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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1949)
« V > — i - ----= ' - yj. JOURNA The NYSSA VOLUME X X X X IV NO. 42 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1949 Several Groups |Strins Group To Phone Company ni rji i Participate In rlan io Help In Clinic At Emmett Head Discusses Hospital Sale Local Situation i f i Losses Caused By Pheasant Hunting Held To Be Large TWO SECTIONS— TEN PAGES Plans Outlined For Two Carnivals To Be Held In Nyssa Within Next Three Weeks By Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy The Nyssa high school string Financial losses due to pheasant players have received art invitation hunters killing valuable livestock ,'s ! to participate in the southwestern too high, according to Charlie i Idaho high school orchestra and Lions Club Planning For Plans Developing Auction To Be Conduct choir clinic to be held in Emmett Residents Southwest O f Schweizer of Sunset Valley. For the past thre vears an ani ; Friday and Saturday of this week. ed In City Park Under For Drive To Be Nyssa Likely To Have mal has been found in the pasture Annual “ Gip” Party Nyssa players participating will dead from a gunshot, although the In Gymnasium number about 11, according to Di Auxiliary Auspices Held For Hospital Phones By Spring ranch has been completely posted rector Lynn Lawrence. V ith 'No Hunting’ signs. Last year The second annual Lions club car The performers will include 120 Residents of Nyssa and vicinity Members of the founders organ Prospects that Malheur county it was a purebred cow, that orchestra members and a 300-mem nival given for the benefit of the and neighboring towns will have an ber choir from Caldwell, Nampa and residents living southwest of Nyssa Schweizer had paid $175 for as a ization of the Malheur Memorial Malheur Memorial hospital has been Hospital association are orginizing opportunity to secure a wide var Emmett. The clinic will be con- will have telephone service by young heifer. The year before that, spring were indicated at the Nys it was a grade heiler, and the prior set for Saturday, November 19. ac the advance gifts committee, which iety of sale articles and produce eluded Saturday night with a com- sa chamber of commerce luncheon year it was another purebred heifer. cording to Dennis W. Patch, who with the choir Wednesday noon by representatives will participate in the supplemental Saturday. October 29 in the city 1 bined concert So far this year, although the will again be chairman of the event. campaign to be conducted to raise and orchestra participating In the of the Malheur Home Telephone farm is posted, Schweizer reports park, when an auction sale will be The carnival will be held in the additional funds for the hospital. last number, which will be "The company. that the hunters have completely sponsored by the Malheur Memorial gymnasium beginning at 5 p. m. Battle Hymn of the Republic". The The men who have been selected H. P. Stommel, general manager disregarded the signs as before. hospital auxiliary, with Mrs. Frank No admission will be charged at as members of the advance gifts guest orchestra director will be of the firm, when questioned, hes This pheasant hunting, is defin Perko as general chairman. the door, but as last year, Patch em committee will be asked within the George Barr of Sacramento, who is itated to attempt to hazard a guess itely a controversial subject, as it is The all-day sale will begin at 10 school music supervisor and direct phasized the carnival will be a “ gip” , a. m. and last throughout the day. or of the community symphony in when the project could be com a sport enjoyed by many, and fin which will entirely compensate for next few days to sign agreements to work. This committee will start pleted because of the uncertainty ancially it aids the local hotels, rest Colonel Bert Anderson and Colonel that city. of delivery of materials, but he aurants aand retailers of hunting the "free” admission. A ll conces work about the middle of November, Joe Church are donating their ser sions will be operated with carnival with the hope that the general cam Glen Lockery, head of the vocal finally indicated that the telephon supplies. vices as auctioneers for the day. money, which may be purchased at paign will be completed before department of the University of Id “ It is completely impossible for Members of the St. Paul's guild will aho will conduct the choir clinic. es should be installed within the next five months. The cable has the game officials to even think of the door or people may buy carnival Christmas. act as clerks. tickets in advance and convert them The University of Idaho will send its Louis D. Barr of Oakland, C alif The L. D. S. 2nd ward and Owy new string instructor, Louis Huber, now been extended to the Nyssa enforcing the hunting laws, protect into carnival money at the door. ornia, who conducted the original ing property of each and every hee ward will be in charge of the and Mrs. Huber, an outstanding city limits. The club plans on giving away campaign in which $282.000 was The company hopes to start op farm,” said Mr. Schweizer, “8ome pie sale; and the Arcadia Sunshine cellist graduate of Curtis institute, raised, is expected to arrive in Nyssa eration of the Nyssa-Adrian cable hunters do ask for permission to door prizes totaling at least $150. club will be in charge of the sale of to assist with section rehearsals. Chairman Patch announced the today or Friday to start prepara with not more than six or seven hunt, and endeavor to cause as little “ hot dogs" and hamburgers. Free members of the various committees tions for the «im paw n . phones on a line and never have trouble as possible, but there is the coffee will be served by the Nu- at the weekly luncheon Monday The association expects to raise more than eight. minority who ignore all of the rules. Acres club. $100.000 with which to complete the Mr. Stommel. who lives at Boise, Then too, after receiving permission noon. The L. D. S. first ward is donating The features will include baseball building, equipment and operate the introduced the Malheur county to hunt on a farmer’s premises, the a quilt to be auctioned off. manager. C. M. Dobertson of On hunter loses track of the farm lines, throw, bingo game, dart throw, ring institution for two years. The Christian church women’s The hospital board o f directors tario, and the wire chief, W. L. crossing into neighboring posted toss, novelty booth, “ hot dog” stand, council will arrange tables for the Lyman, also of Ontario. areas. A pack of dogs and men pop stand, country store, fortune will meet Friday night to decide display of articles and Boy Scouts I Winners in the White Satin Sugar Anticipating a hearing to beheld going through a field of clover seed, telling, beauty parlor, gag room, whether to accept government aid, canning contest sponsored by the will assist with the sale. fish pond, basketball throw, roul which has been offered if the hos in Ontario November 8 on the com- Contributions of sale articles I Amalgamated Sugar company a- panys proposed increase in rates, or cut beans is not beneficial. A ette wheel, " 21” game and telephone pital association will use part of dead cow is a total loss, and one has should be taken to the city park mong the women of the Grange Mr. Stommel said the concern has booth. the hospital for a chronic disease Friday evening or early Saturday were announced this week following not had a general rate increase fto idea of the guilty party. Hunt Olen Wells, Vern Parson and Tom center. ers not knowing the terrain when the judging of the exhibits at the morning. Further information con Seppich will be the clowns. since 1921, but added that some cerning the sale may be secured by sugar company’s Nyssa plant Mon increases have been made in tolls. shooting at their bird, often spray cattle.” Bulldog Scrubs calling Mrs. Ed Frost or Mrs. Ber day. "Our business is different from There is much controversy over the Mrs. Frank Fulleton of Vale, nard Eastman. the ordinary business, in that the question of what can be done. Sup Beat Boise Team chairman of the committee, said more business we secure the more the exhibits were divided into three it costs us” , Mr. Stommel 6aid. “ As ervised game areas where hunters A Nyssa high school frosh- soph classifacations—berries, tree fruits our business expands it becomes would be permitted to hunt for a omore football team defeated North and jelly. Priz<q given by the A- more complicated and provides small charge is one possible way out. I f pheasants are too numer Boise Junior high school 14 to 13 The Nyssa high school orchestra malgamated Sugar company to greater service for a greater num county winners consisting of sugar. ber of persons. We made one and ous on the farms, they could easily and mixed chorus will give the first Wednesday afternoon on the Nyssa The Kingman Kolony Grange, A contest is held every year in each be handled by issuing invitations concert of the season In the gym field. which recently passed a resolution county and the exhibits of the first one-half per cent on our invest to hunters. The Boise team, consisting entire nasium Tuesday, November 1, be ment last year but so far this year opposing the establishment of a place winners in each class are sent ginning at 8:15, Director Lynn Law ly of freshmen, drew first blood by we have operated each month in Columbia valley administration, to Portland to be entered in the scoring a touchdown and converting rence announced Wednesday. asked the Oregon Trail Grange to state contest, which will be held the red” . Mr. Stommel said the The mixed chorus is a new organ for the extra point in the first company is entitled to a return pass a similar resolution at a meet November 7 this year. Nyssa scored the two ization composed o f two part men’s quarter. of 5 Vi per cent. ing held in the Oregon Trail hall voices and two part women’s voices, winning touchdowns in the second The winners in the Malheur Mr. Stommel added that the Tuesday night. Boise scored another or a total of approximately 50. quarter. county contest were as follows; (Continued On Page 5) Because of the lateness of the Berries—Mrs. William Ross of Vale, A rathe. I-ngtpv sales promotion Fifteen instruments will be Included counter in the final quarter, but lost ho.'- the proposal was tabled for first; Mrs. Earl Faw of Vale, sec the ball game by falling to make program conducted by the Nyssa in the orchestra. No admission will coitsi»i-r»Uon tfl th e next meeting ond. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen of the the last kici^ merchants under the auspices of be charged. of the Oregon Trail Grange. King- Chalk Butte Orange, third; tree The Nyssa llnup was as follows: The chorus numbers will Include the chamber of commerce was con man Kolony guests were Mr. and fruits—Mrs. Georgia Rogers of On cluded Saturday with the awarding “The Lord Bless You” by Peter C. Ends. Santlana and Wilson; tackles. Mrs. William Toomb and Mr. and tario Heights Grange, first; Mrs. M. and Duncan; guards, Lutkin, a negro spiritual arranged Hartley of grand prizes to five persons. Mrs. Luit Stam. B. Bonner of Oregon Slope, second, Mrs. K. Salto won the most ex by William Henry Smith; "Tram p Chevez and Frost; center, Kevcren; The petition of the Denver and and Mrs. C. C. Grace of Oregon Paul A. Roberts of Ontario will pensive prize, a $139.50 chrome din ing", a negro spiritual; “ Oood quarterback, Skeen; halfbacks, A n Rio Grande Western Railroad com Slope, third, and Jelly—Mrs. John hold formal opening of his new gar ette set. Other prize winners were News” , a negro spiritual; “ Conchita" drews and Fischer; fullback. Ray, pany to the inter-state commerce Faw of Vale, first; Mrs. E. O. Ful- age. known as Roberts-Nyssa, Inc., Mrs. Louis Vendrell, $58 50 platform by Louis Woodson Curtis; "There’s a and substitutes, Pierce, Rhodes. commission to open the “Ogden leton of Vale, second, and Mrs. Earl at Second street and Good avenue rocker; Mrs. Hugh Glenn. $49.95 Long Long T ra il” by Zo Elliott, ar Vaughn. Smlt, J. Skeen and Love- Joy. Gateway” was discussed by R. K. Faw of Vale, third. in Nyssa Tuesday, November 1. portable ironer; Mrs. W. C. Printz, ranged by Walter Scotson; "Skip T o Bradford, vice president; P. K. The public is Invited to attend $39.50 electric mixer, and Mrs. John My Lou” , chorul setting by Milton The judges were Mrs. Miriam Yonge, director of agriculture, and Colford and Miss Amelia Tschauz, the opening of the building, the Van Zelf. $21.50 pop-up toaster. Jones; “ Climbing’ Up the Moun Livestock Brands most modern garage establishment W. M. Kirkpatrick, assistant traf both of Ontario. Judy Elaine Pratt of Payette drew tain." spiritual, William H. Smith fic manager of the D. & R. G. W. in Nyssa. For display Tuesday the In the contest, five Oranges were the numbers from the large wire and “ Rain and the River” , music by To Be Re-Recorded Frank Sherwood, the Grange represented by 38 women who en company will have several Buick barrel and Claude Willson of Nyssa Oscar J. Fox and words by J. W ill automobiles and G. M. C. trucks read the numbers before they were Callahan. master, announced that election of tered 78 exhibits. A ll livestock brands must be re ,officers will be held by the Oregon Approximately 50 women In at and pick-ups. The concern will give announced by Leon Burt, master The orchestra numbers will be recorded as soon os possible after Trail Grange at its November 8 tendance at the affair were conduct souvenirs to visitors. Petite Suite De Ballet” . Gluck, of ceremonies. January 1, i960, according to the meeting. The company will use a Nyssa ed on a tour of the sugar factory. Befo’-e the drawings, the Nyssa Mottl and Roberts, from Oluck's state brand law, George Bain, coun crew so far as possible, with C. Boyd city band and majorettes entertain operas— I, Iphegenla In Aulló (A ir ty extension agent, declared today. Wilson as manager in charge of ed the large crowd in attendance. OaD, II. Orpheus (spirit dance), Ar- These brands have to be re-record Farmers Urged To Sheep And Lamb sales and Les Fargen as service The only other drawing that will mide (musette) and IV, finale; ed to Insure the present owner that Complete Plans be held before Christmas will be "Hungarian Dances 7 and • ” by he can continue to use the iron. Feeders reduced manager. The building, 70 by 90 feet. Is con conducted December 3. Brahms; Tres Jolle (charming) M. E. Knickerbocker chief of the Glen L. Hutchinson, chairman of structed of re-lnforced concrete. Hamilton Chadderdon, chairman waltz. E. Waldteufel, "Songs of the bureau of animal Industry, who is the Malheur County PM A commit-1 The number of sheep and lambs The offices are located upstairs 41- of the committee, reported at the South" arranged by Seredy-Toco- in charge o f the re-Tecordlng, said tee, today appealed to all farmers of to be fed in the United States for bove the parts department. The chamber of commerce luncheon ben; "Les Adleux” (melodle), Pablo that brand owners have from Jan Malheur county, who are cooperat the coming winter and spring mark automobile display room is located Wednesday noon on the success of de Saraso to, arranged by J. S. Ser- uary to May 31, 1960 to make the ing in the 1949 agricultural conserv ets is expected to be less than last in the northeast corner of the build the sales promotion. sdy; Selection from O. Bizet's opera require application. Knickerbocker ation program to complete conserv year, according to the weekly sheep ing. The wash rack and grease rack "Carmen” , arranged by J. S. Seredy, will send each owner of a regis ation practices. Now that many and wool review received in the are separated from the repair de and “The Way You Look Tonight” tered brand an application form crops are harvested and farmers can county agent’s office from the Ore partment so as to avoid congestion. Cemrtery Planting by Jerome Kerns, translated by Ros and a blotter to burn his brand on get on the land to carry out a num gon State college extension service. Slimline lighting has been instal Immediately after the first of the ario Bourdon. ber of dirt-moving practices, it is The review points out that the 1949 Project Nears End led throughout the building. The year. These should be mailed In as time to complete land leveling, con lamb crop from which feeder lambs lighting fixtures in the show room soon as possible after that date. crete pipe installation, and drain The cemetery plantings project Band W ill Give are selected was the smallest on rec will Include spotlights for use in Any delay in sending in the appli ditches, which are needed on the that was started two years ago by ord. displaying the automobiles. cation after the first of the year farms, he suggests. Benefit Dance the American Legion auxiliary is The demand for feeder lambs has The company has Installed the will cause subsequent delay in the Mr. Hutchinson said that a pre During this been strong. Prices have been latest equipment for repairing and nearing completion. printing of the new brand book. liminary check on the progress of A dance will be given at the Oay- Knickerbocker urges that no app strengthening as the season pro servicing automobiles and trucks. t'me shrubbery and iris, contributed the ACP in Malheur county shows gresses with feeder lambs bring It will handle Quaker State oil and by local persons, and 100 roses that Way ball room between Payette and lications be sent In before January that about 850 farmers are cooper were purchased from contributions Ontario Wednesday, November 9 by 1, because o f the possibility of a ing $23 a hundredweight on the General tires. ating in the program this year the Nyssa city band to help raise brand not being properly recorded Denver market October 1. This The grounds around the garage of money, were planted. This is 35 percent of the farmers in Recently peonies have been added money for the hall to be constructed for the next five years but for the compares with $23.50 on the same will be surfaced with gravel. Jhe county. to the plantings, and two large ever by the Owyliee Riding club and the period ending January 1, 1950. market a year ago. according to the greens are soon to be planted near Oregon T rail Orange report. Guest O f Radio Station— Cuts Thumb— Music will be furnished by Tom T E A G IV E N FO R MOTHERS Miss Loretta Russell. Nyssa’s rep the two evergreens that were con Mrs. Durlin Hammon had two Fairctyld of Caldwell. Novelty acta Members o f Mrs. John Lane’s Attend District Meeting— resentative in the Lux soap beauty tributed by the Lions club. stitches taken in her right thumb and other entertainment will be The auxiliary expressed appreci and Mrs. J. B. M cKinney’s fifth The officer of the local Future contest, was a guest of radio station after she accidently cut it Thursday ; provided. ation to Mrs. Glenn Suitor for her grade rooms entertained their Homemakers of America attended KD 8 H in Boise last Monday even noon. mothers at the tea last Friday the district meeting held at Milton- ing. Miss Russell and her mother. donation of iris and to Felton Dun afternoon, at the grade school. Freewater last Saturday. Those at Mrs. Ray Russell, were members of can who collected the funds, and Attend Convention— Undergoes Operation— Most of the M. I. A. stake lead A program was presented in each tending the meetln gwere Dorothy the group entertained at dinner at for all the contributions of both Bruce Fife, son of Mr. and Mrs. The auxiliary ers and many o f the L. D. 8 ward room by the fifth graders. Assist Erwin, president of the local group; the Owyhee hotel. From 8:30 until plants and funds. Leo Fife, underwent an appendix ] Doreen Allison, vice president; De- 9. the contestants from the towns asks that the public view the plant leaders, Including the bishops, a t ing Mrs. McKinney during the tea operation at the Holly Rosary hos-1 tended a two-day convention in hour were the room mothers, Mrs. lores Coffman, secretary and M ar o f the BoLse valley were interviewed ings at the Nyssa cemetery. pital in Ontario and returned to his ! Boise Saturday evening and Sunday W ilder and Mrs. Robert Toomb. line Moss, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. over KD6 H about their hobbles and home Friday. I morning, where Oeneral M. I. A. Mrs. Joe Dirksen and Mrs. Eric Charles Steffens accompanied the interests. The district winner in the Speaks At Grange Meeting— Mrs. W. W. Foster, president of Superintendant Elbert R. Curtis of Boenig assisted Mrs. Lane. group. Lux contest will be chosen Novemb W ilder Hurls Leg— the county Parent-Teacher associ Salt Lake City and other members The Future Homemakers o f the er 21. Bob Wilder, former Nyssa foot-1 B U SY NEEDIER MEET ation and Mrs. Jesse Rlgney. state of the board were present to give Nyssa high school will Join with ball star, will be unable to play A short meeting of the Oregon P. T. A. chairman for the except Instruction for the coming season. other F. H. A. organizations in Called T o Newberg— with Boise Junior college Friday observing National Future Home Rev. Sterl Bptesz and family left ional child, were guest speakers at Mrs. Emily H. Bennet was one of Trail Busy Needles 4-H Sewing club against the Southern Idaho College makers week from October 29 to Monday for Newberg. where they the Harper Orange meeting F ri the main speakers Saturday even was held October 21 at the home of o f Education football team in Boise. ing. at which time all the arts, the leader, Mrs. Alfred Adams. O f day evening. October 14. A story in the Idaho Statesman November 3. The group will attend were called because of the death drstna, dancing, speech and music ficers for the coming year were el m i id Bob Wilder, speed merchant church services in the M ethodl't of Rev. Spelsz’s nephew. Claude G ifU Again Requested— groops held special classes of In ected as follows Betty Boenig. Stevens, in an airplane crash. They right halfback, has a badly tom church Sunday morning. The Amerlctn Legion auxiliary Is struction. A t 9:30 p. m. the 500 o f president: Irene Jayo, vice presi are expected home the end of the knee and won't be able to play requesting that local residents as ficers and teachers present were en dent; Lila Holmes, secretary; Carol Friday night T o take Wilder’s | Here From Portland— sist with the O if ts-to-the-Yanks tertained with a dance, under the Adams, yell leader; Rlyvta Jays, place, plans call for Glenn Smith j Mr and Mrs. Harold Taylor and project that Is sponsored annually instruction of Mr. and Mrs. Vern song leader; and Doris Smith, news Mr and Mrs. Leland Cox o f Port Guests At Adams House— to take over the halfback post. Saturday evening guests at the by the American Legion auxiliary. Yates. The Boise stake was host reporter. land visited over the week-end at Bulletins were handed out and the Robert Adams home at Oregon Robert Adams home at Oregon Trail The gifts which should be suitable to the Wriser and Nampa stakes, Return To Utah— were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams for a woman or child, will be sent and served orange punch from large the program for the next meeting Mr and Mrs. E B Cole and Trail crystle bowles, and various kinds of was discussed. The next meeting and daughters and Mr. and Mrs to the Rose burg and Portland vet children of Ogden left Tuesday for will be hold November 5 at Mrs Curtis Everett and daughter o f eran’s hospitals where veterans may cookies. their home after attending the wed No Disease« Reported— Adams home Lila Holmes and Nel choose gifts for their families at No cases of communicable dis Weller ding of Mrs. Cc'e’s brother. Thomas lie Vander Oord will furnish the Christmas time The gifts are to Ts HeM Bull Bata— Church, and Miss Janice McOee in eases were reported In Malheur At a meeting of the Eastern Ore games. Twelve of the 14 members be left at the Nyssa Packing comp county for the week ending Oct Attaad reiebratton— Fruitland Sunday. gon Hereford Breeders' association were present. Mr and Mrs J. L. Husebv and any market ober 15. according to the Oregon Wedenaday night In Ontario the son have returned from a 10-day health bulletin. Here From Salt Lake— members decided that the associ visit at Herrick, South Dakota Executive ( ommlttee Meets— M r and Mrs Kenneth Whipple Firemen were called to th eO rigg The Nyssa P. T. A. executive ation would Join with the Malheur and Newman’s Orove, Nebraska and children are visiting at the State Official Visita— Earl T. Newbry, Oregon secre The occasion o f the trip was to meeting will be held at the grade Cattlemen’s association for the Feb Brothers and Butler office at noon home of Mr and Mrs Moward ruary Malheur bull sale to be held today because at an oevrheated Love Joy. Mrs. Whipple and Mrs. tary of state, has been hunting attend the 60th wedding anniver school building Thursday evening stove Damage was negligible. in Ontario. sary o f Mr and Mrs J Huseby. Sr. 1 at 7 p. m. pheasants In Malheur county. Love joy are slaters. Canning Contest Winners Named First Concert Of Season Set Grange Passes CVA Resolution Sales Program Conies To Close Roberts Opening Building Nov. 1 Parent • Teacher Associ ation To Hold Party For Children The Nyssa Parent-Teacher as sociation and the grade schools will conduct their third annual Hallow e’en carnival In the Nyssa grade school building Monday night, Oct ober 31. Tickets for the affair, starting at 7 p m.. will be sold to the children in their rooms Monday afternoon. The entertainment will include ring toss, darts, spook show, motion pictures, fish pond and other feat ures. Refreshments of pie, coffee, ice cream, pop, candy, cider and doughnuts, and also noise-makers will be sold. The teachers and room mothers are in charge of the plans. The various events will be spon sored as follows: Oregon Trail group,, ring toss and darts; Arcadia, fish pond and cotton candy; first grades, "hot dogs” ; second grades, home-made candy; third grades, fish pond; fourth grades, picture show and spook room for primary children; fifth grade, pie, coffee, ice cream and pop; sixth grade, cider and doughnuts, and noise- makers, and Junior high school, spook show, popcorn and candy. Tigers Nose Out Bulldogs 7 To 0 By Dennis W. Patch The Ontario Tigers maintained their undefeated status in the Snake River Valley league by nosing out the Nyssa Bulldogs 7 to 0 on the Nyssa gridiron last Friday night in a nlp-and-tuck football struggle. The Tlgars ran for Impressive ground gains In the middle of the field, but found numerous strong opportunities stymied by an alert Bulldog defense. They were obvious ly stronger offensively than the Bulldogs, but aside from the one touchdown were unable to make very much Impression on tha NVwa defense The Tigers made their lone touchdown In the third period after starting a sustained drive from the Nyssa 38-yard mark. Yokayama, fullback, sparked the drive and scor ed the touchdown. W illis convert ed with a place kick. The Tiger passing attack netted only 54 yards, while the Bulldogs gained 81 yards through the air, they were unable to penetrate the Tiger line for consistent yardage. One of the disappointments of the game was the tackling and block ing of the Bulldogs. The Nyssa starting lineup con sisted of Wilson, quarter; Holcomb, fullback; Pounds and Hale, half backs: Campbell, center; Bergam and Glenn, guards; Keck and Bush, tackles, and Lowe and Pecka, ends, and Suiter, Long and Hunter, sub stitutes. The Bulldogs will go to Parma Friday for their next game, one of two conference games to be played in the circuit this week-end. They will play their last home game of (Continued on Page 2) Firemen (loinpíete Plunn For Bull Plans have been completed for the firemen's ball to be held In the gymnasium Saturday night, October 29 by the Nyssa volunteer fire de partment. Dancing will be from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m.. with Paul Shannafelt and his orchestra o f Boise furnishing the music. Proceeds o f the dance will be used to augment the firemen’s health and death benefits fund and to help pay for furnishing the firemen’s club room to be Included In the new addition to the city hall. CHURCH CIRCLE MEETS The Ruth and Naomi circle o f the Methodist Women’s society met at the home of Mrs. Harry Anderson Tuesday evening. During the bus iness meeting, with Mrs. Harry An derson, president in charge, Mrs. Jack McKee reported on the church dinner bazaar to be held Novem ber 18. Following the business meeting, the group sewed on articles for the bazaar. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. The next meeting of the group will be held at the home of Mrs. James Leslie November 15. SO C IE T Y M EETS The St. Anne’s Altar society met last Thursday In the home of Mrs Eddie Powell, with Mrs. Bermnek as co-hostreas The society made plans for lta fall apron and food sale. Refreshments were served after the business meting. 4-H CLUB H AS P A R T Y Mrs. W. O c i entertained the members of the Nyssaette 4-H Sawing club at her home Sunday afternoon, when Shirley Slander- fee was guest o f honor prior to making her home In Apple valley. Shirley war given a handkerchief shower by tha membera. A welner roast was enjoyed by the group.