THE N YSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. PAGE FOUR lng was then turned over to Madge either "coarse, small or weedy” . The y j j.^ Winn And Son Thomson, who substituted for Lect­ army remount was created for the , Are Badly Burned urer Cecil Evans, who was unable improve ment of breeding of better to be present. Carl Evans gave a riding horses. WLsok, a four-year-old hrlght bay NU-ACRE8, Oct. 13—Mr and Mrs reading, "Be a Booster" and Gary As the average rancher could not W. F Personette of Parma called on Arabian stallion, owned by the afford to go to the centers where their daughter, Mrs. Alex Winn, Thomson gave two piano selections. United States government remount better breeding horses were avail­ Wednesday and Mr. Personette State Grange Master George Hers- agency, has been sold to Nell Dlm- stopped to see his daughter and ley was honored as were the chart­ mick, former government remount able, official:, decided that through grandson again on Saturday. Mrs. er members present, Mr and Mrs. government purchases and donat­ agent, living southwest of Nyssa. Winn and son, who were badly Curtis Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Paul This marks the end of a 30-year ions, suitable stallions would be burned last week, are doing nicely. Thomson and Mrs. Janice Evans. area of remount service to horse­ shipped to areas over the nation, Mary Jo Jenkins, Evelyn Evans Master Hersley gave the major ad­ where they would be available to and Nedra Murray and their leader, dress of the evening, telling some­ men In the United States, At the time of the first world those interested in the improvement Mrs. Julius Field, left for the Pa­ thing of Grange history and its war, the U. 8. Army was compelled of their riding stock. This plan of cific International Livestock show aims and the need for the Grange to use Inferior riding horses, for the U. 8 government remount serv­ at Portland last Friday. They went and other farm organizations. Mrs. after searching throughout the na­ ice has worked economically and with Gilbert Matson, county agent. Martha Nedbalek read a greeting tion, It was discovered that a large efficiently for the past 30 year, serv The girts are the high Judging team from the National Grange Master percentage o f available horses were mg the ranchers and livestock men. in the county in 4-H and will rep­ and Mrs. La Vona Grasmick re­ However, the government has resent Payette county in girls 4-H counted a brief history of the local ! deemed It necessary to cut expenses, Judging in Portland. Grange and what it has done for and the remount division Is dis­ C. T. Winn and Lester Winn of the community. She stressed the continued In order to keep the Parma, father and brother of Alex point that the Grange is indebted to fine stock In the country, the re­ Winn of this community, stopped at the community for its support and mount agents are being permitted hts home on their way from hunting the community to the Grange for Optometrist to buy the animals if they so desire. on Hornet creek. They reported initiating and making posssible The horse bought by Mr, Dlm- good luck. i many community benefits. Lynn Eyes Examined mlck has been located on his farm Mr. and Mrs F. C. Fry and child­ Burt played several selections on for over a year, under supervision of ren and Mrs. Jenkins of Fruitland the accordlan and Mrs. Mary Bal­ the remount service This Arabian made a business trip to Wetsar lard gave two humorous readings. Phone 720 stallion, one of the fine horses cap­ Tuesday and again Thursday. | Ray Edmondson and Alfred Man­ tured In Austria by General Patton's Roger Jenkins is still stationed ser of Fruitland went Elk hunting 718 Arthur St. third arm, was shipped to the Unit' at San Deigo. He is attending near Kooskia, Idaho last week. ed States as part of the war repar mechanics school. He would enjoy I Mr and Mrs. Hugh Smith of Jor­ Caldwell, Idaho ations. Wlsok’s sire, Witez II Is in- 'hearing from anyone who would dan Valley spent Thursday and Fri­ ternatlonally known. ” He sold “ for ‘ care to write to him he said. His day with Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. over $8,000 this year. address is: Roger Jenkins, EN. F. A. and Mrs. Roy Lobb. They attended 369-29-73, Ree Station, Naval Sta­ the football game at Fruitland Fri­ tion, En. School, Class 6-50, San day evening and saw Fruitland win Diego 36, California. | 41 to 6. Mr. and Mrs. H. E Sager made a Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans, Sr. spent Sunday afternoon with M ;. business trip to Caldwell Monday. Mr and Mrs. D. C. Cole and San­ and Mrs. Tom Evans, Jr. of Nyssa. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Sam dra Sue of the Ten Davis commun­ Phillips, who have purchased a new ity were dinner guests of Mr. and home in Nyssa surprised them with Mrs. Bill Grasmick Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Winn had a a house warming Friday evening. Those present were Mr and Mrs. birthday dinner for their son. Roger, F A Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Saturday. L. G. Hawley's parents, Mr. and Burt of Nu-Acres, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Petterson of Greenleaf and Mr. Mrs. B. M. Hawley, left Saturday and Mrs E. C. Blanders of Nyssa. morning for Yuciatia. California. Phone 257-W The Do-More 4-H club is putting Mr. and Mrs. Phillips were present­ ed with a lovely medicine cabinet on a talent show October 18th and the public is invited to attend. for their bathroom. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson and Mrs Harry Wood returned early last week from Twin Falls, where Mr and Mrs. George Wilson of she had gone to attend the funeral Caldwell had dinner with Mr. and of her brother-in-law three weeks Mrs. Baxter Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell spent ago. Mrs. Woods had stayed in the week-end at Harper, Oregon Twin Falls to be with her sister. Mr and Mrs. Leon Burt helped with Mr. and Mrs. O. Creswick and to celebrate the birthday of Miss family. Candle Phillips Sunday. Little Miss Jean Blakesley and Terry attend­ Phillips was three years old. ed the College of Idaho-Williamette The Nu-Acres Grange initiated university football game at Cald­ well Saturday night with Mr. and two members Thursday evening. The Nu-Acres Grange booster program was held September 28 at an open meeting, preceded by a pot luck dinner. The program and din­ ner under the leadership of the lecturer, Cecil Evans, and the home economics chairman. Mrs. Emma I Orcutt, were well received. After j the dinner the officers marched to their places in drill formation. Fol­ lowing the formal presentation of | the flug and the salute. Master Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho Frank Nedbalek introduced Past I Master Paul Thomson, who gave the address of welcome. The meet- Diminiuk Si*i*im*H Arabian Stallion DR. G.W. CRAVES TH URSDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1949_ ¡Mrs. O'Neil Holloway of Ontario. Lloyd Seuell returned from a deer hunting trip Thursday. ! Mr. and Mrs. M. C. SeueU and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grasmick went i to Plymouth Slope to attend a water [ users meeting Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and son, Fred, and Mrs. Howard Pever- ley drove here from Raylins, Wy­ oming to spend a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Thom­ son. While here they took a drive to Payette lakes and returned home Sunday. Jimmie Durrington entertained several of his friends Saturday af­ ternoon at a birthday party. Dale Montague invited nine boys and girls for a hay ride Saturday evening. They enjoyed a weiner and marshmallow roast before re­ turning home. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Durrington were business visitors in Caldwell Thursday. The F. F. A. dairy judging team, consisting of Wayne Durrington, Leroy Shaw and Lester Parker, with their coach, Mr. Hansen, returned from Waterloo, Iowa Sunday. They brought back the silver emblem for their judging. Henry Blanchard and LeRoy Bar­ ney returned from a deer hunt. There were five in the party and they returned with four deer. Ed Meroney and Sam Johnson returned from their hunt but report no deer as did George Wilson, Bob Shaw and Frank Preston. on the coast the past week. Couple Leave For Mrs. La Vern Cleaver acccmp- Visit In Mill-West | allied her mother. Mrs. John Bowen, BUENA VISTA. Oct. 13—Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliif leit last week lor an extended trip to Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois. Alvin Cleaver and James O. Stephens were members oi the Nyssa F. F. A. Judging t* .m who attended the Picilic International Livestock Exposition at Portland. Jim Ritchie built a well house for George Cleaver. Mr. Cleaver has installed a new pressure water sys­ tem. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell re­ turned last week from a visit to Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska. Mrs. George Cleaver and Mrs. Alva Goodell attended a meeting ol the Home Economics club at the Oscar Kurtz home Thursday after­ noon. Mr and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Glendia were in Fruitland Thusday. Those from this district hunting deer the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver, Ray Griffitts, Claude Day, Hubert Parker, John Dewey, Alva Goodell, Jr„ Delbert Leonard and Alvie Cleaver and Pete Merrick. Alvin and Lester Cleaver killed deer. Alva Goodell spent several days to Boise Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Gary and Brian were in Payette Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and Robert and Mrs. S. B. Hoffman were in Caldwell Thursday. S. B. Hoffman is taking a crop report for the reclamation bureau. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brooks and family were in Caldwell Saturday. -W A N T E D - Man. Married or Single. Steady W ork For Right Party W ork Requires No Smokers Watts Seed Co. Phone 144-J Nyssa or 74, Parma We Are Now Available For Land Lev­ eling. Sub-Soiling. Dragline Work MISFIT TUESDAY, OCT. 18—9 P. M. C. E. L E S E B E R G t N YSSA Belt GYM N ASIU M Sponsored by Second Ward L. D. S. GIRLS COMMITTEE Benefit Building Fund Free Estimates Free Installation Meuller Furnaces- Link DANCE Stokers Prizes For Best Misfit And Booby SHANE'S FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA N yssa F urniture G o . Adm : $1 Per Couple, Inc. Tax Phone 149-W Estimates Gladly Given GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING Soilaid-Fertilizer and Soil Builder Produce^ at Cody. Wyo. and sold by dealers in every town in the valley. This fo o d clean product composed o f minerals valuable to the soil, including a guarantee of HO'/; sulphur and not more than 5% moisture is proving to be much better than if we used 100'; sulphur, as all o f the minerals contained in soilaid are soluable with the exception of 3V4%. T .». i» H fN fr I. u n o », ABC Natwoik. tvary Monday awn mg. Come lo o k a t A tt Three W e have shown a sound colored film over the Boise V alley many times that was made by the University o f Mo., under the supervision o f Dr. Wm. Albrecht, one o f the most famous soil scientists in the U. S. This picture was paid for by the Phillips fit) Petroleum Co. Dr. A lbrecht shows us how the soil was broken dow n by nature from rock and that it origin- ially contained 5' . minerals, such as arc contained in Soilaid, but that we have mined the soil rather than have managed it— that w e have been interested in tonnage and not in nutritional value. This picture shows how the crippled children are the results o f lack of minerals in the s o i l - lie says this is not theory but facts, arrived at over 30 years of experim ent­ ations a nation is as strong as it’s soil is rich we are what w e eat. The very fine crops produced, the wonderful flavor and to know that we are follow ing the plan outlined by the Soil Conservation by growing the crops to be plow ed under to produce organic matter and nitrogen in the soil. w ith D yn a flow D rive O NLY one make of car in all the land can give you the sweet 'n' easy luxury of Dynaflow Drivef—and that's Buick. C od y —Soilaid Gutberlet Laboratories Sc attic, Report No 8576 Free Sulphur Moisture Loss Iron & Aluminum Magnesium Sulphates (combined Sulphur) Carbonates 13 44 685 .90 .52 35 69 1 114 S Analysis as shown by prospectus recently issued by the Union Seed Co. Free Sulphur 20.35 Moisture loss 11.00 Aluminum .13 Magnesium .11 Sulphur Trioxide_____________ 24.73 Calcium Oxide Silica (sand) Soil Sulphaid as w ell as soilaid has been producing fine results in the west and in some cast's beet yields Sulphur Free and Combined 36.95 Moisture guaranteed not to exceed 5‘ .', Please* look over these two analysis You w ill get good results from both. have been doubled, as w ell as other products. If you would like to have the picture “ The Other Side O f The Fence” show n at any o f your meetings, or if you wish any inform ation or a pros­ pectus relative to the use o f Soilaid— Write to H. J. Adam s, Agent, Caldwell. Idaho Addrsas 1005 Main S trsst—Phone 1772 , Why be among the late-comers? Your Buick dealer will be tickled to show you how quickly and how easily you can have Dynaflow to enjoy— right now! , B IT C H a lo n e hatt a ll th en e fe a tu r e » standard equipment on that magnificent R oadmaster . with matchless ride, the stirring lift truly regal size and And of course Dynaflow is buy among fine cars, the There combines, of Fireball horsepower and best it 150 hearing. S , S and R S,Ik .mooMi I iu o d o n d tu S O A P M A S T tS . w o o l . / « > / , . m is A DYNAFLOW ODIVI* • FUU-VIIW VISION from onlargnd • SWING-EASY 00 0*1 and oaty otcott • “ LIVING STACI" INTTBIOSS mth Doop-Cradlo euthont o Buoyant-riding QUADSUFUX COIL SWINGING • Urol, NRfRAU STRAIGHT. EIGHT POWER w,Hi SSLf-SITTING VALVt u r r m t l Dynaflow Moduli) p h i ML POISED ENGINE MOUNTINGS o low-protwro hroi on SAPETY-RIOE »IMS • OoubN Outy VINTITOSTS • D U S IX BIASIN G S, main and connoti,ng rodi o gioii oroo , S o look at the pecial the uper oadmaster three Buicks that match almost any price range you have in mind—and remember that all of them offer the added enjoyment of Dynaflow Drive. 17.25 23 62 Potassium A S»xhum 296 25 90 Calcium Oxides Silica (sand)__________________ 236 S You can have it, again as optional equipment, on the neat and nimble uper with its sleek lines, 110 or 120 horsepower Fireball power plant, and triple Ventiports. Tharmopolia— Soil Sulphald Wash . Dec. 8th . 1847 Sooner or later we predict that you’ll join the army of car owners who wouldn’t think of passing up what Dynaflow has to offer. Y o u can have Dynaflow as optional equipment on the tidy, Buick pecial with its traflic-handy roominess, and bold new front-end treatment. sparkling new size, stepped-up to atci V alu t On every one it is the same silky, sweet-handling delight. On every one it cuts driving effort to the minimum, takes tension out o f traffic, brings you to the end of day-long drives with surprising freshness and relaxation. But look how much territory that takes in —how many different-sized budgets can now afford the only drive with neither a clutch pedal nor gears that shift. There are two deposits in W yoming containing almost the same min­ erals for the reason that they both originated in the Y ellow stone Park and was carried out with the hot sulphur water. One is produced at Cody, Wyo. and known as Soilaid the other is produced at Thermopolis, Wyo. and is culled Soil Sulphuid. W e are showing the analysis of both products for your information. You t Key G k •oor av „ SL'FES o o d S M C J A L mtJtU. fisHts *SAmdwd m SOADUASTtl. i p w o l ol mdro end on SUFCt and S flC IA l l SEE and HEAR V mmd f I N A » Ili M V-PM- H L rrrry IXoruiay on TtUtiuan Ä le Whmm » p i k t ■ Ä ni « m *»» m r ' m rm bulli UliCK will build lb mut ------ Roberts Nyssa, Inc. 2nd STREET AND GOOD AVE. k