THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, Betty Korman and Kristine pres l Mrs. Don Patrick, and with Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs Dan Holbrook, ent. Visalia, California. A house shower was held at the all Mr. of and Mrs. Robert Eastman of home of Mrs. Olen Brown Tuesday visited over the Labor day ADRIAN, Sept. S—Visitors at the afternoon, honoring Mrs. Tony Caldwell with- Mr. an<l Mrs. E. E. E. E. Eastman home last week were | franklin. Hostesses were Mrs. Oayle holidays Eastman and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mr. and Mrs. A1 Parks and daughter | Martin and Mrs. Oliver Freel. and Miss Ruth Eastman all of Spo Mr. and Mrs. Louis DeOoode of Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown were kane. A bufett supper was served Ogden visited Sunday at the home Wednesday visitors in Boise. August 28 at the Eastman home, of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown. Mrs. d e n Brown, Mrs. William with Mr. and Mrs. A1 Parks, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Olen Brown and Ashcraft Mrs. L. L. Dierking Ruth Eastman, Mr and Mrs. Rob granddaughter, Kristine, returned attended and pinochle party at the ert Eastman of Caldwell, and Mr. home Monday from a week’s trip to home of a Mrs. Herb Thomas Fri and Mrs. Robert Brown and Mrs. California after visiting with their day. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis were daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Dwaine Hatch in Stai. For Your Plumbing Arlee West of Longview, Wash General Contracting and Needs ington is visiting at the home of Building his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Custom-Built Cabinets and West, for a few days. Bath Sets, Water Heat Furniture Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis Furniture Repairing and ers and Pressure and family and Don Newbill visited Refin ishiug friends from San Jose, California, 1% miles north of Nyssa-Parina Mr. Systems Call and Mrs. Earl Goodwin and Junction family, in Emmett, Sunday. J. C. SMITH surprise birthday party was Johnson Cabinet held A Thursday evening In honor of 13 Years In Nyssa Mrs. Maxine Rooks tool Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ciafalo have Shop Phone 286-J to Adrian after spending Highway 95 Phone 023J1 returned the summer visiting their parents Buffet Supper Is Served At Adrian September Special PRICES ON SLASHED EVANS OIL HEATERS Only Evans has all these exclusive features Low Horizonal Heat Chamber, Horizonal Burner and Separate Burner Lighting Tube BUY AN EVANS NOW E V A N S at these prices is the best oil heater buy in America today! Quality and Value Plus! Model 138—1 to 2 room Heater—Reg. $59.95; Special $34.95 Model 148—2 to 3 room Heater—Reg. $79.95; Special $44.95 Model 158—4 to 5 room Heater—Reg. $114.95; Special $54.95 OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. BAN K TERM S 50 NORTH 3rd STREET BETTER . FIRE INSURANCE in Eastern Pennsylvania. Mrs. Cia- falo’s brother. Tom Vitale, return ed with them to visit for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles West and Mrs. Ada Pearl Scott were Cald well shoppers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly and Ted returned last week from Burgdorf, Idaho. Mrs. Raymond Holly received her final citizenship papers August 31 at Vale. A party was held August 31' in the high school building for the teachers and members of the school board. It was a get-together for returning teachers and new teach ers in the Adrian school. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson of Carey, Idaho are new Adrian resi dents. Mr. Patterson will teach the eighth grade this year. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Richards of Madras and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hamilton of Arock visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft. The American Legion and aux iliary held Uieir annual picnic at the Owyhee dam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Goddard of Eugene visited over the Labor day holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Sindberg. Miss Betty Moore has returned home from Portland to spend the next two weeks visiting her par ents, Rev. and Mrs. Hanry Moore. Henry Moore, Jr. left Tuesday to return to school in Sterling, Kans as. Regular services will be held Sunday at the Free Methodist church, but there will be no mid week activities this week. Miss Delores Gaston has return ed to Ontario after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gaston for several days. Howard Hatch and Donnie re turned home from Lime, Ohio this week with two new school buses. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winn have a new daughter born August 28 in Caldwell. They have named the baby Kathleen. Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Norris fish ed over the holidays near Granite, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown of Port land visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Defier. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney and family were Monday visitors in Em mett at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bonde and Mrs. Loralne Glennon. Mrs. Anna Sparks spent Friday visiting in Notus with Mrs. J. A. Coon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks had dinner Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George De Haven. Miss "Shorty” Schuman, former Adrian teacher, and Mrs. Marilyn Keckler and family of Munice, In diana were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Norris. They were on their way to Glide, Oregon, where Miss Schuman will teach this year. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webster and children and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Patterson and son of Nyssa spent the holidays at Depot Bay, Oregon deep sea fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and family had Sunday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Hatt of Owyhee. Mrs. Vernon Parker and children and Mrs. Berle Fifer and son spent' Saturday in Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sari returned Wednesday from Minot, North Da kota. Mrs. Sari's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Grott and Roland and Arlene of Hamilton, Montana vis ited here for several days, return ing home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Cummins of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alger and family of Meridian visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown. Sunday School for People Who Really Care Host To Class BIO BEND, Sept. 8—Big Bend Sunday school was host Sunday morning to Jephyr Farwell and the following members of his class: Loretta, Billy and Loralne Van De Water, Oeorge Elfers, Sen Wong, Doris Clearley. Zella Farwell, Oene Brumbaugh and Ruby Rogers, Mr. Farwell spoke from the sixth chap ter of Romans, Loretta and Lor raine Van De Water played a duet. A large variety of Big Bend's pro who own well maintained property in good locations can obtain fire insurance advantages with no sacrifice in safety or service. They get such ad vantages under General’s plan of "Preferred Risks.” General insures only good risks, rejects bad risks. This tends to keep losses down. As a result, countless thousands of our policyholders have saved at least 15% on their fire insurance while enjoying the strongest possible protection. Ask us now if your property can qualify —it could mean much to you. T houghtful per so n s THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1949 PAGE FIVE duce was exhibited in the Grange arrived home Tuesday after visit booth at the Malheur county fair. ing relatives at Leota, Kansas for The mature ear corn was raised by 10 days. Jim Miller, the peppers by Gus Legion Auxiliary To Meet— 8iUonis and family, the clover seed The members of the Nyssa A- auxiliary will meet by Joe Brumback, wheat by Phil merican Legion evening. September 15 Clucas, sugar beets by Boyce Van Thursday De Water, carrot seed by Case at the veterans hall for the first Muntjewerff, alfalfa seed by Law meeting of the fall. rence Miller, popcorn by Noel Tup- peny. canned fruit by Lois Snapp and Opal Teter, and tall corn by j Arthur Molt, Emery Cameron and ! Harvey Bennett. Other fruit and vegetables were donated by John Optometrist Packwood, Leroy Bennett, Dyre Roberts, Mrs. Morgan, and Horace Eyes Examined Chaney. Visit Our Complete Hearing Aid SALES and SERVICE At Regular Monthly SONOTONE HEARING CENTER Wednesday, September 14 Hours 3:00 P. M. to 5:M P. M. Arrowhead Motor Court BATTERIES FOR ALL MAKES OF AIDS or write SONOTONE OF BOISE 314 N. 9th St., Boise, Idaho DR. G.W. GRAVES Phone 720 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho Fire Takes Barn On Ditty Farm (Continued from Page 4) agan, his son, Terry, and George Scheimer, who had spent a week fishing at Yellowstone park, ar rived home Wednesday. Mrs. Shep- lhard left Friday for her home in Yakima. supper guests Sunday evening at he home of Mr. and Mrs E. .1. Hoh- son were Rev. and Mrs. Lewis Hall, .-vangelist irom Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tavlor and son Bud. Mrs Elliot and daughter, Stella, of Cald well, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson af Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Field of West Point, Utah were overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chest er Bowns Tuesday evening. Those who had taken advantage of a slight lull in farming operat ions and taken trips included Mr. and Mrs. Brewer and Mr. and Mrs. Langley. Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and two daugh ters returned home after spending a week visiting Mrs. Clyde Kimball, sister of Mrs. Brewer at Oakland. California. Mr. and Mrs. James Langley and sons. Rex and Keith PHONE / / 7 VYHOlf SALE-RETAIL / w a s h in g p o l i s h i n g , l u b r i c a t i n g — Ä y C c C fiS L tC tÀ s Enter Now! Beat the rush. Get your entry biank and froo cur-iofety check now. You con bo one of the Iwtky winners I //£&$ Au-Yto/Dof (N o m a tte r w h a t m a k e o f ear o r truck y o u o w n ) 4 door Custom V 8 Ford Sedans, equipped with Radios, "M agic A il" Heaters, Overdrives, and White Sidewall Tires. V-8 General Duty Model F-5, engine, stake body, 158 inch w h e e lb a s e F O R D T r u c k s , equipped with Radios and "M agic A ir" Heaters. Optional as prizes to the top 5 of the 25 car winners who specify prefer ence for a truck on Contest Entry Blank. • Here's your chance to win one ot these 700 valuable prizes and make the highways safer in the bargain. 2 Entry Blank. Drive in to see us, or any Ford Dealer displaying poster shown below. I j l few; i m 3 Then, in 50 w ords or le ss on entry blank, finish this statem ent: “ All cars and trucks should be salety- checked periodically btjause . . .” 2 Ask for our Free Car Safely Check. W e’ll check biake pedal reserve, steer ing linkage, tires, lights, muffler, horn, springs and shock absorbers, wind- snia.d wiper, glass discoloration, mirror and other safety points— all at no cost or obligation to you! Then we'll give you a Free Safety Insignia, and an ★ M Us« only official entry blank 4 October M a il e n t r y b e fo re m id n ig h t . 31, to Ford Car Safety Contest Fluadquaiters, Box No. 722, Chicago 77, Illinois. ★ ★ obtained at any Ford Dealership displaying the poster shown • below. Print clearly your nume and address. (to) Contest limited to the con tinental U. S. and Alaska. ( c ) Prizes us stated on entry blank, will be awarded on the basis of sincerity, originality, and aptness. Judges’ decisions are final. Duplicate prizes in case of ties. Entries m ust be subm itted In the name of the registered owner or bis designated repre- sen tat I ve. Only one entry per car or truck may be considered. All entries beeome the property of Ford Motor Company. Contest subject to Federal, State and local regulations and to contest rules on entry blank. (di W inners’ names will be posted at all Ford Dealers’ not later than Decent i»er 1, 1949. (e) Contest, is open to all resi dent« of United States, except employees of Ford M otor Com pany, Ford Dealers, their adver tising agencies or their families. YOU Off THIS ATT»ACTIVI liniero» INSIGNIA Get free car-safety check, laslqnia an blank at all FORD dealers where y su sat this pestar. Herriman Motor Co. Beet Growers Renstrom Insurance Agency ' L./• ! r ;,- ; r • i Bring In Your Beet Equipment For Necessary Repairs Now. FULL STOCK OF GENUINE PARTS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT WE SELL Expert Chevrolet Repair W ork; Also Wisconsin Motors F A C T O R Y T R A IN E D R E P A IR M A N SEE US THE NEXT TIME YOUR EQUIPMENT NEEDS REPAIRING G eneral I nsurance C o ri » any or A merica F irst N atioral I nsurance C o . or A merica G eneral C asualty C ompany N. K. Of NT. Pr«t » ¿'V 0 of A merica HOMI OFFICI ftCA fU l, WASHINGTON t V*-.:, B. & M. EQUIPMENT CO. Minneapolis Moline Dealer # j