Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1949)
r/ieNYSSA VOLUME XXXXIV NO. 35 JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1949 Enrollment In Nyssa Schools A horse pulling contest will be Jumps Slightly ducted featured In a program to be con by the Owyhee Riding club Special Awards Are Presented At County Fair High School Population Increases, But Grades Show Decrease Atlrian Anti Nyssa Resi dents Take Share O f Awards, Trophies Gluh To Sponsor Horse Pulling, Other Contests at the Nyssa rodeo grounds Sun day, September 26. The program, starting at 1 o’clock will also Include horse races, flag race and other sports. The program will be the first of its kind to be sponsored by the Owyhee Riding clulb, which will Invite other riding clubs In the valley to participate. A nominal charge will be made for admission. The riding club will serve lunch on the grounds. First day enrollment In the Nyssa Many special awards were pre school system of 28 over the first sented to livestock and agricultural day enrollment of a year ago was exhibitors at the Malheur County announced Wednesday by superin fair before several hundred persons tendent of schools Henry Hartley. The enrollment Tuesday of this at a gathering held in the main ex week was 1182 as compared to 1154 hibition building on the fairgrounds last year. The enrollment in the at Ontario on the closing day of the grade school dropped nine, but in This Evans studio picture taken Wednesday night of last week shows and rontents were completely destroyed, with a loss of $60,000. The annual event. the high school It increased by 37. electric light pole shown in the foreground was scorched, but was not The program, opening at 3:30 making a net gain of 28. the L and H Produce company fire at its height. The packing shed / destroyed. Saturday afternoon, was broadcast The school population reached a over radio station KSRV, which was peak of 1225 last year and Super represented by Hal Corwin, master intendent Hartley said it may reach of ceremonies. Lowell Stockman Nyssa Students 1250 this year. winners in the 4-H division The registered Jersey heifer, given The number of pupils in each of of The T o Participate Visits FHA Farms the Malheur County fair were by the Malheur County Dairy the first three grades showed a de completed the first of this week and Breeders association, was awarded cided increase over the enrollment were announced In S. K. Jamboree In This County today by E. M. by President Rosel Hunter of Nyssa last year, but all of the five upper Hauser, county club Nyssa and Adrian youths won to James McKinley, 10-year-old The L and H Produce company grades in the elementary school The Nyssa. Adrian agent. and Parma plans to erect a fireproof building, Plans for the Snake river valley Congressman Lowell Stockman of championships with their livestock Kingman Kolony boy. Mr. Hunter showed a decrease, indicating, Mr. winners jamboree to be held in On the second congressional district the award was made on the Hartley said, an increase In the Dairy: were as follows; probably of clnderblock or some football tario Friday night, beginning at spent Wednesday on a tour of the exhibits in sheep, Jersey cattle and said basts of the boy’s care of his animal, birth rate in recent years rather Holstein—heifer, Larry DeHaven, other type of block, on the site of 8:15, Swine and took many other awards were outlined at a meeting his record books, his showmanship than an increase in immigration. Adrian, first; yearling heifer. David the packing shed that was destroy of the Snake River Valley School county inspecting farm home ad in the F. F. A. division-of Malheur and his knowledge of general agri With the 1949 figures listed first, Chaney, route 2. Parma, second; ed by fire in Nyssa last Wednesday masters association at the Payette ministration farms, in company County fair in Ontario last week cultural practices. enrollment in the 12 grades is com champion female, Larry De Haven; night. with F. H A. officials. Country club Wednesday night. In response to a request for re pared to 1948 as follows: First, 152 Jersey—heifer. Ronald Peterson, The company will start building Robert McConnaha, principal of Through his visits to farms near end. The vocational agriculture awards marks, Jimmy said “I’m happy”. and 144: second, 136 and 120; third, route 1, Nyssa, second; yearling the new structure. 40 by 240 feet, the Ontario high school and direct Nyssa and Vale, the congressman were to Nyssa and Adrian F Corwin said “We will expect some 117 and 98; fourth, 95 and 112; fifth, heifer, David Hurst, route 1, Nyssa. in time to start the spring season or of the jamboree, reported that was very favorably impressed with F. A. made chapter members as follows: great things from you and this calf 101 and 105; sixth, 98 and 97; sev second; Jimmy Stoker, route 3, Par in 1950. The concern plans to spec each team will play an eight-min the F. H. A. program in the county. Sheep—Suffolk, mature ewe, Joe next year”. enth, 85 and 95; eighth, 92 and 114; ma, third; mature cow, Jerry ialize mostly in potatoes and onions, ute quarter, with the exception of Accompanying Mr. Stockman on Witty, Parma, first and second; Other finalists contesting for the ninth, 108 and 87; tenth, 79 and 70; Wright, route 1. Nyssa, second; both here and at Nampa. Ontario, which will play two quart the tour were Don Kudrna, head of ewe lamb. Joe Witty, first; Jimmy calf were Mary Miller,' Diane Hard eleventh, 63 and 65, and twelfth, Ronald Peterson, third; Guernsey— Officers of the concern, formerly ers. the F. H. A. in Malheur county; Lissman, route 2, Nyssa, second, and man, Janice Kimball and Ronald 56 and 47. under th name of Max Bands of seven competing schools, Cecil Youngstrom, state field rep Benny heifer, James McKinley, route 1, operated Witty, third; ram lamb Peterson. The school population has climb Nyssa, Lutz, are Max Lutz, president; Karl tut nine competing foodball teams resentative of the F. H. A., and second; Teddy Bowers, route 1 year, Jimmy Lissman, route Kenneth Romans of Vale was a- ed steadily since 1943, when 689 2, Nyssa, third; yearling heifer, Hostetler, vice president, and Glenn and coaches will march onto the members of the local committee, under first: ram over 1 year, Joe Witty, warded a trophy for being the out pupils were registered. The big in Roger Kinkade, route 2, Nyssa, Hoel, secretary-treasurer. field and then the massed bands including Joe Maughan of Nyssa 2, first; other breeds, mature ewe, standing 4-H breeder in the county crease came between 1945 and 1946, third; directed by Jay Stoner of Payette and Dudley Sltton of route 1, On Loyd Mr. Hoel, estimated the loss on mature cow, David Hartley, Bush, Nyssa; pen of 2 fat by Ellis White on behalf of the when the number jumped from 792 Nyssa, first; champion female, Dav the building and contents at $60,000, will play the “Star Spangled Ban tario. lambs, Buddy Smith, first and sec Ontario Livestock Commission com to 1024. onions bought in this district ner.” The Ontario post of the Congressman Stockman left this ond; Hartley; milking shorthorns— said Joe Witty, third and fourth, pany. Romans was also awarded The schools were opened in Nyssa id will be handled through the Nampit American Legion will present the morning for Burns. all ages.division 4, Justine Kreager, foundation, Joe Witty, first; cham a trophy for his swine project. and at Oregon Trail and Arcadia route 1, Nyssa, first. colors. shed. Three local concerns, East pions, Suffolk female and Suffolk Other winners of trophies given Tuesday for half a day. A regular Beef: In addition to the regular pro Oregon Produce company, Rex male, Joe Wittty; other female, by the livestock commission com full-day schedule was started Wed Hereford — division 1. Frances ern gram this year a demonstration o l and company and Harley Loyd Bush, grandchampion female pany were Frances Feik, route 2, nesday, with all faculties complete. Feik, route 2, Nyssa, second; divis Mathews gridiron skills will be conducted. Produce company, will pack the po The Nyssa band, directed by and grand champion male, Joe Nyssa, beef; Ronald Peterson, King- tatoes that the L and H company ion 1-A, Larry Fivecoat, route 2. has under contract. Witty. man Kolony, dairy, and Beverly Lawrence, and the Nyssa Nyssa, second; division II, Elvin Al Mr Hoel expressed thanks to the Lynn McKinney, Harper, sheep. Sugar beets—Kenneth Price, Ad football team, coached by Howard exander, route 1, Nyssa. second; di local fire department and local po Lovejoy, will participate in the Any qualified elector who has rian. first; Bill Van De Water, Ad Special awards presented by com lived in the city for 30 days will be rian, second; ana Bob Haney, Ad mercial firms in the county were vision III, Frances Feik, first; Dal licemen for their prompt action and jamboree. permitted to vote Tuesday, Sept rian, third; best sugar beet project, given as follows: Best 12 potatoes, las Chaney, route 3. Parma, second; services during the fire. ember 13 on the proposal to Issue Robert Haney, Adrian first; best George Schiemer, Adrian, sponsor shorthorn—division I, Larry Five- bonds In the amount of $17,000 livestock project, Joe Witty, first; Hartley Produce company of Nyssa; Lewis H. Findling died Wednes coat, first. for construction of a city hall add Minard Hart, second; best corn best three beets, Earl Heebe, route day at the Nyss'i feed mill, where Swine: ition that will house a rural fire project, he was employed by Rodger Ander Chester White—division I. Garth Hutchinson, Adrian, 2, Payette, sponsor Amalgamated truck as well as the city truck and first; Bill Dave son, apparently as the result of a Olson, route 2. Nyssa, first; division Strndley, second: Charles Sugar company; best 20 pounds of triple the space for the library. heart attack. II, Gay Harris, route 1, Nyssa, first; Chapin, Adrian, third; showman onions. Bob H. Sunamoto, Ontario, John C. Elfering, sheriff, and Present plans call for the con ship, Mr. Findling was born July 5. Terry Flanagan, route 2, Nyssa sec Richard Diven, first. sponsor Eastern Oregon Produce Henry Hartley, superintendent of struction of a 19-foot addition of 1884 In Beatrice, Nebraska and ond; Poland China—division II, of the large acreage of the Nyssa schools, reminded motor one story on the north of the pres Corn—best 10 ears, Bill Stradley, company of Nyssa; best red clover. came to Nyssa in 1943. He had Freddie Schafer, route 1. Nyssa, fall Because lettuce, new seedings of alfalfa Chapin, second; Dave George Moeller, Ontario route 1, Wednesday that school busses ent fire station an a new second first; Charles third; been employed at times by the city first; Billy Day, route 1, Nyssa, and clover and late harvest of ists Jesse Assumendl, sponsor Pacific Supply co-op; best must be regarded in a new light by story over the entire ground floor, Hutchinson, and the Amalgamated Sugar comp third; all other breeds—division I, sugar beets, water will 'be kept in operators Adrian, fourth; sheaf grain, wheat, 10 ears corn, Oeorge Moeller, spon with a floor space of 33 by 30 feet. of motor vehicles. any. the canals of the Owyhee irriga Larry Culbertson, route 1, Nyssa, Adrian, first; Richard sor Beal Seed company, Ontario; state law requires all mot The new library, 14 by 30 feet, will Dick Davis, Survivors are his widow, Amy; first; Larry Fivecoat, second; divis tion project until October 5, James A new second, and Helmut Hlntz, best crocheted article of mercerized to stop when meeting or over be located on the north end of Diven, two daughters, Mrs. Foreman Field ion II, Ronald Day, route 1, Nyssa. Spoiford, manager of the district, orists cotton thread completed since Jan taking a school bus which has been the second floor. The ground floor third. er of Ellis, Nebraska and Mrs. Dale first; division III, Don Bowers, announced Wednesday. Threshed grain—barley, Bob uary 1, 1949, Minnie Oeorge of On for loading or unloading addition will house the fire truck Haney, Friday of Conrad, Iowa; three sons, route 2, Nyssa, second. Storage in the Owyhee reservoir stopped Adrian, second, Marian tario, sponsor National Needlecraft to be purchased by the Nyssa Rur Bowers, third; Clarence of Nyssa, Kenneth of Sheep: August 31 was 385.300 acre feet, passengers. wheat. Bill Van De bureau. al Fire Protection district as well Water, first; Minard “You must remain stopped", as Nyssa and Cecil of Conrad, Iowa; a Mature ewe — division K K K, which Is far below the average for Sheriff Hart, second; Earle Jones, Ontario F. F. A. in present city equipment and will Potatoes—Netted gems, Elfering pointed out, “if and provide brother, W. F. Findling of Nyssa Johnny Witty, route 3, Parma, sec this time of year, yet 99,450 feet C. R. structor, presented special awards more space for a better Kesler, second. more than on the same date last so long as any children are leaving fire department. and 14 grandchildren. ond. F. F. A. chapters In the county, the school bus or crossing the road A space 18 by 30 feet will be pro All breeds competing—breeding to year, Mr. Spofford said. Funeral services have not been Rabbits: read the names of Individual way. The law applies to school bus vided between the library and the cow over 2 years. Lloyd Bush, first; and arranged. The body is in the Nyssa Junior doe—Ronald Peterson, Demand for storage water is stops in the F. F. A. division, within city limits as well as present city hall for quarters for heifer under 2 yenrs, Minard Hart, winners high and the consumptive Funeral home. second: junior buck—division 4, still which are printed in a separate use this year will exceed any on rural roadways. It was enact the firemen. Ronald Peterson, first: best doe and season second; Benny Witty, third; steer. story in this of the Oate City as a safeguard for school young City officials tentatively plan. If Jack Seburn, first; Richard Diven, Journal. The issue litter—division 5, Ronald Peterson, operated. since the project has been ed chapter awards were Eagles W ill Hold sters and it will be enforced”. second. Joe Witty, third; made as follows: First place banner the ‘bond Issue is approved, to move second; Mr. Hartley pointed out that the the Vegetable garden: Dairy projects—heifer over 12 for all classes, Ontario chapter; sec Meeting; Auxiliary police station from the base Paulist Mission Set— requirement to stop applies to both Class VIII—Eugene Harris, route Lee Anderson, second; Jer ond place, Vale; breeding beef, ment to the main floor of the city months, To Be Instituted 1, Nyssa, red; Johnny Thiel, route A Paulist Catholic mission will be approaching and following traffic. hall sey cow, Carl Bair, first; heifer Vale; dairy division. Adrian, first to provide more Jail space. opened by Father John Whalen, CS. Failure to stop is punishable by a 1. Nyssa, red; Ronald Peterson, P. of Portland, in the Catholic fine up to a maximum of $100. The three Nyssa polls will be over 12 months, Bob Haney, second; place; breeding swine, Nyssa, first; The semi-annual zone meeting of route 1, Nyssa, white; Francene church Deane Hunter, first; Dale Patter breeding sheep, Ontario; fat classes open in Nyssa September 18. All “All of our busses are equipped all Eagles lodges In northeastern Peterson, route 1, Nyssa. white; persons are invited to attend, par with semaphore-type arms, plainly to 7 p. in m. the city hall from 9 a. m. son, second; junior bull under 2 In swine, Vale, and fat beef, On Oregon will be held in Nyssa Sept Bobby Parker, Adrian, white. years, Deane Hunter, first; dairy tario. ticularly those who have questions, lettered “stop”, Mr. Hartley said. ember 10 and 11. Corn: foundation, Deane Hunter, first; E. M. Hauser, county club agent, which will be answered at the mis For a period of time there will Nyssa Residents The lodge will sponsor a dance Class X—Louis Stam, route 1, sion. Masses will be held at 8 o' probably be some confusion regard champion Jersey female, Deane presented the 4-H banner for the Hunter. and other entertainment Saturday Nyssa. first; Larry Fivecoat, third. clock each evening and sermon and ing the law. It will be disregarded best club exhibit to the Willow Will Participate evening for visitors and members. Potatoes: Duroc Jersey swine—mature sow, Creek Beef club. benediction at 8 o’clock each even either deliberately or through ig The business session will be opened Class XI—Donald DeHaven, Ad ing. In Fieltl Events Helmer Hintz, first; sow under 8 Scholarships of $16 for first place, norance. Parents whose children Sunday at 9 a. m„ with the institut rian, first. months, Rlchord Diven, first; Don 112 for second place and $8 for third ride on busses, should caution them ion of the new ladies auxiliary, Rose and flower garden: ald Knowles, second; Joe Witty, place were presented to several Roy Holmes, president of the Visitors Here— not to put too much faith In the which will be attended by auxiliary Division I—Karen Roberts, route Riding club, appointed a third; sow and suckling litter. Rick youths to help pay expenses to the last week at the home driver of any vehicle, but to ex Owyhee members from Pendleton, La 3, Parma, first: Christine Snapp, of Visitors man or woman to represent the Gale, Adrian, second; two market state F. F. A. convention next year. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sepplch were ercise due care at all times.” Orande, Caldwell, Nampa and route 3, Parma, second; Ferry Mr. and Mrs. Duane Bowns and club in each event at the Western pigs, Joe Witty, first, second and The boys winning the awards were Boise. T. T. Turner of Portland, Borge, route 1, Nyssa, third. Riding Clubs association annual third; boar over 8 months, Nyssa as follows: Best sugar beet project, children of Seattle. On Sunday Mr. state director of the organization Canning: field meet to be held In Boise Sun F. F. A. chapter, second, and Adrian Olen Hill, Ontario, first; Robert Wanila Jeffries and Mrs. Larry Doner of Vale were board, will be the instuting officer. Lot 1—Barbara Thompson, route guests at the Seppich home. F. F. A. chapter, third; boar under 8 Haney, Adrian second, and Bill day. Passes In Nyssa The charter list contains 70 names. 1, Nyssa, first; lot III, Shirley The track events will be held in months, Donald Knowles, third. Parker, Ontario, third; best live the afternoon and the arena ev Chester White swine—sow under stock project—Joe Witty, Adrian, A lunch will be served for vis Sparks, route 1, Nyssa, first. Return From Vacation— itors and members at the Eagles Saddle horse: Wanita Jeffries of Nyssa died ents will be held at night The 8 months, Alvin Pecka, first and first; Minard Hart, Nyssa, second, Mr. and Mrs. John Ostrom re show. Including approximately 20 second; spotted Poland China swine and Charles Chapin, Adrian, third, hall at noon and the business ses Junior horsemanship—Larry Kre turned last week from a two weeks last Saturday Rioon in the Holy sion of the lodge will be opened ager, Nyssa: Larry De Haven, Ad vacation trip spent at Astoria and Rosary hospital, where she receiv contests, will be similar to the —mature sow. Minard Hart, first; and showmanship—Richard Diven, one held in Nyssa last fall. treatment for five weeks. sow under 8 months, Minard Hart, at 2 p. m., when a large class of rian: Kent Lovelace, route 1, first; Wesley Richmond, On coast towns. They returned ed The Practically aU of the Owyhee first and second; boar over 8 Nyssa. girl, 13 years old, was a dau candidates will be initiated for Nyssa; Bobby Parker, Adrian; Ouy- other tario. second, and Pete Schaffeld, to Nyssa by way of Eugene. Riding club members will attend. ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jeff Nyssa and visiting lodges. O. Har anne Oienn, route 1, Nyssa: Bobby months, Minard Hart, first; swine third. ries, who have returned with the The Nyssa city band will play. foundation — Minard Hart, first Vale, vey Moore of Nampa, who has been Keller, route 1, Nyssa; senior horse- Daughter Born— Entries in the fair this year were body to Pryor, Oklahoma, their Ribbons will be given for the duroc female champion, Helmer approximately active in Eagles affairs for years, mnaship—Gary Graham, Justine Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison formftr those of prev They had lived here first four places in eaoh event. Hintz; Chester White champion ious years, fair double will be the principal speaker at the Kreager, Jimmy Connaughy, Diane received word of the birth of a for two home officials estimated Points will be awarded to deter months. female, Alvin Pecka; champion afternoon session. Hardman and Charley Glenn, all of daughter to Mr. and Mrs John Ol The case was handled by the mine the winning club in the The exhibits included 512 head of spotted poland female and spotted livestock and 350 other types of ex Attendance of 300 memljers and route 1, sen of Portland. The baby hos been Nyssa Funeral home. program, with first place taking Poland male, Minard Hart, grand their wives is expected. ----------------------- hibits In the main hall. named Trudy Jane. four points, second three points, champion female, Alvin Pecka. ------------------ j To Discuss C. V. A.— The exhibits were on display third two points and fourth one Vitlt Here— Two Injured In Accident— Charles Baker of the Pacific 8up- Leaves For North Carolina— Thursday, Friday and Saturday. In Mr and Mrs Max Jones and two point. Buy« Dress Shop— Mrs. Lola Gonzales of Nyssa was \ ply co-op of Walla Walla will speak Miss Nina King, who has made children with the fair racing and of Richmond, California Lynn Snodgrass of Nyssa will Mrs. Richard Butcher of Nyssa connection seriously Injured when a large auto In the Nyssa high school building her home the past year at the home were week-end programs were given Parl- assist Ed Bowman of New Plym has purchased the Fields dress rodeo (Continued guests at the home mobile that she was driving crash Thursday. September 15 at 8 p. m. of on Page 2) aunt and uncle. Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bingham. Mr. outh as arena director. in the Heldt building. Third ed from the highway south of Ad in favor of the proposed Columbia Mrs her E. H. Fleshman, left last week and Mrs. Bingham also enjoyed a A small admission charge will shop street and Bower avenue, from Fire Destroys Building— rian last Saturday evening. Mrs. Valley administration. The public for her home Goldsboro, North visit from Mr. and Mrs. E. W. be made. Mrs. Henry Fields. She will op A two-story building at the Jap Gonzales was reported to have been is invited to attend the meeting, Carolina to be in with her mother, Bingham of Idaho Falls last week. erate the shop under the name of anese blinded by the lights of an approa which will be sponsored by the Ore who is 111. camp located near Ole’s cor To Enter University— Betty’s dress shop. Mrs. Butcher, ner southwest Nyssa was des ching automobile and her machine gon Trail Orange and the Nyssa Mr and Mrs. Bumall Brown and Delphian« To Meet— who has been employed in ladles' troyed by fire at September 2. The plunged over an embankment and chambei of commerce. daughter. Marian, left Thursday Arrivals At Nursing Home— The first fall meeting of the shops In Chinook, Montana, will large building was used by the overturned, injuring Mrs. Gonzales for Portland, where they wiH visit Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ash Delphian society will be held at buy new stock for the shop. lieutenant In change of the C.C j C. and her brother-in-law. Evans Return From Visit— Mr. and Mrs Sid Brown Marian craft of Adrian, August 31, a boy, the home of Mrs. J. J. Sarazln ramp when the camp was used by Keech of Nyssa, who sustained a Mr. and Mrs. Nick Rudelick have 6 pounds, 1 ounce; to Friday morning. September 9th. will go on to Eugene, where she Son Arrives— the civilian conservation corps. The fracture of the jaw. Mrs Keech returned from a two-weeks vacation weighing will enrol! In the University of Mr. and Mrs Roger Anderson of Mrs. Clyde Snider will be the Mr. and Mrs. Norbert J. Sarazln second story of the building was was driving her automobile behind spent in California. Nevada and Nyssa, September 1st. a boy, weigh leader. Oregon. are the parents of a son born Sep in flames when occupants of the her sister. They were reported to Salt Lake City. In California they ing 8 pounds. 3 ounces, and to Mr. tember 4 at the Holy Rosary hos ramp first noticed the fire Nyssa have been returning home from I spent sometime in the Lassen Na- and Mrs Henry Brisco. September Here From I’tah— Kpekane Visitors Here— pital. The baby has been named firemen went to the camp, but had Homedale. Mrs. Gonzales and ttonal park. They were accompan- 4th, a boy, weighing 5 pounds, 8 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kershaw of Mr and Mrs Paul Brannon of Joseph Bruce. no equipment with which to fight Keech were taken to the Holy Ros I led home by Mrs. Louis Rudelick ounces. Kaysvllle, Utah were visitor« at (he Columbian Geological society of the flames. and daughter, Bertha and Mrs. ary hospital in Ontario. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Spokane were visitón Wednesday Primary To Start— ----------------------- Rudelick’s son. Nick, and his wife'' Visits In Idah Frost last Wednesday. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An invitation is extended to all Returns From Denver— Return From Park— and baby, who came here to visit Miss Manjaret Sarazln. who lx —------- Maurice Corey. They were en- children between the ages of four Rev. Donald 8. Campbell return Mr and Mrs. Frank Jayo and at the home of Mrs. Lawrence I here visiting her parents, Dr. and Here From W inthrop— route home after attending a meet and 12 to attend the L.DB. pri ed Monday from Denver, where he daughters returned last week from Findling. daughter of Mrs. Louis Mrs. J. J Sarazln. has gone to ' Dean Sutherland of Winthrop, ing of the Northwest Federation mary, will be started Wed attended one of the three national a trip through the Yellowstone Rudelick The visitors left for their Hansen, Idaho to visit at the home Washington arrived last week and of Minerological chibs held at Eu nesday, which September 14 at 4 o'clock meetings of the Fellowship of Re park. l homes Monday | of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Larsen. Is visiting Duane Holcomb. gene. In the LX>B. chapel. conciliation. 4-H Awards At Fair Announced Lewis Findling Succumbs Here L ami H Co. T« Build New Shed Nyssa, Adrian Livestock Wins Qualifications Of Voters Cited Bus Law Is Water To Stay New Now In Effect In ("anal Later