Classified Advertising THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1949 PAGE THREE Lon« term, low interest, see FOR SALE unknown heirs of MABLE Water Users association USERS PLAN Canyon 40 acres, lays perfect, 21 acres i uard Eastman, pilone 94 . Nyxso. the AGNES BENNETT if she be de WATER will be held August alfalfa. 14 acres red clover and SAtfc. ceased. TO HOLD MEETING 17 instead of the Wednesday, MARY E. WILLLtMS it 19. 5 acres pasture, good 5- room par Dead animals picked up free. tially modem home, garage, chick For prompt service call collect. living, the unknown heirs of MARY I NU-AORES, Aug. 11 —Neva Maude, Several of the families of Nu- en house, machine shed, no nox Ontario—Ontario WILLIAMS, if she be deceased, ¡daughter of Oscar Samuels, is vis- Acres are enjoying early peaches Grain Co. 63 E. FRANK ious weeds and no alkali, every Parma—Panna Seed at the parental home. their orchards for the first R. WILLIAMS, MERLE | iting Oo. 26 thing about the place good. The Dwight Durrington family from time. Nyssa—Main plant 109 WILLIAMS, the unknown heirs of J and Mary 142 acres, 90 acres cultivated, Lou Grasmick spent Elder Vaughn and small son of Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. PRANK L. WILLIAMS, deceased, Sunday at the Lakeview park in California sandy loam soil, five-room house. spent 6 unday night with BATE: Two cents per word fcr each issue. Minimum, cash ir 50 acres in alfalfa, 912,000, $6,000 M IS C E LLANROUS—Insurance is and all persons unknown claiming Nampa. Harley Sager on his way to Texas down. Callers at the D. L. Durrington advance, is 30c. to attend school. protection. Any minute any right, title, Interest or estate home were Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mrs. Cecil Evans entertained Attractive five-room modern not or fire night you can have a fire. In Lots One (1>, Two (2), ana Simmons of Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. her mother and father Sunday for home with garage and part base day Automatic fire control protects Three ment, insulated and weatherstrlp- millions (3) In Block Fifteen (15) E. Highbarger, Mr. and Mrs. William dinner in honor of her mother’s in property and life. All of the Original ped. lawn, trees and shrubs. Grasmick, Emma Orcutt. Alice birthday. Sally and Freda went Townsite of Nyssa Fry, extingushers are approved by un rent. Bernard Eastman. 23Jtfc. Two acres joining the city of Bob and Dee Simmons, Mr. home with them. For Sale See your local dealer Malheur County, Oregon. Payette, attractive three-bedroom derwriters. and Mrs. George Grasmick, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Burt attend for free estimate. Claud Willson, POR SALE—One used Smith & In the name of the State ot modem home, $7,350, will sell ot FOR SALE—Tomatoes, green pap Mrs. Paul and Ray Butcher, the Jersey Breeders association No. Fourth street, phone 128-J Oregon you are hereby required to and ers, pickling cucumbers, V 4 mile Barnes piano, excellent condition, trade for farm property at Nyssa 550 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Martin, and ed picnic at the park in Nyssa Sun Nyssa. 19mtfc One acre ideally ocated with appear and answer the Compiaini Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Samuels, who day. southwest of Nyssa. George G ab-] light touch and very good tone, six-room modern home, full base riel. MISCELLANEOUS — Hemstitching tiieu against you in the above en visited with Clyde Butcher, who Nine Do More 4-H boys and their Ua3xp i medium upright. Grigg Bros. & ment, double garage, soft well wat done in my home. Leave with Mrs. titled suit on or before the 19th is improving slowly. leader, Sherman Keck, went on a FOR SALE—or trade for Nyssa. Butler, 23 j tic er, close to Nyssa, $4,000 down. Earnest above the Nyssa day of August, 1949, said date Opl. Joseph Junior Montague is judging tour Friday, August 5 with property, 4 room house in Portland. I Three-bedroom modem home on Furniture Bunn store. Mrs. Irving Duf- being the day following the las: spending his leave with his par the Boys of Gem County. They Also sewing machine for sale. ¡FOR SALE—New and used pianos. good street with paving and curb fin. 26m tic day of four (4) weeks from the ents from Odiak, Alaska until Judged beef cattle, sheep and two ing paid, $5,500. Phone 13-W, or write box 266,. we sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. 12. groups of hogs. They went to Nyssa. iiaivn* llalxp Grigg Bros, and Butler. 80 acres, 58 acres cultivated, MISCELLANEOUS—Pour your in day of the first publication of this August Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans and Emmett and had lunch in the park. 6 mtfc five-room home with cement base surance needs of any kind see Summons and said period of four Janice took a trip to Lost Lake F C. Fry took part of them (4) weeks being the time prescribed reservoir and then on to McCall. Mrs. FOR SALE—Follow peach signs on ment, small dairy bam, garage, Mel Beck, Grigg Bros, and Butler. for in her car. SALE—Have farms and homes $5,000 publication thereof and if you Nyssa-Ontario highway to J. I. FOR 5mtfc down. They took the Lake Shore drive Fred of Frultland called fail to so appear and answer said to the north end of the lake and on Larry Baines Brady peach orchard for pickling for sale. Need more, list with Ken 80 acres all good row crop land, Jenkins after peaches, cling. Ready now, young Renstrom. Phone 264- W. 29Jtfc. located MISCEJLLANEIOU¿—General truck- Complaint for want thereof the on the Adrian bench, five- ing. Jonn Barnett and Kenneth plaintiff will apply to the Court camped all night. They came back noon. They visited Sunday Carlos Barney orchard, Elbertas ready soon. J. I. room modern home, double garage, Reece, phone 123-R. Cascade Fawn creek by in the evening. FOR SALE Brady. Ila2xp Acreage with lJtfc. for the relief prayed for in its through and machine shed, chicken way of Cabarton. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Grasmick large, new modern •barn Complaint herein, to-wit: For a house, $25,000, terms can be ar lived at Council for about and Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Frank FOR SALE—Good six-tube Delco home, double garage, full basement, Custom Grinding decree quieting its title to the Evans 10 years. Nedbalek and Donna and Lonnie car radio, $35. Robert Root. 258 close in, some terms, immediate ranged. All kinds of small grains, ear real property described as follows, 80 acres, 23 acres cultivated, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henne vis and Larry Ellibee spent Sunday 'N. Park llalxp possession. corn, alfalfa meal and potatoes. small home with good deep well, to-writ: Lots One (1), Two (2) and at Nampa Sunday. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Several good dwelling lots, wen small deep well, small dairy barn, Phone Nyssa 83-W or Parma 22F12, Three (3), Block Fifteen (15) of ited Lola relatives Ilett and Helen Lobb went Raymer of OBoise. FOR SALE—Nice round table, solid located. Jim Nichols. 21j4xp $4.725, or will trade for city prop the Original Townsite of Nyssa, shopping in Caldwell Wednesday. Ellibee has gone to Portland light oak, $15. Lon Root, first 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high erty. Malheur County, Oregon, and for Roy 'Lobb has returned home to Leo be with his wife, who has taken house east L. D. S. church, llalxp way, next to Polar Gold storage 100 acres, 75 acres cultivated, 2H LOANS a further decree that any claim from Jordan Valley, where he has a turn for the worse, although on 3 acres, unimproved, edge miles ftom Nyssa, six-hoom home, FOR SALE—Registered bull, pure of About of right, title, interest or estate been riding for cattle for about a word was received that she was Automobiles <Si Furniture town on Adrian highway, good partially modern, small cow barn, bred Holstein. Edna Cowling, first soil. month. of the defendants and of each some better now and he may re Cash for every purpose or any part. water for stock year a- house at west end of Adrian bridge. FOR All and every of said defendants is Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cantrell and turn the middle of the week. JOHN II. PIERSON SALE—Corner lot, 55 x 119, running round, $ 12 . 000 , small down pay 8 a 2 xp family and Mr. and Mrs. Will Several local residents attended subject and inferior to the title of Griggs Bros. A Butler paved street, $560. ment, 5% interest on the balance, and family, all of Meridian, the funeral of little Ardis Gai (he plaintiff; all of which more Cantrell Nyssa, Oregon BERNARD EASTMAN FOR SALE—Used davenport and crops go with the place. were Sunday afternoon guests of Ellibee last Tuesday in Parma. fully appears by the verified Com Mr. and Mrs. William Grasmick. Mr. and Real Estate One 'business block for sale. chair, low priced. Phone 199-J. Insurance Mrs. Gilbert Matsen plaint on file herein. LEGAL ADVERTISING Phone 64 4a2xc One business block for sale. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman and son. Jerry, and Sally Cook This Summons is published by If you are looking for acreages, and girls of Nampa were dinner of Payette were Saturday order of the Honorable M. A. Biggs, NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE—Victor electric adding FOR SALE—Outside white paint, homes, or business oppor In t)he Matter u' the Estate of Judge of the Circuit Court of the guests of the William Grasmick visitors at the Paul Thomson evening home. machine, used short time, Tom National Titanium, S gallon lots, tunities ranches, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Billings Ninth Judicial District of and for family Jones, Union Pacific depot. 4a3xp $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber Mel Beck. don’t make a mistake—-See Eugene M. Bair, Deceased (Continued on Page 6 ) company. 12 mtfc NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the County of Malheur, which The next meeting of the Black GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER That FOR SALE—A farm or will trade the undersigned has been order was dated 19th July, 1949, Bybee Building Phone 176-J for a home in Nyssa. Frank FOR SALE!—Two acres on high duly and regularly appointed the decreeing that this summons be Olson, 2 miles north, 1V4 miles way, one mile north, cash price Administratrix of the above en served by publication thereof once WANTED east and V» mile south of the Nyssa $650. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa In titled estate; all persons having each week for four (4) consecutive 21 atfc Parma junction. 4atfe surance agency. against said estate are here weeks in the Oate City Journal, a WANTED—Hood for a '1942 WiUys claims notified to present the same weekly newspaper published at sedan. J. I. Brady, by FOR SALE—Canning beans, cu FOR SALE:—Unpalnted cabinets Amaracar required, to the Nyssa, in Malheur County, Oregon. Ila2xp verified as by at law Nyssa, cumbers, tomatoes, Golden Jubilee and chests of drawers. Cabinets Route 2. Oregon, at The date of the first publication and early Elberta peaches. James are in section and can be bought WANTED—To buy about 65 tons of undersigned the office of Clyde H. Snider, her of this Summons being July 21, Stephen, Jr., 9 miles southwest complete or In sections. Nyssa alfalfa hay in the stack. W. J attorney, the Heldt Building, 1949, and the date of the last Nyssa, first house north of Reeder's Lumber company, phone 118-W. Gardiner, Route 2, Nyssa, phone within six in months the date of publication being the 18th day of 16Dtfc 06J5 before 7:30 a. m. or after 7 the first publication of hereof. store. 4a2xp August, 1949. llalxp BESSIE S. BAIR, FOR SALE—1938 Chevrolet truck FOR SALE— Two-bedroom mod p. m. Administratrix of the Estate of Sgd. LYTLE AND KILPATRICK with beet oed and two-speed dif ern home, $3500 with easy terms. WANTED—First crop alalia hay, Eugene Bair, Deceased. Lytle Building, Vale Oregon ferential. See at Thompson Oil Two houses with extra lots, good loose or baled. Also baled straw. Date of M. first publication July 14, Lytle Building station. 28jtfc rentals, will consider trade for farm Zack Walker, phone 78-R. 4a2xc 1949. property. Vale, Oregon Date of last publication August FOR SALE—80 acres, 11 miles Two-bedroom home with base WANTED—To do sewing. Mrs. Attorneys for Plaintiff 11, 1949. southwest Nyssa, 38 acres in culti ment, like new, modern, insulated, Lester Oden, 518 No. 6 th. 4a6xp vation, now in pasture, alfalfa, extra large lot, set up with state INVITATION TO BIDDERS NOTICE TO CREDITORS beets, grain, family orchard, trad loan, easy payments. 441 Ennis. WANTED—Holstein and Guernsey ADRIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF er, all equipment, new 4- Two-bedroom modem home with springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and 81 ADRIAN, MALHEUR room house, $8900, Vt down, easy H city block Just east of hospital, Noel Gwartney, phone 306, Ontario. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COUNTY, OREGON Heavy Duty Engines THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR terms. Robert F. Thompson a! nice lawn, trees and garden plot. 28j8xc In the Matter of the Estate ol Sealed bids will be received and Frank T. Morgan Agency. 28jtfc New, modem 5 rooms, excellent publicly opened at the School A. SWEET, Deceased hardwood floors, laundry WANTED— To buy anything in BESSIE Adrian. Oregon, at 6:00 p. FOR SALE—English pointer pups, location, beef or veal. Also custom killed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN House, room, storage space, furnace, FHA- Aug. 1, 1949, for the construct very Roqd hunters, $20. Robert D. built and financed. and delivered to Polar Cold Stor that the undersigned, Dency 8 . m., ion of an addition to the existing Reffett, Route 2, Nyssa. 28j3xp 1 acre on highway 20 , V4 mile age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. Wenzel, has been appointed Ad Grade School building at Adrian. NEW ENGINES AND REPAIRS ministrator of the estate of Bessie new, completely modem home, LISTINGS WANTED — We have Oregon, in accordance with plans FOR SALE:—Lets 3 and 4 in block 2 out, bedrooms, A. Sweet, deceased, by the County full basemennt, FHA and specifications prepared by Lee 3, original townsite. Inquire Mrs. loan. sold most of our better listings of Malheur County, Oregon, R. Cooke, Architect, Nampa, Idaho. E. J. Frawley, Collister station, Apartment house with two large and need more. Let us show you Court has qualified as such. Plans, specifications and docu Boise, Idaho. 21 )4xp apartments on ground floor, extra our record of sales made. List and NOW, THEREFORE, all persons ments may be obtained from the your property with us and you are having claims against the estate large room upstairs, three-room FOR Sale—New eating potatoes, apartment in basement, $6,800. sure of the 'best sales effort in this of Bessie A. Sweet, deceased, are above Architect upon deposit there L. J. Josephson and Son, old By NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY area. for of $ 10 , 00 , which will be refund hereby notified and required to bee shed, Nyssa. 7Jtfc ED JAMISON & KEN POND present the same, with proper ed when the plans are returned. Ralph G. Lawrence Real Estate and Insurance The work must be performed in vouchers, duly verified, within six accordance Phone 270-W FOR SALE—Very nice two-bed Nyssa, Oregon with the laws of the ( 6 ) months from the date of this room house, hardwood floors, full FOR SALE—Bed, springs and dres governing public HELP WANTED Notice, to the undersigned, Dency State of of Oregon basement, furnace, garage, nice this nature, minimum yard, flowers, shade, comer lot, ser, coal and wood range, ice box, HEJLP WANTED—Christmas Cards S. Wenzel, at the law office of works llalxp With Name, 50 for $1, sell fast! Harold Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, wages, hours and other regulations, $0850; $2350 down, balance like radio. 451 No. 6 th St. place the undersigned selects including compliance with the Ore Make up to 100% on $1 “leader’’ which Workmens Compensation laws. her place of business in all gon A bidder’s Christmas, Plastic sensation, Every as bond in the amount of connected with said estate. day, others. Assortments on ap matters NOTICE and first published July 5% of the lump sum bid must be proval, Free Imprint samples. Sty- 14, Dated furnished as a guarantee for the 1949. lart, 1310 Santee, Dept. 40, Les Last publication August 11, 1949. execution of the contract and the That County Warrants not presented will be Angeles 55, Calif. llalxp DENCY S. WENZEL successful bidder must furnish a Performance bond in the full a- Administrator of the Estate of cancelled. For Rent mount of his contract. Time is of Bessie A. Sweet, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol the essence of the contract, and FOR RENT—One four-room mod bidders will specify in their pro TO CREDITORS ern apartment, oil furnace and IN NOTICE lowing warrants will be cancelled and the pay COUNTY COURT OF posals the estimated time of com fireplace. Phone 110-W. llatfc THE THE ments thereof will be refused unless said war STATE OF OREGON FOR pletion. FOR RENT—One good used piano. THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR The Trustees of the above Dist rants are presented to the County Treasurer Grigg Bros. & Butler, phone 179-J. In the Matter of the Estate of rict reserve the right to reject any for payment on or before August 31, 1949. 7jtfc GEORGIA R BARNEY, Deceased or all bids and to waive any in PHYSICIANS LODGES NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN formalities. FOR RENT— Polish your own that GENERAL FUND WARRANTS John D. Board of Directors, Adrian School Nyssa Pott No. 79 SARAZIN CLINIC floors. Rent our high-speed pol Roberts, the has undersigned, been appointed Ad Dist No. 81 . By Raymond Holly, Claimant Date Issued Amount No. ishing equipment. Easily handled Dr. J. J. Sarazln American Legion ministrator with the will annexed Mrs. Rolit. Blackburn $ 1.20 807 Aug. 14, 1941 Clerk by women. Nyssa Lumber company. Sep. 5. 1941 Arden Yundt 7.60 891 Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. SAtfc. of the estate of Oeorgla R. Barney, deceased, by the County Court of Weise, Palmer, CALL FOR BIDS Dr. L. W. Scott Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. Malheur County, Oregon, and has Notice is hereby given that Belknap, and MISCELLANEOUS qualified as such. Dec. 11, 1941 Emmett 1241 School District No. 81. Malheur I Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome NOW, THEREFORE, all persons County, Oregon, will receive seal Alice D. Bankofier 1692 May 12, 1942 MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices having claims against the estate ed bids until S:00 p. m. on August Henry Angus 1760 May 21, 1942 paid for slaughter horses. C. Clyde of Oeorgla L. A. Maulding, M. D. Gate City Lodge R. Barney, deceased, are 22. 1949, at which time they will Smith, phone 306, Ontario. 28J8xc Physician and Surgeon hereby notified and required to be publicly opened by the Board i LAW LIBRARY No. 214 present the same, with proper of Directors of said School Dist Phone 37 M ISC ELLA N EO U S—Take your American Book I.O.O.F. Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 lawn mower to the Patterson saw vouchers, duly verified, within six rict at the Orade School in Adrian, ¡ Co. Dee. 11. 1941 10.00 4292 Daily except Saturday and Meets every Monday shop, 300 N. 1st street. Satisfaction ( 6 ) months from the date of this Oregon, for the sale of the school' H. S. SACKETT to the undersigned, John site and school building situated Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 night, 8:30. guaranteed. Why patronize the D Notice, County Clerk Roberts, at the law office of thereon, together with contents of house-to-house man, here today, Harold Henigson at Nyssa. Oregon, building as specified herein. South First Street gone tomorrow. 21 jtfc C. J. Kopp, M. D. which place the undersigned selects The school site is described as MISCELLANEOUS— Available now, as his place of business in all follows: Physician and Surgeon DENTISTS Electrolux cleaners and air puri matters connected with said estate. Beginning at a point 319 feet Fry Building fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. Dated and first published July East of the Northwest cornet of Office hours the NE% of the NW% of Sec. Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, 14. 1946. DR. C. M. TYLER 10 to 12 ; and 2 to 5 phone 0287J4. 14Jtfc Last publication August 11, 1940. 34, Twp. 20 8 , R 46 E. W. M.; Daily except Saturday and Wilson Building JOHN D. ROBERTS thence running Bast 140 yards Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 MISCELLANEOUS—No muss, no Administrator with the Will an thence running South 70 yards: Phone 1S5-J, Nyssa fuss, call us, rockwool insulation. hours from 9 to 5 except We have our own insulation blow nexed of the Estate of Georgia R. thence running West 140 yards: JEWELRY STORES Office Saturdays, thence North 70 yards to the 9 to 12. ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp Barney, Deceased. point of beginning, comprising any. 28mtfc approximately 2 acres more or SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION PAULUS J. R. CUNDALL IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF less. MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and STATE OF OREGON FOR The school building Is approxi JEWELRY STORE Dentist free pick-up of your dead, crippled THE 48 by 90 feet and Includes THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR mately Union Pacific Time inspector If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car or sick livestock. Calls received be ROBERTS-NYSSA, Phone 66 -J a full basement, with heating TNC., a corp fore 9 o'clock are picked up by JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Sarazln Clinic we are equipped with the latest testing system, including automatic stoker noon. Efficient drivers. Call col oration, Plaintiff, WATTHES NYSSA ORBOON and furnace, hot water tank, vs. equipment a n d factory trained mechan lect Payette 0180-J3 or 156, or Nys Main Street a. Second light fixtures, water sa 102 -W Idaho Animal Products MABLE AGNES BENNETT, the plumbing, ics to put your car in the best of condition. pump and pressure system (black Company. 6 Jtfc. unknown heirs of MABLE AG boards and play ground equipment OPTOMETRISTS . WYCKOFF NES BENNETT If She be deceas really per ed, MARY E. WILLIAMS if excluded). JEWELRY STORE DR. J. A. MCFALL MISCELLANEOUS—For sonalizing your rifts, try gold living, the unknown heirs of Bids rfiall be for cash and a Official Time Inspector lor stamping. Beautiful lettering done MARY E. WILLIAMS, if she deposit of ten percent of total bid Union Pacific DR. JOHN EASLY BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US shall accompany each on napkins, stationery, book match deceased. FRANK R. WIL submitted ONTARIO OREGON bid es. leather goods and special oc be Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa LIAMS. MERLE WILLIAM», the The School Board reserves the casion ribbon. Gate City Journal. unknown heirs of FRANK L. right to reject any and all bids 23jtfc. WILLIAMS, deceased, and all Further information may be ob VETERINARIANS MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car persons unknown claiming any tained from Raymond H. Holly, right, title. Interest or estate in Clerk of School District No. 81. DR. HAL D.1 WHITE and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- Lota 1, 2, and 3 In Block IS of at Adrian. Oregon. Premises will n em ail's. 250tfc Veterinarian the Original Townsite at Nyssa, be made avalhhle for Impaction Highway 30—East of Town MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Malheur County, Oregon. on request to the Clerk. Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Loans Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 oo farms for refinancing, Defendants. Pint publication August 4, 1949 building. Improvements, b u yi n g . TO MABLE AONEfl BHNNHIT, Lost publication August 11, 1949 Wisconsin Motors Air-Cooled B. & M. EQUIPMENT GO. professional and Business Directory KAISER-FRAZER Sales & Service MUTCH OIL CO.