THE NYSSA. GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1949 U n cia l ¡Notes -5 - ENTERTAINS BRIDAL PARTY Mrs. Maurice Judd entertained the members of the Moore-Jacob son wedding party at her home in Newell heights Friday evening. Fol lowing an Informal evening, a lunch was served by the hostess to the 24 guests. | Child, celebrating the birthday an niversaries of Mrs. Child and Mrs. Arvilla Swensen. Bunco was played after a short business meeting, with prizes going to Mrs. Thelma Poul- son for high score and to Mrs. Ruth Bunn for consolation. Door prizes were won by Norma Jamison and Annie West. The honor guests were the recipients of birthday gifts from those present. Ice cream, angelfood cake and punch were served by Mrs. Child and Mrs. Swensen. bridge club at her home this week. High score was held by Mrs Artie Robertson and second high by Mrs. J. J. Saraan. Guest players were Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper. Mrs. Ron Whitaker, Mrs. Tom Eldredge and Mrs. Clyde Snider. EASTERN STAR MEETS The first fall meeting of the Eastern Star was held Monday ev ening at the Masonic hall. Mrs. Bud Wilson reported on the grand chapter meetings that she attended - 5 - in June in Portland. Cecil Morri- BIRTHDAY CLUB MEETS BRIDGE CLUB MEETS The Friendship Birthday club Mrs. Dean Smith entertained the ison was appointed historian. Re freshments were served at the close met at the home of Mrs. Fannie members of her Tuesday evening of the business session by Mrs. Vemena Beam. Mrs. Bert Lien kaemper and Mrs. A. McKimmy. We have one for you Now! BIG HEATER VALUE1 ONLY $ 55 «« ' -W D •!>!'- - ft ¥ ________ - anew Round-Up VALUE DAY SPECIALS Q uo -T herm .r- M .' i Ä ¡ T l i • : 8 - RECEPTION HELD Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Peterson, who were recently married in the Salt Lake temple, were honord guests at a wedding reception given in the LDB. church Friday even ing. In the receiving line were Mr and Mrs. W. A. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Peterson and the bride | and groom. Mrs. Peterson made her own weddmg gown, which was white satin with a sweetheart bod ice and neckline. Her veil, which was trimmed with two-inch "Peco" lace, was held in place by a coron et of white beads and seed pearls. Her corss^e was of pink rosebuds tied in silver ribbons. The bride’s mother wore a dark green afternoon frock and pink gladiola corsage. The groom’s moth- her chose a Jersey oriental print blouse with dark skirt. After the program, for which Rosel Hunter was master of ceremonies, Mrs. Wil- ford Bybee cut the three-tier wed ding cake and Mrs. Gordon Will iams. Mrs. John Schenk, Mrs. Geor ge Folkman and Mrs. Rosel Hun ter served punch. Those assisting at the gift tables were June Pet erson, Phyllis Cheldelln, Mary Lou Schenk. Louise Lewis. Marian Bal- lantyue and Mrs. Jarvis Mitchell. Vases of lovely fall flowers adorn ed the tables and piano. Blue streamers over the stage and win dows provided the decorations. Farrell Peterson is assistant ward RADIANT ▼ CIRCULATOR Keeps you warm with NO WORK, NO DIRT ! SHEETING, $35 PER THOUSAND NO. 4 SHIPLAP $55 PER THOUSAND No! 3 SHIPLAP. $65 PER THOUSAND You’re through messing around with coal and ashes when you get a new Duo-Therm Radiant-Circulator! also With the handsome new Duo-Therm you tend the fire by turning a dial—keep nice and warm with no work, no dirt! WEST COAST FIR FOR BEET BEDS (O O k AT T H t S l F I A T U M S I * FAMOUS DUAL CHAMBER BURNER - gets more heat from ev°ry drop of oilI * SPECIAL WASTE STOPPER - keeps heat from rushing up the chimney—puts it to work warming youI You get many other important features with the new Duo- Therm Radiant-Circulator that mean even more comfort, more economy and more convenience! SPECIAL 11 Piece Living Room Suite Including Radio and 9 x 12 Wool Rug. $289.00 Furniture Polish. Quart 37c PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY “The Dependable Furniture Stores” Nyssa Ontario Vale Payette A Complete Stock Of All Material Now On Hand We Arrange Loans For Remodeling. Up To Three Years To Pay NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY John Ostrom-Owner Phone 118-W i BARGAINS PAGE FIVE clerk for the Nyssa second ward Phone of the L.DB. church. 6I-R. MISSIONARY HONORED Heber G rant Evans, who has re turned to his home In Nyssa after spending the past two years doing missionary work for the L.DB. church in eastern Canada, was honored at a welcome-home party given by the first ward Tuesday evening at the church. Bishop Dean Fife was master of ceremonies. Talks were given by the missionary’s parents. Mr and Mrs. H. J. Evans and Bishop Hub ert Christensen of the second ward. Other nunifiers on the program were a reading by Mrs. T aft Pett; vocal solos. Carol Bingman, acc ompanied by Carleen Jones, and Darlene Bateman, accompanied by Mrs. D. O. Bybee. who also played new and old-time dance numbers: talk on young people accepting calls to preach the gospel; G rant Evans: comic song and tap num ber. Nannette Bybee and Phyllis Hadley: vocal solo. Glenn Burgess, accompanied by Mary Lou Schenk and vocal solo, "My Admonition”, written and sung by Hebert Evans. Mrs. Stanton Keefer entertained at dinner in her brother’s honor Sunday afternoon. Places were laid for 15 persons. Elder Evans was the principal speaker at meetings of the first and second wards Sunday evening. He plans to leave soon for Provo, Utah to attend Brigham Young university. Mrs. William For Sale—1941 Four-door Dodge, MISCELLANEOUS — Well drilling. sacrifice, 1605 Phone 154-W. 22slxp S. Med lock, phene 330-R. 22s3xp TOR RENT—40 acres or more row TOR SALE—Used Oil heaters. Ideal 22s2xc crop land; some alfalfa, pasture; Gas and Appliance. Round-Up Value Day Specials BATH PURE GROUND FLY SPRAY. REGULAR $2.95 SPECIAL GALLON $1.49 Owyhee Drug Company Phone 255-W QUALITY AT BARGAIN PRICES SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 WOMEN'S NYLON SATIN SLIPS $2.29 Regular $3.49— White or Pin NYLON SATIN SLIPS GUESTS AT DINNER Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison were Mr. and Mrs. Charles New- bill and Betty of Newell heights, guests for the evening at the G ar rison home were Mr. and Mrs. Waid Wteneke and Gary and Mr and Mrs. Roland of Pendleton. —8— FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN The bishopric of the Owyhee ward gave a farewell party Tuesday night in the Oregon Trail schoolhouse, with Miss Joyce Stoker as honored guest. She will leave soon to fill a mission for the L. D. S. church In the southern states. The program consisted of the fol lowing numbers: Opening prayer, Amasa Hammon; vocal solo. Olenn Burgess, accompanied by Miss Mary Lou Schenk; selection. ’Tea For Two", violin trio. Noni Child, Agela Peterson and Laura Schenk; Chin ese ballet and tap number. Celia Carol Bybee; hill-billy song and dance number, Nannette Bybee, ac companied by the girls’ mother. Mrs. D. O. Bybee; vocal solo, ‘‘That Old Gang of Mine", Mrs. Farrell Peterson; readings. Mrs. Keith Wol- ley and Mrs. Gene Stoker and talks. Miss Stoker and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stoker. Out-of-town guests were Ruth Laing of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Ursel Taylor of Roy, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jorganson and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jorganson of Merid ian. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Porter of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Garner of Emmett. A general con tribution was given the missionary. You’ll Like Them For Wear And Comfort Sizes 32 to 40 MEN'S PLAID FLANNEL SHIRTS $1.59 Heavy Weight, Regular $2.29 and $2.49 PLAID FLANNEL SHIRTS Colors Red, Blue and Green A Perfect Cold Weather And Hunting Shirt Sizes 14 to 17 MEN S CORDS $4.95 TAN AND CREAM COLOR Extra Heavy Regular $5.95 and $6.45 Cords The Popular High School and College Brands Sizes 28 to 33 Waist BOYS' SOX 15c Pair HEAVY WEIGHT STRIPED ANKLE SOX Regularly Sell For 29c A SPECIAL FOR ONE DAY ONLY Sizes 6 Vi to 10 Too Late To Classify TOR SALE—Furniture for three- room apartment for sale and apart ment for rent. Box 684 22slxp Nyssa TOR SALE—Frogll hot-blast oil stove with connections and stand. Oregon inter F o r d * 8 INCH. ASSORTED B E EF 3 9 * PIES POUND 29* K®**®** EACH 70<&L LARGE 1 POUND LOAF FANCY COLORED FRYERS $ 1 .0 0 FRENCH BREAD EACH 10* EACH s i* * " * „in ****** * GROCER Y ITEMS CANNED PEAS NO. 303 CAN, 3 CANS Hunts Tomato Catsup LARGE BOTTLE CIGARETTES ALL BRANDS. CARTON Lumberjack Syrup 5 POUND TIN SALTS. REGULAR 69c Special 35c plus tax BAKERY MARKET Schireman, hay for sale. Martha Wilcox, Moore 22s2xc hotel, Ontario, Oregon. 22slxp 2 9 p Pillsbury Pancake Flour 95£ 10 POUNDS 1 5 £ ARGO STRING BEANS 19* NO. 2 CAN H it E a s y ! ¿ 6 « iAtXx/Pof Tow can w in a n a off th e se 700FYfees 1 Drive to any Ford Dealer displaying potter shown above. 2 Get a Free Car Safety Check, Free Safety Insignia and Free Entry Blank. 2 5 # £ w fa ta s J "Ik* ( a ) U ee o n ly official e n tr y M an k o b ta in e d a t a n y F o rd D e a lersh ip d isp la y in g th e p o s te r ehow n a b o v e . P r in t n a m e a n d a d d re s s cle a rly . h iilM Car *1 tk* f# a r” _ _ 4 -d oor Cut tom V-B Ford Sodon., .q m p p .d with Radio, "M agic Air” H .a t.r, Ovardrlvo, and W hit. Sid.wall Tiro». In SO words or less on entry i r * ★ < b ) C o n te s t lim ite d to c on tin e n ta l U . 8 . a n d A laska. $ 1 .4 5 Albers Yellow Com Neal 59£ 10 POUND SACK 7 9 p DREFT OR VEL 27c LARGE PACKAGE G ordon ’ s D rive -I n M arket “ The Home of Quality and Service” • m m t . i h i* iM t im , « Gonaral Duty Mod.l F-3, V-8 mtgin., »loho body, 158-lndi wh..lba>. FORD Truck», •qulpp.d with Rodio ond Magic Air" H»ot*r Optton- a* o» prim lo tho top $ of Ih. 25 car wlnnon who •podfy for a truth on ContMt Entry Hank. ( c ) P riz e s a s s ta te d on e n tr y b la n k , will b«* a w a rd e d on th e b a s is of s in c e rity , o rig in a lity and a p tn e ss. Judgf-e' de c isio n s a re final. D u p lic a te p riz e s In r a s e of tie*. E n trie s m u s t b e s u b m itte d in th e n a m e of th e reg iste re d o w n e r o r his d e s ig n a te d r e p re s e n ta tiv e . O n ly o n e e n tr y p e r c a r o r t ru c k m a y be co n sid e red . All e n tr ie e b e c o m e th e p r o p e r ty of K.»rd M o to r C o m p a n y , ( 'o n te a t s u b je c t to F e d e ra l, S ta te a n d local re g u la tio n s a n d to c o n te s t ru le s o n e n tr y b lan k . ( 4 ) W in n e rs ' n a m e s will p o s te d a t all F o rd D e a le rs n o t la te r th a n D ecem ber J h U t. (C> C o n te s t ia o p s a to all r a id a n ts of U n ite d S ta te s , s jtc e p t e m p lo y e e s o f F o rd M o to r C o m p a n y , F o r d D e a le rs ' th e ir a d v e rtis in g a g e n cie s o r th e ir fa mil les. whot w« ck#<k FRIE on your car or truck 2 S V O O O U S S amtngs B onos /O O t/O O U S . S avtngs B onos 200*50USS avunos B onos 350*25 USS awngs B onos blank finish this statement: ‘All cars sad trucks should be safety checked periodically because ’ 4 Mail entry before midnii iidnisht October 31 to Ford Car r Safety Contest Headquarters, m #722 Chicago 11, lllinoee. (n o n i t » w ho« «ho m oho) M A K IS . STURINO . U OMIS . TIRIS WINOSMIflO W l . l t » . MUFFIIR . M A IS . HORN RIAR VIIW MIRROR • OTHIR SAFITY FACTORS Min m »no «r nut attractive C f f lf c r o t IN U C M IA , f i* * ! Herriman Motor Co. ■N U R T O D A Y ! W CONTEST CLOSES OCT. 31