Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1949)
THE NYSSA. GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6. 1949 PAGE SIX Visitors From Boosi-vt'll, L'tali NU-ACRES. Oct. 6— Mr and Mrs I E. Blanchard. Mr and Mrs Arlo B lanch»'d and baby .son David, and Irene Blanchard were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs Henry Blanchard. They are from Roosevelt, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. I. E Blanchard are Henry Blanchard's parents and Arlo and Irene Blanch ard his brother and sister They spent three days vUitlng before re turning home. Visitors last week at the Bob Johnson home were Mr and Mrs. W O Bailey o f Central Point and Mrs Leon Bailey and children of Portland, Oregon. Little Nonnle Bailey had the misfortune to break her arm while here. Henry Blanchard and Leroy Bar ney left Monday for Elk City to hunt elk They were accompanied by friends from New Plymouth. Kendall Barney returned to his home in San Francisco after visit ing several weeks with the Blanch ard family. Mr and Mrs Roy Lobb visited their daughter. Mrs Jake Schafer of Caldwell on Sunday Mr and Mrs. Fred Zemmer and family of Sandy, Oregon were vis itors at the home of Mr and Mrs, Harley Sager last week Mr. and Mrs. M C. Seuell. Lloyd Seuell, and Betty Blrkskisk of Par ma had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Seuell of Nyssa. The dinner was In honor of Mr. Seuell’s birthday. Mr and Mrs Harley Sager and family of this community were a- mong the many who attended the Baptist church dinner at Clarence Keller’s home In Payette 8unday. Mrs Sam Phillips and children | of Nyssa were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnson. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Moll and family and Mr and Mrs. Leon Fair banks of BoLse were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Hawley. Oeorge Smit, Sr., and John and Oeorge Smlt, Jr., attended the fun eral of Charles Greenbank. Gorden and Elmer Oreenbank are former I schoolmates of John and Oeorge Smit. Several families of this commun ity attended the Hospital benefit dance at Nyssa on Saturday night. Mrs. Alex Winn and small son were badly burned Sunday by scald- j ing water. M r and Mrs. Oeorge Smit, Sr., will leave Wednesday for Portland, Seattle and other places of Inter est along the way. Mr. and Mrs Cecil Evans left for a trip through the Northwest and will visit relatives while en route. Mr. and Mrs. George Grasmick and Dick visited at Marsing Sunday at the Levi Olson home. Mrs. Julius Fields and Mrs. Merle Thomson went with several women DR. G. W. GRAVES Optometrist ATTENTION Eyes Examined Phone 720 718 Arthur St. BEET TRUCK OWNERS COLD WEATHER IS COMING. Caldwell, Idaho GET THAT BROKEN OR MISSING GLASS REPLACED AT OUR SHOP -W A N T E D - Man. Married or Single. We Install Glass In Any Make or Model Steady Work For Right Party Truck Or Car Work Requires No Nyssa Auto Body Shop Smokers Walls Seed Co. Phone ¡44-J Nyssa or 74, Parma Phone 107-W Tun» In HENRY J. TAYLOR, ABC Ntlwoik, »v»iy Monday w n in g . W hatever th e P rice C lass SKK W HKAR • M t 't it f t ! » imam i n / n n y \ ii m Alterni Pacific International ARC AD IA, Oct. 6—Those going deer hunting from here were. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and Wilma and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Math- erly, Lee Dail, George Moeller, Bob McKinney, George Hust, Nor man Hipp, Mr. and Mrs. Jo in Zit- tercob, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zitter- cob, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Behymer and son. Mrs. Behymer and son Mrs. Otis Bullard and Bob M cK in ney returned home Sunday evening with no deer. Larry Dowers of Madras. Oregon was an overnight kuest of Don ald Bullard one night last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bowers and family of Kingman Kolony were re cent visitors in the Clyde Bowers home. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wagner of Eugene, Oregon visited friends here last week. They also visited their son, Mr. and Mrs. Lealand Wagner and their new granddaughter at Gooding, Idaho. They were over night guests with Mr. Wagner’s niece, Mrs. Ellis Warner and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Wagner moved to Eugene from Arcadia three-years ago after selling their farm here. Mrs. Anna Dali spent the week end in Nyssa with Mrs. Lee Dail and sons. Mr and Mrs. Fred Schilling and family visited In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Recla recently. Miss Belva Hunter spent the week-end with Miss Betty Bullard. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Marastlca of Parma, Idaho visited recently in the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schilling. Joan Matherly spent the week end in the home of her sister, Mrs, Ronald Schoen and Mr. Schoen in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Feik and Francis and Jone, Mrs. Fay Corn and Virginia left October 6 for Portland, where they will attend the P a cific International Livestock show. Miss Beulah Corn of Nampa spent the week-end here in her home. The Arcadia Sunshine club met September 23 at the home of Mrs. L. E. Robbins for their first fall meeting, with 8 members present. Mrs. Jake Groot and Mrs. Fred Schilling were appointed during the business meeting to attend the meeting in Ontario September 30 on topics, “ food for entertaining. The next club meeting will be O ct ober 14 at the home of Mrs. Jake Groot. \ -s v - r e g - jii Q uarter Horse Is Bought By Tensens n try 1 fun *tu y un I r in n u n I from Fruitland to the Welser can- i nery last week to help can prune jam for the Fruitland school lunch program. I Mr. and Mrs Harry Hopper of | Pocatello were Friday and Saturday guests at the Bill and George Gras mick homes. Mr. and Mrs Jack Gumsey, Mrs. H. P. Ostenniller and Bob Cicle of Fruitland and Mr and Mrs. Harry Hopper of Pocatello were Thursday evening visitors at the BUI and George Orasmick homes. The Nu- Acres Grange held a community pot luck dinner at their hall last Wednesday evening and following the dinner held their Booster Night Program. The State Grange Master, George Hersley gave an Interesting talk on Grange work, this was followed by several readings and musical numbers. Mr and Mrs. George Grasmick and Dick were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek and Donna on Saturday of last week. t ' s part of every street scene—something you see every day. (á ir owners in three different price classes —all happy about the same tiling. One of them drives a new Buiek S pecial , which you see poking forth its new, hold-look forefront at the left of our picture. Another will tell you there's nothing like the St fi r ' s “happy medium" of size and comfort, power and easy handling, style and standing. And if you’re looking for prestige, where is >our money going to buy so much as in that handsome 18-footer, the R o a DMASTKR, with its 150-lip performance and really royal bearing? I here s no ride quite so soft and cushiony as the Buiek ride, whatever the siz.e and series. I here’s no power quite so satisfyingly lively as Block's high-compression, hit’ll- pressure Fireball power. Above all, there’s no “buy" like a Buiek — no ear that gives you such a rich dollar's worth of smartness, handling, comfort and liveliness for every dollar you pay. So why not look the whole line over? Vour Buiek dealer has these grand travel-mates in a baker’s dozen of different body types and sizes. Start your shopping in his show room—and you II find that even on delivery he has exactly what you want. a lu n e h a a a l l I heta» fr a tu r e n /If I f i t SJI tmuuH, D1MAHQW O R IVI» But all these good folks get together on this: C O LUM BIA AVE. Oct. 6—Last week Mr and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Neil and Carolyn returned from a trip to Cheyenne. Wyoming, where they attended the quarter horse sale at the King Merrit ranch. Mrs. Tensen purchased a registered quarter horse. Mr and Mrs. Melvin Jensen re turned recently from a trip to the eastern states. Several farmers went deer hunt ing over the week-end. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. John Broad. Darwin Jensen and Edward C Larsson. Mrs Gertrude Atkinson of G len dale, California vLslted at the home of her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Jake Oroot recently. Mr and Mrs Grant Rinehart. Mrs Dick Tensen of Nyssa. Mrs Bob Peterson o f Cleveland, Ohio and Mrs. Dick Groot returned W ed nesday night from a two-weeks va cation trip to southern California While there they visited relatives in I m s Angeles. San Fernando, San Dtago. Glendale and San Francisco. Mr and Mrs. La Vern Montgom ery and daughters left last week for Klamath Falls Mr and Mrs. Clayton Jensen and family of Nyssa returned this week from a few days hunting trip to Summit Prairie. While there they stayed at the C. M Tensen summer . fu u - V lfW V IIIO N I-urn n lo tg rl gima n o • IWIMO . U l r 0O O *S « ' UVINO W-4CI IMTWKMS » » D m , C m * , en feu » • K u r ani o<fe><¡ QUADRUtUX COM W RINOm O r i lM A U *r«A M H T. HONT FO W M „ih H I ß - HTTWO V A IV I UT W M (DvM>fe>. Mufeli I pfei M T O IflS MOUNT INO I . low p i t m km m Ui . «oc» »r * '* < • « M in r - IIM h vor« MAU • Po »» » Duty VtNTIFOgTl • DURIX ( I A I I M U ■ oinowo m mwwni. ,woi » m u m smi «n grew n o . h r ! i r r mmimmmhllrm m rr »m i l l H l 11 H w ill » m ild Ik r m Roberts Nyssa, Ine. 2nd STR EE T A N D G O O D A V E . Free Estimates Free Installation N yssa F urniture C o . Phone 149-W ! home. Ronald and Donald each | killed a deer, a three and a four I pointer. Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Fife, Mr. and Mrs. John Broad and Dick Tensen returned Monday with deer I which they shot near Unity. Pete de Leeuer left Sunday m om - \ ing for Summitt Prairie. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot enter tained at cards and tea Sunday afternoon for the following couples: Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman of Newell Heights, Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon TraU, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tenson, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot of Apple VaUey and Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma. Tw o tables of Whist were in play during the afternoon. Nyssa Girls Entertain Veterans— The Misses Nannette Bybee%and Phyllis Hadley were guests on two programs last week In Boise at the Boise Veterans Hospital and at the Boise high school. To Boise— Mrs. Katherine Daly, mother of Mrs. J. L. Herriman, who has spent the summer at the Herriman home, went to Boise on Sunday to be with another daughter, Mrs. M. S. Ayres. W e Are Now A vailable For Land Lev eling, Sub-Soiling, Dragline Work C. E. L E S E B E R G Phone 257-W Meuller Fum aces- Link Belt Stokers Estimates G ladly Given GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho PUBLIC DAIRY SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 Located 1 mile north and 3 3A miles west of Nyssa; on Columbia Ave. 25 Head Jersey Dairy Cattle 1— Registered lersey bull, Chief Volunteer Duke, No. 495051, calved Sept. 26, 1946, sure breeder. 1— lersey cow, Goldie, 6 yrs. old, 40 lbs. milk now, fresh March 6. 1— lersey cow, Red, 4 yrs. old, 30 lbs milk now, freshen March 1. 1— lersey cow, Dolly, 6 yrs. old, heavy springer, 35 lbs. when fresh. 1— lersey cow, Bess, 3 yrs. old, will calve by sale day, 40 lbs. milk. 1— lersey cow, Nellie, 4 yrs. old, 20 lbs. milk now, freshen Feb. 20. 1— lersey cow, Tiny, 3 yrs. old, 20 lbs. milk now, freshen Feb. 15. 1— lersey cow, Brindle, 3 yrs. old, 32 lbs. milk now, freshen April 13. 1— lersey cow, Betsy, 3 yrs. old, 17 lbs. milk now, freshen March 5. 1— lersey cow, Elsie, 4 yrs. old, 12 lbs. milk now, freshen Feb. 13. 1— lersey heifer, 2 yrs. old, fresh by sale day. 1— lersey heifer, 2 yrs. old, freshen Oct. 16. 1— lersey heifer, 2 yrs. old, freshen late October. 1— lersey heifer, 17 mo. old, freshen in May, 1950. 1— lersey heifer, 18 mo. old, freshen in May, 1950. 1— lersey heifer, 15 mo. old, not bred. 1— lersey heifer, 14 mo. old, not bred. 1— lersey heifer, 12 mo. old, not bred. 4— lersey heifers, 7 mo. old, vaccinated for Bang's. 1— lersey heifer, 5 mo. old, vaccinated for Bang's. 1— lersey heifer, 3 mo. old, vaccinated for Bang's. 1— Jersey steer, 14 mo. old, fat. 1— Four-can rubber-tired milk cart. 8— Ten-gal. milk cans. 1400— Bales first and second crop alfalfa hay; good, clean hay; wire tied. Herd teat. 4.3 to S.5. If in th* market for good cow«, plan to attend this sale. All cows tested for T. B. and aborti«n recently. SALE STARTS AT 1 O'CLOCK TERMS— Cash. JANES MALLOY, Owner i Auctioneer«— Col. Bert Andereon end Col. Joe Church Clerk— L. H. FrUta