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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1949)
i A ' i V j '. '. i - = = ^ eNYSSA Y Y XXIV NO. 36 ä V j . JOURNAL -^ 1 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1949 ber of Commerce, Grange New Ci,y Plans F7 r " ’ PT nposed To Recall Election 4re Bev'aW Al Council Meeting r , Company Kespoml To Fires, Storm r Several radios and light globes were burned out last Saturday night when a high tension wire of the Idaho Power copany fell on Merchants Plan Sales Campaign Beginning Sat. Voters Approve Bond Issue For Library, Fire Station Croups G i v e Two Mexicans To City Helps Band; May Construction Of Addit Drawing For Prizes Anti Owyhee Kid« >rs ort To County Be Tried During Buy Street Sweeper 1 the The clty high circult ion May He Complet Pig Scramble Are Take l'oints At tension wire fell when ¡adge Troxell September Term After Trial ed Tins Fall a cross-arm on a pole burned In Announced Association Show ---------- two because of a shower causing )*gon Trail Grange and chamber of commerce olutions this week op- ■ election proposed by merits in the county to (for the recall of County Tin Troxell. ange passed its resolution ight and the chamber of passed a resolution a t its Wednesday luncheon. of the recall movement circulating petitions ask- a recall election be held, order to require an election, the must secure at least 676 to the petitions. Lvent that a recall election nly registered voters will -ted to cast ballots. If a jits until it is determined call election wil be held gistering he will be too The cases of the two Mexicans The city council voted at its a short. The mishap caused elec- A $17.000 bond issue designed to In addition to the specials to Members of the Owyhee Riding charged with assult with a danger meeting Tuesday night to give! ¡[iC seryice to be off for about be offered by commercial establish club of Nyssa won many places In provide money for construction of ous weapon in connection with an financial assistance to the c ity , Firemen were called to the Tom ments, the second round-up value the competitive events held at the an addition to the city hall to pro alleged attack on several Nyssa band, to secure a small power Weeks home when smoke from a days promotion sponsored by the third annual field meet of the vide more space for the library and fire department was approved at business and professional men a street sweeper for trial use and to radio caused neighbors to sound merchants of Nyssa will feature a Western Riding Clubs association in the polls Tuesday by the one-sided few weeks ago will be tried during Investigate the possibility of using an alarm. Boise last Sunday. of 106 to IS. the September term of circuit court shallow well water during the irri Firemen were called on two other pig scramble October 15 and draw One hundred and ninety-four vote The city will sta rt proceedings to in Vale. gation season. occasions within the last few days. ings for valuable merchandise priz persons, representing 23 riding sell as soon as passible, Elmer Trujillo’s case will be the Hamilton Chadderdon and Ed A car owned by Owen Gann was es on the three other Saturdays in clubs, participated In the grand with the the bonds idea of finishing the first considered a t this term of Knettle presented a request on damaged by fire on north Sixth October. entry of the show, held at the Adu building tills fall. A contract will court, beginning September 21, behalf of the city band for fin street. Saturday, September county fairgrounds. The E>-Deh- be let after the plans are prepared. A small house In the 700 block 17, Beginning Santa De La Cruz, arrested with ancial and moral support. The merchants participating in the How Riding club won the champ Members of the election board on First street was slightly dam- Trujillo, will be tried September 28 council agreed to buy a base drum promotion wifi give a free ticket ionship of the show with 50 points. were Katherine E. Smith, Pauline and tuba at an expense not ex daged by fire Sunday. The house with each dollar purchase. They Points were awarded for the first Church. Elaine Lienkaemper, Nor in the third trial of the term. The case of Prank C. Wyns and ceeding $250 and, loan them to the was vacant and firemen did not will also advertise specials for the four places In each event. ma McKinvmey and Helen M. 'earn the name of the owner. The occasion. Nyssa winners were as follows: Mally. Mrs. Wyns against the G arrett band. Lights will be installed in t h e ! ila”les were confined to an area Freight lines, seeking damages for Ten purebred pigs will be re Dun Collins, second, men's sad The vote was canvassed and the personal injury in an automobile alleys between Third and Fourth un“ er the floor, leased October 15 on the high dle horse event: Bruce Pett, third, result announced at a meeting of ------------------ ----- accident, will be opened September streets on each side of Main street. I _ school lawn and 20 F. F. A. boys 220-yard dash; Nyssa club, second, the city council Tuesday night. 26. will try to catch them. Each boy pony express race, first section; The new addition, constructed of avedn u £ ° at Sixth taking a pig across a certain line Betty Domenico, second, ladies brick to coincide with the present Nyssa members of the Jury panel The city will erect a gate at the will be permitted to keep the ani saddle horse event; Nyssa club, city hall, will be 19 by 30 feet. It are Virginia Brandt. Alta L. Stunz, mal. with the understanding that second, men's flag race, first sec will be erected on the north side William Hipp and Katherine Peter entrance to the city dump grounds north of town and will keep the he will feed it until next year and tion; Donna Domenico, first, fig at the present fire station. The 11 movement is the out- son. dump grounds open to the public The recently-organized Nyssa sell it at public auction. He will ure eight stake race for children; main floor of the building will f a controversy th a t has only one day a week. The council Toastmasters club held Its charter receive the proceeds from the sale, Betty Domenico, first, ladies’ fig house the new fire truck to be pur Vale for several week be- said the reason for the action is banquet at the Eaststde cafe Mon- with the exception of the original ure eight stake race; "Skinny" chased by the Nyssa Rural Fire * county court, labor union that people are dumping garbage : dav. September 12 In Ontario, purchase price, which will revert Tensen, second, cow-cutting con Protection district as well as the d members of the county promiscuously at the grounds. The address of welcome was back to the chamber of commerce, test; Lynn Snodgrass, third, men's fire equipment of the city. The s over wages. The council asked to have the given by President Clyde Snider which iwill provide the pigs lor the calf roping; Betty Domenico, third, second story will contain a new lien of Vale, reputed to spot turning for ladies; Bernard library, 14 by 30 feet, and fire nolice make an Inspection to en- and the introduction of guests was pig scramble. rime mover in the recall One hundred and fifty parents force the ordinance requiring that made by Toastmaster Richard V. Frizes will be awarded to the and Bonnie Kresslcy, second, men's quarters, 18 by 30 (eet. the union did not start and school patrons attended the only covered garbage cans be used Wheelbarrow contest; Betty Dom Wilson. Buck Steuenberg, deputy holders of the lucky tickets as fol ment; he said the union first Parent-Teacher meeting of the In the city. governor of the Caldwell Toast lows: October 1. 4 p. m., Palmetto enico, fourth, musical chair race helping him. The union, new school year in the high school If the city secures the street masters club, introduced District umbrella tent, value $43.75; butane for ladies. is reported to be willing building last Thursday evening. sweeper, it will probably be here Governor David G. Tate of the camp stove, value $42.50; sleeping from $25.000 to $30,000 in The meeting opened with group in two weeks. If the machine is Boise Toastmasters, who presented bag, $19 96; gasoline camp stove, 1 campaign. singing led by Mrs. Josephine Rig- satisfactory, the city will buy it. the charter to Ed Knettle. Follow $13.95; air mattress, $10.95, and he filed the petition in the nev and accompanied by Mrs. Dor The city is making an investi the acceptance addresss by Mr. nesting kit, $10.95; October 8. 4 p. A polio epidemic emergency drive clerk's office, Allen was othy Nolan. Henry Hartley, sup gation of the feasibility of using ing Knettle. Fred Bracken, president m., electric oven, $40; comforter, will be conducted In Nyssa this pied by G. W. Royer, bus- erintendent of the Nyssa schools in shallow well water during the ir- of the Nyssa chamber of commerce, $25; automatic coffeemaker, $24; week-end to raise funds for com Fifty-six candidates were initiat nt for the Laborers union troduced W alter McPartland, prin rigation season. The city will send delivered an address of congratul- pressure cooker, $22 85; twin waf ed Into the newly organized wo batting the dreaded disease, accord n. ing to Chairman William Lemon. cipal of the elementary and junior samples to Portland to have the atlons. Mr. Bracken stated that the fle Iron, $1595, and electric iron, tated that ‘'No effort was high school and Dennis Patch, prin water analyzed, but Its purity has infant Toastmasters club had al $11.95. and October 22, 4 p. m , five men's auxiliary of the Nyssa Eagles An appeal will be Issued to every the court to bargain with cipal of the high school, who in ii I ready been established by tests, ready rendered valuable service to grand prizes, chrome dinette set. lodge at a district meeting held In family in the community In letters yes after they had fbrm- turn presented the teachers in their Except for the irrigation season, the community and had been call- $139.50; platform rocker, $59.50; Nyssa last Sunday. The Initiation was conducted by to be Issued through the schools rgaining unit under the schools. the supply of water is more than ed upon to furnish speakers for pub- portable Ironer, 49.96; electric mix officers from La Grande. Pendle which have volunteered to help In the issue between the be gatherings. He further stated er, $39.50, and pop-up toaster, ton and Boise, including the Idaho the campaign. A house-to-house A short business meeting followed, double the amount needed. 1 the road department em- Chairman George Henneman ap the Nyssa Toastmasters club is a $21.50. state secretary and Oregon state canvass was planned for Friday ver reaches the national with Mrs. John Schenk, president, pointed a committee consisting of progressive organization that Is night, but th at plan has been can Prior to each drawing, from 3:30 Bations board for a hearing, in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Leo Harry Miner, George Sallee and rapidly training leaders for civic to 4 p. m , entertainment will be conductor In the chairs. The La celled because leaders believed Qrande drill team officiated for the ent would be considered a Gonyer announced plans for the dis Fred Bracken to work with City and social organizations through furnished by the Nyssa band. Institution and the Pendleton drill there was not sufficient time to or cussion groups, and Mrs. Rlgney, stead of a strike", Manager El K. Burton on a project out the community. team for the installation of officers ganize effectively. crews are now working in who is state chairman for the ex of installing street signs. The signs The National Foundation for In A short preview of a typical The institution officer was T. T. ty with some of the form- ceptional child for P. T. A., an will probably be metal affixed to Toastmaster meeting was then pre High Officials fantile Paralysis has just announc Turner, Oregon state secretary. rs and some new workers nounced the all day county meet metal posts. ed th at It "must ask for more sented. Topicmaster was Gene Of F. II. A. Visit The officers installed were Lydia money ing concerning handicapped child because for the second The federal housing authority Stunz, whose duty it was to in Willson, junior past madam presi range resolution reads as ren th a t will be held at Nyssa Oct has notified the city that an act troduce the speakers. time in two years polio has struck Fred A. ober 3, with state leaders In the Several high officials of the farm dent; Mildred Renstrom, madam the nation with unusual violence. has been passed to transfer title Norman was timekeeper, who home administration were visitors president; Johnnie Russell, madam e Ontario, Nyssa, Vale and field, in attendance. Last year was the blackest polio Mrs. George Sallee, program to veterans housing units from sounded the bell at the expiration In Malheur county Wednesday. vice president: Nora Graham, chap year since 1916 und this year ihc chambers of commerce and the government to the cities in j of each two-minute period. The lain; Lena Tyler, madam conductor, While on a general inspection trip, chairm an introduced Clyde Snider, ges of Malheur conty: which they are located. The trans- I critic was Clifford P Mink, who Mary L. Thomas, mudam secretary; toll will be even greater. At this Oregon Trail Grange feels local attorney, who spoke on the fer will be made at no cost to the gave a scintillating criticism of the they attended a meeting with Don Claudlne Oarrlson, madam treasur moment, In hundreds of hard-hit kite Irwin Troxell of the relationship of parents to the cities. Mr. Henneman appointed features of each speech. A diversity Kudrna, Malheur county supervisor, er; Gladys Byers, Inner guard; communities from coast to coast county court warrants our school. Mr. Snider stated the need Councllmen Gordon Ray and Lloyd of excellent 2-minute speeches was and members of the county advisory Katherine Peterson, outer guard, funds raised In the 1949 march of dimes «re wiped out In caring for and support in the stand of close co-operation of parents and Wilson to Investigate the possibil presented by Hugh J. Tobler, committee. The visitors were enroute to Wen- j and Gertrude Broad, Virginia stricken children and udults. The taken in managing the af- teachers if the best results were to ity of acquiring title to the land, James W. Leslie. William K. Wahl Brandt and Evelyn Thompson, atchee. Washington, where they will be obtained in the education of the total amount th at will be needed the county. which is required by the govern ert. Hamilton Chadderdon and attend a meeting From there they trustees. Is more money than the national ted him to office because child. He stressed the need of ad ment. Wilton C. Jackson. After Institution of the auxiliary Following the formal part ofjW‘" to Portland and thence to and Installation of officers lunch office received from the 1949 march ght he was a man who ult education, and humorously The council passed a resolution nf dims. Before the end of the quoted th a t “education doesn't hurt to advertise for the sale of $17,000 ontinued on Page 5) was served by the Nyssa ladles to year, these communities are ex- if a person keeps on learning.” worth of bonds for construction of approximately 250 delegates In a t liected to call upon the chapters' Mr. Snider urged parents to as an addition to the city hall for en through the co-operation of B rack-1 ®eter of a4,ml° tendance. epidemic aid fund at national sume their responsibility In doing largement of the fire station and mi ' s store of Nyssa Tesaman's of - *7 t The Engles zone meeting opened their p art in the home in the 3-way Ontario, and the Lovely Ladles Duffy of Portland, state director In at 2 p. m with the Nyssa officers headquarters for additional mil education of the child th at is car library. shop of Payette. The master of Oregon and Washington: Karl Mag initiating 15 candidates After the lions of dollars". ried on by the home, the church ceremonies for the style show was leby of Salt Lake City, state dir Initiation L. C. Hawes, zone direct ur *v*_ r , „ I and the schools, and also to support Students To Have Ed Knettle. The remainer of the ector In Utah and Idaho; Floyd or, took charge of the meeting The F Hlgbee, state director In Colo k sh I,,,,,atllrea farni the schools in every possible way was spent in dancing. principal speaker was T. T T urn Vacation Periods evening J&s ’ii!' ? 111 thls area Mr. Snider expressed appreciation Visitors Included guests from the rado, and Hugh McLaughlin of er, talking In place of O Harvey F:‘s the announcement of the ' of teachers for the work they are Boise, Nampa, Caldwell, and Pay Portland, chief of program opera Moore of Nampa, who was unable to Produce company th a t it doing in the schools. Because of teachers’ gatherings, ette Toastmasters clubs, as well tions in Oregon and Washington. A letter written by County S an attend because of Illness. E to receive beans a t its itarian Henry C. Endres In critic Two musical numbers were intro Nyssa schools will not be open Sep as non-Toastmasters from Nyssa Delegates were present from Her- ise on south Fifth street. Logan Visitors Here— ism of the sanitary conditions in by Mrs. Sallee. Angela P et tetnber 19 and 20 and October 3. and vicinity. I company, which has con- duced Mr and Mrs. Walter Squires and mlston, John Day. La Grande, Bak Nyssa was read at a meeting of the The faculties of the Nyssa school erson, Laura Schenk and Nani er, Pendleton. Ontario, Caldwell and [ between 800 and 1000 acres Child played "Tea For Two” as a system will attend a meeting of the ( To j.nj , r junior Collegi Mr and Mrs Owen Hull of Logan Boise auxiliaries and Eagles lodges city council Tuesday night. in the Nyssa district, will Eastern Oregon Education associ Mr. Endres said that although Bob Church left Sunday for visited from Friday until Sunday A dance was held Saturday night fhd sell the beans, mostly violin trio. They were accompan ation in La Grande Monday and Boise, where he will enroll In the at the home of Mr. and Mrs La- Nyssa gets its drinking water sup and a parade was held Sunday Pticans with a smaller per- ied by Miss Mary Lou Schenk. Two Tuesday of next week. Mont Fife. ply from three wells that have al Boise Junior college. groups of meledies were sung by morning. of Great Nortthern white James ways tested good, the water sup Nyssa will be host October 3 to and Charles Peterson and Undergoes Operation— ply would be much safer if it was the teachers of Malheur county, To Seattle— pneern, now making arrange- CUff Wright, with a guitar accom who will gather here to attend an Called chlorinated. Mrs. Lloyd Lewis returned to her [ IV c k h a m T o S|M-ak Mrs. J M. Corey was called to o have its warehouse gov- paniment. home Tuesday following a major "Although Nyssa has the only During the social hour, with Mrs Institute, which will have for a Seattle last week because of the operation A^aitm t A u th o rity approved, expects to take at the Holy Rosary hos sewage treatm ent plant In the subject "The Exceptional Child”. serious Illness of her son, A. W. tie-hundred pound bags off Carlos Buchner In charge, mem county, It does no good because pital. Tanner. rafted acreage. Half of the bers of the parent-teacher associ Hubert. Peckham of Wilder will It Is not used. Because Ontario Introduced their "guest” Moss To Talk On obtains Its water from the Snake f under the warehouse will ation deliver a talk against the proposed Football Fans (divert First Look teacher to those present. Refresh I for bean storage, Columbia vailed authority at a river, Nyssa also has the greatest Cannery Operation company has purchased ments were served at the close of At Snake River Teams At Jamboree meeting to be held In the high responsibility of any city in tthe Fred Moas. head of the Idaho school auditorium Thursday night, county to treat Its sewage ade thousand dollars worth of the meeting In the home economics Canning company. Is expected to top contenders for the 1949 S. R September 22 at 8 o'clock. quately.” ent for cleaning and polish - room. By Dennis W. Patch tell members of the chamber of * beans Mr. Peckham has been engaged Relative to garbage conditions, V crown. A heavy, experienced Valley football fans received their commerce at their weekly lunch first look at 8. R. V league teams in farming In the Wilder area Mr. Endres said "Very few g ar f companies are expected to Don Cotwacks To line made few mistakes In their eon next Wednesday something a for many years. bage cans have any lids, there is y.'.jce this year. The J. C. defensive play and opened siz Charles Baker, manager of the garbage on the ground and more ! company will probably Sing In Ontario S 5 ¿ S E V S « able holes for the Viking bocks Pacific Supply co-operaive at Wal important, there are many fltea". “ Ppm* Friday, the Malheur crowd u.*.o™ divided Its — at Following a meeting of the Mai- 1 C0^ aI*£ .n - rnmiianv finished a near capacity crowu la Walla, will speak In favor of the He added th at Nyssa should make ^ompany Saturday and the heur county community concert The y ign last tentlon between bands and grid- Tne Vale backfiekl composed of CVA In the high school auditorium garbage collection compulsory In Produce company committee. members announced ^ wQ hundred^ and fiftv ! iters from the nine valley schools tonight at 8 o’clock. stead of allowing It to be done on r£ r* e sS F * ' The Quality of the let- thsir tl^ ' flrst concert of the com- Thursday, meetings are sponsored by a voluntary basis persons ¿ were " J employed dur « ^ tw n - bands alike displayed many *ymp- Piupim bock. pUyed good defensive the Both r d market prices are good. mg series has been definitely «on- P*™0« Oregon Trail Oranrce and the “T he only thing favorable a- , run. which wm operand on toms of early season's lack of fin ball of potatoes is about finned for November 30. Rex Engleklng* Weiser Wolver-j Nyssa chamber of commerce. bout the Nyssa city dump Is th at Among the attractions scheduled shift basis______________ _ esse It added rather than detract- P™’ although some sheds In«** and the Frultland Grizzlies! It is fairly far away from town. ed from the colorful proceeding. _ fL ™ ® »* l,n “spuds" today. by the committee is the tien. Plat- Dumping Is done over a wide area, League"(Tfficia'b”"introduced new battled through right minutes' Missionary Speaks— - win probably finish off Don Cossack chorus. Gr® 1" p^ent-T eacher as- Dr Ira Olllet. who has served making adequate burning an im Innovations in the forma of special without a acore 81 nee some of last year's sub- The N y ^ ParentTeM -M r t i r : jn next week. with the years as a mission The Payette Pirates wasted little for s number F n that there will be a few scrlbers have left the community, sodatton I g courses for rules to open up the style of play time scoring on the Nysaa Bull- ary In Africa, will speak a t a aub- possibility. We should like to see the dump eltmlnsted and a land F I Hi a few tickets for the 1940-60 series parent teacher study distrlct meeting to be held Friday P I Produce company has ire available Thev mav be secured the coming year. Tne n m mee.iog Dcmion” In^punDng* aryl‘"runmn* do*: W alt' Buettgenbach's team evening at 8 at the Nysaa Method flU type of disposal or an incen- erator be substituted In the individual punt- combined a hard running ^ tack m Joe Dyer at will b eh e ld £ t h e ^ X o T S ' - r J , 1)01310 run and is ex- ist church. Mengjers from Payette. j start on onions. the U. 8 National bank at Ontario £ ^ a‘ * Welaer, Ontario, Frultland. Vale R e tu rn F rom T rip — J h * * Bphaon and Son will and Nysaa churches will attend On Dr and Mrs. John Kopp returned i _ *r*u.„ theme of the current r continue running potatoes Friday afternoon Mr Oillet will this week from a vacation trip spent h . o. <*•*-■ ing the ' next week They Nyssa end. minutes with a passing s “ “0*! speak to the members of the Nyasa at Lincoln beach Mrs Kopp visited "“un* onions in Payette. and Ontario women's societies relatives for a week in Bend and teams showed potentialities In the Dr Olllet is on furlough from his then she was joined by Dr Kopp Browning— Robert Runcorn Is a tenant. Mrs ptMing department. 1 work, and Is «pending three months and they went on to the coast JUn w - speaking in the Methodist church McOarvry. brother of Mrs Kopp. m ' ¿he Eagles hall w w nke s t>rother. Marvin Smith is visiting her slater. Mrs es of the northwest conference. I Is visiting with them prior to en lH i* rV r:ey Nebraska, and Alvis Trent of Ny— . September 20j t P- m escaped drown . t he team made pianty of yardage both tering medical school In Portland. members of the newly-formed New Plymouth, W 7*1 ^ All rSL?* bo*‘ ^ which they Driver Is F in e d - ^ I J - ^ e d to attend Nyssa ,n*ndpar£ , for the £ T u ie ground and through the air. Calf Given By C Inb— A caP*1* d near Hold- Jose Morez Hernandez was found ( organization are__________ host team drawing Parm* W « tally against the Par - , The registered Jersey heifer giv R eturn« Tu l h lra g o — Mrs M. J. Rounsevelle of C hi bn of * Au*uat SO Johnny I guilty In police court Wednesday P0«n rea In t h f ^ h t minute m . 'e m , The Tiger scoring threats en to Jimmy McKinley of Kingman left Monday for her home “d who wa* wtth m orning by Judge J. C 8 m lth on ApinHnU-d ^ has been ^ appointed Jim Elkins odd 0 . Val# vikings dump- were bogged down within the Pan Kolony at the Malheur County fair cago Hasty, drowned In | a charge of driving an automobile Jim ««• the Nyssa Elevator elevator He nrst frame nwrar —------- New ther 10-yard He 1 first the \ . * v Ne» ther 19-yard line by a stubborn for his outstanding agricultural after visiting In the weal for the 8he spent a work was awarded by the Malheur ! last two months ' 2 °f whlte he W“ und" 3 * the company for ed a game but S undenn«*» „„S, ^ » . T S S i K i i « U ie r J ^ » tvl. Y*1 Mr* Hasty clung at liquor and was fined $S0 and , h a s b e e n the odd quarter final. Em- County Jersey club and not by the month with her sister, Mrs C. J. ^ . for two hours white .e n tic e d to 10 day. In jail Her- ^ v e r s l y r a r s * r t “ W * £ ( 1948 R V champions. p M - Malheur County Dairy Breeders as Gaylord, at the R O. Larson m i" IW . S 8 * V sociation, as previously announced I home I „ 10 shore, a distance of nandez paid the fine and Judge manager at Nyw»- iC an Unwed Cn Pag* 5l they are labeled as 1 u Mr and i ! a Sm —>, .„«r-nded the — « and « Mrs -Mrs. Mrs. N i Hasty ith k suspended the tail sent- returned to the Ontario *T * a several enee street and **““ 1 Charter Given Nyssa Toasters First Meeting Of P. T. A. Held Zone Gathering Of Eagles Held 2S J » = I’olio Funds To Be IGiiMed Here ■"«« in Shipments To Others Sanitation In Nyssa Reviewed ( ST.53SS1: S3 :u s--ss tt . s JS? £SSZ 2TZ £l»*y r