Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6. 1949 S n r in l E lite s WARD HOLDS SOCIAL Officers and teachers of the first ward M. I. A. held its opening soc ial Tuesday evening at the Nyssa recreation hall, with President Don Moss acting as master of ceremon ies. Mrs. Taft Pett gave a reading; Lyle Cottle played a trumpet solo; and Grant Evans sang two solos, with Miss Mary Lou Schenk as ac companist. At intermission Carolee Bingham sang two solos, accompan ied by Miss Carlene Jones. Music for dancing was furnished by Shan e’s orchestra. Mrs D. O. Bybee, re cently appointed music director for the stake Mutuals, was present. PUPILS DANCE AT PARMA Several of the students of the La- Frawn Dancing school of Nyssa ap peared as guests at a studio recital given in Parma Monday evening under the direction of Miss Phyllis Hadley and Mrs. D. O. Bybee and daughter, Nannette. The Misses Roxie Lou and Letha Kay Woodard BINGO PARTY Saturday, October 15 Veterans Hall V. F. W . Members And Guests Invited ! played a piano duet and danced with Charlene Reese and Sherry Hendricks. Miss Phyllis Bair sang “Home Made Love," composed by Mrs. Bybee. Joan and Jean Baker and Lynda Myrick sang a trio. The Misses Nannette Bybee and Loraine Fischer danced an original tap composed by Nannette. Miss Hadley gave her sixth performance Of “Put Yer Shoes On Lucy". The girls have been professionally train ed In a dancing school at Boise. Fourteen Parma students presented Indian dances, vocal solos, and bal let and song and tap numbers, all accompanied by Mrs. Bybee. Eu gene Hadley operated the spotlight and Mrs. Hadley received the guests. The studio recital closed the summer course held at Parma dur ing the past three months. For prelude music Mrs. Bybee played four of her original compositions on the electric solo-vox. forums during the morning and af ternoon sessions. During the morning session, Mrs. George DeHaven. county goals chairman, discussed some of the goals, which Include the education of parents, concern for the child’s health, every child in school, vot ing, church attendance and a safety program. Other state officers in attendance were Mrs. Harold Decker, Mrs. John Carroll and Mrs. Jesse Rigney, state chairman, and Mrs. Charles French, Union county P. T. A. president. The meetings were presided over by Jklrs. W. W. Foster, Malheur pres ident. Coffee was served to the group at 10 a. m. by Mrs. Carlos Buchner and Mrs. K. E. Keveren and a lunch was served at noon by Mrs. Buchner, ivirs. R. W. Bolitho and Mrs. Ron Whitaker. LEGION SOCIAL HELD Members of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars and tne auxiliaries of the two groups met last Thursday evening for a social evening at the Veterans hall. Bingo was played throughout the evening followed by the serving of refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Ker- mit Llenkaemper and Bob Talbot served on the committee arranging the affair. METHODIST CIRCLES MEET Two circles of the women's soci ety of the Methodist church met last Thursday afternoon for their regular monthly meetings. The Dorcas circle met at the home of Mrs. Robert Smith, Sr„ with 16 members present. During the bus iness meeting, with Mrs. David Beers, presiding, plans were made for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner and bazaar. A duet was sung by Mrs. Too Late To Classify FOR SALE—Fat hens dressed and ready for lockers at 50 cents per pound. Phone 023R5. 6olxp CARD OF THANKS W e icish to th u n k th e m a n y citizen s tcho h elp ed ivitli th e Ra f f l e cam ¡align w hich has ju s t en d ed . W ith o u t th e h elp o f th e citizens w ho whole- Miss June Savage and Mark Hartley, both of Nyssa, who were married by Bishop Earl Winiger of Ontario in a ceremony performed in the Methodist church in Nyssa September 18, honeymooned in the eastern States. (Estano photo) h ea rtly co operated an d d o n a te d th e ir tim e an d m o n e y , th e Ra f f l e c o u ld n o t have been th e success th a t it teas. D ue to y o u r h elp th e H ospital f u n d is e n rich ed b y so m e 8 3 ,2 0 0 . Our Sincere THANKS TO YOU I ur goods are sure Your heart to win. No matter how They're "broken-in." Residential - Commercial Wiring The Raffle Committee Nyssa Chamber of Commerce 'Je C O M PA N Y SERVICE CAilSi, PHONE 111M H I-W A Y 20 No NYSSA, IT HAPPENS EVERY PA S fMIS SUV.Í I 5 ^ N A WOWDÍCFUi. CAT2 Y O U B O U G H T LAST . S U M M E R , POP, l - W HAT A A PAGE SEVEN By PLOTNER / CARS VO N T RUH ON X [ TM t\R REPUTATION. SON. G O O D PTQfOVAAANCi IN 1 AN T CAO. 15 DUE OA/tV 7Ö, \ REGULAR SERT ICING/. \PERT0RMANC£') fM /S MAS 0 E E N O U 72. PN/LoSoPHV to r . v e a r s . 00/A iâ VOU12 C A TZ 7b OU12 S E R V I C E D IV I ■FOTZ 7ÏEGULA T¿ S E R V IC IN G » k / bbcau nappi MOTOR ¿0. , b o x 137 MVSSA.Oiwta* VMOUt 7 7 j Melvin Spitz and Mrs. Ben Mc Connell. Mrs. George Coleman had charge of the devotions and pro gram. The Mary and Martha circle met at the home of Mrs. Harlan Roger j at the Owyhee junction. During j the business meeting, Mrs. Carlos Buchner, General chairman for the pre-Thanksgiving dinner and ba:» aar, announced the chairman to work on the affair. Mrs. Henry Hartley had charge of the devot ions. Mrs. Tom Hishitani, accomp anied by Mrs. Buchner, sang "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings”. Mrs. Dennis Patch had charge of the program on “Our Faith”. Refresh ments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Homer Lane. ENTERTAIN CLUB Mr. and Mrs. George Henneman entertained the members of their bridge club at their home Sunday evening. Prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner. Mr. and Mrs. George Bracken were guest players. - 5 - BRIDGE HOSTESS Mrs. Campbell Baer entertained the members of the Tuesday after noon bridge club last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Burnall Brown. Mrs. Bernard Frost held high score and Mrs. Burnull Brown, second high. Mrs. Ron Campbell and Mrs. A. H. Boydell were guest players. BRIDGE CLUBS PLAY On Tuesday evening three even ing bridge clubs were in play. Mrs. Hugh Tobler entertained her club at her home with prizes going to Mrs. Wayne Morris and Mrs. Robert Wilson for higli and second high, and to Mrs. Frell Blair for travel ing prize. Mrs. Morris was a guest player. Mrs. A. H. Boydell entertained the members of her club with Mrs. George Mitchell as a guest player. Prizes for high scores went to Mrs. Henry Hartley and Mrs. Ed Frost. Another bridge hostess was Mrs. Ron Whitaker who had as her guests, Mrs. Clyde Snider and Mrs. K. E. Keveren. High score was held by Mrs. Snider and second high by Mrs. Keveren. WANTED—Holstein and Guernsey springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and Noel Owartney. Phone 306. Ontario. Across from the Ontario sales yard. fiotfc FOR SALE—One Jersey cow, milks 5 gallons; 3, 2-year old Guernsey heifers, 1 whiteface heifer, 16 months; 1 Holstein bull, 1 year, 3 MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices paid for slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, phone 30«, Ontario. Across from Ontario Sales yard. fiotfc LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF ELECTION STATE OF OREOON, County of Malheur, Owyhee Irrigation Dis trict. NOW HEREBY IS OIVEN, That an election has been called and will be held in the Owyhee Irrigation District, Malheur County, Oregon, on Tuesday the 8th day of Novemb er 1949. for the purpose of electing one (1) Director in said District to serve for the term of three (3) years, and that said Director is to be elected from the District at large. Said election will be held between the hours of 8:00 o’clock a. m. and 5:00 o’clock p. m. of said 8th day of November, 1949, when the polls must be closed. The Board of Directors of the Owyhee Irrigation District has de signed the residence of Frank Ca hill at the southeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 27. Township 19 South, Range 46 E. W. M. In Malheur County, Oregon within said District, as the place where said election shall be held. Dated the 6th day of October, 1949. Last date November 3, 1949. HAROLD HENIOSON, Secretary Owyhee Irrigation Dis trict. show you the P. T. A. GROUP MEETS The annual school of instruction of the Malheur county council of the Parent-Teacher association was held last Saturday at the Nyssa high school. Members from eight associations gathered to hear Mrs. Jenelle Moor head discuss the program, and the duties of the officers of the P. T. A., Which were discussed in round tablé FARIN AI! CUB! Make a date for a demonstration your farm today I Watch for this live-wire ”CUB«er" in your neighborhood. He’» driving a shiny red Farmail Cub tractor—with a trailer full of modern Cub implements hooked behind. When you see him— stop him and make a date for a demonstration right on your Visit Our Complete Hearing Aid SALES and SERVICE I own place/ At Regular Monthly This young hustler will be happy to show you the Farmail Cub "complete power-farming package"— and ahow you how you can put it to work to increase your profits I That’s hit jobs With no obligation . So invite him in. Or call us and say, "Send a CUBster right away!” And ask him fur the free full-of-facts booklet, "Farm ing with the Farmail Cub.” SONOTONE HEARING CENTER Wednesday, October 12 Hours 2:00 1*. M. to 5:00 P. M. Arrowhead Motor Court OW YHEE BATTERIES FOR AI.L MAKES O F AIDS or Write SONOTONE OF BOISE 214 N. 9th St., Boise, Idalio TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. PHONE 245 Your International McCormick-Deering Hqts. Nyssa, O regon OVER 3 0 0 VIEW-MASTER STEREOSCOPIC PICTURE REELS NOW AVAILABLE Now you can select your View- Master Reels from a list of more than 300 subjects. Educational and enter taining for the whole family. Enjoy the startling three-dimensional real ism of full color stereoscopic pictures showing England, Switzerland, Ha waii, North, Central and South America, Animals, Fairy Tales, Flow ers. See full-color pictures that “come to life.” Over 2100 stereoscopic, full- color Kodachrome View-Master pic tures now available on 7-scene Reels, interchangeable in View-Master or Projector. MARRIED IN NEVADA Miss Arlene Piercy, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy and Guy 8parks. son of Mr. and Mrs Art Sparks were united in marriage in Winnemucca, Nevada, last Frl- | day. Miss Sparks had attended the j Nampa business college since her | graduation from high school at Adrian last spring. The young couple, both residents of the Adrian community will reside near Adrian, where Mr Sparks Is employed by the Bob Webster Oil station. -5 - Henneman Hardware Company FOR SALE—Milk cows, Ouernsey, Holstein and Jerseys. Milkers and springers. Phone Noel Owartney. Phone 306, Ontario. Across from Nyssa Sales yard. fiotfc CUBster" -s- Store away next winter’s comfort NOW. Assure yourself of warm, luxurious sleeping, under a General Electric Automatic Blanket. Join the Happy Sleepers Club and . . . for only a few cents down and easy payments throughout the summer. . . your G-E Automatic Blanket will be paid for by Fall. See us now about joining the Happy Sleepers Club. FOR RENT—Basement room for a man, in quiet home. Phone 141-J. fiotfc Let thi s y o u n g hour for members of the Rebekah and Odd Fellow lodges. Those from Nyssa who participated were Mrs. Louise Wernick as vice chairman, Mrs. Harry Kingrey as outside guardian, and Mrs. C. H. Bennett as inside guardian. Mrs. Louise Wernick of Nyssa was chosen as chairman to head the 1950 list of officers. CHURCH GROUPS MEET The groups of the Women's Coun cil of the Christian church met last I Thursday. Thirteen members of i one group met at the home of Mrs. Henry Storm and twelve members of the other group met at the home of Mrs Roy Barnes. Devotions were held and the groups worked on their projects. Your promise of happy stooping comfort all next winter. young calves. Arlan Haroldson, 114 mile north Owyhee corner. fiotfc MONDAY CLUB MEETS Mrs. Oene Stunz entertained the members of her Monday afternoon bridge club at her home last week. Prizes went to Mrs Lloyd Wilson and Mrs. Albert McKimmey. Mrs McKimmey was a guest player. -5 - ATTEND REBEKAH CONVENTION Thirteen members of the local Re- bekah Assembly attended the dist rict convention held in Ontario last Saturday afternoon and evening. | A regular schedule of program was 1 held during the afternoon, and a bar quet was held at 6 30 in the Home Economics room of the high school. A short Rebekah meeting took place at • p m fol’ wed by a social R tfL S, 1 5 . M .h l O w yh ee Drug Co. G. H. Peirsol Phone 255 W Idaho Powar Bldg. 1 for »1.00 S T IR I0 4 C 0 F I »100 PLASTIC HORARY BOX »I-U