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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1949 PAGE TWO 11 a m . morning worship. 7:15 p. m . young people’s service. 8 p m., evening worship. Wednesday. 8 p. m., activity night for young people at the church. T h e G a te C ity J o u r n a l K L A S S V. P O W E L L - - - - - - Published every Thursday Entered at the postofflce through the United States the act E ditor and 40c 49c 2c Open rate, per Inch National, per Inch Classifieds, per word Minimum 30c at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3. 1879 Church Noies ! ______ or god Splesx. pastor Sunday school at 10. Worship 11. Young people, 7. Evangelists, 8 Tuesday. Bible study, 8. Friday, prayer, 8. You are welcome and urged td at tend these services. ST . PA U L'S E P ISC O P A L CHURCH Kev. C. L. C allah an , R ector Church school, 10 a m. Church services, 7:30 p. m., every Sunday evening. Guild Monday, September 12 at Mrs. Eva Boydell's home. T H E C H U R C H O F TH E NAZARENE Rev. E. J . W ilson, Pastor CH U RCH O F C H R IS T lio n R. M axfieid, P astor *10 a m.. Sunday school. 11 a m„ Rev and Mrs Ira Taylor, returned missionaries from Peru, 10 a. m , church school hour. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Sterl D. Divine worship, 11 a. m. Course in Christianity starts Sep tember 27 at the parsonage. F A IT H M IT H E F A N CHURCH R rv. Sherw ln Sehm ldt. Pastor The application of the Denver & Rio Grande Western railroad to the interstate commerce commission to com pel establishment of joint rates with the Union Pa cific Railroad company on traffic moving to and from the northwest territory over the D & R G W line be tween Ogden and Colorado junction is of interest to shippers, business interests and industrialists in this section. The Union Pacific, which has helped to build Idaho, Utah, Montana, Oregon and Washington by extension of its rails into virgin territory many years ago, is dependent upon long hauls for revenue if it is to main tain its present rates. Operation of branch lines is expensive, but it is necessary if the railroad is to give service to the hinterland and get shipments onto the main lines. The D & R G W proposal, if granted by the inter state commerce commission, would cut in two the long hauls of the Union Pacific to the middle west and force the U. P. to share its revenues on shipments traveling over that portion of the railroad controlled by the D & R G W. Thus the economy effected by long distance hauling would be lost to the Union Pacific. The Union Pacific would still have to maintain branch lines as sources of business and would have no long haul to help absorb the losses sustained on the short hauls. The D & R G W has no intention of building a line into this territory. Certainly the great northwest, which is becoming a vital factor in the industrial development of the United States, cannot afford, in effect, to be pushed farther from the markets either by higher freight rates or poorer service. At least in this instance, this section should support its principal facility for transporting its goods to mark ets both east and west of here. a s s e m b i .1 P ublisher A D V E R T IS IN G K A T E S S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S $2 00 One Year Bix month* $1 25 Blngle Copies 05 I Strictly in Advance* - SUPPORTING OUR RAILROAD -ROUND UP VALUE D A YS- ----------------- ▼ The greatest values in better furniture from leading manufacturers alw ays at cut prices. Just plain, common sense applies to our merchandising methods we own our own building and stock and do y our own work. W e eat, sleep and work right here on the job, cutting all excess costs. « Our volume this year is higher than any previous year, further cutting unit cost. All this means savings to those who shop here at home. the third year primary class as they go into the Junior department. Each department In the children's division will share some of their work with the total church school as they are all assembled in the sanctuary. 7: p. m„ youth fellowship. CO M M U N ITY will Ifcve charge of this service. 7:15 p. m„ we have three group services. 8 p. m„ evangelistic service. Services every Wednesday at 8 p. m. I H IE M E T H O D IST CHURCH Donald S. Cam pbell, M inister C A TH O LIC CH URCH P ark Avenue and T hird S tre e t 9:45 a, m., church school. Pro Rev. P. J . G alre, P asto r motion and Rally day will be ob Mass on Sundays at 9:30. Cate served In the church school, which will meet at 10:15 a. m. instead of chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. the usual 9:45 hour. Parents of S U N S E T V A L LE Y the children will visit in the depart A S S E M B L Y O F GOO ments. Rev. Jo e E. Dodson, P astor 11 a. m„ morning worship. The Sunday school, 10 a. m . promotion service of the church W orship services, 11 a. m. school will be held under the dir Young People, 7 p. m. ection of the superintendent, L. E. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Robbins. Bibles will be given to Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. KODAK Vigilant Six-16 Priced at $61.40 You Are Welcome To Shop At All Times gase s Furniture Bargain Center Highway 20 N. of Y Reduced $1.00 A DAY UNTIL SOLD Thia Includes Case, Lens Shade, Filler and Portrait Lens EVANS STUDIO DELICIOUS AND JONATHAN . APPLES You pick them, tree run, in your . own containers 5 0 c A BUSHEL FRANK FRY Four Miles Southwest on Adrian Highway Phone 04J-4 - B U T - thb VOUNC. MAN fin e S u SPENDE O you A V EI TY PHONE WHOLESALE -RETAIL W ASHING . POLISHING. LU B R IC A TIN G — jSLy is ) S in ce \ tU tD R H T L V W ise AND / / 7 SJ i X A j Round-Up Value Days Specials CHAMBRAY M en's Sw eaters Striped and Fancy Part Wool Regular Value Up To $3.45 Regular 98c Value 5 9 c Yard $ 1 .7 9 Cannon Towel M en's Flann el Shirts Sixe 18 X 36 Fancy Plaids On Sale At Red. Blue Gold Checks $ 1 .7 9 28c Ladies' Half Slip Ski Sweaters Lace Trim Slip-Over, Red, Navy, Green All Wool—Value $6.45 • NOW $ 1 .9 8 $ 4 .5 0 White Rayon Jersey Round-Up Value Day Tickets Given With Your Purchases. WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE X-RAY SHOE FITTING Meuller Furnaces- Nyssa Phone 32 Link Belt Stokers Estim ates G ladly Given GEORGE J. KINZER-HEATING Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho HOUSeWARiSk SPECIAL! YOU 6ET *H 3 ONLY 9 DAYS LEFT TO GET YOUR TICKETS for the ATTENTION ALL HUNTERS Deer Season Opens Oct. 1. Elk Season Opens Oct. 25 SuperX SILVERTIP BIG DRAWING jur com plete lin e of h u nting knives and a xes. Pheasant Season Opens Oct. 21 SLEEPING BAGS tor the benefit of the hospital PRICED AS LOW AS DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE DEALER STORE $ 1 7 .9 5 WINCHESTER the chances you can afford. WORT H AT LEAST 49c W e C arry a Com plete lin e of am m u nition Colem an Stoves an d Lanterns Give the hospital a boast by buying all ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE! It's the m ost a m a iin g H o u io w a r o i • V a lu e w e 'v e ovor off*rod! Throw o# Hi* most needed itom» in an y kitchon . . . all top q u a lity and long lottin g! HURRY . . . . HURRY . . . . HURRYI G et Your H unting Needs E a rly Come In and see DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN 4 - P ie c e S e t P U itic M oo«unng Spoon« a *. W- > ( Anyone buying 50 or more chances will be given a receipt by the raffle committee. $ 6 8 .9 5 WINCHESTER MODEL 25 PUMP SHOTGUN $ 7 2 .8 5 DEER HUNTERS' RED HATS AND SWEATSHIRTS W* have a complete line of gun oil. adventi. gun blue ing. cleaning roda. gun cleaning kite. etc. "RED HEAD- BUY YOUR TICKETS from the ladies in the booth n e a r the truck or from the business houses RECOIL PADS. ONLY $ 1 .4 0 W E SELL HUNTING LICENCES * E D E R H A R D W A R E CO.