Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1949 DISTRICT REMODELS WADE SCHOOLHOUSE are now living in Meridian. Idaho. Mr. Cates is with the G. M. C. agency in Caldwell. BIG BEND. Aug. 11—Charles En The Lower Bend farmers are fin field of Parma is remodeling Wade ishing their threshing this week. schoolhouse In accordance with Dale Teter is doing the machine work. state specifications, Installing In The Big Bend stock club met door toilets, putting up library Friday at the Wade schoolhouse shelves, enclosing the porch and with Wayne Roberts as leader. The tiling the floor. group organized to get their stock Big Bend school district has re- vaccinated for the fair. finished the desks to a light buff Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hatch and color, has installed a pump in the daughter attended the Weiser basement to remove seepage water rodeo Friday evening. and will install an electric hot Lee Stoker has purchased a new water tank In late August or Sep G. M. C. pick-up and truck tember. Henry Reuter, Adrain F. F. A. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Wilson visited instructor, was in the Bend Sunday Sunday at the A. T. Patterson getting F F. A. stock lined up for home in Wilder. | the Baker show this week-end. Ernest Wilson and Dean Edwards Margaret, Dickie and Dwayne went to Payette Sunday. Bennett and Benny and Johnny Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hodge and Witty have returned from their baby, Michael, of Caldwell were respective camps at Payette lakes. Friday visitors at the Zeb Wilson Mrs. Dale Teter’s sister, Clara, home. of Oklahoma and her husband and Emmett Stuthert and son, Glenn baby visited Saturday and Sun have been fighting fire in the day with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Teter. Boise National forest. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witty and Mr. and Mrs. Cates and family, David, Mrs. Herbert Gillen and who moved to Texas last spring, Mrs. William Ferguson spent Fri day at the Union Sunday school conference at Payette lakes. Mrs. Clayton Patton, Linda and Ronnie, Mrs. Henry Wilson, Mild red, Judith and Jannett were S at urday callers. MERRY MATRONS HOLD GATHERING OREGON TRAIL, Aug. 11—The Merry Matrons club met Wednes day August 3 at the home of Opal Holmes. Roll call was an s wered by "Famous Quotations.” Twelve members were present. The afternoon was spent socially. Vir ginia Rookstool won the door prize. In a quizz game Gladys Byers and Lavinnie Smith won prizes, t h e next meeting will be held August 17 with Dorothy Ol son as, hostess. Roll call will be answered by “A Favorite Ironing Trick.” Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Marie Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen and family left Friday morning for Al bany to attend the American Leg ion Junior baseball tournament. Neta Smith spent last week at McCall at the Union Sunday school Bible conference. MULTIPLE BIRTHDAY PARTY IS GIVEN BUENA VISTA, Avg?. 11—Alvin Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Cleaver attended the (Legion base ball game at Albany last week end. Mrs. Loyd Cleaver entertained Saturday evening at her home with a potluck dinner in observence of Howard Day's, Delbert Cleaver’s, Mrs. Paul Cleaver's and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver's birthdays, which occurred "IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY1 ■V PLO TN ER '7 '*& S M lfA S " BOUÚHTUNCLÍÍd'S O LÍ jA L O p y f a n . JUHIQQ f o frits 15 m 5ï*T /M £ youVE APPlItO ‘12U H -A R 0U N Ü -/H “ fO Q A LOAM / r u t 'U K c it to s o f f r ii WOßi-D M i AM ' t í i l l - ß u r i f you WAAjr rofAS/t AAOA/gy MAJfr fU Jifl HÍADACAB5 T H A T 'S M A V P ÍÑ ZV . Mß.SMirA ? ; PEPE ÑD OH OilQ âUAQ AUrHV USED C A B S B í ¿A P -/M P P V d H m rm m o to r -WífW A P&UMIN012 -■REPAIRS, UNCU ÍV our lor Co. box 137 , E A S I E R TO G E T _£T B O I S E PAYETTE a float In the county (air parade U. S. S. Tillamook th a t has been Riding club participated In the will be discussed. ship was to sail Wednesday for j Friday evening parade and grand stationed off Kodiak, Alaska. The entry at the Weiser rodeo. Going To Point Barrow— Point Barrow Alaska, where it will | Attend Conference— Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Wilson have be stationed for a month. Mias Lucille, and “Boots'' Wil received word that their son, Mar liams are attending the young vin L. Wilson seaman Y. N. S. N. Enter Parade— people’s conference of the Christ of the U. 8. navy is aboard the Ten members of the Owyhee ' ian church at dove this week. J SELECTIVE SERVICE SET-UP EXPLAINED Virgil Glaves, chairman, announ ced today the method of operation of selective service local board No. 22, under the contracted program being put into effect by state headquarters, due to the drastic curtailment of funds for the cur rent fiscal year. “Board No. 22 maintains its identity”, said Mr. Glaves, “and will continue to operate as the sel ective service administration for Malheur county. The only dif ference Is that the board's work will be performed at Baker, where a joint-board operation will main tained for boards No. 22, 23, and 24.” Mr. Glaves explained that ar rangements were made for regis tration at Ontario, by him, and at Nyssa, by Charles A. Marshall, and O. L. Thompson, Ontario so that men attaining their 18th birthday would not have to make the trip to Baker. “When inductions are resumed", containued Mr. Glaves, "regist rants will be Instructed to meet at the bus or railroad station, in On tario, where a board member will give them their transportation." Mr. Glaves reminds all regis trants, and the general public, that all communications for board No. 22 should now be addressed to the board at Its new address—Veterans Memorial building, Baker, Oregon. Mr. Glaves expressed his appreci ation of the whole-hearted support the Malheur county board has re ceived and stated that while he and "the other members of the board greatly regretted the neces sity for closing the Ontario office, state headquarters had done a re markably efficient and equitable job in utilizing the money avail able to the best interest of all concerned.” Beauticians Meet— The beauticians of Malheur county held their third meeting Tuesday, July 26 at the home of Tresa Pederson of Ontario. In the absence of the president, Ancil Huffaker of Vale, the vice president, Jewell Zollars of On tario, presided. Due to the absence of the president, the installation of officers and initiation of mem bers were postponed until the next meeting, which will be held Aug ust 17 in the banquet room of the East Side cafe. Plans for entering 5A/P,-|f SHOULD HUH I I K Í AlíW I T' S during the past week. Each one received a gift. Quests were Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ekanger, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritohle, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ortffltts and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell spent Sunday in Ontario. Mrs. George Cleaver. Mrs. La Vern C 'caver and Mrs. Alva Goodell attended the Home Econ- onomlcs club meeting at Mrs. Dale Garrison’s home Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and family spent Sunday at the Doug lass Buternan home. PAGE FIVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME HEATER EVER MADE I D uo -T herm HEATS YOUR HOME VP* l / ■if SEE TH E N E W D U O - T H E R M F U E L O I L H EA T ER N O W AT, PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY EXCLUSIVE DUAL CHAMBER BURNER I ' N ev er before such beautiful heaters— never before such heating comfortl Two striking new Duo-Therm de signs inspired by famous “period" fur niture! The Hepplewhite Models, with a rich walnut finish; the Chippendales, in modern blonde. Either of these beautiful new Period designs will mod- ernize your living room —keep you warm without work—without dirt! § Turns cheap fuel oil into waves of clean, safe, silent heat . . . and gets more heat from every drop heat moving! PATENTED Keeps POWER-AIR BLOWER! You get warmth from floor to ceiling—in every nook and corner. And Power- Air saves up to 25% on fuel bills! All you do is strike one match—start your Duo-Therm—then tend the fire by turning a dialI Free Installation—$1.00 will hold one for you PLIERSON FURNITURE COMPANY “THE DEPENDABLE FURNITURE STORE” Ontario --------- Vale --------- Nyssa --------- Pa y et te Our cAo/ce /s Americas cAo/ce... CHEVROLET j fAe m ost 'Seautifu/ BU*/ o f a /// ON f H I AI RI Of course you picked the car you like best—it’s Chevrolet, the car America likes best. So stick to your guns! Don’t accept a car that gives you less. Surely, you’ll agree it would be foolish to pass up all those years and miles of driving pleasure . . . all those fine car features . . . all the power and economy that comes with Chevrolet ownership. So hold out for the best and get your sure reward of unmatched driving satisfaction. Make America’s choice your choice. . . . Choose Chevrolet for the most beautiful buy of all! fes, you can now repaint your home with ONLY ONE COAT and. at the same time, give it a bright new look more DEVOE ONE C OA T WHITE HOUSE PAINT — D oes th s Job dazzling and beautiful than you can by using two ordinary coats of paint. A sensational new product of Ameri ca's first paint makers. Devoe ONE Coat B e tter! — D oes th e J o b for L ess C o s t ! Outside White House Paint flows on easily, leaving no brush marks. It has extremely high hiding gualities. is self — D oes th e J o b in cleaning, slow chalking sun-defying. L ess T im e ! T h e r e ’s a D evoe P a in t P ro d u ct for Evary P u r p o s a - a n d I t ’s Eaay to G at a t — It pays to get these EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet in its Hold I LU M BER C. F. MINK, Manager CO M PAN Y Nyssa, Oregon '1 WORLD’S C H A M P I O N VALVI-IN-HIAD IN O IN I PISHER UNISTEEL BODY CONSTRUCTION 3-INCH WIDE-BASE WHEELS PLUS LOW-PRESSURI TIRES IXTRA ECONOMICAL TO OWN—OPERATE—MAINTAIN LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS FIELD with WIDEST TREAD CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY CENTER-POINT STURINO CSRTI-SAFS HYDRAULIC BRAKES PISHER BODY STYLING AND LUXURY Cables Chevrolet Co. Ontario, Oregon