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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1949)
TH E N YSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, N YSSA , OREGON T H U R SD A Y, JUNE 30, 1949 PAGE SIX and Lew McCoy were in the hills Springfield, Oregon were Friday gathering cattle this week, bring night guests at the Ken Lorensen ing in 65 head Sunday. Many of home. Supper was served on the the cattle men are putting their lawn, with Mr. and Mrs. W. L SUNSET VALLEY, June 30—Char cattle on pasture, due to the Chapin also present. The Spring- field guests were former Nebraska lie McCoy left Saturday for Pav- shortage of grass. Mr and Mrs. Nell Dimmick and neighbors of the Lorensen and Ulion, Wyoming to continue dirt Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes were I Chapin families. moving on the new reclamation week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Council project. Curtis Ingles on the Ingles' 4,000 and friends, all of New Plymouth, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Finger acre ranch, located in Cow Valley were Sunday visitors at the Ken and son were Sunday guests at near Brugan. The guests spent Lorensen home. the Lew McCoy home. Saturday and Sunday riding, and Mrs. George Wilson, Miss Jac Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters were aiding in the spraying and brand queline Wilson, and Wilfred Gilbert dimmer guests at the Oce Scliweiz- .ng of cattle. drove to La Grande Sunday. Mrs. er home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Art Adams and Wilson remained there to visit her Charlie Schwelzer, Charles Glenn. Shirley and Mrs. Art Oriener of sister, while Miss Wilson and Gil Mrs. Guy Glenn, Mrs. Dick Wyatt, bert spent the night as guests at I the Lynn Buffington home in Wal- | Iowa. E. W . PRUYN Miss Beth Chapin, Miss Marjorie Merrick, and Mrs. Robert Albritton left Thursday to attend the wed Auto Repairing Optometrist ding of their college classmate, Miss Adelene Hoffman. The three Reboring, Valve Grind young Eyes Examined ladies were attendants at the wedding Saturday at Union. ing, Lathe work. Part* Misses Merrick and Chapin return Phone 720 ed the first of the week, while Mrs. Albritton remained at her and accessories 718 Arthur St. home in La Grande as her hus band was expected to return from Caldwell, Idaho Fort Lewis. Phone 5 6 -W Don Bergam, who returned Sun day from the state grange meet ing, gave his report Tuesday eve- nning at the regular meeting of the Chalk Butte Grange. Keith Wolley was honored guest at a birthday party at the home of Donna G am er Saturday eve ning. The young people enjoyed games and refreshments on the lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS daughters were Sunday dinner guests at the Delbert Herring W IN D O W AND DOOR FRAM ES home In Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Garner SCREEN DOORS made a trip to Ogden this week, when Mrs. Garner’s father under Phone 118J Free Estimates went an operation. They returned Thursday. Karen Ann Pett spent the past week visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wayne Garner. Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gretgg and family were among the families picnicking at the Owyhee dam Tuesday. The picnic was held in honor of the parents of Rev. R. L Kriner, who ure visiting here from Pennsylvania. Guyanne Glenn has been visiting the past week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sehweizer. Taylor Sandy was a dinner guest Friday at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. William Gregg. Mrs. Murray Rusklns and child ren of Brookyln, New York, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clon- lnger, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nothels plcnnicked Sunday at Snively’s pool. Mrs. Ray Orr and her baby daughter, Barbara, who have been visiting at the William Orr home the past week, arrived home Sat urday eveinng. Mr. and Mrs. William Orr at tended a meeting of the “ seventies" at the Parley Feik home In On tario Tuesday evening. Mrs Kenneth Lorensen returned home Tuesday after spending the past month with her daughter at Roseburg. Accompanying her were her two grandchildren, Diane and Junior Whitman, who will visit here for a while. # Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steiner and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Chadd and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Chadd were dinner guests at the Irwin Charland home Sun day. A surprise party was given for Mrs. Frank Rataezyk Friday even Sec or call us immediately for complete ing at her home, celebrating her details. There is no cost or obligation. Play birthday. Guests were the Casmier Rataezyk, Harry Rataezyk. and M safe this year! Buy Hail Insurance early. A. Rataezyk families. Birthday ACT TODAY TO SAVE TOMORROW! cake was served at a late supper. The Sunset auxiliary will meet July 1th at the home o f Mrs. Nel son Field. Mrs. Nelson Field and and Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy made a trip to Idaho this week, taking Jack No lan's four children, Jerry, Jimmy. Sharon and Jack to Rupert to COW S PASTURED AS RANGE GETS SHORT DR. G.W. GRAVES Qstrom (JabinetSliop HAIL is a visit their uncle. Nolan Field. Mrs. Field and Mrs. Pomeroy visited in Kimberly, and Buhl. Mrs. Robert Atoritton visited Carol Witty and Mrs. Herbert G il len at the Witty home Wednesday. They were all former schoolmates. Mrs. Harold Peterson and Mrs. Alfred Panchire. Mrs. Mary Eller of La Grande who has been visiting at the home of her uncle, O. P Counsil 'eft Monday for Denver, where she will atten a nurses school Mrs. Joe Dodson, Mrs. Clar ence Dodson. Mrs. Leota Ditty, and the three girls, Jo Ann, Shar on and Patsy spent Thursday In Ontario visiting Leslie Ditty, who has been suffering from inflam matory rheumatism the past two weeks. They report his condition as Improved. Douglas Skeen of Nyssa was a week-end guest at the Chester Bowns ranch. The Boys Sunset Valley 4-H club met Saturday afternoon at the Grant Patterson home with 10 present. The July 2 meeting will be held at Paul Knottingham’s home. Returning Friday evening from the 4-H summer school at Corvallis were Bernadine and Jo Ann Price. The girls and several Nyssa stud ents were dinner guests of Mrs. Lon Fry Thursday evening before returning. Mrs. Fry is a former Nyssa resident. Detbera and Val Garner and Robert Reffett left Friday on a fishing trip to the Beulah res ervoir. Mrs. James Chadd and daughter, Linda, and Mrs Ed Steiner and daughter, Darlene, spent Satur day visiting at the Clyde Dlderick- sen home In Caldwell. Mrs. Did- ericksen left Sunday for Spokane to visit her daughter, Mrs. Con- nely Locket, who recently under went an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Briggs of Ontario were Saturday dinner guests at the Frank Briggs home. A family picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Cleaver Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. John Cleaver and Mr, and Mrs. Max Cleaver, all of Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Eakanger SER IO U S H A Z A R D * To Your Crops T he hail season is fast approach ing. Y our crops need protection. For absolute p r o t e c t i o n a n d peace o f m ind, buy Hail Insurance. W hen dark clouds appear over your farm , it’s a g r e a t f c e l i n S . t o know ^ * y ° u are insured. You m a y not get hail often, hut s u p p o s e this is your year! Hail will steal the money you have invested in growing your crops, and the incom e you expect to receive w hen y o u s e l l them . The m oderate cost of Hail I n s u r a n c e pays y o u b ig dividends w hen hail strikes. Renstrom Insurance Agency and the families of the five Cleav er brothers. Gene, Lloyd. Delbert. La Verne and Lester. On Monday the John Cleaver and Max Cleaver families left for Iowa, accompanied by Mrs. Magnus Ekanger, and her son, Jerry, who went as far as Yel lowstone park. Olaf Fyllingness arrived home Monday evening after spending a week in Idaho Falls visiting at the home o f her two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Titland and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Orottviet picnicked in Cald well Sunday and attended three lectures of D. Oitbert, news cor respondent. Has Illness— Mrs. Frank Skeen has been con fined to her bed the past week on account of illness. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their expressions of kindness during the recent death of our beloved son and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wells and Randall. witch RIVD $ $ SERVICE $ $ PITTSBURG PAINTS W A L LP A P E R MIRRORS M A D E TO ORDER Ostrom Brothers Appliance Your Pittsburg Paint Dealer 50 and 52 North 1st Street N E W S OF RECORD MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Allen MdLean Anthony and Shirley Ann Hawley, both of Vale Nicus Monroe Hamrick of Vale and Elberta Marie Heinecke of Woodland. California. Lane Richard Jenkins of Fruit- land and Ruthele Slssel of Ontario Franklin James Coleman and Glenna Faye Murdock, both of Harper. James Edward Embree and Mary Alice Anderson, both of Ontario. COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT Laura T. Huff vs. Charles K. Huff, divorce. Roberts Nyssa, Inc. vs. Mable Agness Bennett, quiet title. Viola l>. Tinkey vs. Charles E. Tinkey, divorce. PETITIONS, PROBATE COURT Estate of George F. Sgaffer, d e ceased. Guardianship of Jerry Eldon Thompson, a minor. HOUSES FOR SALE Financed Through F. H. A . 10 per cent down payment Choice of Three Houses C. K. OLSON Phone 2 5 1 -W PO TATO ES O N IO N S KAISER-FRAZER _ APPWOV1D ^ roe CASH BUYER Sales & Service Rex D. Mathews & Co. If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. BRING Y O U R TROUBLES T O US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. HIGHEST C ASH PRICE PAID. C O N TR A CTIN G N O W . SEE OR C ALL HERB FISHER TO M ELDREDGE Phone 2 7 2 W Highway 30— East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 Phone 7 1 W Office Phone 4 9 W 25 Years In Malheur County Reconditioned Quality Used Cars Vacation Specials m a n y a problem 5 D A Y DRIVING TRIAL c a n be sol ved -quickly- V 1947 Chevrolet Aero sedan, very clean R. & H., 1935 Ford coupe, R. & H., good tires, an ex seat covers. ceptional buy for that extra car. 1940 Chevrolet, 2-Door sedan, R. & H ., seat covers, new tires. 1935 Ford sedan, another good buy. 1945 Chevrolet truck, stock rack, good rubber, very clean 1939 Chevrolet, 4-door sedan, reconditioned, by Lonq Di stance very clean, good rubber. * 1948 G. M. C. pick-up, here is a good one. 1946 Ford pick-up, new paint, reconditioned 1939 Plymouth, 4-door sedan, a quality car. Whether if N a business or a personal matter, motor SEE US FOR ALL OF Y O U R T R A N S P O R T A T IO N NEEDS put your mimi at ease-elear up unrertainties- Nyssa Motors the dependable, personal Long Distarne way. i» ) Malheur Home Telephone Co. Main Street Phone 18 8 J