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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1949)
fc É B > éi i i ' - - *— eNYSSA YXXXIV NO_37_ Declares U. S. Can 3t*e C. V. A. stion O f Feeler- encit*» I rgeel Speaker [in favor of a Columbia ty before a small crowd schooi auditorium last -nt. Charles Balter of declared that the pro- ielopment in the north- -st so many billions of j is only one agency -ance it and do the job e federal government” . ~ who said he was not the Pacific Supply co- the Inland Waterways reviewed the history of st during the last 30 or d added that "A fte r we ville and Grand Coulee ned on us that we had y great industrial em- can develop navigation ewlston and make the Columbia rivers an art- Tierce clear from Lewis- Pacific. had various agencies of doing this and that job are now 33 agencies de government resources in northwest with no cen- ort. It is going to cost dollars to develop this •re and the quicker we e more economically the ill liquidate itself and the costs to the taxpay- ’. JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNA!.. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1949 Pow er Pole Cut, T w o Are Hurt In Dangerous Crash A charge o f driving an automobile while under the Influence of liquor was filed Monday at Caldwell a- gainst Juan Garcia o f the Nyssa labor camp following an automobile accident occurring in Apple valley. S h eriff R ay Luekenga o f Canyon county said the car driven by G ar cia jumped o ff the road, knocked over several mail boxes, reeled along a ditch fo r a distance o f 108 feet and sheered o ff a 66,000 volt power line pole. Bernard Frost, manager o f the Idaho Power company at Nyssa, said when he arrived on the scene scores o f persons were standing under the high tension line. He said if the pole were knocked o ff its balanced position and fell, cer tainly several persons would have been killed. Garcia, who was not badly In jured, was taken to Jail in Caldwell. His companion, Pedro Rebereo, was taken to the Nyssa Nursing home for treatment. Graeber Speaks To Civic Club Dr. Fred O. Graber, director o f the M alheur county health depart ment told the members o f the Nyssa civic club at their regular meeting Wednesday afternoon o f the tasks that confront a health department. Dr. Graeber stated that the work o f a health doctor is the prevention o f disease while that o f local phys icians deals with the treatment of disease. He expressed appreciation o f the fact that sanitary conditions in many o f the schools in the coun the Hoover report did ty are improving. Th e field of n a CVA, it did condemn sanitation is one of the big tasks of and extravagance inher- the health department. In this ! competition existing be- field. Dr. Graeber and the county e government agencies, sanitation engineer, Henry Enders, The CVA “ is designed inspect and make recommendations administrative job,” ac- in regard to water supplies, sewage the speaker, who added disposals, garbage disposal, and men would be appointed restaurant inspection. Dr. Graeber esident and approved by asked the cooperation o f the public to administer the pro in patronizing those restaurants and soda fountains with grade A cards. lific Northwest Develop- Another problem that is being stud pany is largely financed ied in this county is that o f the wer companies” . Mr. Bak- pollution o f the irrigation ditches. his institution has been Other phases o f public health make the people believe work carried on in the county is is a terrible thing; that it I that of communicable diseases. our liberties away. The During the coming year county sts did everything they health officials will spend 60 days H stuP construction of Bon- in immunization clinics. Dr. G rae 3d Grand Coulee. Now they ber hopes to encourage earlier im fly opposing the CVA. Th ey munization of children so that they ~VA act would take away are all immunized by the time they Now just what rights reach school age. T h e crippled *A take away? All the pow- children’s clinics are another phase Jministrators have is to ad- o f the public health work in the the policies laid down by county. Arrangements for physical and spend the money ap- therapy and surgery for crippled by congress. T h e only children are made through the slation in the new C V A jiat the CVA has the power health department. T h e examination o f 1500 first iiate for the purchase of grade children is another task that ¡ources. confronts the health department contention that the C V A ment during the coming year. These ke away our rights is Just will not only discover physical de aik", tjie speaker stated, fects at an early age but will also opaganda is just another serve as a survey for health needs. ing being thrown onto the T h e keeping o f vital statistics and to distract attention, of educating the public so that bet argument made against ter health may be enjoyed by all was made against the T V A are other phases o f public health e valley authority) 10 work, carried on in this county. Some of the most ardent Dr. Graeber mentioned the four its of the T V A are in favor child guidance clinics that are being VA. in no way has the planned for the coming year. These trie ted individuals or bus- will be held at Nyssa, Adrian, Plon- income taxes paid by in- in the TV A area have been ner and Ontario. Following his talk, Dr. Graeber double the cost o f the answered a number o f questions that were asked him concerning [ CVA will make it possible sanitary conditions in Nyssa and ' businesses and population ! to this area. I would like the rest o f the county. During the business meeting with the whole program coor- Mrs John Kopp presiding, a report so we won't have this spec- was made by Mrs. Ted Morgan on two agencies making inde- the round robin parties held during 3 surveys and reports that the summer. F ifty dollars will be heated. I am speaking only donated from this fund for the sup “ Uv I am not interested port o f the library. The group also political aspects. W e are voted to send $25 to aid In the polio a great empire and I think fund drive. Mrs. Ed Frost was in d vision and coordination charge o f the program. Hostesses iat this program is conduct- for the afternoon were Mrs. J. L. » efficient basis". Church and Mrs. W illiam Schire- " Bracken, president o f the .chamber of commerce, ex- that the meeting was spon- 5 the chamber o f commerce Bowling Leagues * Oregon Trail O range for Play Scheduled jpose of giving the people P°rtunity to more intelli- Owen Martens, operator o f the • irm an opinion on this im - "*ue.” Nyssa Bowling center announced resenting Mr. Baker, J. L. that league play will be started on " n said “Issues that affect or about October 10. The alleys as CVA should be under - were opened this week. T h e weekly schedule will be as I the people. Our sole pur- «> present both sides o f the follows: M en’s commercial league. order that you m ight bet- 170 e.verage down, Monday night; married league. Wednesday night; your own opinion". men’s major league, 145 average up, plough— Thursday night, and ladies league James Rigney arrived in Friday night. ■ .ndajr evening from Lack- i‘e3T m San Antonio, Texas ¡Thrift Sales Held— T h e St. Pau ls Episcopal guild his parents, M r and Mrs Rii^n Rigney will leave will hold its th rift day sales at the ' !?,r the Chanute air fieid parish hall Monday through Thurs ■ Illinois, where he will re- 1 day o f the first two weeks In O ct Anyone with contributions -4-weeks course, in w e a th e r 1 ober u" n as a result o f the high I for the sale may have them picked received in testing in this 1 up by calling Mrs. W illiam Schlre- i man at 61-R. r « Portland— " “ «* • * * . principal o f the school, will leave F ri- n‘” $ f ° t Portland, where he the larislattve session 0rr?jn Education assocla- • Returo From Trip— M r and Mrs. Eugene Hadley re turned Tuesday lit e r a four-day vacation trip. T h ey visited friends. M r and Mrs O. E O rah am. at Everett. W ashir^ton and returned home bv wav o f Seattle. Hospital Prizes To Be Given At Carnival, Dance American Legion Will Turn Proceeds Over To Hospital Th e drawing for the $2600 worth of merchandise to be given away by the raffle committee of the Nyssa chamber of commerce for the benefit o f the Malheur Memorial Hospital association will be held at a carnival and dance to be held in the gymnasium Saturday night, October 1. Th e carnival, which will be con ducted by the American Legion, will be opened at 9 o'clock. The proceeds of the carnival and dance, as well as from the sale of chances on the prizes will go to the hospital association. The games of chance at the carnival will include dice, 21, roulette, fish pond, bingo, base ball throw and ring toss. In ad dition, the sponsors will arrange for five booths, in which various meth ods o f luring money from willing customers will be featured. The drawing for the merchandise prizes will be held at midnight, fo l lowing three hours of dancing and revelry. The raffle committee has sold ap proximately $3200 worth of chances, or about $600 more than the value of the merchandise. Members of the hospital auxiliary has started selling tickets in a booth on the Eder parking lot. Members o f the raffle committee are Harry Miner, chairman; Ed Child, Robert Talbot, Jr., Robert Thompson, W ilton Jackson, B er nard Eastman and Thomas G. Jones. Th e prizes to be given are a Ford custom sedan, a general Elec tric home freezer, Universal deluxe electric range, Wedgwood deluxe gas range and a solid walnut bed room suite. Nyssa Teachers Attend Sessions Forty-five teachers, comprising all of the faculties of the Nyssa school system, attended the eastern Oregon educational institute and workshop held in La Grande September 19 and 20. T h e school children were given a two-day vacation while their teach ers were attending the institute. The theme of the sessions was “ De veloping Our Resources For E ffect ive Educational Service.” New officers elected at the insti tute, held on the Eastern Oregon College of Education campus, are Arthur Keisz of Ontario, president; Max Morse of Ontario, secretary; Cecil Posey, executive secretary of the Oregon Education association, treasurer, and A. H. Haberly of John Day, vice president. T h e elementary teachers held sectional meetings relating to sub jects taught and also by grades, and the high school teachers held de partmental meetings. In the elementary division Walter L. McPartland of Nyssa was chair man o f the special education sec tion and in the high school division Raymond Weatherspoon o f Nyssa was chairman of the social science section. George J. Sirnio of the state department o f education, a former Adrian teacher, was one of the speakers. Rev. H. J. Gem hardt o f La Grande, former pastor of the Methodist church in Nyssa, deliver ed the invocation at the first morn ing session. Speakers included some of Ore gon’s most outstanding educators. One of the featured addresses was delivered by Mrs. Induk Pahk, in ternational lecturer from Korea, on the subject "M y Country and My People” . Charge O f Child Stealing Filed Manuel Diez and Martin Diez, brothers, were arrested by state police officers Wednesday on a charge of child stealing The com plaint was signed by Robert Apod- aca, father o f 13-year-okl Patricia Apodaca, who is alleged to have been taken by the brothers to Reno, Nevada. Officers said Manuel Diez and Patricia secured a marriage license, but could find no one to marry them In Reno. . A fter arraignment in justice court this morning, the brothers were remanded by Judge Don M. Graham to the county Jail to await action by the district attorney. Purchase Farm— M r and Mrs. Herschel Thomp son and Mr and Mrs A1 Thompson former NysBa residents, have pur chased the C liff W right dairy farm in the Adrian section They re cently sold their farm at Enterprise in Wallowa county The purchase from W right Included M h” ~ e registered Jersey <*“ *• T t* Thompson families completed mov- | ins to their new farm Sunday M r 1 and Mrs W right have purchased I the C K Olson residence on Al- Interferin*; In Firemen's W ork W ill Draw Fines Due to difficulties encountered by the fire department in responding to fire calls and also Interference by well-intentioned citizens with members of the fire department while fighting fires, Fire Chief Frank Morris has requested com pliance by the public with the city ordances applicable to the fire de partment. Chief Morris stated that strict enforcement of the ordinances will be sought and that both the police and fire department will issue sum mons to all future violators. The chief pointed out that under the or dinances. all members of the fire department have special police powers to enforce fire provisions of the ordinance. The following are abbreviated provisions of the fire ordinances: All fire equipment and personal cars of firemen shall have right-of- way over all traffic when answering an alarm. Upon approach of fire equipment or personal cars of firemen, giving audible signal by bell, siren or whistle, every driver shall immedi ately drive as near as possible and parallel to the right hand curb, clear o f any Intersection, and shall stop until the fire equipment or other fire cars have passed. No unauthorized person shall fo l low within 600 feet of any fire ap paratus, nor park a vehicle within 300 feet of a fire. No person shall drive any vehicle over a fire hose without authority of the fire chief or person in charge o f the hose. No person shall Interfere with any members of the fire department in their efforts to extinguish a fire. No persons shall congregate in the vicinity of any fire so as to hinder or interfere with the fire depart ment in its efforts to extinguish any fire. No person shall use any fire ap paratus or equipment for any priv ate purpose or remove any article of equipment used by the fire de partment. No person shall enter any place where fire apparatus is housed or handle any equipment unless ac companied by or having permission of an officer or member of the de partment. Violation of the above ordinances is declared a misdemeanor and will subject the violator to possible fine of $100 and in some instances to imprisonment for not more than 10 days. Moss Predicts Steady Growth Of Ny ssa Area Glimutic Anti Soil Con ditions Develop Food Sweet Corn TWO SECTIONS— TEN PAGES Mendiants Giving Tickets On Dollar Mdse. Purchases Nyssa merchants have started giving tickets on the merchandise to be given away under the auspices of the Nyssa chamber o f commerce next nfcmth One ticket, good as a chance on all of the merchandise, is given for each $1 purchase by participating business firms. The first drawing will be held October 1, the second October 8 and the third October 22. A pig scramble will be held Saturday. October 15. Prior to each drawing from 3:30 to 4 p. m. music will be furnished by the Nyssa band. The prizes, on display in the win dow of the Western store, are an umbrella tent, butane camp stove, sleeping bag. gasoline camp stove, air mattress and nesting kit, to be given away October 1; electric oven, all wool comforter, automatic cot- feemaker. pressure cooker, twin waffle iron and electric iron, to be given October 8, and five grand prizes, chrome dinette set, platform rocker, portable ironer, electric m ix er and pop-up toaster, to be given October 22. Safety Council Urges Buying Of Patrol Jackets School Officiuls Like Idea; Other Plans Discussed .. _ , . , Fred Moss, manager of the Idaho The 8“ ,ety councl‘ forn" Canning company, predicted before ulated plans at a meeting held in members of the Nyssa chamber of Carl's Doll House Monday night for commerce at their weekly luncheon obtaining Jackets for members o f Wednesday noon that Nyssa will the school patrol through contrtb- grow to the point that it will be the utions from civic and social organ largest city in the Snake river val izations. ley between Caldwell and Hunting- Each member o f the council was ton. requested to contact his sponsoring Mr. Musk thanked the chamber of organization in regard to furnishing commerce for the help it gave the one of these Jackets. company when It was starting op School officials said the Jackets eration of its plant here and for were badly needed last winter. The “ the manner in which you have fo l council recommends the purchase of lowed through” . six, one for each child on traffic “ I think you have one of the duty at the “ Y " crossings at the nicest little chambers of commerce west end o f Main street. that it has been my privilege to Plans were also discussed for co come in contact with” , Mr. M oss operating with other organizations said. and individuals in publicizing N a 'When we first investigated Nyssa tional Fire Prevention week, which with the idea of establishing a plant will be observed during the second here, the town had a population of week of October. Publicity material between 800 and 900. A goodly por in the form of posters and a fire tion of the land was new and the | »V r • | o 'I ' / safety movie have been ordered area across the river was just de tt 4‘ IS4*I IO I O 0| Representatives o f each o f the veloping. The rural areas have organizations represented on the grown to the point where they are The Nyssa Bulldogs crashed to an safety council are requested to ob forcing the growth of the city. upset victory over the Welser W ol tain names o f persons who would Mr. Moss predicted a steady verines on the Welser gridiron last be Interested in enrolling In the growth, “ which will be true whether Friday night in their first football first aid classes to be held later in you like it or not. game o f the season. The score was the fall. "W e took this growth into con Hamilton Chadderdon gave a re 18 to 6, with two early first period sideration when looking for a lo touchdowns accounting for the port on the distribution o f parent- cation because of our need of labor” , child driving agreements and the margin o f victory. the speaker said. “ W e employed Fresh from their victory over the school essay contest, which will be 380 persons at the Nyssa plant at Wolverines, the Bulldogs will face held this fall. The council hopes the peak of the season. I believe the Emmett Huskies on the local that these agreements can be dis our coming has increased the pop field Friday night in n Snake river tributed to the school children at ulation of Nyssa by 100 families. conference contest. Like the Bull the time the rules for the essay The sugar company has increased dogs, the Wolverines won their first contest are announced. the population many times more. league contest, a 12 to 7 battle with Dale Blngman o f the Nyssa fire The sugar business is the greatest Vale. department asked the co-operation thing in the Snake river valley. I The Bulldogs received the opening of the safety council In preventing have a great interest in It. kick-off and on u sustained drive children from riding their bicycles "Because of the hot days, the of 75 yards drove for a touchdown to fires. Because o f the traffic good soil and the water that we with the game only three minutes density during fire runs, he expres have In abundance, this area pro old. Suiter, Nyssa fullback, scored sed fear that someone will be ser duces corn that can take care of from the 8-yard line. The kick for iously Injured. the needs of the area west of the extra point was wide. Shortly there The council agreed to contribute Rockies. Because of the fast after, the Wolverines punted to the half of the cost of a trash contain growth, corn raised in this area is Nyssa 32-yard mark, where Pounds, er, which would be placed on Main more tender than eastern corn.” Bulldog halfback, gathered In the street In an effo rt to encourage Mr. Moss warned that the new ball and raced 68 yards down the other organizations to do likewise. land in this section is already be sideline to score. Again, the kick The Nyssa fire loss during 1949, coming depleted of organic m ater for conversion was wide. amounting to approximately $85.000, ial, but he added "we are going to The Wolverine offense began to was discussed. Seventy-five thous do everything possible to influence click In the third quarter and with and dollars o f the loss was caused the farmers to put organic m ater Halfback Laur and Fullburk Eaker by the L and H packing shed fire ials back into the soil so it will grow alternating on plunges o ff tackle and $6000 by the Carl and Burt a good product” . and around the ends, the W olver machine shop plaze. Young People To President Fred W. Bracken ap ines scored on a drive that carried Euler Colleges pointed a committee, consisting of them 68 yards down the field Laur Clyde Snider. Harold Henlgson and scored on an end run from the 20- A number of young people from Wilton Jackson, to draft a consti yard line, but the try for point fa il Nyssa have left during the past tution and by-laws for the chamber ed. week to enroll in schools for the of commerce, which has always op In the final quarter the W olver Eight hundred and fifty-th ree erated without any set of rules and ines threatened with a drive that coming year. persons received X -rays In Nyssa regulations. Howard Flanary will enroll as a carried to the Nyssa 18-yard mark, when the Oregon Tuberculosis and freshman at Lewis and Clark col but a fumble und incompleted pass Health association X -ra y unit was lege in Portland; Val Dee Child stopped the threat. here last Friday and Monday, ac will enroll as fresh man at Brigham In the final minutes o f the game cording to figures released by Rev. Young university at Provo; Lee the bulldog offense rolled for three Don M axfleld, Nyssa chairman. Snider has returned to Whitman to successive first downs und Pounds Mrs. June Davis o f Ontario, ex Approximately $600 was collected begin his junior year; Alice Warner tallied a final touchdown on a 33- ecutive secretary of the Malheur In the Nyssa section last week-end w ill.g o to Ashlan, where she will yard run over tackle A pass for County Tuberculosis and Health as enter her sophomore year at the during the special campaign con the extra point was incomplete. sociation, announced that up to 6 ducted for the benefit of the groups Southern Oregon College of Edu Nyssa’s stand-out linemen were p. m., September 19 a total o f 2682 flgm ing Infantile paralysis. cation and Bonnie F ife will enter as Glenn, guard, and Campbell, center; X-rays had been taken in Malheur Practically all of the money was Pounds, halfback, gave a nice exhib county. Figures from other com a freshman at the University of contributed through the schools. Idaho at Moscow. ition of open field running. munities were as follows: Park 74, Janice Frost and Jane Parr will The children were given written ap In other games in the valley O n Ontario 1312, Jordan Valley-Arock peals to take Into thé homes go to La Grande, where they will tario defeated Parma 13 to 0. Em 197 and Adrian 246. The money goes to the Malheur mett nosed out Vale, and Payette begin their freshman year at the T h e mobile X -ra y unit will re county group, which will retain 50 Eastern Oregon College of Educat walloped Frultland 20 to 6. main In Mulheur county through per cent of the money and send the ion. Other students returning there Friday, September 23. Any person will be Evaleen Towne. Mardi Sal remainder to the national organ who has not had an opportunity to Funeral Planned ization, according to William Lem lee. Marion Ballentyne. Osako Kldo have a chest X -ray may do so F ri on, chairman of the Nyssa drive and Elian Ann Herrman. For (jipt. Dunaway day afternoon by going to the M al The money received by the national There will be four freshman at heur T itle and Abstract company the University of Oregon from organization will be spent where It office In Vale. Mr. and Mrs. J P Dunaway Nyssa. They are Viva Mary Lees is most needed. Assisting with the X -ra y clinic In Ontario collected $950. so that have been notified by the war d e Nyssa were Mrs. Chet Mosier, hralth burg. Marian Brown. Glenn Schlre- partment that the body o f their son. county sponsorors hoped that Vale man and Royce Chadwick. Upper Captain Carl Dunaway, has arrived chairman o f the P. T . A.; Mrs. classman at the university are would contribute an amount suf In this country. Services and burial Henry Hartley. Mrs C. A. Mally, ficient tb make the county total at Greta Stunz. Beth Mitchell Olson. Ward Tyler. Mrs. Bernard for Captain Dunaway and the three Mrs Beverly Ure. John Bartholoma and least $2000 members of his crew will be held Eastman, Mrs. J. L. Church, Mrs. David Sarazin. at the National cemetery In 8t. Ted Morgan. Mrs. Frank Morgan, Deane Irving. Yoko Okano and Requirements For Louis, Missouri at 9 30 a. m. on Sep Mrs Bert Llnenkaemper, Mrs. J. L. Lewlynn Robbins will enroll as Herrlman, Mr,. Dale Garrison, Mrs. tember 27 Voting Art* Cited Captain freshman at Oregon State college Dunaway and the memb Houston Wilson, Mrs. Howard Love- Voting requirements fo r persons and Marie Seburn, Dick Tensen and er! o f his crew were killed In 1944 Joy, Mrs Harry Miner, Mrs. R O. Raymond Larson will begin their desiring to cast ballots in the pro when their plane crashed as they Larson and Mrs. Harry Klngrey. posed special election for the recall senior year there. were flying over the Himalaya o f County Judge Irwin Troxell, If mountains between Tez Pur, India Booster Night held, were announced here today. and Kummlng, China. Firemen Called To In the event the recall petition Mr and Mrs Dunaway will leave Speaker Secured is presented to County Clerk H 8. Extinguish Fire« Sackett. it will toe necessary that this week for St Louis to attend the services. LeR oy Puller o f Boise, agricult he set the date for an election on Nyssa firemen were called on two the question o f recall within 25 ural agent o f the Union Pacific occasions last week-end. system, will be guest speaker on days of the filing of such petition. Nvssa IPs Beat Fire caused an estimated $50 , . _ _ _ , the Booster night program of the As all voters must be registered damage to a one-room house owned at least 30 days prior to an elec W e is e r I n to 0 Kingman Kolony G range Friday by Jim G riffiths at Locust avenue tion, all residents In the county ________ I night, September 30 and Idaho street Friday night. Oc Who have not as yet roglstered are T h e meeting will be held In the The Nyssa B squad defeated the cupants of the house were cooking urged toy the Oregon T rail Orange Welser B's on the Nyssa field W ed Adrian grade school building A outside when coals from the stove and Nyssa chamber o f commerce nesday afternoon by a score of 18 program and special refreshments fell onto a pile of trash alongside to do so Immediately, as otherwise to 0 will be arranged Th e public Is in the house. the opportunity to vote will be T h e Bullpups scored twice In the vited to attend A car owned by a M r Ballough lost. first period and once in the second was slightly damaged Sunday by Local residents may register In Santlllanes scored the first and Visits In Portland— fire on Bower avenue between the city recorder’s office in the city third touchdowns after receiving a Miss M ardi Sallee left Tuesday Fourth and Fifth streets h a i l _______________ pass and Rodger Skeen registered evening for Portland, where she will The the second touchdown on a short visit Miss Beverly Bramhall On Fishing Trip— Visits At Eugene— two girls will return Sunday to La line buck. Mr and Mrs Charles Oarrlsor. Mrs J C Smith is In Eugene vis Qrande, where they will attend grandson, Donald Newtolll, iting her daughter, Mrs Kenneth and school. Returns I r o n Trip— spent Monday fishing at Owyhee Faraner. who spent two weeks in Dr. R. A. Kellog of Nyssa landed dam and on Tuesday they fished this vicinity visiting relatives. Sunday at Boise In a United Air To Hold Trap Shoot— nenr Unity. T h e Malheur Game league will Lines plane following an extended Herr From Kansas— I _ ... . trip to the eastern part o f the U nit hold Its first trap shoot of the sea Mrs Laura Harsh of Stockton, leave For Utah— ed States Dr Kellogg, who resum son Sunday, September 25 at the Kansas and* her mere Mrs Bob Mr and Mrs. James Peterson ed his practice this week, went as game league traps north of the O n Talbert and Joe S Chaffer and left Wednesday morning for Salt far south as Savannah G eorgia and tario airport. Shooting will be £ £ h 2 e r M Lurmy. K .ru a , were Lake City on a confined bus nem Special hunters’ Tampa. Florida and returned home started at 10 30 vLslU.r at the home of Mr and Mrs and ’ *rtP T**** W,U prizes will be awarded by way o f Nashville. Tennessee. I o. E. Dorman last week. i gone two weeks. Itllllllo^S Real X-Rays Are Taken In Nyssa 8600 Collected For Polio Fund