THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1949 PAGE SIX Social i\,ntcs kneeled In mediation after the cere- ; ion bearing the rings. Anita Lou Bernard Frost and his sister, Mrs. beth i Betty I Moore became the 1 money Mrs Wycoff then sang, Chadwick scattered rose petals from Stanley Brown of Boise The din­ bride of Clarence Holdt Jacobson. I "The Lord’s Prayer". a white wicker basket, tied with ner table was centered by a beauti­ The ceremony was performed by the The bride was lovely In a white orchid bows of ribbon on either fully decorated cake sent from bride's father, Rev. Henry E. Moore, lace gown, over slipper satin hoop i side She wore an orchid taffetta Blackfoot. Idaho by a friend of Mrs. who was assisted by Rev. J. Boyd 8 with long train. The bodice gown covered with white net. with .Stanley Brown Patterson of Portland. The bride, PROMINANT NYSSA COUPLE skirt, was fitted, having a marquisette ruffled neck line and a large bow Members of the family who were who was given in marriage by Jesse WED yoke, held together with tiny on the back of her waist line. guests for the dinner were Mr and Eaton, a close friend of the family, One of the most Impressive wed­ neck white buttons. Her finger-tip veil The bride’s mother chose a teal i Mrs. L. B Findling and family and wore a satin gown made with a long ding ceremonies of the season was was held in place by white flower blue afternoon frock, with black ac­ Mr and Mrs W F Findling of train, with a fingertip veil. She held Sunday at 4 o'clock In the brocaded Juliet cap, borrowed from and wore a double gar­ Nyssa,; Mrs C. C. McVicker of carried a white Bible on which was Methodist church when June Sav­ i Mrs Oene Stunz and Mrs. Prank cessories denia corsage with pink rosebuds. Echo. Mr and Mrs. 8tanley Brown placed a lavender orchid with white age, daughter of Mr and Mrs Da­ Morgan J r . who each wore the cap ; The s mother chose a black and Mrs. Ruth Marie Joles and streamers mon W. Savage, and Mark E Hart­ at the time of their marriage. She crepe groom’ dress with side drapes, with baby of Boise, and Mrs Bess Brown Mrs. John Downer, matron of ley, son of Mr. and Mrs Sam Hart­ wore white satin slippers to match, an ornamental belt of rhinestones. and Mrs. J. W. McDowell of Twin honor, wore a gown of yellow taf­ ley. were united In marriage, with and carried an orchid corsage, en­ wore a rhinestone neck piece Falls. feta and the bridesmaids. Miss Wil­ L. D S. Bishop Earl Winegar of circled with white carnations, and ( She with earrings to match. Callers during the afternoon were ma Jackson of Vale and Miss Kath­ Ontario performing the double tied with a white satin bow The three-tier cake was elabor- Mr and Mrs. Allen Brown of Port­ leen Miller of Portland, wore similar ring ceremoney. Mr Hartley’s attendant was a ately decorated with frosted white land, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown and dresses of pale green taffeta. All Mrs. Carlos Buchner played a fraternity brother, Robert De Shaz- | lattice work with yellow rases, and daughter of Fruitland. Cecil Find- carried old-fashioned nosegays of aeries of melodies on the piano as er, and the ushers were the bride’s white wedding bells snuggled a- of Conrad, Iowa and Mr. and white gladioli and white and pink u prelude. Mrs Dwight Wyckoff of two brothers. David and John Sav­ round the bottom of each layer. ling Mrs. L. W. Brainard and daughter. asters. Baker, wearing an off the-shoulder age; Ray Bybee and Tom Moore. A miniature bride and groom stood Beverly The candles were lighted by Don­ of Payette. gown of pink chiffon trimmed with Matron of honor was the bride’s on a musical turn-table In front of na Peterson, who wore a white or­ black lace, with double gardenia ! sister, Mrs. Verne Chadwick, who a mirrored heart. Mrs. James Sav­ GIRL MARRIES gandy with blue dots and Margaret corsage, sang "At Dawning" and was lovely in a mine green taffeta age cut and Mrs. John Savage serv­ At ADRIAN a ceremony performed Satur­ Bennett, who wore a white organdy "Because", accompanied by Mrs. gown with fitted bodice and edged ed, the cake on gold napkins, on day evening. September 17, at 8;3D I with pink dots. Buchner The Mlssess Mary Lou ; skirt and gold slippers. 8he car­ which were engraved the couples the Kingman Memorial Com­ Earl Faw of Vale was best man, Schenk and Elaine Peterson, wear­ ried a red rose corsage tied with first names. Mrs. Fred Savage at munity church, Miss Sarah Elize- and Darrell Standage and William ing baby blue satin formats, lighted i wide orchid satin ribbons. There poured the punch from a large crys­ wlth Mrs. Earl Faw, Mrs Jeff Eaton McNaulty were ushers. the 14 tall white candles, which were four bridesmaids, the groom'il tal bowl The center-piece for this and Mrs. Arthur Wendland serving “The Wedding Prayer” and "The were In sliver holders and the two sister, Miss Joan Hartley, Alyce table was an oblong white wicker the cake, and the Misses Pat Lord's Prayer” were sung by Wil­ candles on the altar Wade, Bonnie Fife and Murdl Sal­ basket of white daisies, gladiolas Margaret Miller presiding at and the liam Miller of Portland, accompan­ The bride came up the white cov­ lee, all of whom wore shell pink and pink asters. Janice Frost was punchbowls..Assisting with the serv­ ied Miss Myrna Lane. Miss Lane ered aisle on the arm of her father, 1 gowns, carrying bright nose gays in charge of the guest book. She ing were Miss Caroline Scheimer, also by played the wedding marches. who gave her in marriage. Tall consisting of pink and lavendar wore a pea green net formal, with Miss Joyce Kurtz and Miss Norma Following the a recept- white wicker baskets of white glad­ asters with rosebud centers. pink carnation corsage. On this Jean Dierking. Miss Arlene Piercy tlon was held in ceremony, the church parlors iolus, tied with large bows of white Five year-old Michael Savage, table-was a silver bowl, holding del­ satin ribbons, adorned either side wearing a two-tone suit of blue and phiniums, pink asters and white of the altar, where the couple grey, carried the white satin cush- I gladiolas. The gift tables were covered with ' silk and lace ecru table coverings, each table having a center-piece of The La'Frawn —ROUND UP VALUE DAYS— •summer flowers. Mrs. Dale Garri­ son was In charge of the gift table, with Mrs. Thomas Moore, Mrs School of Dancing SPECIAL James Savage and Mrs. John Sav­ age assisting. ANNOUNCES Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Everet Lindbland of Los An­ geles. Robert De Shazer of Cor­ TWO OVEN the opening of fall classes vallis. and Alyce Wade of Wapato, Washington. Mrs. Hartley grad­ REGULAR $279.50 SPECIAL $199.50 Monday at the Grigg Bros. uated from the Nyssa high school with the class of 1947 and attended & Butler Real Estate show Pacific university and the Univer­ sity of Idaho. She was a member rooms. of the Delta Delta Delta sorority. Mr Haartley graduated from the Nyssa high school In 1946 and then Miss Phyllis Hadley and Miss Nannette Bybee, who attended Oregon State college, have completed their summer course of dance instruct­ where he was a member of the PI Kappi Phi. He Is associated with ion at a Boise school, have also registered for the fall N Y S S A pr o g ram his father in the Hartley Produce term. They will accept a limited number of students, Company. The couple left Immedi­ ately for a three-weeks honeymoon in the Nyssa area. trip to Detroit and New York. For her golng-away ensemble the bride Telephone 1 0 8 Children between the ages of 4 to 12 preferred wore a gray gaberdine suit trim­ med with navy blue, with accessor­ 4 to 5 year olds at 3 p. m. ies to match. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER. 23-24 6 to 8 year olds at 4 p. m. — t— A laughing, rioting technicolor roundup of song and BIRTHDAY DINNER HELD 8 to 10 year olds at 5 p. m. spectacle. On Sunday. September 18, at the 10 to 12 year olds at 6 p. m. home of Mr and Mrs. Bernard Dennis Morgan Jack Carson Frost, a dinner was held celebrat­ Dorothy Malone—Fenny Edwards In Due to the limited amount of space, only parents and ing the birthday anniversaries of "Two Guys From Texas" students will be admitted. - - had charge of the guest book. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Moore wore a dark wine crape and satin gown and Mrs. Jacobsen a blue crepe. A number of out-of-town guests attended the wedding and reception. The bride Is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Henry E. Moore of Adrian and is a graduate of Oregon State college, where she was a member of the Delta Zeta sorority. She was employed last year in Portland. Mr. Jacobson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Jacobson of Vale and Is a senior this year at Oregon State college, where he is affiliated with the Delta Sigma Phi. After a short wedding trip, the couple will be at home in Corvallis. -* - County P. T. A. Meets— The annual school of instruction sponsored by the Malheur County Parent-Teacher association will be held during an all day session at the Nyssa high school Saturday. October 1. State and district of­ ficials will be present for the meet­ ing. The Nyssa P. T. A. will be hosts to the members of all county associations at a luncheon at noon. PERFECTION RANGE IDEAL GAS AND APPLIANCE THEATRE IN TECHNICOLOR 2-REEL SPECIALTY COLOR CARTOON M at., Sat., 2:30;Ailm. 30c -9c, Inc. f s i Admission Evenings 44c-9, Inc. T ax SUNDAY AND MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 25-26 The greatest animal star of all time ... LASSIE In "The Sun Comes Up" Jeanette McDonald Lloyd Nolan Claude Jarman Jr.—Lewis Stone Filmed in Technicolor this feature is a natural for a human, diverting, heart-warming picture that should please everyone young and old. Mat. Hun., 2:30; Adm. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Admission Evenings 44c-9c, Inc. Tax TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27 BARGAIN NIGHT DOUBLE FEATURE Charlie Chan In another exciting role. Keye Luke "Sky Dragon" also Jimmy Wakely—Cannon Ball Taylor "Gun Runner" Adm. 30c-9c Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28-29 Kirk Douglas Jean Heather Jim Davis- Ray Collins In "Champion" Action that rocks the screen with the force of an uppercut to the jaw. Here is a fight picture and a story of a man who lived and loved by his fists. CARTOON , NEWS Admission Evenings 44c-9c, Inc. Tax NEWS VIEWS BY LEW HEKKIMAN An English prof, claims the an­ cient Egyptians discovered American about 2000 B. C. If this Is true, it puts Columbus and the Norsmen in the minor leagues. It would also make the history books as contused as Siamese twins at a three-way Intersection. If the Egyptians did discover American nlmast 2,000 years before Isabella pawned the family Jewels to buy over-sized row­ boats for Chris, why didn't they say •something about it? Even before we developed the atom bomb Ameri­ ca must have made some impres­ sion. Anyway, the important thing isn't who discovered us ... it's where do we go from here? We notice a report that Oreta Oar bo, the silent Swede, bought 70 pairs of shoes in Florence, Italy. The lady must be going to take a long walk If you're tired of walk­ ing It's time to visit HERRIMAN Ml »TOR CO’S big used car lot We have a good selection of used cars... guaranteed reconditioned to suit your purpose and your budget. Drop in and look 'em over or phone 77. H errim an M o to r Company FREE With each purchase of a WESTINGHOUSE Command­ er two-oven or a Champion one-oven electric range, we are giving Free a choice of the items listed below: WESTINGHOUSE WESTINGHOUSE WESTINGHOUSE tank Cleaner. upright cleaner VALUE $ 7 4 .9 5 $ 6 9 .9 0 $ 6 9 .9 0 Foodmixer and Coffee Maker WESTINGHOUSE $ 8 9 .6 5 Comforter and Radio EVANS 50,000 B. T. U. Trades $ 1 1 4 .0 0 Oil Heater For Automatic Cooking At Its Best Buy a Westinghouse Range BANK TERMS OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. 50 North 3rd Street and IT’S ALL OVER with a McCormick-Deering Beet Harvester H ere's a real tim e and lab or saver . . . th e M cC orm ick-D eering H.M-1 Beet H arvester for F a rm all H, M an d MD T ractors. In one co n tin u o u s o p eratio n , th is m ach in e top s, lifts, clean s and loads th e beets in to a special tw o-w heel c a rt to co m p lete th e harvest in a “ once over and it's all over” o p eratio n . W ith th e HM -1, you can h arv est 5 to 6 to n s of b eets in an h o u r. Y'ou d o n 't have to w orry ab o u t w eath er o r field co n d itio n s because th is m ach in e does a good jo b w hen i t ’s n o t easy to h arv est beets by o th e r m ethods. Ask us fo r d etails ab o u t th is lubor- saving, tim e-sav ing m ach in e. Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. NYSSA PHONE 245 OREGON R ound U p V alue D ays Outing Flannel Dark Striped, 36 ins. Just Right For Quilts and * Many Other Uses 23£ YARD Solid Color White Outings A Soft Flannel-Like Cotton Material Perfect For Warm Pajamas. Children's Wear Diapers, and Many Other Uses 27 Inches Wide 2 5 * 36 Inches Wide 29* Fancy Striped Outing Colorful Cotton Flannel 36 Inches Wide 33 * YARD Little Girls' Ladies' Fancy Rayon Rayon Panties Warp Knit Cannot Run Panties Sises 2. 4. 6. 8. 10 29 ¿ Jane G ay PAIR Norzon Suede Sises 4 to 8 Boys' $2.98 Dan River Fabric We Give An R. U. V. D. Ticket With Each $1.00 Purchase 59* Ladies' Rayon Hose Rayon Ringlets. Durane Sizes 8 to 10VÍ $1.39 This Is The Famous Utica Brand With Feet—Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Ladies' Blouses GOLDEN SEAL Sites 32 to 38 Bright Plaids INDIAN BLANKETS $1.98 Sizes 5. 6. 7 PAIR Flannel Shirts Sanforised. Bold Plaids and Checks. Long Sleeves. BODYGUARD Sises 2. 4. 6 FLANNEL SLEEPERS $1.49 Individually Boxed Ballerina 70 x 80. PAIR Ladies' $2.98 Many Colors To Pick From B R A C K EN ’S NYSSA, OREGON 29c House Dresses Made From Famous Quadriga Cloth $2.98 Velvet Step Diamond Brand