Tobler Softies Win City Title THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 1949 Dale Bingman and Dale Moss led I che winners’ assault with two hits each. George Harteloo of the Im plement team also made two hits. 1 In the final game o f the evening. Nyssa M. I. A. defeated the Letha M. I. A. 7 to 6. W illiam Beus led the winners with a double and single, while Dee G am er o f the losers was also making three hits. W ith the close of the season the following statistics show the top 10 batters who have appeared 25 or more official times at bat: Calvin Wilson, Tobler’s, .545; T om my Holman, Tobler’s .444; Keith Tallman, Adrian, .440; Ron Smith Tobler’s, .406; Don Brewer, Adrian, .394; Rosel Anderson, Western Corru gator Co., .394; Waynard Talbot, M. I. A., .375; Dale Bingman, O n tario Tractor, .375; Bill Beus, M. I. A., .367, and Lloyd Wilson, W ag goner Motor, .361. Mark Hartley of Tabler’s had the best pitching record with four wins and no losses. Tober’s Peed and Fuel softball team won the city championship by defeating the Waggoner M otor company team 5 to 2 in a tight pitchers duel ¡between Tom m y Holman of Tabler's and Bob W il son of W aggoner’s Thursday night to close the regular season, which was sponsored by the Nyssa Lions club, with Charles Landreth, L aw rence Findling and Richard Milt- kelson in charge. In the championship contest. Bob Church, Tom m y Holman and Ron Smith led the attack with two hits each C alvin Wilson made a home run for the winners. Ralph Lowe led the losers with a triple. T h e Ontario Tractor company softball team ¡broke loose in the fourth and fifth innings to de feat the Western Corrugator com Return From Portland— pany team 13 to 1 after being held Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Peirsol were to a 2 to 1 score fo r three innings. week-end visitors in Portland. EXTRA GOOD Q U A L IT Y N EW CRO P HONEY Bring Your Containers 10 lbs. or over 14c a lb. Under 10 lbs. 15c a lb. ‘H O NEY” FOSTER’S HONEY SHOP West of School Gym. Local News Visit In Fruitland— Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dorman spent Sunday at the E. L. Parker home in Fruitland. Masons Plan Picnic— The district Masonic picnic will be held in Vale Sunday, August 14. Lunch served at noon will be fo l lowed by entertainment. All mem bers of the lodges at Vale, Ontario and Nyssa and sojourning Masons and their families are invited to attend the picnic. Receives Legion Appointment— Mrs. E. K . Burton this week re ceived the appointment of Ameri can Legion auxiliary department historian. The appointment was made by Sadie M. Graham, new department president for Oregon. Returns From Portland— Mrs. O. E. Dorman returned home Thursday evening from Port land. after spending two weeks »nth her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown. Return T o California— Mr. and ¡Mrs. A. C. MoNault and son, Carl, left this week to return to their home in Richmond, C alif ornia, after a visit at the Frank Parr home and with friends in this vicinity. Go On Vacation— C. P. Mink, manager Nyssa plant of the Boise Lumber company, and his are spending this week near Hailey, Idaho. Here From Logan— of the Sh eriff and Mrs. Tom Rowley of Payette Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Tom W il fam ily kin of Salt Lake City were visit fishing ors this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaM ont Fife. Go T o Mountains— Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper and Johnny have returned from a 10-day vacattion spent in the W a l lowa mountains. Last Sunday they attended a picnic with the Herscliel Thompson and W illiam D eG rofft families in Wallowa county. Attend Picnic— Mr. and ¡Mrs. Thomas Jones at tended the Union Pacific employees picnic held Sunday in the park at Nampa. T o Portland— Henry Hartley returned Sunday from Portland, where he had gone for a check-up on his recent ear operation. The doctors reported satisfactory results front the op eration. ford car and Truck Piston Ring special LOANS A ll Connecting Rod Bearings, Clean Carbon From Cylinder Cash For Every Purpose Heads, Clean and Adjust Spark Plugs, Change Oil, Tune Engine, Install New Head And Pan Gaskets. $50.00 All For $42-45 to $500.00 This Special W ill Run From August 15 Through August 20 John H. Pierson Grigg Bros. & Butler — Every Wednesday— Your Transportation Merchant Come In And Talk Over Your Finance Troubles. Maybe I Can Help Beet Growers Bring In Your Beet Equipment For Necessary Repairs Now. FULL STOCK OF GENUINE PARTS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT WE SELL Expert Chevrolet Repair W ork; AUo Wisconsin Motors FA C TO RY T R A IN E D R E P A IR M A N SEE US THE NEXT TIM E YO U R EQUIPMENT NEEDS REPAIRING B. & M. EQUIPMENT CO. Minneapolis Moline Dealer r.% V DEVELOPING J S E E M S O N LY YESTERDAY THAT YOU W ER E J U S T A FUZZY C H IC K . I WONDER. Y ESSI R, L A Y IN G ALREADY FO R SALE—One 6-foot electric re- frigerator in good condition; one clothes hamper, white; one electric hot plate, two burner, white; one cabinet radio; one rocker; one American Beauty electric iron; J ! I I Dave Thomas I S W IM M IN G V A LE PLU N G E 35c For Adults; 15c For Children With Your Suit and Towel SPECIAL RATES TO GROUPS Phone For Appointment Every Day Except Wednesday • From 1 to 10 p. m. Sunset Valley Community Hall A. R. Herring, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Rev. Joseph E. Dodson, pastor of the Sunset valley, Assembly o f God church will be our guest speaker In the morning worship service. Come and enjoy these services with us. THE M ETHODIST C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH DonaM S. Campbell, Minister 9:45 a. m., church school. 11 a. m., morning worship. 7 p. m., youth fellowship. 8 p. m., evening service. SUNSET VA LLE Y ASSEMRLY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship services, 11 s. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenne and Third Street Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor The hour o f Sunday mass will be 8:30 through the months o f June, July and August. Visitors Here— Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton had as their guests this week, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis ¡Burke o f Rupert, Idaho. SALE CALENDAR SURE OF HEAT! P U B L IC D A IR Y BAILIE—Thursday, Aug. 18 a t ¡1 p. m „ 6 miles north of Ontario, then 3t4 miles west of north of Payette or V% south of Snow Moody ¡hill or Payette Junct- lon.17 Cattle; 6 10-Gal. milk cans. D. L. Leak, owner; Cols. Bert Anderson Si Joe Church, Auct.; L. « . Frltts, Clerk. Take just two steps to assure your home o f clean, friendly warmth: 1. Buy a SPARK oil burning heater. 2. Install an adequate oil storage lank and fill it now P U B LIC FARM S A L E - F r id a y , Aug. 10. at I p. m „ 2 miles north at Ontarrlo, then 314 ¡miles west of the oki OOC camp. 13 Cattle, 2 horses, 7 hogs, machinery, miscel laneous articles. C lifford Ferdig, owner; CoU. Bert Anderson & Joe Church, autcioneers; L. H. Frltts, Clerk. GET A SPARK OIL HEATER FOR fU E l VERSATILITY— TOP PERFORMANCE! S P A K K gives clean, satisfying warmth will: any o f the light, residual fuel oils . . . No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 oil and motor diesel oil. SPARK, burns these oils cle an • fy, e ffic ie n tly . Last winter, fo r example, thousands o f homes were kepi warm and comfortable by S P A K K heaters using common m otor diesel fuel, the same type o f fuel used fo r trucks, buses and locomotives. Too Late T o Classify FD R BALE—Trailer house, Just what you need, a home on wheels. $076. Signal Service Station. Ila2xj> FO R SA LE — 1841 two door Bulck. Oood condition. Henry Fields. lla tfc FO R S A L E —One used Westing- house electric range, like new. Ideal Gas and Appliance. lla tfc se e FOR SALE M odem three-room house, In good residential district, very good buy at $2500. Nice four-room home, with good lawn and shade, very desirable small home, $4.935 Very good two-bedroom modern home in restricted area, hardwood floors, electric dishwasher, will pass O ttCKEBSO AffP CHUCKLES » From Your Purina Dealer S A A Y! EFFIE IS \ê £ Taxi Sunday school, 10 a. m. C A R D OF T H A N K S M orning service, 11 a. m. W e wish to thank our many Song service, 7 :30 p. m. friends and neighbors for the kind Young People’s service, 7:30 p. m, deeds rendered during the illness Evening service, 8 p. m. and death o f our darling daughter, Wednesday evening prayer ser Ardis Gai. vice, 8 p. m. T h e Ellibee Family Friday evening service, 8 p. m. WE W IL L — Install New Genuine Ford Piston Rings, Replace Herriman Motor Company F. H. A. inspection for loan, *6200. one General Electric vacuum ED JAM ISON AND KEN POND sweeper; one portable washing Real Estate and Insurance machine. Phone 023d 1, F. A. lla lx p THE CHURCH OF THE FO R SALE —One used Zenith Johnson. NAZAJRENE electric refrigerator, in good con W A N T E D —T o rent two-bedroom dition. Ideal Gas and Appliance. Rev. E. J. Wilson. Pastor house with bath. W ill lease per lla tfc . manently, phone 95-M. 10 a. m., Sunday school, Russell lla lx c Smith, superintendent. F O R SALE— 1948 Farm all Cub 11 a. m., congregational and W A N T E D —T o care for children by special s ittin g and communion tractor, four pieces of equipment, day or evenings, good references. Sam G. Phillips, 'i mile east of service. Mrs. M argaret Kreps, phone 63-J. 7:15 p. m.. we have three group Nyssa-Parma junction. ______ Ila2xp lla lx p services. Conte and we believe you e ret pu" ets’ 1 STR A Y E D —T w o yearling whlte- will find a place where you will t ^ „ S^ E ^ Hanl^ to lay soon, price $1.50 each, phone face |wiferSi Q . V. brand connected enjoy yourself in one of these. * K>" w ’ lla lx p on jef t hip. N otify F. J. Stras- 8 p. m „ evangelistic service. 8 p. m., every Wednesday we have F O R SALE—Canning tomatoes, | b<iU« h' Phone NV8“ °24-J. lla tfc services. 1 mile southwest of Nyssa, W. J. Prayer service Friday noon at Browne, phone 08-J2. Ila3xp the parsonage. FO R R E N T —Three-room unfurn ished apartment with bath. See FAITH MTTHERAN CHURCH J. B. McKinney at Wilson's sup Rev. Sherwln Schmidt, Pastor er market from 12 to 9 p. m. lla tfc Divine service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school and adult Bible W A N T E D — Woman with child Trailways Bus Depot class at 9:45. wants work on farm fo r room, j board and some wages, phone ASSEMBLE O F GO D 019-J5. lla lx c Phone 217 Stcrl D. Spiesi. Pastor Church Notes Returns T o Texas— Mrs. A. ¡M. Peek of Greenville. Texas, Who has been visiting at Sunday school, 10 a. m. the J. P. Duniway home for the Worship, 11 a. m. past three months, left for her Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. home in Texas last week. Mrs. Prayer and Bible study, Tues Peek is a sister of Mrs. Duniway. day, 8 p. m. Young People, Friday, 8 p. m. Salem Visiitors Here— You are welcomed to all these Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bollanger services. and daughter of Salem visited last week at the home o f Mrs. CHURCH OF CHRIST Frank Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. B ol Don R. Maxfield. Pastor langer are the parents o f Mrs. 10 a. m., church school hour, Clay Morgan. ill a. m., morning worship and Lord’s supper. Guests From Hermiston— 7:30 p. m., young people’s service. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fagan and 8:15 p. m., evening worship, daughter of Hermiston, Oregon vis young people in charge. ited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann. Mr. M ISSIO NARY B A PT IST CHURCH and Mrs. Fagan are form er Nyssa W. M. Turner residents. Missionary Pastor Automobile And Furniture PAGE SEVEN DEMONSTRATED! Prove to your own satis faction that SPARK is the heater for y o u r needs 1 SPARK O frH A! m for ProUtaU« Early E««s Pullets that get into heavy produc tion during the e a r'/ fall and win ter months a re the most profitable. Purina G row ena, complete , , . or G row in g Chow to b a lan ce grain develop pullets big an d fast.. Tobler’s Feed Cr Fuel SPARK r f HEATERS I fn Wf/* / '// n I'AHK M 'ftvr < <>\ HV O A K lA K D 'f f i t t i . Nyssa’s Only Authorized SPARK Dealer NYSSA FURNITURE CO. One Block Wc-tt O f Railroad Depot