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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1949)
PAGE EIGHT PAG cov R/ SUNS lie M llllon, movin projet Mr and the 1 Mr. dinni er he Chi Mrs. Dl THE XYSSA GATE C IT Y JOURNAL, XYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 30. 1949 organdy start, with J orm -fitto i*'i.o w e r girls. Th e two bridesmaids -are bodice and sleeves She c a r -: »e r e M ane Sebum and Ruth ned an orchid on a white Bible. ' Wilson with Greta Stunz as maid with long satin white streamers.: honor The girls wore identical ____________ _ cataght n t h rosebuds Her o n ly 1 gowns of pastel dotted swiss, with U N IV E R S IT Y S T U E E N T 8 W ED i Jewel was a dainty strand of off-the-shoulder neck line, tnm - U m Beth Mitchell, daughter of T h e white net veil was » « 1 with ruffles and each carrying M r and Mrs D E M itchell of •rimmed with illusion lace ano a colorful nosegay As the wedding N’ y-.-a and Joe J. Olson son of held in place with a coronet of I party made their way to the from I of the candle lighted church, the M r and Mrs. J. O Olsen o f Port tiny seed pearls. T o the strains of Mendelssohn s I *TOOm and his attendant. Oscar land. were united m marriage at 8 p m Thursday in the Methodist Bridal March . piayed _____ _________ by Mrs ___ D. 1 Olsen, and two ushers. David Q1 church, with Bishop Hubert L> O. Bybec. the approa:hed |**n 4,1(1 Joel Mitchell, awaited Christensen of the L. D S. church the chancel on the arm of her | thwe-m under a white arch covered performing the double ring cere- father, followed by Don B ^ k - ' wUh hon-*-g ro w n roses. Iimnedi mony. stead, ring bearer and the ,:e !v a f;* r the ceremony. Charles U a s M itchell’s gown was a white I-an Baiter and Daria McElwam. Taylor, accompanied by Mrs John Schenk, sang "Think On Me three large white baskets “ W A R T ” , The Speed Cop By Bingham of The flowers, with double c a n ll- abra. formed a lovely background ffrjR C*Ä , H C N ft/ •>«(■ wr c r » T * ■ L t V e* as the bride and .rroom went to ■ t ' -, C C » * ' P U A U ; C*1 Pl/1* y ^ ^ ‘ •o*“ ' M ' tx> SObstT— M, the church parlors, where the three , to « f f W I tiered wedding cake was served by 9 Mrs Sherman P Bybee. Mrs. W il- ford Bybee and Mrs Vibert Kes- ler. The cake was decorated with the traditional bride and groom, onlv this one enclosed a hidden music box which played "Here Comes The Bride", as it turned, under a white satin heart. The groom's cake was served in little | pastel packages. The g ift tables, j covered with ecru lace, were pre- I sided over bv Mrs. Howard Myrick j and Mrs. Clifford Beckstead. Miss Lois Ure was in charge of the guest book. I The couple returned Monday j after a honeymoon at Payette I lakes and will make their home at i Eugene, where they plan to re- I sume their studies at the univer- F E A T U R IN G S Q U A R E D A N C IN G I sity in the fall. She was presi dent of the Zeta Tau Alpha sor Eagles and their friends invited ority. He is a member of Sigma | Chi fraternity. Out-of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Olsen and two sons. David and Dick, of North Bend: Mr, and Mrs Paul McElwain and Daria, also of North Bend: Mrs. Violet Ure, the bride's grandmoth er of Ogden. Miss Ruth Wilson of j Boise and Mrs O L. Rundquist of Roy, Utah. Social inti's b%°iria,"Ä [y ¿ ~ » . EAGLES DANCE 4 A S A T U R D A Y N IG H T , JU LY 2 E A G L E S H A LL -i ■ Modern Designed Blonde Ensemble Sturdy blonde dining set with buffet, table and 6 matching chairs. frame. Eastern hardwood Chair seats are covered with beauti ful blue duran. $ 167.50 GOLDEN W E D D IN G HELD A reception and open house was . held Friday afternoon in Nampa honoring Mr. and Mrs. B P. M c Arthur on their .golden wedding anniversary. Over 200 friends and relatives attended. Mrs. Heliner Julum o f Nyssa was receptionist for the affair, held at the home of her parents, while her sister-in-law, Mrs. Homer M c Arthur of Washougal. Washington, was in charge o f the serving. On display was a gold plated clock owned by Mrs. Julum that had been presented to Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McArthur, parents of B P McArthur, on their 50th wed ding anniversary in 1915. Among the many gifts received was a dual control electric blanket presented by the five children. Guests attending the reception, and visiting at the Helmer Julum Phone 1X1 NYSSA V Shortie Pajamas Straws $1.98 6* $2.49 $3.95 Hats Arrow Products Short Sets WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE It’s Baby’s Time To Shine AT Peterson Furniture Store CLUB T O MEET Members o i the Rebekah Sun shine club will meet at the I. O. O. F. hall Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. 5 - - O U ESTS A T D IN N E R Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Keveren and son, Bob, and Mrs. Keveren s mother, Mrs. N ellie Hobart of Hal let. Wyoming, were dinner si th o f PROGRAM Telephone 108 Dress Shirts Ready-to-Wear isawBmtsseimksei« fWIHMHI 1 Block West of R. R. Depot NEWS VIEWS T O G IV E R E C IT A L Miss Dorothy Gilchrist, soprano, will give a recital Thursday eve ning, July 7 at 8:30 in the L. D. 3. chapel in Ontario. Miss G il christ has spent the past three and one-half years studying voice in Los Angeles and in the east. She studied in the opera work shop at Columbia university in New York City. Miss Gilchrist will be accompanied by her niece, Miss Claire Gilchrist of Ontario H> Du Commercial Laundry Open Sundays and Evenings by Appointment Coine In And T ry Our Service Nyssa Furniture Co. Gordon’s Air Service Herriman Motor Company Owner R. M. M IK K E L S O N Special Airplane Rides i $ 1.00 ► $ 2.90 T H E H E LP -U R -S E L F LAUNDRY Is Under New home were Mr and Mrs A. M. j guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. E Dor- E N T E R T A IN A T D IN N E R of Coeur d'Alene. Mrs. C. C. Pet Plummer and their children. Gin- 1 man Tuesday evening. Mrs. Dog Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazm en erson of Portland. Miss Eva Boy- ger and B.llie Jo. o f White Bird. I man was presented with a hand- tertained at Fem croft lodge Sun dell and Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Tack# Idaho Mrs Plummer. M rs .1 made, embroidered Maderia hand- day for M r and Mrs. E. B. Nedry at Ontario. Julum’s sister, and the fam ily j kerchief, spent the first of the week at the —j — Julum residence Overnight guests | B IR T H D A Y OBSERVED Pnday evening were Mrs Julum* I Mrs. Kenneth Cottle was honor brother. Homer McArthur, his wife ' guest at a fam ily dinner at the and daughter, Jeanine. who w ere.C ottle home Sunday Guests in- en route to their home in Wash- eluded M r and Mrs. Eldon String- cugal, Washington. fellow and son o f Ogden. Reed Cottle of Boise and Mary Kerby B IR T H D A Y LUNCHEON HELD of Ontario. The annual birthday luncheon A M IT Y C LU B MEETS THROUGH JULY 4 of the women's society o f the Th e members o f the Amity club Methodist church was held last met last Friday evening with Mrs. 10 Per Cent O f Proceeds To Hospital Fund Thursday at 1 o'clock in the church Mel Beck as hostess. H ie group parlors. was taken on a ferry by Mel Beck The 12 tables were decorated in to Prati island, owned by Mr. and keeping with a theme represent Mrs. Beck, for an outing. Group j ative of each month, with each singing was enjoyed, followed by j guest seated at the table o f the a weiner roast and picnic supper month o f their birthday. The table for August, decorated with a miniature garden scene, was awarded the prize for the best decorated table. The mina- lure garden had been made by Mrs. Oscar Irwin. Special prizes during the lunch eon were awarded to Mrs. Emma M E N ’S Quinby and Mrs. Houston Wilson. * L A D IE S ’ Following the luncheon, numbers By Lew Herriman were presented for each month of A Nashville, Tenn., man. 108 the year. Mrs. Carlas Buchner In The New announced the numbers. Mrs. years old, was asked, “How come And he C liff Main was chairman for tne you've lived so long?” New Shipments Nationally Alvertised affair, assisted by Mrs. W illiam quipped. T ending to my own bus Pastel Colors Of Pharoah. Mrs. Buchner, Mrs. Jack iness". Now there's an idea that's McKee, Mrs. David Beers. Mrs. as unique as a banana with a Dresses and Blouses Wilbur Holcomb, Mrs. George zipper. Too many people and too Coleman. Mrs. Wilbur Foster, Mrs many nations spend too much Men’s Dress Henry Hartley and Mrs. E. D. time fretting about the other fe l MichaeLson, as chairman for the low's business. The result is they kind of neglect their own. Maybe tables. tending to our own knitting won't make us live to 108, but perhaps C O U NC IL IN S T A L L E D Ladies’ Rayon Knit the years we do live will be happier The newly elected council mem Stetson Felt I t would bers of the Job's Daughters were and more productve. installed last Friday evening at a certainly remove a lot of envy and pecial service held at the Mason jealousy. It's surprising how well $10.00 to $18.00 ic hall. Mrs. L. A. Maulding was other folks can get a long w ith installed as bethel guarlian; Dr out our meddling. L A Maulding. associate guardian: A Los Angeles judge refused to Mrs. Bernard Frost guardian sec adjourn his court for lunch be L A D IE S ’ retary, Mrs. Harley Diven, guard cause, "Eating lunch makes people ian treasurer: Mrs. Bud Wilson, food addicts”. N ot only that. I t SH IR TS guardian o f music; Mrs. Carl ruins your appetite. And car Grunke, guardian o f paraphenalia: troubles can ruin your Fourth of W hite and Fancy $3.65 M id-Riff Mrs. Edward Boydell, guardian of July Holiday. Prevent this. Bring TIES finance; Mrs. Finley Shuster, your car for inspection and re guardian of publicity; Mrs. Betty pairs to H E R R IM A N M O TO R CO. Nice Satins $1.50 House, guardian of hospitality and L et our skilled mechanics thoro Mrs. Marion Cheldelin, guardian ughly check for troubles that m ight of sociability. grow Into big expenses or accidents. Mrs. Martha Elhart. who is grand You are assured o f first-rate re guardian for Oregon was present pairs at all times. Drive in or to act as Innstalling officer. Others phone 77. who assisted with the installation service were Mrs. Bernard Frost, X -R A Y SH O E F IT T IN G Miss Donna Trabert. Miss William Nyssa Schireman, Miss M argaret Diven Phone 32 and Miss Donna Lee Wilson. THEATRE Bassinette Baby Crib W ith or without hood. Built to take the hard knocks of a growing child. Durable, solidly constructed. One side lowers, making it easy to lay baby in crib. Adjustable springs. Collapsible legs on stand SATUR D AY, JULY 2 Basket can be removed from Clark Gable —Jeannette McDonald Spencer Tracy In stand “S A N F R A N C IS C O ” Paper Plates and Napkins I2 ’s lOc A Return showing! Mat.. Hat., 2:30; Ad in. : 10 c-He, |nr. Tax A<lin Evening* M r-tc Inc. Tax S U N D A Y A N D M O N D A Y , J U L Y 3-4 The Red Stallion is back— leading the wild .horse herd in a drama of towering adventure! Arthur Franz— Jean Heather Rav Collins— Wallace Ford “RED S T A L L IO N OF THE ROCKIES” Filmed in Cinecolor 2-Reel Stooge Comedy Mai., Hun., t:3V. Adra. JOc Hc. Inc. Tax. Adm. livening* 44c-9e Inc. Tax Napkins 32’. lOc Paper Cups 8 ’s lOc Bathing Caps Paper Straws 10c 9c Sandwich Bags 10c T U E S D A Y A N D W E D N E S D A Y . J U L Y 5-6 In Glorious Technicolor All the glamour and unreality of burlesque, the birthplace of many great entertainers. Betty Grable— Dan Dailey Jack Oakie— June Havoc In “W H E N M Y B A B Y SM ILES A T M E” Cartoon NOSE C LIPS 59c S U N T A N O IL 35c Sun Glasses Beach Balls $1.49 E A R P L U G S 25c 25c up Adm. M f- t f, Inc. Tux THURSDAY” A N D FR ID A Y , J U L Y 7-8 You’re in for the thrill of your life when you see this picture of stirring adventure! Mark Stevens—Colleen Gray Rory Calhoun —Charley Grapewin In “ W IL L J A M E S ’ S A N D ” Color Cartoon Adr l.vrnlng* M c-k |>c. Tux S|>orts Hot and Cold Jugs High Chair Jumpers Play Pen Adjustable tray, sturd- ely built to resist tip ping over. High chair breaks down to table and chair for that growing child. Indoor or out, mother Taylor Tots High Chair always know baby is. but strong. where Pads. Play Pen Pads, Pen is light Mattress Trainers. $3.95 DO LLAR D O W N A N D D O LLAR A W EEK OWYHEE DRUG COMPANY Prescriptions Precision Filled G. H. Peirsol Phone 255-W “ Oldest, most dependable furniture store in the valley” PE TE R SO N F U R N IT U R E C O M P A N Y N>,ssa Vale Payette Ontario