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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1949)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1949 Lyman Pomeroy home Week-end j home. Moles Is visiting his sis mie and Sharon Colvin, BilUe and Dodson, and Miss Patsy Williams guests at the Pomeroy home were ter, Mrs. Katheryn Dixon. Week- Stanley Ekanger, Mrs. Alvin Ek- i of Seattle and both the Rogers guests at the Chadd home were ange-. Mrs. Nell Dknmick and Mrs. and Crawford families. On Fri Mr and Mrs. Dean Shipley of j j end Mrs. Arel Chadd of Omaha and Mr. Jim Colvin. day, the group fished near Iron Caldwell. of Boswell were Sunday dinner and Mrs. Bill Rose and son a of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford side. Mr. Rogers is a brother of Dinner guests at the Elmer Clon- j | Pendleton. guests of Mr. and (Mrs. Prank The group dined In of Megargle, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dodson. The guests de inger home Sunday were Mr and Ontario Saturday evening. Preston and family. Mrs Albert Notheis and Miss Clar Kristine Fyllingness celebrated Mrs. Dean Rogers of Alney, Texas parted Saturday for their home in Mr and Mrs. John Rosen and were houseguests of Rev. and Mrs. Texas. ice Notheis. Olee and Ro Jon Latham of third birthday with a party Joe Dodson from Wednesday until Mrs. Robert Gutherie and daugh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wiley and I her Chico. California are visiting Mr. the home of her parents, Mr Saturday. ters, Karla of Laramie, Wyoming sons were Sunday dinner guests at and Mrs. Hank Blanchard. Mr. and and Mrs. Harold Fyllingness, Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dodson visited Monday at the home of of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Colvin. The I urday afternoon. Guests were Jim entertained at dinner Rev. and Mrs. Mrs. Marie Black. group drove to Owyhee dam. Ray Aston arrived from Cali For Your Plumbing fornia Saturday at the M. A. Rat- aezyk home, where his wife has Needs been visiting her parents the past two weeks. Optometrist Bath Sets, Water Heat- Mrs. Dee Hillis, Manon Hillis and STATE H. E. CANNING Jerry and Colleen Hillis of Boise Eyes Examined CONTEST DISCUSSED were week-end era and Pressure guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hillis. Systems Call 6 UNSET VALLEY, Aug. 11—The Phone 720 visitors at the home of Chalk Butte Home Economics Mr. Emmett and Mrs. Ora Newgen Sunday B R A N D N EW J. C. SMITH club met Wednesday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Max- 718 Arthur St. at the home of Mrs. Ernest field. 13 Years In Nyssa Smith. Mrs. Edith Fullerton of and Mrs. Ernest Rhodes and Caldwell, Idaho Vale, Pomona H. E. C. leader, was two Mr. children Phone 286-J of Nampa were Sun present. The state canning con day supper guests and Mrs. test was discussed by the group. Grover Cooper. Mr. of Mr. is a Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sheppick cousin of Mrs. Cooper. Rhoades Afternoon and three daughters of West guests were Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan, Utah arrived Saturday to Stephans. visit at the home of Mrs. Sheppick's Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner sister, Mrs. Lila Mitdhell. David of Nyssa were Thursday Mrs. Kae Saito and daughters, and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karen and Ellen, were Sunday eve Thomas Nishitani. Mrs. Roy Hash- ning visitors at the home of Mr. itani and her daughter, Susan of and Mrs. H. Okano. Ontario, and Mrs. Hashitani's Early Elbertas Ready for Canning, Now The regular meeting of the Chalk Mrs. N. Teshima, were Butte Grange was held Tuesday mother, guests at the (Nishitani home Sun evening with Dave Highland and day, Bring Containers Hubert Parker in charge of re Sunday dinner guests at the Jim freshments. home were Mr. and Mrs S. M. Fox, 34 mile south of Apple Valley School California Visitors from Redwood City, Colvin Bruce Clark and family, and Oscar were Mrs. Lelaud Marks Hensley. ;uid Alan, Walter and Jeanne Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and Marks Thursday and Friday at the Mrs. 'Martha Klingback visited Mrs. R. L. Kriner Sunday at Vale. Mrs. i Kriner is convalescing from a re cent illness. Mrs. Cliff Main and son, Kent, i of Nyssa were overnight guests of i Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg Sat urday. W e ’re T r a d in g H ig h ! You can put a cost-saving Ford Mrs. Frank Rataezyk and Mrs. N OW! Harry Rataezyk were hostesses Bonus Built Truck to work for you at We’ve boosted truck trade-in allowances sky- Monday night at a party held at less cost than ever before! Cash in now on high. Our current sales goal of new trucks Is the Harry Rataezyk home honor the highest trade-in allowances in Ford Truck bigger than it has been in years. We’re ready ing their husbands. Frank and history and on new lower prices announced to “deal.” Phone us todj.y to arrange for an Harry on their birthdays. Guests recently on certain popular models. appraisal on your old truck. WE NEED 8 TO 12 CARS OF POTATOES EVERY DAY IN included Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aston of Morango, California, Charles C h o o se fro m o v e r 1 5 0 M o d e ls! F o rd T ru ck s A r e Bo nus Built NYSSA TO SUPPLY OUR EASTERN MARKETS. PAYING and Conrad Cz&piewski of Ellens- There’s a Ford Truck for your job, for any to L a s t L o n g e r ! burg, Washington, and the fam TOP DAILY PRICES. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. job. Over 150 models in all, from half-ton Bonus Built is the superstrong construction ilies of Casmier, and M. A. Rat Pickups, up to the 145-horsepower BIG JOBS, that means longer truck life. Using latest aezyk. Mr. and Mrs. Aston left biggest Ford Trucks ever built. CO M PLETE H A RVESTIN G SER V ICES Tuesday to visit at Walla Walla, registration data on 6,106,000 trucks, life Pendleton and Portland before re insurance experts prove Ford Trucks last Im m e d ia te D e liv e r y on A ll turning to California. longer! Rendered, if Desired but a Few Fo rd Tru ck M o d e ls! Ladies of the Sunset auxiliary were guests at the home of Mrs. The “Seller’s Market” is gone! We can Delbert Garner Thursday after make immediate delivery on many noon. Activities of the meeting models. We can make delivery at pre MS'! were concerned with preparations war speed on all but a few of our Bonus for the bazaar to be held this fall. Built Trucks. Bu/ir sntoMGf* ro last lOA/cr# Refreshments were served to 12. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Vern Garner in HOME OFFICE PAYETTE September. On Tuesday, Harold Moles and Vale Phone 392-J Nyssa Phone 337 his son, Mike, of Kearney, Nebraska were callers at the Ira Chadd WATER USERS PLAN TO (Continued HOLD from MEETING P u t 31 Mrs. David Barney and Mr. and with friends and relatives at North Mrs. LfRoy Barney for a month. Platt and Curtis, Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Haney of son. Olenn, of Curtis, Nebraska Nyssa were Saturday afternoon are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Milton and evening guests ot Mr and Jeppsen. Mrs. Prank Johnson. Martin Jeppsen. who returned Mrs. Austin, mother of Mrs. Bob j last week to the veterans hospital Johnson, Is In the hospital at On in Boise, is still seriously ill. tario for medical treatment. The young people of this com Miss Viola Jeppsen returned munity who attended 4-H camp at home after a visit of several weeks Payette lakes, returned home Wed nesday. Mr and Mrs. Milton Jeppsen I visited their son, Martin, at the veterans hospital In Boise Thurs DR. G. W. GRAVES ! day. FORD PEACHES ts TRUCKS Wanted- White Rose and Russet POTATOES Former Tensen & Vail Shed in Nyssa *&L. TRUCKS L. J. Josephson & Son Herriman Motor Co. Our First Anniversary Under New Management FREE P R O P A N E T A N K S 100 Gal. Tank N O 00 Value. 320 Gal. Tank I9850 Value. 155 Gal. Tank 13 o00 Value. 573 Gal. Tank 2 7 5^® Value. with Purchase oi a New Gas system F riday & S aturday , A ugust 12 & 13 Liberal Terms On All Appliances I deal G as Phone 125-W and A pplian ce Wilton C. Jackson