TH E NYSSA GATE C IT Y JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1949 PAGE FOUR Idaho. Rev and Mrs. Robert K rm - creased until the hoist has been er were unable to attend because closed down and will not be op Mr?. K n n er is ill. erated any longer Mrs. Don FT nklin and sons of Eldon Slippy, small son o f Mr OWYHEE, June 30—The O. K. K and Mrs. Gerald 81ippy. was taken Nyssa and Mrs Lynn Kygar and Maxine made a trip to Boise Tues club met Thursday afternoon at to a Boise hospital Saturday suf Maxine stayed to spend a the home of Mrs. Lynn K ygar, fering from what is believed to be day. with Mrs Kenneth McDonald as kidney ailment A series o f tests week with her sister, Mrs. Dick a -istant hostess. Mrs. Jesse Gregg were preformed Monday on the and Mr- Raleigh Chamberlain were child but no reports will be avail winners in the games, one of which able for a few days. Mrs. Slippy was an original quiz on the cities is staying in Boise at the R C. and town-, of Oregon sent by Mrs. Jones home while her son is in the Alzalea DeBord of Bay City. O re hospital. gon. an honorary member o f O. K Mr and Mrs. W illiam Peutz were : Dustin of Anderson dam spent K. Refreshments of a strawberry pleasantly surprised Wednesday by | from Friday until Sunday in the dessert and iced tea were served to a visit from Miss O eorgie Dennis home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the 16 members present. The next of Portland and her nieces, Mrs S. D. Bigelow. M r and Mrs T . H Brewer left meeting will be held at the home Dick Gorley and Miss M axine Mc- of Mrs. Orville McEwen. Clellen of Nampa. Miss Dennis Tuesday morning for Salem, where they will attend a camp meeting The seats were removed from the Owyhee schoolhouse Monday for several years before moving for the next few days. T hey plan to visit In Vancouver before they and taken to Adrian, where they to Portland Mr and Mrs. George G regg and return home. wi.l be sanded and varnished in Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton a li.{hter color to be used in tne and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. schoolhouse there next year. The Wall . c G regg and sons left Friday were hosts at dinner Friday even Owyhee schoolhouse is to be sold morning for Montana for a visit ing for Mr. and Mrs. Truman Waenor, and M r and Mrs. Harry with the M arion G regg family. some time in the near future. Leaton. all of Eugene and Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Ray Fletcher were Fred Klingback, Joe W itty, and Mrs Jake Groot, o f Nyssa. guests in the Kenneth McDonald Henry Moore celebrated their birth Merlin Ahrens o f Nampa spent anniversaries Saturday evening home Monday. About 40 members o f the Owyhee with a trip to Caldwell. George last week visiting his grandparents, M r and Mrs. George Schweizer. Sunday school gathered at Owyhee Elfers accompanied them. dam Tuesday for a picnic dinner in Jesse Ditty returned home M on Mr. and Mrs. Darrell W illiams honor of Rev. and Mrs. John K rin- day from Owyhee dam, where he and M ary Ellen made a trip to er of Ohio. Other out-of-town has been running the boat hoist Boise Tuesday on business. guests were Rev and Mrs. Kerm h j ( The fishing has not been so good Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClure and lEckelbarger and sons of Kuna. and the number of boats has de- fam ily of Utleville, Colorado, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culbertson and family, and Mrs. Dorothy Slippy and fam ily were dinner guests in the Mearl McClure home Thursday. Dick W inter accompanied his grandfather, Harley W inter of Nyssa. on a drive to Beulah Sunday. Rev. Hodges o f W ilder and Rev. Campbell o f Marslng -ailed in the T. H. Brewer home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Leaton of Eugene, Jack Groot, and Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Orris of Nyssa called on Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Huber and son, Ronnie of Meridian were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Hubei's sister, Mrs Werner Peutz. Mrs. Darrell Williams, Mrs. Chester Mills, Mrs. K eith Tallm an of Homedale, and Mrs. Howard Evans of Parma drove to Nampa Friday to view a garden o f iris. Mrs Rex W alters and her m oth er, Elizabeth Parsons, both of Boise BATH SETS, W A T E R HEATERS A N D and Mrs. Ruth Campbell o f Oak land, California spent Thursday PRESSURE SYSTEMS C A LL night in the Ellis W alters home and took Brenda W alters home to Boise with them. Brenda had spent three weeks with her grand parents. 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 286-J Mrs. Grant Patterson entertained 15 youngsters Monday afternoon at a birthday party fo r hqr son, Reed, who was six years old. Mrs. Lee Householder and Mrs. Orville McEwen attended the hos pital auxiliary meeting in Nyssa Monday as representives of the O. K . K. club. Rev. John K riner o f Ohio deliv Sales and Service ered the message at Owyhee Sun day school Sunday morning. Rev. actory Rebuilt Electrolux $30 Of Robert K riner was scheduled to speak, but owing to the illness of FRED STILL Mrs. Kriner, his father substituted for him. A trombone and trumpet duet by Bdbby and Ronnie K riner 709-J B and a vocal duet by Rev. and Mrs. Kriner were enjoyed by the con Payette, Idaho gregation. In the afternoon the Kriners and Mrs. Martha K lin g- O W YH EE SCHOOL SEATS ARE M OVED \ WATCH FOR R U V D $ $ $ $ For Your PI umbing Needs back and Fred were dinner guests G R AN G E MEMBERS RETURN FROM TRIP B IG BEND. June 30—W illiam Teter, Big Bend G ranre Master, Joe W ittv and Bill Ferguson, Jr., returned Wednesday from the state Grange meeting at Coos Bay. After the close o f the Orange, ses sions they spent several days vis iting friends and relatives. A- mong them were M r Teter's cousin. G rant T eter o f Salem. Harry Rus sell and fam ily of Toledo, Mr. Fenton, a Spanish war buddy of Oregon C ity and daughter, Mrs. Eldon Rush and fam ily o f Elgin. Joe visited his "grandma1’ W itty of Elgin and visited at Imbler and La Grande. The Big Bend Stock club met Friday at the Bit? Bend school house with members present. Vanae Stoker acted as president in John W itty ’s absence. T h e Daily vacation Bible school at Big Bend has 20 pupils enrolled. T h e program will be held at 8 p. m. this Friday. Everyone is in vited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett visited friends in Nampa Sunday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. Councilman of Roswell. Wayne Roberts, Ethel Mecham, and John W itty returned Friday evening from a 10-days 4-H sum mer school at Corvallis. Among their many interesting activities was a trip to the ocean. Linda Robins o f Parma has been visiting in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Harvey Bennett the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Auker and fam ily visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Auker's sister, Mrs. Hank Preuss of Emmett. LE G A L AD VER TISING IN THE C O U N T Y C O U R T OF T H E S T A T E O F OREGON F O R T H E C O U N T Y O F M ALH E U R In the matter of he Estate of A R N O LD B. S L IP P Y , Deceased Notice of Final Account N O TIC E IS H EREBY G IV E N that the undersigned, Henry B. Slippy, Administrator of the estate of Arnold B. Slippy, deceased, has filed his Final Account as said Ad- Guaranteed Repairs On House and Car Radios and Electric ministrator in the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and that said Court has appointed Tuesday, the 2nd day o f August, 1919, at 10:00 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, for the hearing of objections to said Final Account and the settlement thereof. NOW, TH EREFO RE, all persons interested in the estate of Arnold B. Slippy, deceased, are notified and required to appear at the Court House at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, at said time, to then and there show cause, if any there be, why said Account should not be settled, aUowed and approv ed and said estate distributed and said Administrator discharged. Dated and first published June 30. 1949. Date of last publication, July 28, l949- _ . „ _ H E N R Y B. S L IP P Y Administrator of the Estate of Arnold B. Slippy. Deceased H A R O L D H ENIO SO N Attorney for Administrator W E S C O A IR C O O L E R S Small Homes From $43.95 Fencers Terms Available PETERSON OSTROM BROTHERS A P P LIA N C E FU R N ITU R E CO. Your Westinghouse Dealer Nyssa, Oregon 50 and 52 North 1st Street Portland Boys Here— Frankie and Dickie Anderson, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Dwuayne Anderson of Portland, former resi dents were week-end guests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Wilford O. Peterson. T h e boys made the trip on their motorcycle. Miss Elaine Peterson recently enjoyed a week’s vacation at the Anderson home in Portland. J. C. S M I T H Electrolux Vacuum There’s an easier way PLUS TAX SIZE 6.00-16 AND YOUR ^ OLD T I R E " ^ to protect your roof Other Sizes Proportionately Low! ^ X It's the famous F IR E S T O N E S T A N D A R D TIRE at a sensational REDUCED PRICE for your July 4th Holiday Driving! Safe, depend able mileage — curve gripping non-skid safety tread! And i t ’s built with the exclusive Safti- Sured Gum-Dipped cord body that gives greater protection against blowouts! Backed by a L ife time Guarantee! SAVE DURING OUR JU LY 4TH TIR E SALE! The new Ford Overdrive is on optional extra which reduces your engine speed 3 0 % while car speed remains unchanged. It saves you up to 15% in gas plus the savings in oil, engine life and repairs. Controlled by the touch o f your toe, it gives you a quieter, smoother, more relaxing "4th g e a r" ride. You’ll like it for passing in a Bash and effortless travel on the road. STANDARD No Cost No Obligation 9*50 A Product of Standard of California G et lo n g -la s tin g p ro t e c t i o n a g a i n s t a ll kinds of weather with S t a n d a r d A lu m in u m Asbestos Coating. This quality roof coating re flects th e h e a t and keeps it cooler inside even on t h e h o t t e s t days. G e t S t a n d a r d A lu m in u m A s b e s to s Coating today! Herriman Motor Company AWARDED THE FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL AS THE "FASHION CAR OF THE YEAR*« SaU J • GET YOURS TODAY PICNIC ICEBOX Helds 10 lbs. o f Ice — separate ice container keeps food dry! DRESS UP YOUR CAR INSECT KILLER HEP AEROSOL I 'S l i with d f lk SB F ir e s t o n e Long-W earing Fiber SEAT COVERS Kills All Common Insects Quick— F j s t — Non- Stainin, Contains I>DT • O n FRO N T AN D a I a a Coupes s i ATS. M O ST S ID A N S A N D C O A C H IS . only 6.45 CO M PIETE U N E OF TIR ES AND HOME AND AUTO SU P P LIES TO SERVE YOUR-.M EEDS* Phone 61 - W Nyssa, Oregon