Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1949 PAGE THREE FOR SALE—One used Zenith street in Nyssa. $4000 down, $8,-1 650 No. Fourth street, phone 128-J school Sunday morning. They were Smlt low. Refreshments were ser Nyssa. 19m tic hosts In the afternoon to relatives. ved by the hostess. electric refrigerator, in good con- 400. dition. Ideal Oas ana Appliance. Two complete business blocks for J MISCELLANEOUS Genera) truck Including Mr. and Mrs. James Gray Mrs. Melvin Jensen and Mrs. L. llatfc. sale. ing. John Barnett and Kenneth of Seneca, Mr. and Hrs. V. A. Hol- Montgomery were Ontario visitors Reece, phone 123-R. Utfc. loday, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Holla- Thursday morning. FOR SALE—A farm or will trade WANTED day and Gene Holladay of Ukiah Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and for a home in Nyssa. Frank LOANS and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bird of On Nell and Carolyn returned last week Olaon, 2 miles north, 1H miles WANTED—Ironing by hour, espec on from Summit Prairie, where they east and t4 mile south of the Nyssa ially men’s shirts. Phone 330-R. Automobiles Si Furniture tario. spent most of the summer. Parma junction. 4a tie 8s3xc Cash for every purpose Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wright expect RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash in Jake Groot and JOHN H. PIERSON to move to their new home on Al Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Truman FARMS AND RANCHES FOR SALE WANTED—Women! Earn money! Wagner of Griggs Bros. & Bailer advance, is 30c. berta avenue sometime this month. 160 acres under old Owyhee pro Pleasant, friendly part-time work Eugene returned Saturday from a Nyssa, Oregon Neighbors gathered at the Olen vacation trip through Yellowstone ject, 110 acres top land, leveled per for national cosmetic company. Salter ranch and gathered his corn fect for row crop, balance good Avon Products Incorporated, box park. They also visited relatives Custom Grinding which was ready for the cannery. and pasture. This farm Is nearly all 1325. Boise. friends In Dillon, Montana. 1 All kinds of small grains, ear Is2xp FOR SALE—Bearcat 18 inch com Mr Salter is critically ill In Salt seeded to alfalfa, red clover and Dave Hawkins was an Ontario 1 corn, alfalfa meal and potatoes F or Sale Iutke City. pasture grass. Large 10-room home bination mill with wench wagon WANTED—Ironing in my home, Phone Nyssa 83-W or Parma 22F12, Floyd Case and son of Caldwell visitor last week. with Youngstown kitchen, one small 25a3xp Jim Nichols. Is4xp wee callers in the Arthur Case Farmers started here cutting FOR SA L«’— «0 tons of chopped1 and tripod. Clifford Wolfe, north house, bunk house phone 219-NM. their third crop of alfalfa. hay, Ruth Anderson, mile north of °* Mitchell butte.___________ltaxP cinder-block Found machine shed and 80 foot chopped WANTED—Waitress Jab. 10 years home Saturday evening. Mrs. Les Jamison called on hay barn with feed shed full length, experience, new In Nyssa. Write POUND—Wedding ring near Gor Mrs Ruth Hopkins and daughter friends Nyssa on highway 20 8slxp | FOR SALE In Arcadia Tuesday. to oil road and store. 110,000 Mrs. Bonnie Carnell. General de don’s drlve-in about month ago. were visitors in the Art Sparks Attending -----------------------------------------------1 37 acres, Kingman Kolony, *,i close the Malheur County Write Maurice Washburn, route 2, down, balance $2000 per year for home Tuesday afternoon. livery. Nyssa. 25a3xp mile highway, 5 room modern FOR SALE—Single shot shotgun, , house, 20x40 chicken house, good 10 years. Fair last week were Mr. and Mrs Nyssa. 8slxp Keith Lane and Donald Elliot Vest. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrlt phone 92. 8ctfc ' I cow barn, other buildings, now in 80 acres, old water right, 50 acres WANTED—To lease row crop land, brought Mrs. McCreary’s cattle Grover Stain, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Van Oord write box 12, Rt. 1, Ontario, all seeded to alfalfa, balance past LEGAL ADVERTISING I beets, corn, hay and pasture, ex- down from Snively hot springs to and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot FOR SALE—Baled straw, 2400 18a5xp fair house and other buildings, Chester Tsuda. land, fruit trees and plenty ure, the Lonelace ranch to pasture. and Mrs. O. R. Anderson. bales, with alfalfa clippings, Irvin I cellent close to oil road, school bus and NOTICE OF SALE * shade, 811,000, good terms. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ashcraft are Wolfe, 14 miles southwest of Nyssa. Business building with modern cream trucks, $12,000, down, bal WANTED—Holstein and Guernsey IN THE COUNTY COURT OF the parents of a boy, Steven Earl, Mr. and Mrs Webb Pennle re springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and THE STATE OF OREGON FOR turned recently from an extended 8s2xp apartment, on one acre grass past ance easy terms. August 31. visit In the middle west, where they acres, all irrigated, lays good, Noel Gwartney, phone 306, Ontario. THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR born at Owyhee comer, offers many 4- 40 The 4-H Saddle club gave a FOR SALE—Four 6 50-17 four-ply ure 28j8xc In the Matter of the Estate of splendid performance at the Mal visited relatives. i-oom house and plenty of other as a business venture. buildings, tires and four new tubes, only been opportunities only 5 miles from town, WANTED— To buy anything in WILLIAM L FRETWELL, Deceas heur Co. Fair. They gave evidence Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dlrkson and acres, 11 miles priced at only driven 250 miles: two very good FOR SALE—80 of Richland and Mr. and $7500, can be bought beef or veal. Alsa custom killed ed Nyssa, 38, acres in culti on the careful training given by family used tires and tubes, same size, southwest Mrs Pete Van Oord and family terms. Notice Is hereby given thAt un of vation, now in pasture, alfalfa, 20 easy their leaders. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. and delivered to Polar Cold Stor Will sell singly or in group, total beets, picnicked In the Caldwell park Sun acres very level, extra fine row and by virtue of an order of Kreager. In the Junior class the day. grain, family orchard, trad crop land, old paid-up water right, age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. der $50. Phone 72-R. 8stfc er, all the County Court of the State of Individuals equipment, new 4- 6-room modern house, extra nice were Larry Mrs. Dick Groot attend Oregon for the County of Mal Kreager, first: winning Larry Dehaven, sec ed Mr. the and progressive FOR SALE—By owner, 100 acres, room house, $8900, tt down, easy garden and berries, lawn and plenty For Rent heur, made and entered on the terms. ond. and Kent Lovelace, third. In Nyssa Friday evening. card party In 65 irrigated, more could be; dairy of shade, $10,500. 26th day of July, 1949. in the ROBERT F. THOMPSON senior class. Gary Graham, and row crop, modern home, labor 40 acres, row crop land, modern FOR RENT—230 acres, row crop, matter ot the estate of William L. the Frank T. Morgan Agency first: Justine Kreager, second and Returns To School— house, granary and other usable alfalfa, pasture, hay for sale, must basement home. This is one of the Pretwell, deceased, that the under Nyssa, Oregon buildings, family orchard, $16,000 producing forties in the have equipment and some cash, signed, as Administrator with the Jimmy Connaughy third. Miss Greta Stunz left Sunday to cash, north of Sunset valley. Rob FOR SALE1—One used Smith Si highest Martha Wilcox, Moore hotel, On Will annexed of said estate, will valley, only return to Eugene for her senior ert J. Thompson, Route 2, Nyssa Barnes piano, excellent condition, 80 acres, this $12,000. 8slxp one of the finest tario, Oregon. year at the University of Oregon. at private sale for cash In Columbia Avenue 8s4xp light touch and very good tone, eighties on the is Wilder bench, good FOR RENT—Room, own lavatory, sell Miss Stunz, who has spent the sum or upon such terms as might house, all out-buildlngs are extra oil heat, first floor, newly decor hand Visitors Return mer working at Shore Lodge, vis be for the best interest of said FOR SALE—1941 two door Buick. medium upright. Grigg Bros. Si good, tenant house, large machine following described real ited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Good condition. Henry Fields. Butler. 23 j tic 8slxc estate, the situate large barn. This place must ated, phone 011RA. In Malheur Coun COLUMBIA AVE., Sept. 8—The Stunz. for two weeks prior to leav llatfc FOR SALE—New and used pianos. shed, be seen to be appreciated, $36.000. FOR RENT — Furnished apart property of Oregon, to-wit: pinochle club met at the home of ing for Eugene. 80 acres, 48 irrigable on Bully ments, phone 123-J or 160. 8s2xc ty, The State Southeast FOR SALE—One used Westing- We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. creek Quarter of the Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot of Arcadia above Vale, old water right. Emtfc house electric range, like new. Ideal Grigg Bros, and Butler. Quarter (SEtlSEL) of Sunday afternoon. Two tables Return E’rom Ogden— Is an easy place to buy. $5,000, FOR RENT—97 acre ranch in Southeast Section Twenty-three (23), Town were in play. Mr. and Mrs. Z Dav Mr and Mrs. Ron Whitaker and Gas and Appliance. llatfc FOR SALE—Outside white paint, This 14 down. Adrian district, 86 Acres irrigated, ship Twenty-one (21) South, idson held high scores and Mr. family spent the week-end In Ogden. 2 acres on highway, fine land, 40 FOR SALE — Canning tomatoes, National Titanium, 5 gallon lots, good suitable for potatoes, 13 Range Forty-six (46), E. W. M , right, very fine new acres acres bring containers, pick them your $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber modern water suitable beets, five-room together with four (4) shares of of 7 rooms, with 3 modern house, for 12mtfc bedrooms, home self. $1 per bushel, 14 mile south company. small cow barn, Im Riverside Irrigation District, Ltd. good new barn. If you west of city limits. George Gabriel. FOR SALE—Have farms and homes are looking for something real nice, mediate possesion. See Mel Beck, stock: Is2xp for sale. Need more, Ust with Keu this is it. $10,000, 14 cash. Grigg Bros, and Butler. Is2xc Bids for said property must be in FOR YOUR and must specify the pur 10 acres, not irrigated, but has Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. FOR SALE—Baby buggy, $10, phone FOR RENT—2-room apartment, writing chase price offered, together with good 5-room house, barn and chick 74-R. lstfc the terms of payment of same, FOR SALE en house, butane heater, hot water unfurnished. Bybee apartments, lstfc and must be filed with the under BEAN STORAGE Several good dwelling lots, well heater and apartment range go with phone 289-J. FOR SALE!—Two acres on high located. signed at the office of Harold Price only $3800. way, one mile north, cash price 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high place. FOR RENT—Four room house, attorney for the Ad 45 acres, all Irrigated, in barley, modern, Parma. Idaho, phone Nyssa Henigson, $650. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa In way, next to Polar Cold storage seed, ministrator herein, at 122 Main alfalfa and pasture, 4- 284-W, Gordon Williams. Is2xc surance agency. 21atfc About 3 acres, unimproved, edge room wheat, Street In the City of Nyssa, Mal basement house, barn for 11 County, Oregon, on and after other buildings, a good buy FOR RENT—Basement sleeping heur FOR SALE—War surplus coal heat of town on Adrian highway, good cows, 20th day of September, 1949. at $7,500. room lor man. Phone 89-J, lstfc the That ers, ranges and circulators, also soil. All »r any part. 1000 BUSHEL CAPACITY a deed will be executed to 80 acres, this is a top row crop tents, 9x9 to 16x32, priced to sell. FOR SALE—Corner lot, 55 x 119,' farm the best and highest bidder there FOR RENT—Small furnished a- all in crop, 6-room modern Ed Case’s Furniture Bargain Cen paved street, $560. subject to the right of said house, barn for 10 cows, granary, partment with bath. Roy Sewright, for, ter, highway 20, north of the Y. BERNARD EASTMAN Administrator to reject any and phone 63-J. Is2xp chicken house, water piped to out lstfe Insurance Real Estate buildings. This is one of the best, all bids and subject to confirm Phone 64 FOR RENT—97 acre farm, 80 acres ation of sale by the above entitled $27,500, 14 cash. FOR SALE—Heavy used tarpaulin, 640 acre stock ranch, 35 acres good row crop land, modern base Court. 16 x 34, $30. Nyssa Auto body shop. FOR SALE— Two-bedroom mod irrigated, home, 45 acres in legumes, Dated this 26th day of July, balance pasture, very good ment rent, Is3xc ern home, $3500 with easy terms. 5- $3,000 per annum. Ed 1949. room plastered house, large cash barn, Two-bedroom home with base Boyce Van De Water & Ken Pond, Real Estate FOR SALE—Kindling, stove wood ment, like new, modern, insulated, on good county road. This place S Jamison 25atfc Administrator with ¿he Will length. 949 north Second street. extra large lot, set up with state has old free water right, 20 head i Insurance Agency. For Your Rough Or Sandy Land of the Estate of William of beef cattle, 5 horses, chickens, FOR RENT—Space for two offices L. Annexed Is8xp loan, easy payments. 441 Ennis. Pretwell, Deceased hay and grain, all go at $14,- or an office and display room, First FOR SALE—Two 40-gallon used Two-bedroom modem home with hogs, Let Publ. Aug 1*, 1G49. us show you this, if you Carl and Burt’s Machine shop. “The House Of Oliver” electric water heaters. Ideal Gas *4 city block just east of hospital, 500. Last publ., Sept 15, 1949 looking for a 60-cattle spread. 18atfc and Appliance. Is2xc nice lawn, trees and garden plot. are Residence For Sale New, modern 5 rooms, excellent Two-bedroom Property modern home with POR RENT—One good used piano. Don Fox Purchases FOR SALE—3 registered Guernsey location, hardwood floors, laundry heat close to school in Parma, cows, 1 springer, two fresh. Combin room, storage space, furnace, FHA- 011 price $5750, 40% down, balance easy Grigg Bro6. S i Butler, phone 179-J. Dick Wyatt Ranch ed A. R. records in lactation 1346 built 7jtfc and financed. terms. pounds fat. H. E. Hight, Nyssa, Apartment house with two large New one-bedroom small home, Oregon. 25a3xp apartments on ground floor, extra this is a very cute place in a good FOR RENT— Polish your own KINGMAN KOLONY, Sept 8— floors. Rent our high-speed pol Don Fox, brother of Roy Fox of room upstairs, three-room section of town, only $2500. FOR SALE—Four good 550x17 large ishing equlpmenv. Easily handled Newell Heights, has purchased the apartment in basement, $6,800. Two-bedroom basement house and tubes, also good used parts for NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY by women. Nyssa Lumber company. Dick Wyatt ranch. Mr. and Mrs. and very nice, well located, connect 1934 Master Chevrolet, G. Sampson, SAtfc. Wyatt are living at the Dale Ralph G. Lawrence ed to the sewer, $4000. one block west of Wilson Highway Ashcraft farm but expect to rent Nyssa, Oregon Very nice home on large lot in market. ¿5a3xp ranch. MISCELLANEOUS a Mr. _ APPROVED - a nice quiet part of town, nice lawn and Mrs. F. D. Williams of and shade and all fenced, $4,935, MISCELLANEOUS—Custom potato Coalville, Utah, aunt and uncle of Sales & Service terms on part of this. phone 01R4, Tyrus Wash Mrs. Cliff Wright, visited at the Two nice building lots in a very digging, burn, 5 miles south on Nyssa- home Friday. desirable part of town, $350 and Adrian highway. Is3xp Wright Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and $600. ❖ of Parma, Mr. Smith and Quick possession on very nice 4- MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices daughter of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. J. room small home, owner sacrificing paid for slaughter horses. C. Clyde sons Lane were callers at the Ed In order to get located on new Job Smith, phone 306, Ontario. 28J8xc O. If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car Brandt home Sunday afternoon. before school starts. This was we are equipped with the latest testing Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marcum of priced at $3500, but is now reduced MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, Corvallis Mrs. Harold Warren to $2900. Electrolux cleaners and air puri of Ontario and visited equipment and factory trained mechan the Roy Bowers ED JAMISON AND KEN POND fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. family Sunday. ics to put your car in the best of condition. Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks and Real Estate and Insurance phone 0287J4. 14Jtfc Nyssa. Oregon family and Barbara Hatch attend LODGES PHYSICIANS FOR SALE—Unpalntea cabinets MISCELLANEOUS—No muss, no ed the wedding of Mrs. Sparks’ snd chests of drawers. Cabinets fuss, call us, rockwool Insulation. cousin, Charlotte Lake of Homedale Nyssa Post No. 79 are In section and can be bought We have our own Insulation blow to Rev. Dean Ogilvole of the Friends BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US SARAZIN CLINIC complete or In sections. Nyssa ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp church. They will make their home American Legion Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nytta any. 28mtfc near Denver. Dr. J. J. Sarazln Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Lumber company, phone 118-W. William Toombs worked In Bill’s 16DtfC MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and Drive in Adrian Sunday while Mr. Dr. K E. Kerby Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. free pick-up of your dead, crippled FOR SALE Mrs. Ashcraft attended the Dr. L. W. Scott or sick livestock. Calls received be and 160 acres, good row crop ranch, All Veterans Welcome Legion picnic at the dam. fore 9 o'clock are picked up by Physician and Surgeons suitable for onions, potatoes, beets, noon. Efficient drivers. Call col Mr. and Mrs. Max Howard left 4 miles from town, lays perfectly, lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys Saturday night for Utah after re Gate City Lodge Highway 30- -East of Town five room home, cow barn, machine sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products ceiving word that Mr. Howard’s L. A. Maulding, M. D. No. 214 shed, garage, $25,000, terms if de Phone 287 Ontario, Oregon father had suffered a stroke. Company. 6Jtfc. Mr and Mrs. N. P. French were Physician and Surgeon sired. I.O.O.F. Pnone 37 5 acres good laying land, excel MISCELLANEOUS—For really per visitors at Oregon Trail Sunday lent soil. Two bedroom home 14 sonalizing your gifts, try gold Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Meets every Monday basement on oiled road. $4,500, stamping. Beautiful lettering done Daily except Saturday and night, 8:30. $1500 down. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 napkins, stationery, book match South First Street 1 acre two-bedroom modem base on es, leather goods and special oc ment home close to Nyssa, $4000, casion ribbon. Oate City Journal. easy terms. C. J. Kopp, M. D. DENTISTS 23Jtfc. 2 acres with 7-room modern Physician and Surgeon DR. C. M. TYLER home with full basement, cow MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car barn for 5. garden, well located. and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- Fry Office Building With each purchase of a WESTINGHOUSE Command 97-acre ranch for rent, 86 acres Wilson Building hours 250tfo Irrigated, 4-room basement home, neman's. Phase I65-J, Nyaaa er two-oven or a Champion one-oven electric range, 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 small cow barn, immediate pos MISCELLANEOUS— Need mooeyf Office hours from 9 to 6 except Daily except Saturday and we are giving Free a choice of the items listed below: session. Saturdays, 9 to 13. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 on farms for refinancing, 437 acres good row crop land, Loans Value improvements, b u yi n g . 1 good home, 3 other houses, all building, term, low interest, see Ber J. R. CUNDALL JEWELRY STORES this land lays perfect, will sell any Long or all of it, $75,000, terms can be nard Eastman. phone 04. Nyssa. Dentist SAtfc. arranged. Phone M-J PAULUS 40 acres, lays perfectly. 21 acres Dead animal* picked up free, Sarazln Clinic alfalfa, 14 acres red clover and 5 For prompt service call collect. JEWELRY STORE NYSSA OR BOON acres pasture, good 5-room par Ontario—Ontario Orain Co. 63 Union Pacific Time Inspector tially modem home, garage, chick Parma—Parma Seed Oo. 26 en house, machine shed, no nox JEWELRY — DIAMONDS OPTOMETRISTS Nyssa—iMain plant 100 ious weeds snd no alkali, every Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Foodmixer and Coffee Maker WATCHES thing about the place la good. DR. C. L. HERMANN three-bedroom Main Street a. Second 20 acres good row crop land, modem home, old MISCELLANEOUS — Hemstitching Visual Specialist Owyhee water right, close to Nyaaa, done in my home. Leave with Mrs. Room 4. Fry Building WYCKOFF $10,000, $5000 down. Earnest Bunn above the Nyaaa Comforter and Radio Phone 171-J 80 acres, 58 acres cultivated, five- store. Mrs. Irving Dul- JEWELRY STORE Office hours 9 to 12: 2 to 5 room home with cement basement, Furniture 26m tfc Official Time Inspector tor small dairy bam, garage, $5,000 fin. DR. J. A. MCFALL down. MISCELLANEOUS Four your In Union Pacific 00 acres all good row crop land surance needs of any kind see Oil Heater ONTARIO ORBOOH D R .^ ^ ^ S L Y located on the Adrian bench. Mel Beck, Origg Bros, and Butler. For Automatic Cooking At Its Best Buy a Five-room modem home, double 6m tfc garage, bam, and machine shed, VETERINARIANS Westinghouse Range M ISCELLANEJOUS—Insurance Is chicken house, 835.000, terms. Trad*« BANK TERMS not fire protection. Any minute Five-room modem home with H DR. H A L D. WHITE basement, excellent Interior, at- day or night you can have a fire, tractive kitchen and bath. $6.000, Automatic fire control protects Veterinarian located. I millions In property and life. All Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore well Two-bedroom modem home, air extlngurhers are approved by un 50 North 3rd Street conditioned. awnings. $2900. derwrlters. See your local dealer Oood business building on Main for free estimate. Claud Willson, Classified Advertising COLUMBIA GRAIN BINS Anderson Miller Sprinkler Irrigation NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. KAISER-FRAZER professional and Business Directory SERVICE MUTCH OIL CO. FR EE WESTINGHOUSE lank cleaner, $ 7 4 .9 5 WESTINGHOUSE upright cleaner $ 6 9 .9 0 WESTINGHOUSE $ 6 9 .9 0 WESTINGHOUSE EVANS 50,000 B. T. U. $ 8 9 .6 5 $ 1 1 4 .0 0 OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO.