third prize $2,500 in cash and a complete electric kitchen; fourth prize, $1,500 In cash plus the kit chen; fifth prize, $1,000 in cash plus the kitchen; next 20 prizes, com plete electric kitchens; next 100 Scientists w h o devote their lives to a study r prizes, new 1950 custom model 9- cubic-foot Shelvador refrigerators. nature tell us a single bee would have to travel a Both national and local entry blanks will be available until Nov total o f eighty thousand miles to gather enouj'.i ember 30. nectar to make one pound o f Honey! Just imagine! The complete kitchens include a 9-cubic-foot Shelvador refrigerator, That's a longer distance than three times the cir electric range, 3.2-cubic-foot kitchen freezer, 40 gallon table top style cumference o f the Earth at the Equator. electric water heater, 48-lnch cab inet sink with electric waste food disposer, base and wall steel cab O f course, the Honey you get at your grocer’s inets, and $300 in cash toward in wasn’t gathered by one single worker bee. It took stallation of the kitchen in the winner’s home. thousands o f them unnumbered visits to flowers, j If you were a HONEY BEE- 7/ou) far Would you ao to y at her a Pound fjj ofHomu, Reclamation Man Transferred— R. W. Adams o f Caldwell, con struction engineer of the bureau of reclamation who formerly lived at Nyssa, has been transferred to the Columbia basin project with head quarters at Ephrata, Washington. Adams has been located at Caldwell since 1937. College Student Visits— MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. N E W S O F R ECORD Howard Flanary, student at Lewis and Clark college at Portland, vis-1 ited over the week-end with his mother, Mrs. W. Flanary. He re turned to Portland Sunday. thither and yon. A ll that is left for you to do is to put Honey on your shopping list. YOUR GROCER KEEPS PURE HONEY ALL READY TO SERVE HONEY FOSTER'S HONEY mi MODERN GARAGE FIRST AND GOOD AVENUE 01 INYSSA’S TIJESDAY, NOVEMBER I SERVICE DEPARTMENT We have installed the latest equipment for repairing and servicing all types of automobiles and trucks. This service will be available beginning November L Les Fargen, Service Manager 1950 MODELS OF Buick Automobiles and G. M. C. Trucks and Pick-ups on Display Tuesday, November 1 and thereafter in our spacious display room PARTS DEPARTMENT We will maintain a complete line of parts for Buick automobiles and G. M. C. trucks as w ell as accessor ies. We w ill feature Quaker State Oil and General tires. ROBERTS NYSSA, Inc. Paul A. Roberts, President Boyd Wilson, Manager