Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1949)
TH U RSDAY, PAGE EIGHT Social Kotes - 5 - LOIS URE AND LYLE MINER MARRIED NEWS 1 ,offee 1 Prizes 1 BV I.EVV III ItItIMAN Recent life insurance statistics prove the American husbund Is a pretty good guy. With the uverage husbund usually represented as be ing no brighter than is absolutely necessary, this should be as en couraging as three rousing cheers to tlic nation's breadwinners There ure 35'-j million husbands In cap tivity, and most of them are work- log hard at making a home, rearing a family and providing the current ami future needs. They may not be setting the world on fire, but they’re doing their best. If they’re not quite bang-up successes, ut least they’re trying to be the very best possible Pops At the policemen's annual picnic In Hamilton, Ohio, a counterfeit $20 bill turned up In the day’s re ceipts Somebody ought to call u cop A sluggish motor 1» like a thief in your car. It steals gas and oil. Don't take chances. Bring your car for u thorough motor over haul to HEKRIMAN MOTOR CO o u r skilled boys will soon put It on the straight and narrow. Phone77. 16-day trip to Crater lake, the Ore Mother P* ■ Mrs. Grigsby and Mrs. Wilson are gon caves, and into California, Mrs. L L through the Redwoods. They also w ord of the . w T * classes for Catholic grade scho®| ------------------- children of Nyssa and vicinity w 11 Return from Trip— “ 8 t *01, and visited Mrs. Barnes parents at Coos ler visited her ¿ J * ' be started Saturday. September 11 lU for sooetiBejJ*' at 10 a m. All Catholic children. clhldrerT returned*ust weelTÌron. a Bay. Oregon. In the grade school are invited to attend the classes. A staff of train ed teachers will conduct the classes each Saturday from 10 a. m. to 11 I with a dessert bridge honoring her a. m. mother, Mrs. Dessa Hofstetter, who Is visiting here. Five tables of Parishoners To Meet— A meeting of all parishoners ol bridge were in play, with prizes for high score going to Mrs. Grant the Catholic church will be held Lewis, and for second high to Mrs. Wednesday evening, September 14 Robert Wilson. Mrs. Glea BilUngs at 8 o’clock. Parents of children won traveling prize Out-of-town attending catechism classes are ask guests were Mrs D. B. Vaughan and ed to attend. Mrs. Earl Atherton of Ontario. Attend Conference— A group of young people from the LOCAL YOUTH WEDS Miss Mary Kirby, daughter of Mr Methodist church attended the j and Mrs. W L. Kirby of Durkee and young adult conference held at j Reid Cottle, son of Mr. and Mrs. camp Ponderosa at Payette lakes I Kenneth Cottle of Nyssa, were unit over the week-end. Those attend ed in marriage at an afternoon cer- ing from Nyssa were Doris Beers, emony at the Blessed Sacrament j Ellen Ann Herrman, Marie Seburn, \ I church in Ontario August 28. The Betty Winchell, Harold Kurtz, double ring ceremony was perform Keith Herrman, Norvelle Robbias, ed by Rev. M J. Quigley before a Cliff Coleman and Mr, and Mrs. alter decorated with white gladiolas Merrildean Robbias. and pink asters. The bride, given in marriage by Visits In Washington— Mrs. Harry Kingrey returned to her father, wore a hoop-skirted DELUXE F O R D O R SEDAN $495 dress of white satin, and a finger Nyssa after a two-weeks vacation tip veil held in place by a crown spent in Washington. She visited w ith 1941 H ig h T org u e Motor l of forget-m e-n ots and lilies of the her two daughters at Tacoma and valley. She carried a prayer book with friends at Port Angeles. Y o u C a n 't L o s e O n This One and white roses. The bride was attended by Miss Missionary To Speak— $195 T Madaline Racanelli of Seattle, who Dr. Gilett will speak to the mem- wore a gown of blue satin and car odist missionary from Africa, will 1942 P a in t— A G o o d Car $795 ried pink rosebuds. The groom was speak at a district meeting in the attended by Keith Russell of Boise Nyssa Methodist church Friday, 1937 S e d a n D e liv e r y $275 The wedding marches were played [ September 16. In the afternoon, by Mrs. A. Ackerman, who also ac- ■ Dr. Gilett will speak to the mem- 1936 C o u p e . M o to r O v e r h a u le d and New I companied Miss Dorene McGavin, bers of the Nys'a ai.u Ontario Wo- I P ain t J ob $ 3 8 0 men’s society at the Nyssa church. who sang “ Ave Maria” . Following the ceremony, a recept ion was held at the Moore hotel. Former Librarian Visits— Mrs. Dessa Hofstetter, former I For her daughter’s wedding, Mrs Kirby wore a lavender print gown Malheur county librarian, is visit with a white gladiola corsage. Mrs. ing this week at the home of her Cottle wore a cocoa brown crepe daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and I Mrs. Edward Boydell. Mrs, Hof- I with a white gladiola corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Cottle will make stetter is college librarian at the [ their home in Boise, after a honey- Oregon College of Education at j pioon spent at Shore lodge at M c Monmouth. Call. Here From California— Mr. Cottle Is a graduate of Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Grigsby of El high school and Oregon State Col ,.....| Monte, California were visitors last i lege Mrs. Cottle attended the St. Fran Barney Wilson. On Wednesday, cis academy in Baker. A number Mr. and Mrs. Grigsby and Mrs. Wil- | o f out-of-tow n guests attended tne son visited at the home of Mr and wedding. Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff in Baker. I Mardi Sallee dark crepe dresses, with rosebud Viva Leseburg, Miss Miss Savage. and the honor guest I corsages. The best man was Elton The wedding of Miss Savage and | Council and the ushers were Gene Mark Hartley will be an event of | Stunz and Jack Marshall. this month. After the ceremoney, Charles -5 - | Peterson ang "The Prayer Perfect” ENTERTAINS FOR MOTHER I accompanied on the piano by Mrs Mrs. Edward Boydell entertained Mrs Mamie Ure Baker, and Lyle shown and refreshments were serv- Walter Miner son of Mr and Mrs I ed in the church parlors in the Harry Miner, were united in mar- J basement. Mrs. Wilford Bybee nage, September 3 in a double ring I served the three-tiered wedding ceremoney performed by L. D . 8 1 cake, which was trimmed in blue Bishop Hubert Christensen at the dots and white frosting, with a Methodist church. I bride and groom, standing on a The soft glow from the candles ; music box. The grooms cake was and from the windows on either ! served in little tinfoil colored pack- side ol the white arch cast a sub- i ages tied with white ribbons Mrs dued light over the entire chapel Dale Garrison and Mrs Emil Stunz As the bride came slowly up the ( served the punch. Miss Darlene isle, where white satin bows of rib- ! Erwin was in charge o f the guest Ism adorned the end of each pew book and Mrs. Clifford Beckstead T Carol Bybee played the bridal j and Mrs William Russell and inarch on the electric solo-vox. 1 daughter, Mary, were in charge of Vocal ducts were M iss Ure was given In marriage by the gift tables. her uncle, Ira H Ure, Sr Matron rendered by Howard Myriek and of honor was her sister, Mrs. How Charles Peterson, with guitar ac ard Myriek. The bridesmaids were companiment, during the serving The couple left immediately for M rs. Ven Ure and Mrs. Joe Olsen, who wore pastel shades of formats, a honeymoon at Payette lakes. Mrs. Miner is a graduate of the each carrying u gladiolu nosegay. The bride wore a white slipper Ogden High school and Is employ satin gown with long train, which ed by the Nyssa brunch of the First Mr wus carried by little Lynda Myrlck National bank of Portland. and Jean Baker The bride’s gown Miner, a graduate of the Nyssa high was trimmed with puffed sutln and school In 1943 spent three years in white lace, and had a tight fitting the Pacific with the navy, and two bodice with white net yoke Her years at Oregon State college. O ut-of-tow n guests were the white silk net veil was held in place with a pyramid of tiny seed pearLs. bride’s brother, Rex Ure and wife, Her only Jewelry was a strand of and her grandmother, Mrs. Violet pearls, given to her by the groom. Ure. ull o f Ogden; Mrs Jennie De .She carried a white Bible, with a Freeze and son, Bud, of Wilson large orchid, with white satin Utah; the groom's grandparents streamers, caught at Intervals with Mr. and Mrs D W Miner, and Mr. tiny white daisies. and Mrs. George Miner, all of Jam Little Jean Haker, flower girl, j ison, and Mrs. Harry Miner’s bro Don Herrington of Los t nattered rose petals from a white ther. basket. The little girls ull wore Angeles. flour length formats of taffetta. —e— with white gloves and slippers to GUILD HAS PARTY match Little Don Beckstead car The St Paul’s Episcopal guild en ried the white satin cushion bear tertained last Friday evening with a ing the rings. The mothers chose progressive bridge and pinochle party. Hostesses at pinochle were Mrs Ted Morgan, Mrs. E. K Bur ton and Miss Eva Boydell. Bridge hostesses were Mrs. J L. Church, Mrs. Grant Rinehart and Mrs Bernard Eastman Following an | f| ,, evening at cards, the guests ussein- lf I L Ilf P i bled ut the parish hall for pie uud VI l t i u SEPTEMBER 8, 1949 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGOIT for high score at pinochle went to E. K Burton and Mrs. Chet Sage, and for low score to Mrs. Ed Jamison and Bert Lienkaemper. Prizes for the high score at bridge went to Mrs. Hilda Tensen and Grant Rinehart, and for low score to Mrs. Ward Wieneke and Stan Newman. OUR 1939 FORD 1938 Chevrolet Truck hole in windshield). H errim an Motor C om pany S£ s t a r v r s r* ■* >— - «-• *»- THEATRE A Night At The Opera' Sister* Enjoy Vi*lt— SUNDAY AND MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11-12 A happy, Fun-Loving TECHNICOLOR musical Take Me Out To The Ball Gam e" Esther Williams Gene Kelly Frank Sinatra Betty Garrett A guarantee of home runs in Song, Romance and Laughter! CARTOON Mrs. C R. Kesler and Mrs. V L. Kesler enjoyed a visit from their sister, Mrs. L. H Madenlieke over the week-end Mrs Madenlieke previously visited on the coast and , in Utah and Nevada VKIIie W ATT B t ROLAND* ROY SPECIALTY Mat. Sun., ¿ 30; Adm. 30c-»r, Inc. Tax AilmHxion Evening* 44c-9c, Inc. Tax TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 BARGAIN NIGHT DOUBLE FEATURE Roy Roberts George Cooper In Friday& Saturda September 9 & -:SPE C IA LS Jello PACKAGE 50-POUND FLOUR PICKET pon LARD 4%l 2 POUND P A C K A G E NUCOA PIC N IC STYLE HAMS 2 POUND BOX CRACKERS 39c HUNT'S— 14 OZ. TOMATO 9c CATSUP 1 ride: 25c ROAST SKINLESS WEINERS R E D -R O SE PURE S A U S A G E PORK 9c Eddie Waller In T T T T m r m /n C H O IC E C U T S BEEF PER CAN CORN 'Death Valley Gunfighters' RED R O S E 2 79 NO,. 2—CREAM STYLE "Flaming Fury" Allen Lane Your Transportation Merchant -5 - HQST TO FIREMEN Glen Hoel of Nampa, secretary- treasurer of the L and « Produce company, was host to the members of the Nyssa fire department at a steak dinner served in Brownie’s cafe Tuesday night. The dinner was given 'by the concern as an ex pression of appreciation to the fire men for their efforts to save the L and H packing shed, which was destroyed by fire Wednesday night of last week. — 5—# N Y S S A Mat., Sat.. ¿ 30.Alim. 30c !*c, Inc. Tax AHmimlon Evening* 44o-9, Inc. Tax ( , For I Ford Coupe—New Ford Plymouth H errim an M o t o r C om pan y 108 USED CAR VALUEsI ARE NOT Stupendous or Colossal, and We Don't Havel A Used Car Buyer In the "East" We Do Have Some Good Used Cars And Trucks And We List Them At Fair And Reasonable Prices. HERE ARE SOME OF OUR BUYS FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN Miss Adrienne Peterson was guest of honor ut a farewell party given last Friday evening ut the L. D. S church. Following a program of musical numbers and readings, the remainder o f the evening was spent Drive in dancing. Refreshments were S i i f e l v served ut the close of the evening. Arrangements for the affair were B e r l i n In N y s s a made by Bishop Deun Fife of the L. D. S. 1st ward. Miss Peterson Miss Ruth Singular, represent leaves this week on an L D. S. mis ative of Printograph safety cam sion. paigns of Kansas City, Missouri, a - I - non-profit organization operating SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT exclusively In smaller cities, Is di- I Miss Bonnie Fife entertained recting a general safety campaign j Wednesday evening at the home of in Nyssa under the auspicies of the her parents, Mr and Mrs. La Mont Nyssa public safety council. Fife, with a kitchen shower for Miss The campaign features window June Savuge The evening was posters portraying Oeorge Burns spent informally in pluylng games and G rade Allen In "zany” poses and presenting gifts. Refreshments depicting the Burns home as a j were served by the hostess. Those "booby trap” , distribution of a na bidden to the shower were Miss tionally-famous safety book entitled Murtun Brown, Miss Janice Frost. “Invitation to Live", which sells a | Miss Elaine Peterson. Mrs Tom dose of safety with a sugar coating Moore, Miss Mary Lou Schenk, Miss through means of cartoons by Paul Murphy, former artist for Walt Dis ney studios of Hollywood, and var- I lous other safety education stunts. The purpose of the safety cam- | putgn is to provide means of educat p r o g r a m ing the public and to reduce acci dental deaths and injuries. Eii Knettle and Hamilton Chad- [ ilerdon of the Nyssa safety council spoke over radio station KSRV Wednesday night at 9 o'clock in support of the safety campaign. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 10 According to reports. 14 accident al deaths and 1400 accidental In SATURDAY ONLY juries have occurred in Malheur Mark Brothers In county this year The safety campaign Is sponsor ed In Ontario by the Junior chamb (a reissue) er of commerce and In Payette by the Ktwanis club CARTOON AND SPORTS Telephone Catholic Classes To S tart- 2 _ Adm. 30r-*r inr. Tax POUND WEDNESDAY 8t THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14-15 Romantic Adventure. . . Told as only Mark Twain could tell it. Bing Crosby William Bendix Rhonda Fleming Sir Cedric Hardwicke N O . ¿ i/, C A N E A h#»»v chore? per can S«< Ut—it «o n « bo " A C o n n e c tic u t Y a n k e e — In K in g A rth u r's C o u r t" Filmed in TECHNICOLOR COLOR CARTOON A d m iu lvn > < ruing* Ut 9t. fo e . T a t NEWS V ELV ET A CHEESE COMPANY W S SMVICI CA'.IS PMONÍ HIM Hi WAV 20 No NfSSA, WILLIAMS Phone 284-W pofl