Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1949)
THE NYSSA. GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1949 PAGE FOUR Birthday Parly Mrs Bob Shaw and Mrs Prank 1 Bob Shaw and Prank Preston left tuts at La Grande Monday and and Mrs. Pfeiler and their guest Drown, their daughter, was pre daughter of Mrs. Hill, who will visit Preston made a business trip to 8ut‘d“ > Unity, Oregon to get Tuesday. ,-ecently visited at Sun Valley. Sal sented with a music award, the indefinitely before returning to her Karen Roberts won first prize on mon City and the Craters of the first of Its kind to be given at Mad home in Kansas City, Missouri. < ,i\ «'ll Al Nil* Acres Caldwell Thursday and to Boise wiother load of poles mffœMMÊmmi ------------------------- 1 — A .surprise birthday party was her flowers at the fair and Chris Moon. ras, for outstanding vocal solo tine 8napp won second prize. Mary Brother Dies— work. NU-ACKES, Sept 22—Mrs Harry Mrs Olive Lanfear and Mr and ¡ Hatch won third place in the fitting Grangers Meet— Mr and Mrs C. R Mills of Adrian Wood and Prank Preston received * » ■ Floyi Am“ «* U n w e ll were ^ Vun* ° raSnÜCk Th0se pre“ n and showmanahip In her class. Following the business meeting Home From Colorado— guests of Mr and Mrs Paul Thom- * ere M/ , and IUy.m« 1 ° f left Friday for Boulder. Colorado, Boise, Mrs. Jack Gurnsey of Fruit- Elsie Hatch won a first on her rab of the Oregon Trail Grange Tues word Sunday of the death of their Mr and Mrs. Carl Hill of Newell where thhey had been called because day night, a watermelon feed was Heights returned last week from a of the death of Mr. Mills' brother. brother-in-law Arnie Fume-inier of Mr and Mrs L. L Reagan of land. Mr and Mrs. Dwight Durrlng- bits. Mr. and Mrs. Ciofola of Adrian enjoyed by the members. An Twin Fall . Mr Wood left Sunday Prultland were guests of Mr and ^'n' two-weeks visit in Rocky Ford. Colo L. H. Mills. Before returning to Leo Ellibee, Rudy Nedbalek. Mr and called on Mr. and Mrs Lee Stoker nouncement was made that the rado. where they had formedly re their home in Adrian Mr. and Mrs. fur Twin Falls to attend the funeral. ' Mrs. Mrs Bob Johnson Sunday. Mrs Frank Nedbalek. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. Oregon Trail Home Economics club sided. Returning with Mr. and Mrs. Mills will visit relatives at Scotts Frank Preston, Mr and Mrs. Henry Joe Witty left Wednesday even will meet at the home of Mrs. Hill was Mrs. Doris Hampton, Bluff, Nebraska. Orcutt, Mr and Mrs. Dale Carey ing for Si loam Springs. Arkansas, George Knowles October 6. and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shaw. Re where he will enroll In John Brown freshments were served by the university. Family Reiurus Home— group and Mrs. Grasmlck was pre Roswell visitors at the Lower Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drown and | sented with a nice gift. Bend Sunday school were Ellis. Na their family returned to their home Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney and dine, Etcyl and Delmer Parrill. Saturday in Nyssa after spending Joy were Tuesday dinner guests of Clyde and Leila Farwell, Billy and the past 10 months at Madras and Mr and Mrs. Harve Robinson of Loretta Van De Water. George El- Sisters, Oregon. While there, Nola : I Nyssa. fers, Delmer Magtjarc*. Dorothy I Saturday dinner guests of Mr and Shaner, Mary Oraham and Malvina Mrs Ed Meroney were Mr. and Mrs. Kandler. Loretta sang "All Things Alvin Marrs of Meridian and Mr in Jesus," accompanied by Marie and Mrs. Ira Mars and Elvln Club Hopkins. of Owyhee. Optometrist Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Go To McCall— NYSSA, OREGON Mrs Ed Meroney were Mr and Mrs. Miss Lorraine Fischer was a guest Eyes Examined I E B Lovejoy of Logandale, Nevada. of Mtss Janell Haney Sunday when Guests of Mr. and Mrs. William the Haney family spent the day at Orasn.lck Sunday evening were Mr. Payette lakes. Phone 720 and Mrs Elmer Huter and Mike, former Nampa residents, who have Leaves For California— 718 Arthur St. moved to Nyssa. Miss Evelyn Darr left by plane BEFORE Y O U IN S U LA TE Mr and Mrs William Grasmlck from BoLse last Thursday for her Caldwell, Idaho were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. home at Oxnard, California after and Mrs H. P. Ostlmlller of Fruit- visit of two weeks at the home land. of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pfeiler. Mr. Mrs F. C. Fry called on Mr and Mrs Richard Jenkins Saturday eve ning In Prultland and found that A bou t Insulation of Your H om e Mr. Jenkins was sick and unable to work. Thomas Evans. Sr., celebrated his W ith R ock w ool 75th birthday Sunday with a fam ily picnic dinner In the Nyssa park. Approximately 50 relatives attended, j L. O. Hawley's parents. Mr. and | Start Today To Acquire A Mrs B M. Hawley o f Yucopia, Cali The S a vin gs O n You r Fuel Bill W ill fornia have been visiting here for | about a week. Mr. and Mrrs. L. G. Hawley made P a y For Y ou r Insulation a business end pleasure trip to Boise Tuesday. There was a good turnout from j i this community at the cake baking i contest in New Plymouth Friday I evening. The cakes were auctioned | Get Eight Pieces For Only $1.79 off and proceeds divided between the Nu-Acres Grange. New Plym- NYSSA. OREGON With Every $5.00 You Spend In Our Store outh Orange and tiie Plymouth slope community. Each organiz Continue until you have any size set you desire, Have your brakes tested ation netted a little over $2g. Mrs George Grasmlck’s mother, j at a Big Saving over the regular retail price. today and be sure! Let our Mrs. Levi Olson, and her sister from Kuna spent Friday visiting j factory trained mechanics here. WE ARE SELLING RANCHES FAST And Need IMMEDIATE LISTINGS DR. G. W. GRAVES G RIG G BROS. & BUTLER SEE S T UNZ ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES And All You Young People Accumulating Hope Chests Observe School Zone Signs! STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY O N A N Y ITEM O V E R $100 $1725.00 THE N E W 66 IS 172.50 10% O ff $1552.50 You h a v e alm ost en ou gh to g et a plow free T h e H ouse O f O liv e r ” N yssa Im plem ent Co. Complete Set Of America's Finest Dinnerware I CAN YOU STOP J ROUND-UP VALUE DAY SPECIAL 1 0 % DISCOUNT I Wade IT A Holds First Meeting 11IG BEND. Bept. 22—A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne ! Ooodenow September 14 at the Nyssa Nursing home. The Wade P. T. A. met Friday I at the schoolhouse, with Mrs. Le roy Bennett, new president, presid ing She opened the meeting by reudlng a poem "P. T. A.” by Mrs. Elmer Lenstrum. Marjory Jellnek is working at the Caldwell Auto supply and also at tending night school at Nampa Business college. Roy Collister's ankle was broken when he stepped off his tractor Friday. Mr and Mrs. Leo Keller and children and Mr. and Mrs. Homer DUlrlckson of Culdwell were Sun- day visitors at the Jack Jones home. A pink and blue shower was given Wednesday at Mrs. Joe King’s home for Mrs. Eugene Jones. Billy Ferguson and Glenn and prvul Stuthett left last week for Council to work In a saw mill. They returned over the week-end to get more bedding. Mr. and Mrs R. C. Logan of Boise visited Saturday with Mr Logan’s brother. R. O. Logan and wife. Mrs. Victor Morgan, Mrs. Fitz Simmons and Mr and Mrs. Charles Witty attended the teachers insti- TRAP , j j IN TIME Come In Today And See The Complete Auto service Repair Service nowl We use only the fin ED. PRUYN est and your auto newest needs testing Beautiful Patterns On Display START YOUR SET NOW ! devices. Don't drive with GARAGE death . . . have that PHONE 56-W test at oncel No charge! brake OWYHEE DRUG CO. • Phone 255-W Buy One Pound Of Bologney Receive One Pound FREE | i | I ! [ j j J j j \ | CORN 9C ORANGEADE JUICE 9C RACON SQUARES CREAM STYLE. NO. 2 CAN SHOOT S unday S ept . 25 SPECIAL HUNTERS PRIZES 10:30 AT MALHEUR GAME LEAGUE TRAPS NORTH OF ONTARIO AIRPORT PEAS ENGLISH. NO. 300 CAN 29C 19 C POUND PICNIC HAMS QUARTS 39C POUND . 3 POUNDS 79C SKINLESS WEINERS 29c POUND WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET PHONE 284-W I I 46 OUNCE MIRACLE WHIP CRISC0 i Gordon Williams, Assistant Mgr. Prices Good Friday and Saturday t *