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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, TH U RSD AY, AU GUST 11, 1949 PAGE EIGHT Nyssa Tuesday to make arrange- X The group discussed plans fo r to a seed pearl crown Her Jewel- gelical United Brethren church at Circus Coming T o Nyssa— Deary, Idaho to r the past year. John D. Foss, general agent of i ments for the appearance o f the the fall bazaar that will feature ry was a strand of pearls, a g ift They will make their home in the the Seal Brothers circus was in I circus here September 6. textile painted articles, and the from her bridegroom. W hite car- Nu-Acres community. September card party to be spon- nations and sweetpeas made up her sored by the guild. colonial bouquet. General Contracting and —9 — For her role as matron o f hon- Building BOISE W E D D IN G HELD or, M rs Hazel ton chose a pale Custom-Built Cabinets and At a double wedding ceremony blue dotted Swiss dress, while other Furniture held Sunday evening in the First attendants, Mrs. N. J. Luppino Furniture Repairing and Presbyterian church of Boise, Miss and Miss Pearl Weber, wore gold Refinishing Poula Harrington was married to and blue gowns, respectively. Each 1H miles north o f Nyssa-Parma Gene Bellon of Nyssa, and her carried a colonial bouquet. The Junction twin sister, Miss Pamelia Harring flower girl, Nancy Fritz, daughter ton was married to Charles F. of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fritz, was Urban. The double ring ceremony dressed In a light green satin frock. was performed by the Rev. Marcus Tanis Grlsenthwaite sang “ A l Lindsay before the candle lighted ways" and " I Love You Truly", ac and flow-er-decked altar. companied by Edward Zollman at Phone 023J11 Highway 95 T h e brides wore Identical gowns the organ. of white marquisette and taffeta Jack Lee Hazelton, the bride’s lined with Chantilly lace, fashion brother, was best man and N. J. ed with fitted bodices with long Luppino and Lyman L. Noble were S T P A U L 'S G U IL D M EETS sleeves ending In points over their Members of the St. Paul's Epis hands, full skirts, and floating ushers. Back To School T h e couple made a wedding trip copal guild were entertained M on trains. They carried bouquets of to North lake. Th ey are at home day evening at the home Of Mrs stephanotls and Ivy. Specials at 1029 East 62nd street in T a E. K. Burton. During the business Paula was attended by her cous meeting plans were made fo r the in, Miss Carla Brodd as maid of coma. Both attended Lincoln high school. They plan to visit his On church picnic to be held August honor and Miss B' tty Gustaves as parents in Nyssa this fall while he t bridesmaid, and Pamelia was at Is on furlough. tended by Miss Marlyn Brodd as - I - Pittsburg Paint maid (ft honor and Miss W illa Kirk Electric Ranges OUBOT E N TE R TA IN E D as bridesmaid. Joanne Bellon of Mrs. Warren Farmer entertained Nyssa, flow er girl, wore yellow mar last Wednesday evening for her sis Wallpaper quisette with a wreath o f yellow ter, Miss Nathelle Holton, who has Washing Machines flowers in her hair. She carried been a guest at the Farmer home. As Much As a basket of yellow and green. Four tables of bridge were in play | Gene Bellon was attended by his following dessert. Paint Accessories Radios Prizes for the Frequent service, handy down brother, Jerry Bellon, with Clay evening went to Mrs Ed. Knettle town depots, and freedom from ton Morgan and Harry Council of for high score, Mrs. Wayne Morris driving tension make shopping Nyssa as ushers, and Mr. Urban for second high and Mrs. Dennis Electric Mixers Water Heater or business trips a pleasure by RITZIE DRESS A N D was attended by Carl Hardin of Patch for low score. Greyhound. You can go arid re Kimberly and Bill K irk and Russell -9 turn the sa m e day. The low fares Viechweg of Boise as ushers. F LO R A L SHOPPE Automatic Coffee Makers G IV E S C H IC K E N D IN E R save extra dollars for shopping! Music was furnished by Mrs. Plates were laid for 18 guests Relax in perfect comfort . . . en John Best at the organ and Mrs. Sunday when Mrs. Marie C. Black joy sightseeing, or visiting with John Leaf as soloist. Following entertained with a fried chicken A N D OHER ITEMS the ceremony, a reception was held dinner at her home. Out-of-town fellow passengers. See your G rey in Westminster hall. hound Agent about depaiture guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred For her daughters’ wedding Mrs Guthrie o f Boise and Mr. and times on your n ext trip! Harrington wore a dusty pink Mrs. Dean Shipley of Caldwell. crepe, with grey accessories and a The occasion honored both Mrs. corsage of baby orchids. Mrs Lew McCoy and Mrs. Black on a n * * * Bellon wore a navy georgette with their birthdays. Group singing COME IN TO SEE O UR NEW’ lo w e s t ¡ G * e 4 ! white and blue accesories and a was enjoyed In the afternoon. white gardenia corsage. Mrs. Ur Supper also was served to the ban wore an aqua gabardine with guests. M ERCHANDISE W H IC H HAS a gardenia corsage. -9 — Depot A t Th e brides are the daughters of M A R R IE D IN VANCOUVER Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrington of Mrs. Anna P. Reynolds, formerly Carl’s Doll House JUST ARRIVED N i l Franklin road, Boise. They of Deary, Idaho and F. A. Johnson attended the University o f Idaho, of Nu-Acres were married at tihe where they were affiliated with home of the bride’s daughter, Mrs. W hatever the Kappa Kappa Gamma soro George Jacobson, at Vancouver, Nt> I t A h ' / V ffjU H .T t 'S Y you plan to rity. Washington Sunday afternoon, paint— Mr. Bellon, son o f Mr. and Mrs. 31. Rev. Ralph Logsdon of By Bingham Joe Bellon o f Nyssa, was grad July W A R T ” , The Speed Cop 5 ?\V here’s Walla W alla performed the cere uated from the Nyssa high school. mony. * —Y ' expert GET THAT M U L E O U T I He Is attending the Idaho State Mr. Johnson is a cabinet maker ’ "know-how "! O' THE WA '/ H fF O U E l college at Pocatello, where the and farmer at Nu-Acres. Mrs. ! n u n o m eu vo u j-A f- Ask for free couple will reside. ry,— R taten 4 L » Johnson was pastor of the Evan folders— Mr. Urban Is the son of M r. and what to get Mrs. C. B. Urban o f Wendall, and l- '■ will live with his bride in Boise. — how to He Is a graduate o f the University do It the of Idaho. Will take applications easy w ay! A number o f guests from Nyssa for young man single or attended the wedding. 21 DIFFERENT FOLDERS — 9— married. Work consists F A M IL Y R E U N IO N H E LD H E R E -F R E E of office work, stock T h e home o f Mr. and Mrs. La- Mont F ife was the scene o f a fam records, buying and sel -A S K ! ily reunion of the fam ily o f Mrs. ling. Position requires '^ N T S i LaMount F ife Sunday, July 31. M O M PRO BAT IN G H f i r " ~ Attending the reunion were Mrs. No Smokers W e Are Now Available For Land Leveling, Fife's father, F. A. Andrus o f Salt Lake City, and his fiv e daughters and tw o sons. T h e out-of-town Phone 74 Phone 144-J Don B. Moss guests Included B ill Andrus of Sub-Soiling, Dragline Work Parma Nyssa Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. Ern Llecli- FIRESTONE STORE ty and son, Blaine, and Kendrick Campbell of Logan, Mr. and Mrs A. C. Pedklns of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Scott, Mr. and iMrs. R. D. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Woodford o f Nampa, and C. F. I’hone 257-W Andrus o f Boise. On last Tuesday, the LaM ont F ife fam ily and their guests a t tended the wedding o f their niece. Vent Scott, to B ill Beers at the First Christian church in Nampa. I Mrs. F ife cut the wedding cake and Bonnie and Betty F ife were p r o g r a m at the g ift table. j Mrs. Dorothy Read During the | evening a contest was held dressing I miniature dolls In wedding gowns. The g ift table was arranged with flowers and candies. Mias Tom - B RID E -E LBC T HONORED ! linson was the recipient of many Miss Claudine Tomlinson f . , .. lovely gifts. Mrs. M. J. Moreland cue-1 o f honor at a miscellaneous and Misg c ora Tomlinson attended hower held at the home of Mrs. the shower from Nyssa. Oleiui Levere hi Payette last Fri - 9 - day evening. Mrs. Levers was as- E N T E R T A IN S F O R D AU G H TE R S i ted by Mrs. Helen Jones and Mrs. Ed R nettle entertained Thursday afternoon at her home for her daughters, Linda Jean and Kathryn, age three and four, in observonce of their birthdays last week. The afternoon was spent In playing games. Refreshments of cake, Ice cream, punch and candies were served to the 20 children and 15 mothers bidden to the party. burial Elites Johnson C ab in e t Shop Fire Sale Still Continuing Up To 75 Per Cent Savings D resses and Sk irts NO TRAFFIC TROUBLES NO PARKING PROBLEMS 5 0 % O ff fm b PAINTING H it PI “ New Location ■ WANTED - Heldt Building W A TTS SEED CO. OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. 50 N. 3rd. St. C. E Leseberg N Y S S A Telephone 10 8 THEATRE SA TUR D AY, A U G U S T 13 SATU R D AY O NLY Bud Abbott— Lou Costello lu “THE NOOSE H ANG S H IGH ” You’ll be rolling in the aisles when you see this one. BUGS BUNNY CARTOON -9 - N Y S S A Y O U T H WEDS Miss Betty Lou Hazelton. daiigh- j ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hazelton nf Tacoina, was married to Pfc. j Dwaine Eugene Edwin, U. A. A., son of M r and Mrs. Floyd Erwin of Nyssa, Oregon In a double ring ceremony perfonned July 2 in the Calvary Methodist church in T a coma by the Rev. Vern D. Poole. T h e bride wore a white satin I gown decorated in lace and a fingertip veil, which was caught Mat., Sat., 2:30;A<hn. HOc-itc, Inc. Tax Ailin. Evening* 44c-9c Inc. Tax Mat., Sun., I :H . A dm. SOr-Sc, Inc. Tax. Adm. Evening* 44c 9c Inc. Tax TUESDAY, A U G U S T 16 BARGAIN NIGHT DOUBLE FEATURE Warren Douglas In “ HOMICIDE FOR THREE" "Rocky” Lane In “S U N D O W N IN S A N T A FE” Adm. 30c-9c Inc. Tax W E D N E SD A Y & TH UR SD AY, AUG. 1718 Joel McCrea— Alexis Smith Zachary Scott— Alan Hale SOUTH OF ST. LO U IS” Filmed In Technicolor Action thunders across the screen in this mighty drama bursting with the glory of America’s most exciting days. COLOR CARTOON NEWS Adm lulon Evening* 4 4 c - 9 c, Inc. Tax D ennison N o. 3 0 0 C an Pork & Beans 9c Q u art S U N D A Y A N D M ONDAY, A U G U S T 14-15 Louisa May Alcott’s popular story. “LITTLE W O M E N ” With June Allyson Peter Lawford Margaret O’Brien— Elizabeth Taylor Laden with Wonderment, warmth, laughter, and love. 4 For Jars Bv le w llerrtm an In a world where broken promises I are as common as dotted lines at a ! salesmen's convention. It's encour- :<glng to hear Finland is still meeting the payments on the loan she got from the U. S. after World | War 1. The Finns never missed an installment until the Russians took over in 19Q9. and at the end ! of World W ar I I the Finns got | back In the payoff line. That's an international record. Sen. Sm ith iN. J.i suggests the Finns ] be allowed to use the rest of their | payments to send students to the | U. S. How about using it to send | lepresentatlves of a few other countries to study Finnish integ rity? In Soutli Houston, Tex., an alley i cat wandered Into the poetoffice | and gave birth to 4 kittens under the Special Delivery table W on der why she didn't choose Heir j Mall? Maybe you'd call that a catast rophe. One thing su re. . . It's a real catastrophe when your car breaks down in the middle of s week-end trip or vacation. Prevent this Bring it for regular service and 1 inspection to H f » R I M A N M OTOR OO You can depend on us. Phone In. H e rrim an M o to r C om p an y Squares of Bacon Dozen P ound 88c Frankfurters N o. 2 C an Picnic S ty le CORN 9c Ham H ershey 16 oz. C a n IO Pounds Syrup 9c Sugar Tom. Sauce l9c Large Cream S ty le H u n t's Pound 2 C a n s for 9c N ucoa 29c Pound 39 c 9 5c * 2 P ounds 49c WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET PHONE 284-W PRICES GOOD TH R O U G H FR ID A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y ;