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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1949)
THE NYSSA. GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1949 Classified ! are in section and can be bought MISCELLANEOUS — We m a k e worth feed, all for only $6700. _ , , . . . complete or In sections. Nyssa 40 acres. 28 irrigated, old water , n m ^ r company, phone 118-W. loans on ranches and city property. right. 11 miles southwest Nyssa, 1 ! ldDtfc Grigg Brothers and Butler. 16stic mile off pavement, semi-modern MISCELLANEOUS—Available now. FOR SALE house, bam, steel granary. $6500 Electrolux cleaners and air puri Several good dwelling lota, well 160 acres row crop and stock fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. ranch. 83 acres irrigated, 60-70 acres located. 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idaho, hay, balance grain. 40 acres ideal 14jtfc beets, spuds, range permit, 175 cat way, next to Polar Gold storage phone 0387J4. RATE: Two cents per word for each Issue. Minimum, cash in About 3 acres, unimproved, edge tle, large basement home and other MISCELLANEOUS-No muss, no of town on Adrian highway, good buildings, ranch $17.500. W ll seU advance, is 30c. fuss, call us, rockwool Insulation. stock and equipment seperate, soil. All or any part. FOR SALE—Corner lot, 55 x 118, We have our own Insulation blow terms. ing machine. Stuns Lumber comp 37 acres, Kingman Kolony, 14 paved street, $560. any. * asmtfc BERNARD EASTMAN mile highway, 5 room modem FOR SALE—Olsen beet wind rower, house, 20x40 chicken house, good Insurance Real Estate MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and For Sale or will trade for car or pick-up. cow bam, other buildings, now In Phone 64 free pick-up of your dead; cripplea FOR SALE—Olson beater. Lewis Harold Rooks tool, west of Adrian beets, com, hay and pasture, ex or sick livestock. Calls received oe- COMBINATION FARM8. ROW cellent land, fruit trees and plenty Mitchell. Sunset valley. 22s2xp on Mendlola road. fore 9 o’clock are picked up by 15s3xp shade, $11,000, good terms. CROP AND DAIRY Efficient drivers. Call col A pippin of a 160 only 34 miles nooa. FOR SALE—Or trade, complete' FOR SALE—Delicious apples box Business building with modern lect Payette 0180-JS or 156, or Nys from town, large 4-room basement sa apartment, on one acre grass past 102-W. Idaho Animal Products beCt , ^ rV beater. i!Ttlng 4 f Huff ^ ent’ truckload. Fred place ure at Owyhee corner, offers many home, 4-room tenant house, ap mounted crowners, > or _____ . . . Fisher piace, Company. 6Jtfc. Kiest lifter-loader, trailer with e le -; d house north of Apple Val- opportunities as a business venture. proximately 120 acres of this farm vator to open lands. Chet Corfield, i ley schoolhouse. 15a3xp FOR SALE—80 acres, 11 miles Irrigates all one way, ready for row MISCELLANEOUS—For really per crop. This is one of the best places sonalising your gifts, try gold route 2. Nyssa. aas3xp ! f o r SALE-Used wood and coal southwest Nyssa, 38 acres in culti vation, now in pasture, alfalfa, on the bench. $40,000, very easy stamping. Beautiful lettering done FOR SALE — Strawberries, 20th range, good condition, priced to sell. beets, grain, family orchard, tr a d terms. on napkins, stationery, book m atch century. You pick or we pick on Wilson Bros. Department store. er, 120-acre row crop and dairy farm, es, leather goods and special oc all equipment, new 4- 15stfc room house, $8900, 4 down, easy brand new ultra modern home on casion ribbon. Oate City Journal. order. K. Saito, phone 06R-2. paved highway, other large home ItaSxp. FOR SALE—1941 Dodge four-door, terms. 23Jtfc. and dairy buildings, 75 head of cat ROBERT F. THOMPSON 1947 motor, «good tires, shiny black FOR SALE—1937 O. M. C. truck, tle, all feed on place, total price Frank T. Morgan Agency MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car with Eaton rear end, 16-foot house original finish. $665. 482 Ennis, $47.250, $27,650 down, balance easy and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- Nyssa, Oregon trailer, good for extra beet help; phone 154-W or see Harold Rob terms. neman’s. 250tfc 15s2xp 1938 Plymouth sedan. C. H. Cassel, ins-_______ FARMS FOR SALE i 80 acres, 71 Irrigated, best of soil, mile east of Owyhee corner. 15s2xp FOR SALE—One registered Guern 440 acres of perfect laying row ! small house and unfinished base- MISCELLANEOUS^ Need money? freshen In October to crop land, in potatoes, beets and ment house, priced only $13,650, Loans on farms Tor refinancing, FOR SALE—International beet top sey cow, of to Oregon Dairy Breeders grain this year, plenty of cheap small down payment, long easy building. Improvements, b u y i n g . per, good condition, cost $2700, will service Long term, low interest, see Ber bull, good breeding, water, 6-room modern home, two j terms on balance, take $1700. Dean Byram, New association good tenant homes, machine shed, j 120 acres, 106 irrigated, good 4- nard Eastman, phone M. Nyssa. Plymouth. 15s3xp reasonably priced. Henry H. H art $90,000, 4 down, easy terms on room modern home, plenty of out SA tfc. ley. 15s2xp the balance buildings. The soil is good and the FOR SALE—1948 beet beater, good FOR SALE!—Wrecking Pontiac se 235 acres, 160 acres cultivated, place lays level, $20.000, 4 down, Dead animals picked up free. condition, specially priced to sell, dan, 1935, phone 13-W Nyssa.15s2xp suitaible lo r row crop or cattle, For prompt service call collect. easy terms on balance. Bob Sunamoto, Rl, Box 41, Ontario, cheap water set-up, close to Nyssa, 65 88 acres, 80 irrigated, modern 5- Ontario—Ontario Oraln Co. Oregon. 15s3xp FOR SALE—Spotted Poland China six-room modern home, small dairy Parma - Parma Seed Oo. 25 room home, good out-buildlnga, weaner pigs, both sexes. Fred 100 FOR SALE—John Deere beat lifter, Kratzberg, 2 4 miles southwest of barn, tenant home, garage, mach sandy loam soil, close to pavement, Nyssa—(Main plant Idaho-Oregeo Rendering Co. 2 row, practially new, good price, Nyssa on Cloverdale avenue. 15s3xp ine shed, milk house and barn, for quick sale, only $16,500. $35,750, terms. 80 acres, fair house, 3 extra large Bob Sunamoto, R l, Box 41, Ontario, 1096 acres, 436 acres of irrigable rooms, bath and basement, 48-foot MISCELLANEOUS — Hemstitching Oregon. 15s3xp FOR SALE—Up to 10,000 used bags land, perfectly level, 350 acres of milking barn, sandy loam soil, old done In my homa. Leave with Mrs. for potatoes and onions, 64 cents. top row crop soil, 4 homes on the Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa FOR SALE—Several good springers Owyhee Produce, Inc. 15s2xc property, suitable for row cropping Owyhee water. This Is a good Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duf- and fresh Jersey cows and associ cheap place and Ideal for a dairy, 26m tfc ation heifers, phone 018-R3. 15s2xp FOR SALE—Used Hotpolnt electric and cattle set-up, $85,000, 4 down, $12,000, can be bought on easy fln. range, priced to sell, Wilson Bros. would consider selling part and terms. MISCELLANEOUS—Pour your In crop leasing the balance. FOR SALE—Ensilage corn, also Department store. 15stfc 40 acres all irrigated, lays good, 4- surance needs of any kind see 80 acres with five-room modern room good Guernsey cows with high pro house and plenty of other duction. H. E. Hight, R 2. 15s2xp FOR SALE—Two-bedroom house, home, garage, machine shed and buildings, only 4 miles from town, Mel Beck, Orlgg Bros, and Butler. 5m tfc new, F. H. A. financed, 10 per cent barn. Very productive good row priced at only $7500, 1/3 down, bal FOR SALE—1948 Keist beet lifter down. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W. crop land, $25,000, terms. ance only $500 per year. M I S C E LLANBOU8—Insurance is and loadsr, heavy duty, only been 40 acres with 31 acres irrigable, 8s tfc 40 acres, row crop land, modern not fire protection. Any minute used one season, priced reasonably, suitable for row cropping and dairy Bob Sunamoto, Rl, Box 41, Ontario, FOR SALE—Wilson home deep ranch, cow barn for 11 head, three- basement home. This is one of the day or night you can have a fire. Oregon 15s3xp Freezer, upright. 16 foot, less than room holne, deep well, close to Nys highest productlng forties In the Automatic fire control protects millions In property and life. All valley, only $11,250. a year old, phone 146-R. 8stfc sa, $7000, 4 down. 150-acre island, 110 acres farmed, extlngushers are approved by un FOR SALE—Used 40-gallon Red 80 acres of perfect-laying row Spot electric water heater, $49.50. FOR SALE;—By owner, 100 acres, crop land, top soil, new five-room brand new ferry, very cheap water. derwriters. See your local dealer Ideal Gas and Appliance. 15s2xc 65 irrigated, more could be; dairy modern home, 4 basement, a good This is an ideal row crop and live for free estimate. Claud Willson, and row crop, modern home, labor tenant home, garage, machine shed, stock set-up, close to town, $12,000, 650 No. Fourth street, phone 128-J Nyssa. 19mtfc FOR SALE—Three blocks north of house, granary and other usable two granaries, $27,300. terms on part. Main street between First and buildings, family orchard, $16,000 Residence Property For Sale 3100 acres, 178 acres top row crop MISCELLANEOUS—Oeneral truck Second streets, five room house, cash, north of Sunset valley hall. land, artesian well on the place, 6- New one-bedroom small home. garage, lawn, garden spot and nice Robert J. Thompson, Route 2, room modem home, $50,000, $14,- This is a very cute place In a good ing. John Barnett and Kenneth Reece, phone 123-R, lJtfc. 8s4xp 00 down; 10 years on the balance. section of town, only $2500. shade. 15s2xp. Nyssa. 2-bedroom basement house, very 80 acres, 60 acres Irrigated row Custom Grinding FOR SALE—1947 Studebaker regal FOR SALE—Baby buggy, $10, phone crop and dairy for stock ranch, nice and well located, connected to All kinds of small grains, ear lstfc 2-bedroom modern home with full the sewer, $4000. deluxe four-door sedan, radio and 74-R. corn, alfalfa meal and potatoes. heater, foglights, private owner, Very nice home on large lot In a Phone Nyssa 83-W or Parm a 22F12, basement, $13,000, 4 down, easy $1485. Phone 249-M, Nyssa, Ore FOR SALE—War surplus coal heat terms on the balance. nice quiet part of town, nice lawn Jim Nichols. Is4xp gon. ISstfc ers, ranges and circulators, also 40 acres, 22 acres level land suit and shade and all fenced, $4,935, tents, 9x9 to 16x32, priced to sell. terms on part of this. BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD FOR SALE — Purebred Guernsey Ed Case’s Furniture Bargain Cen able for row cropping, one mile Very cute 2-bedroom home, nice 4-room home, $9500, terms. Pamela Rae Bybee, daughter of bull calf, six months old, James ter, highway 20, north of the Y. off oil, 37 acres perfect-laying ranch, lo- lawn and shade, close In, $4000, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bybee. (the lstfc Cruson, Route 2, Parma. 22s2xp cated oti the Ontarlo-Nyssa high- $1400 down, balance low rate of In mother was formerly Donella terest, long terms. FOR SALE—Slightly used Inter FOR SALE;—Single shot shotgun, way, 4-room home, small bam. 600 acres practically all top row 2 nice building lots in a very de Courtney of Ontario), celebrated 8stfc national beet harvester at substan phone 52. crop land, dose to beet dump and sirable part of town, $350 and $600. her first birthday Monday when tial discount or will trade for live FOR SALE packing shed, will sell any size ED JAMISON Sc KEN POND stock or what have you. W. A. her mother Invited 10 little guests : 3/4 acres’ modern nearly-new of a farm, 29 per cent down, 20 Real Estate and Insurance Bishop, 7 4 miles southwest of and their mothers, to a party at 2-bedroom house, garage, nice years on the balance. Nyssa, Oregon Nyssa. 22s2xp the home of Pamela’s grandmother, shrubs and yard, fruit trees, new 200 acres, 140 acres good row Mrs. Shermon P. (Bybee. Ouests FOR SALE—Apples, all varieties. laarge modern chicken house with crop land, 5-room modern home, W ANTED 50c a bushel up, 14 miles south of brooder room and all equipment, $37,500, reasonable terms. from Ontario, Vale and Emmett 50 acres all level land, cheap WANTED—Light housekeeping or Fruitland. Idaho on U. S. 30, Otis household furniture, canned fruit in enjoyed the merry-go-round cake, Smith. 22s6xp basement, 400 chickens, about $200 water set-up, 4-room home, close taking care of children. Mrs. Fred to Nyssa, $9600, terms. Mitchell, route 2, Nyssa. 22slxp trimmed with animals, with satin HOMES sticks for the poles. Individual 3-room home, refrigerator, bed WANTED—Party to cut up 20 cakes with candles were served to room suite, floor covering, phone acres of peach wood, all pushed each guest. Favors were candy cups stand, lamp, lawn mower, garden out of the ground. Mel Beck, filled with miniature animals of 15stfc various types. The baby’s other hose, $2050 cash, 6 blocks from Grggs Bros, and Butler. a l a n d p r o i e s s i i m center of town. 4-bedroom home grandmother, Mrs. Oeorge Court one block off Main street, suitable WANTED—To care for children. ney of Ontario, was present. Mrs. Mrs. Margaret Kreps, phone 63-J. S. P. Bybee took motion olctures of for business location, $5500. 15s2xp the guests with their ballons. New 2-bedroom modem home, double garage, fireplace, $7360. — i~ WANTED—Ironing by hour, espec 2-bedroom modern home, com r e c i a r i BISHOP EJNTERTALNHD B u s i n e s s I M pletely remodeled inside, very a tt ially men’s shirts. Phone 330-R. Bishop and Mrs. Leonard Howe 8s3xc ractive, garage, shrubs, spacious and five children of American lawn, comer location, good soil, WANTED— To buy anything In Fork, Utah, and the bishop’s moth room enough to build anotherhome, beef or veal. Alse custom killed er, Mrs. Edwin Howe of Roy, Utah, LODGES P H Y S IC IA N S $6000. and delivered to Polar Cold Stor were entertained with a dinner 2 acres, 7-room modern home age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ptfc. party Saturday at the home of Mr. Nys$a Post No. 79 with full basement, new bam for and Mrs. Sherman P. Bybee. Mrs. S A R A Z IN CLINIC 5, garden, well located, $10,000, 4 Mary E. Bybee, who recently re A m erican Legion For R ent turned to her home here was also Dr. J. J. Sarazln down. M eets 1st & 3rd Thure. 5 acres Joining Nyssa, $1500, $1000 FOR RENT— 80 acres good row a guest. Places were laid for 13. Dr. K E. K erby V eteran ’s H a ll— 8 P . M. down. crop land. See Mel Beck, Orlgg 3 acres, Joining Nyssa, $3000, Brothers and Butler. Dr. L. W . Scott 23Stfc A ll V eteran s W elco m e $1500 down. P h ysician and Surgeons Business building on Main street, FOR RENT—Basement apartment, G ate City Lodge with apartment. newly painted. Phone 29-J. 22slxc Two complete business blocks in No. 214 L. A. M aulding, M. D. FOR RENT—30 by 65 foot storage Nyssa for sale, ideally located. Physician and Surgeon pit, suitable for potatoes or onions. I.O .O .F . Business location for rent. Phone 37 See Dean Fife. 22s3xp Do You Need A Loan On M eets every M onday Hours; 10 to 11 and 2 to 5 Your F'arm Or Home? FOR RENT— 60 acres of good flat Daily except Saturday and night, 8 :3 0 . See Mel Beck At irrigable land, close In. J. E. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 GRIGO BROS. Sc BUTLER South F irst S treet Brower, phone 196-J. 15s2xp Bybee Bldg. Phone 179-J D E N T IST S FOR SALE—Kindling, stove wood FOR RENT—Basement sleeping C. J. Kopp, M. D. lstfc 949 north Second street, j room for man. Phone 89-J length Advertising PAGE THREE G irl D islocates S h o u ld e r In P lay BUENA VISTA, Sept. 32- Mrs. John Ritchie was honor guest at a birth day party held at the Claude Day home Saturday evening. The birth day cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Loyd Cleaver. A gift of stainless steel silverware was pre sented to Mrs. Ritchie by the guests. The evening was spent playing cards and dancing. Those present #ere Mr and Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs Roy Oriffits, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleav er, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bateman, Al vin Cleav- and Phillip Patterson. ’’Mother" Tanner is visiting at the Quy Tanner home. Qeorge Cleaver was in Nampa on business Friday Eugene Cleaver and Loyd Cleaver purchased new cars this week. La- Vern Cleaver bought a new pickup. Mrs. Emert Maze of Nyssa and Mrs. Alma Sear of Greeley, Colo rado called at the S. B. Hoffman home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell left Friday morning on a two-weeks trip to Colorado. Nebraska and Kansas. Mrs. La Vern Cleaver was In Boise Tuesday to visit her brother in a , hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff were Jn Emmett Friday visiting their son. Irwin, who is ill in the Emmett hos- hospital. Irvin was Improving so they returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oerald Horn visit ed Saturday evening at the Ouy Tanner home. Miss Geraldene Day dislocated her shoulder while at school Thurs day. Mrs. Lester Cleaver and Mrs. Eugene Weaver entertained at a birthday party for their daughters, Frances and Chyrell at the Lester Cleaver home Wednesday afternoon. Agricultural Research Nurseries vs. O arrett Freight Lines, damages, $2,600. Libby. McNeill Se Ubby vs. G ar rett Freight Lines, damages, $2,468.- 93. ' Fireman’s Insurance Company vs. Harold T. Dealy, damages. $37228. Lawrence N. Brown vs. Belle Young, et. vir„ foreclosure of m ort gage. $200. SALE CALENDAR PUBLIC FARM SALE—9 miles north of Vale to CCG camp, on John Day highway. 2 miles west from the Orange hall then 4 north or 2 miles south of Wlllowcreek store, then 4 mile east and 4 mile north, on the Oould ranch. S atur day, September 24, cattle, horses, hogs, poultry, machinery and mis cellaneous items. Bob Oould, own er; Anderson and Church, auction- ers. PUBLIC FARM SALE—Ten miles from Vale, on John Day highway, or 2 miles south-east of WlUowereefc store. Having decided to quit dairy ing, I will sell my entire herd of Holstein cattle. Sale starts at 1. Lunch served on grounds. Wednes day, September 28. Terms, cash. W. C. Wilcox, owner; Cols. Anderson and Church, auctioneers. To Seattle— Miss Myrtle Ilett and Mrs. Ava Broughton are leaving today for a two weeks visit In Seattle, where they formerly resided. They will visit their sister, Mrs. Sisler, in Seattle. Y ear in and year out you’ll do well w ith the HARTFORD *» HARTFO RD NEWS OF RECORD Accident And Indemnity Co. MARRIAGE LICENSES Kenneth Leroy Seward of Parma and Helen L. Barker of Ontario. Floyd Arthur Cuthbert of Ontario 8EE and Iris June Donner ol Fruitland. Samuel J. Lindley, Jr., of Harper and Eva Jean Crabtree of Payette. Clarence H. Jacobson of Vale and Sarah Elizabeth Moore of Adrian. Mark Elvln Hartley and June Insurance Real EMate Savage, both of Nyssa. IN SURAN CE Bernard Eastman COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT Florence Fossum vs. Mary Dixon, alienation of affections, $50,000. Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon KAiSER-FRAZER - APPROVED ^ S ervice Sales & Service If you are driving a K aiser o r F razer car we are equipped w ith the la te tt testing equipm ent and factory trained m echan ics to put your car in th e best of condition. BRING YOUR TROUBLES T O US Free Pick-Up A nd Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30—East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 We Are Now RECEIVING BEANS P h ysician and Surgeon Fry B u ild in g Office hours 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 JE W E L R Y ST O R E S PAULUS JEW ELR Y STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street a. Second At Our Warehouse On South Filth St. DR. C. M. T Y L E R W ilson B u ild in g Phone 1S5-J, Nyaaa Office hours from $ to 8 except Saturdays, • to 13. J. R. C U N D A L L D en tist Phone M~J Barartn Clinic NYSSA ORBOON O P T O M E T R IST S DR. C. L. H E R M A N N V isual S p ec ia list W YCKOFF JEW ELR Y STORE Room 4, Fry Building Phone 171-J Office hours 9 to 13; 3 to S Official Time Inspector lor Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON DR. J. A. M CFALL DR. JO H N EASLY VETERINARIANS D R . H A L D. W H IT E V eterin arian P h o n e N yssa 2 75-W P h on e 21, O ntario, O re ls8xp ‘ FOR RENT—97 acre farm, 80 acres FOR SALE—Have farms and homes good row crop land, modem base for sale. Need more. Bst with Ken ment home. 45 acres In legumes, Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. cash rent. $3,000 per annum. Ed Jamison Si Ken Pond. Real Estate 26atfe FOR SALE -Nerw and used pianos. & Insurance Agency. We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. FOR RENT— Soace lo r two offices Orlgg Bros, and Butler. 8mtfc or an office and display room, FOR SAL*—Outside white paint, Carl and Burt’s Machine shop. 18atfc National Titanium, 6 gallon lots, $350 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber FOR RENT— Polirti your owu company. 13mtfc floors. Rent our high-speed pol FOR SALE Two-bedroom mod ishing equipment. Bastly handled em home, $3500 with easy terms. by women. Nyssa Lumber company. SAtfc. Two-bedroom home with base ment. like new, modem. Insulated, LOST extra large lot, set up with state loan, easy payments. 441 Ennis. LOST—30 keys on a double key Two-bedroom modem home with chain with green knob attached, 4 city block Just east of hospital, liberal reward, phone 2I3-J. 22 * 3 xr nice lawn, trees and garden plot. New, modem 5 rooms, excellent M ISCELLANEOUS location, hardwood floors, laundry room, storage space, furnace, FHA- MISCELLANEOUS— Washing ma boilt and financed. chinen, oil beaten repaired 130 East Apartment house with two large Fourth St Nyssa, Oregon. 2382 xp apartments on ground floor, extra large roam upstairs, three-room K IN D E R G A R T E N Starting O c t ober 3, every school day I i. m. to apartment In basement, $6.800 11 a m. Experienced primary teach NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY er In charge. Special music In* Ralph O. Lawrence stmt.tor. Register 4 and 6 year Nyssa. Oregon olds now as we hare limited en- FOR BAUE—Unpamted cabtneU rollmen t Mrs. James Leslie, phone iR Ä la OI U iB w r iB . Cabinet* 243-W SWlxc N ew Ferrell Super-Clipper Cleaner Installed N ew Field Bags Available Ware House Is Fixed For Storage Come In To See Us Or Telephone 25-1 OWYHEE PRODUCE, Inc.