Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1949)
TH E N Y S S A G A TE C IT Y J O U R N A L. N Y S S A . OREGON. PAG E FOUR Fire Takes Barn On Ditty Farm SU NSET V A L L E Y , Sept ft—Eire destroyed the barn of Mrs. Leota Ditty's farm in Sunset valley early Sunday morning. When Mrs. D it ty awoke about 3:30 in the m orn ing the building was completely a- blaze T h e stock were able to get away from the fire and were saved. Neighbors battled the blaze, saving much of the adjoining property Be sides the building, 400 bushels of wheat and outs, 10 tons o f hay. and a new >100 milking machine be longing to Mrs. D itty’s son. Rob ert Ditty were destroyed. Cause of the fire was unknown. Last week-end was a busy one for Mr and Mrs. John K effett. On Thursday, Darrel Leamon o f Con cord, California arrived to Visit. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry K e ffe tt and Miss Zelda Weisman THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME HEATER EVER M A D E! SEE THE N E W D U O - T H E R M FU EL O IL H E A T E R A T PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY by T w o s t r i k i n g new Duo-Therm designs inspired famous "p eriod " furniture! T h e Hepplewhite Models, with a rich walnut finish; the Chippendales, in modern blonde. Either of these beautiful new Period designs will modernize your liv ing room — keep you warm without work—without d irtl LOOK AT TH IS I tX C lU S IV i f 'A T U I I S I ★ FAMOUS OUAl CHAMBER BURNER -gets mure heal from every drop of oitt ★ PATENTED POWER AIR BLOWER distributes heat evenly — saves up to 2S% in fuel bills! ★ SIMPLE HEAT CONTROL -you tend the fire by turning a dial! NINETEEN OTHER important features to give you more comfort—were economy I FREE INSTALLATION from oil barrel to chimney. $1.00 will hold your selection until fall. PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY Your Dependable Furniture Store Nyssa Ontario Vale Payette I of Mountain View, California ar rived for the week-end. Harry R ef- I fett is a brother o f John. On Sun day Miss Zelda Weisman and D ar rell Leamon. son o f Mrs Harry K e f fett, were united in marriage The vows were taken at 6 o'clock in the evening at Caldwell Seventh Day Adventist parsonage, with Kev. 1 Garner officiating. Both the John K effett and Robert K e ffe tt fam ilies were present for the ceremony. Mrs E. H. Tolm an and daughter, Geraldine, of Boise arrived W ed nesday for a visit at the home of Miss Tolm an’s sister, Mrs. Grover Cooper. Mr. Tolm an Joined them Saturday for the Labor day week end. T h e fam ily returned to Boise I Tuesday. Mido Okano left Sunday morn- ; ing to visit a week with friends in Spokane. She will then go to Washington State college at Pull man as a senior to continue her j pharmaceutical course. M r** Adah Snyder, who celebrat ed her birthday Tuesday. August j 30 experienced the thrill of talking [ on the phone to her daughter. Mrs. K M. (Dorothy» Preshaw, who is living at Palmer, Alaska near Se ward. where M r Preshaw is a civil engineer working for the public roads administration. Mrs. Snyder i is the mother of Mrs. Orover Coop er and Harold Snyder o f this val ley. Mr and Mrs. Hllm er Hintz re turned Thursday from Cataldo, Idaho, where M r Hintz has been working in the zlnk mines. How ever, due to strikes In the mines, Hintz plans on remaining in the valley. Oertrude Atkeson of Glendale, California and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty were guests at the home of their cousin. Mrs. Leota Ditty, Thursday. Week-end guests were Mr and Mrs. Chester Newell of Tacoma. Accompanying the New ell family on their return to Wash ington was Reverend Joe Dodson, who planned on attending the na tional convention o f the Assembly of Ood church being held in Seattle. Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Dodson and fam ily returned to their home near Beaver Creek, Oregon Satur day. Mr and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg and son, Phillip, were among the many guests at a Sunday dinner at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Wallace Gregg. T h e dinner was given in honor o f Rev. and Mrs. Victor Ixiucks and daughter Janet of Scio. Oregon, who arrived Saturday to spend several days visiting Mrs I Umcks's mother, Mrs. Annie Gregg, and her brothers, Herschel, Wallace, ; Jesse and William. Mr. and Mrs. Loucks visited the first of the week | at the home of Jesse and William ! Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wilson and two so n » had dinner Sunday In Roswell at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilson. Mr and Mrs. Prank Briggs left I Monday on a four-day trip. They e TH U RSD AY. SEPTEM BER 8 , 1949 were assisting In moving Prank's Thomas Nishitani one afternoon. brother. Charlie Briggs, from Cald Mrs. Shinoda. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Roy Hashitani for well to Pocatello. several weeks, left Tuesday for her Anton Holland of Idaho Falls ar home in California rived last week to visit at the home Mr. and Airs O laf Fyllingness of Andrew Titland were Sunday dinner guests at the M r and Mrs. W. Briton and fam Andrew Titland home. The occas ily moved last week to the Dale ion was Mrs. Fyllingness’ birthday. Garrison farm. Briton had been Mr and Mrs. Fred Arrai of Jam living on the Ditty larm. ieson were supper guests of Mr. and Dinner guests at the Ira Price Mrs. C. T . Okano Sunday evening. home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Williams Orr were Jim Baird and family Mr and Mrs. hosts Friday evening at a dinner Ed Price and family and Charles party in their home. Guests in Price. cluded the Chester Bowns, Grant Mrs. John WestfaU, sister of Patterson. Vern Oarner, and Devon Homer Brewer, who has been vis Larson families. iting relatives, left Friday for her Last Monday a birthday party home in Burns. honoring Mr. and Mrs. William Orr Rev and Mrs A R. Herring of and Truman Cleaver was given at Boise, former residents of this area, the O rr home. Hosts for the oc saw many o f their former friends casion were the two daughters, and Sunday when they attended the re three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Orr, who vival meeting being held at the are Ray, Nathan and La Marr Orr. Owyhee junction. Mrs. Vera Scott o f Payette, and M r and Mrs. Delbert Garner and Mrs. Lester Cleaver. Val and Leona returned Saturday Both Charlie and Don McCoy left after visiting several days In Utah. last week to work on a construction Mr. and Mrs. Devon Larson and job near Rigby, Idaho. fam ily were dinner guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burroughs and Irvin Durfee home Sunday. son were Friday overnight guests Idaho Falls residents, Floyd C arl visiting at the home o f Pete W il son and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth son, Burrough’s uncle. The visit Carlson, were overnight guests at ors were en route from their home the home of friends, Mr. and Mrs. in Washington to Oklahoma. O laf Fyllingness, Thursday evening. Saturday visitors at the Pete W il The guests were on a trip M M ad son home was Mrs. Oeorge Raven ras. and friends, who had been visiting Leaving Thursday on an extend in Canada and were on their way ed trip to Yellowstone park and on into Canada for moose hunting, home to Colorado. Supper guests o f M r and Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs John R effett, Claude Wilson Sunday evening were Mrs. Blanche Hite and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perko. A pin Loren Hite and family of Haines. Mrs. Fred Mitchell stayed at the ochle session provided the diversion. Mrs. Claude Wilson and Mrs. Roland Maw home four days while Mr. and Mrs. Maw took their Kenneth McDonald attended the P. daughter, Linda, to Portland for a T. A. meeting Monday night at the home of Mrs. Threlm a Elliot. Mrs. medical check-up. Rev. Edgar Martin of Los Angeles Wilson is the program chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen and Mrs. Charles Rhoades and two sons of Ashland visited four days left Friday, driving to the west at the home o f their sister, Mrs. coast, accompanied by Miss Beth Frank Land, and at the home of Chapin, and Diane and Junior their niece, Mrs. Harold Popkins. Whitman. Miss Chapin stopped at On Saturday evening supper guests Madras, where she assumes her dut at the Land home included the vis ies as teacher o f the second grade itors, Mr. and Mrs Harold Popkins, In the Madras school system. Mr. and Rev. and Mrs Joe Dodson. The and Mrs. Lorensens were continu guests left Sunday for their homes. ing on to Manchester, Washington, The Sunset auxiliary met Thurs the home of their daughter, Mrs. day afternoon at the home o f the Williard Whitman, mother of Diane hostess, Mrs. Vern Garner. Th e a f and Junior, who have spent sever ternoon was spent socially. Octob al weeks with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R effett and er’s meeting will be held at the daughter, Deanne, attended a Sun home of Mrs. Lew McCoy. Mrs. Roy Hashitanl and her day picnic at the home of Mrs. Roy daughter, Susan, and Mrs. Oeorge Oraham, Mrs. R effett's aunt, in Shinoda o f Richmond, California were callers at the home of Mrs There’s an easier way Parma The occasion was a visit with Mr and Mrs Clifford Phillip of Richland, Washington. Mrs. R effett's and Mrs. Phillips are cousins. They had not seen one another for eight years. Mr. and Mrs Lyman Pomeroy returned Friday evening after a t tending a two-day Pomeroy fam ily reunion at Marcus Pomeroy's lodge 28 miles southeast of Twin Falls. Overnight guests Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bock^tahler and son. Alan, of Evanston. Illinois. Mrs. Bockstahler is Mr. Pomeroy’s sister. Mr. Bocks tahler, assistant professor o f physics at Northwest ern university, does research work testing the properties of substances at temperatures 400 degrees below freezing on the Fahrenheit ther mometer scale. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin W olfe and fam ily were dinner guests at the Robert Oraves home In W ilder Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse G regg attend ed a party for young married coup les Friday evening in Roswell. The watermelon feed and weiner-roast were enjoyed at the home o f Ruel Far well. Mrs. S. E. Flanagan and her mother, Mrs. Piercy Shepphard, motored to McCall Wednesday, re turning through Donley. Mr. Flan- (Continued on Page 5) M w ill pay yoo Sank loan. Sait tarm i and l o w alt tufara it rota I « history! Free Estimates Free Installation N yssa F urniture C o . em us it tuttutp ros u s u ts » LAND BANK LOANS See yOo' neore»* N otio n a l Form lo o n A »»n M r - h r • Federal la n d ftonli Sy»*em Herbert J. Davis, Sec.-Treas. Payette, Idaho Phone 149 -W WE ARE SELLING RANCHES FAST And Need IMMEDIATE LISTINGS GRIGG BROS. & BUTLER NYSSA, OREGON EYESIGHT NEEDS PROTECTION THEIR EAGLES DANCE to get rid of soot Saturday, September IO FOR EAGLES AND VISITORS TO ZONE MEETING this way Traffic-wise, school children are guarded zealously. All man Initiation of Ladies Auxiliary ner of safety precautions have been instituted to protect tiny lives, but parents are sometimes careless in providing enough Sunday, Sept. II ■ 9 a. m. light to protect children's eyesight. Plenty of good light in the home for their study and play helps prevent fatiguing eyestrain that drains youngsters' en Eagles Business Meeting and Initiation Sunday, Sept. II - 2 p. m. State Aerie President Webb Will Pay Official Visit W ed., Sept. 1 4 - 8 p. m. ergy. Bright lights keep children bright. Try a 150-watt light A Product of Standard of California W hy let a*'kero«eney” odor till your kitchen? Why get soot on your stove, walls and cur tains? Get Pearl O il— tlie clean-burning fuel that's carefully refined to burn w ith a steady fiame... at an eien tem perature without smoke, soot or waste. For all your kerosana appli- ancea. get clean-burning bulb in study lamps, properly shaded against glare— a three- way 100-200-300-watt bulb in floor lamps— arrange for corre sponding brightness throughout the house for better seeability. You'll find when you p r o t e c t the children's eyes, you are guarding your own and good light costs so little. Most any store stocks light bulbs. Buy them by the carton they're more economical that way and you'll have plenty of spares on hand. B E T TE R LIGHT MEAIS B E T T E I SIGHT Pearl Oil! Please Plan To Attend Both Events W. L Schireman Phone 6 1 -W N y tM , Oregon 4 to obtain • land I D A H O P O W E R f r e c tiu u ti/ Dot» So MUCH-Costs So UTTLEI 4