THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 16,1949 DINNER IS SERVED IN APPLE VALLEY APPLE VALLEY, June 16—Mrs. Glen Johnson and son left for Nevada Sunday evening after at­ tending a dinner at the Lloyd Caldwell home. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Arther Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Murry and the guest of honor, Mrs. Glen Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Caldwell en ­ tertained as guests at dinner Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cald­ well, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Murry, and Mrs. Glen Johnson at)d son. Mrs. Berry and Mrs. Madden, cousins of Mrs. P. E. Piltcher, were visitors at the P. E. Piltcher home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Pearson are among those working at the sugar factory who are organizing a ball team. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Boston and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boston of Ontario were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston. The Sunday school class roasted weiners at the Apple Valley school- house last week. Seventeen young­ sters and the sponsors attended. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Sunny Slope and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson of New York were Sun­ day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom KAISER-FRAZER Sales & Service If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan­ ics to put your car in the best of condition. BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30— East of Town Ontario, Oregon phone 287 THE NEXT 60 DAYS Are Vital To \our Welfare! Favorable Weather for Your Crops ill Be Important! Hailstorms are unavoidable and in a few short minutes can destroy your entire y ear’s income! Protect your high cost of pro­ duction and expected income with a sound, sensible Hail Insurance Policy written by a reliable, fair- Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston were [ guests at the home of Mrs. Bostons parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rod­ gers of Roswell Sunday. Forrest Reed has gone to Cali­ fornia on business. He left Sat­ urday and expects to be gone a week. Mrs. Clifford Mcllveen and child­ ren and Mrs. Meltvelt stopped at the Forrest Reed home en route to Portland for a two weeks va­ cation. MERRY MATRONS OF ORE. TRAIL MEET the County Court Room in the Court House at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, at said time, to then and there show cause. If any there toe, why said Account should not be settled, allowed and approv­ ed and said estate distributed and said administrator de bonis non discharged. Dated and first published June 16th, 1949 Date of last publication, July 14, 1949. HAROLD HENIGBON Administrator de bonis non of j the Estate of William S. Cleiland, I Deceased. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR In the Matter of the Estate of JAMES P. LANGTON, Deceased Notice to Creditors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tlie undersigned, Andrew J. Swan, has been appointed Adminis­ trator of the estate of James P. Lang ton. deceased, by the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and has qualified as such. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons having claims against the estate of James P. Langton, deceased, are hereby notified and required to present the same, with proper vouchers, duly verified, within six (6) months from the date of this Notice, to the undersigned, Andrew J. Swan, at the law office of Har­ old Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, which place the undersigned selects as his place of business in all mat­ ters connected with said estate. Dated and first published June 16. 1949. Last publication July 6, 1949. ANDREW J. SWAN Administrator of the Estate of James P. Langton, Deceased. OREGON TRAIL, June 16—The Merry Matrons club met Wednes­ day afternoon June 8 at the home of Alta Fry. Eleven members were present. Tea towels were exchang­ ed by matching proverbs. The a f­ ternoon was spent socially. F ol­ lowing the business meeting a game was played with Viiginia Rooks tool and Hazel Farr winning prizes. The next meeting will be held June 22, with Bernice Gardner as hostess. Roll call will be ans­ wered by "My Favorite Radio Pro­ gram.'* New officers for the next six months will also be elected. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Jessie Chard and Gladys Byers. Robert Bowen fished near Iron­ side Sunday. Cheri Johnston of Twin Falls is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Snodgrass of Nyssa visited Sunday evening at the F. G. Holmes home. Mrs. Vic Marshall and Mrs. Frank Byers attended the bridal shower given for Mrs. Dale Glenn Friday afternoon at the Hugh Glenn home. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen made Too Late To Classify a business trip to Vale Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and FOR SALE—1931 Chevrolet coupe, Robert and Junior were Sunday with pick-up box, N. W. 9th and 16J2xp dinner guests at the Ray Holmes Locust. M. G. Greig. home. FOR SALE—Bing cherries, tree- ri|>ened, bring containers. Willis LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Bertram, four miles west on Enter­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF prise avenue. 16jlxc THE STATE OF OREGON FOR W A N T E D—Housework, care of THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR In the matter of the Estate of children toy hight school girl, write 16J2xp WILLIAM S. CLHLLAND, Deceased box 216, Rt. 2, Nyssa. Notice of Final Account WANTED—Two or three vacant NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lots, V. V. Grider, route 2, Nyssa that the undersigned, Harold Hen- gson, Administrator de bonis non four miles west and % south of of the estate of William S. Cleiland, Nyssa, at Charley Grider ranch. 16jlxip deceased, has filed his Final Ac­ count as said Administrator de MISCELLANEOUS—Lawn mowers bonis non in the County Court of sharpened by machinery; scissor* Malheur County, Oregon, and that and tools sharpened. Leave at Cur­ said Court has appointed Tuesday, ry's Produce. In town one week. July 19, 1949, at 10:00 o’clock in F. D. Van Gerpen. 16jlxp the forenoon of said day for the hearing of objections to said Final LOANS Account and the settlement there­ on of. Automobiles & Furnitur* NOW, THEREFORE, all per­ Cash for every purpose sons interested in the estate of JOHN H. PIERSON William S. Cleiland, deceased, are Griggs Bros. & Butler notified and required to appear at Nyssa, Oregon minded insurance company. It’s A just good business judgment. In­ sure early and be sure. See us today. This is Your PROTECTION g f flE S te e l GRAIN BINS ch S b CSS m lienxtrora Insurance Agency J f lE S U TLER IflE F a iM IB w ' - ■ H V r VCt ¡J K • - P O L I S H ue P A P A ! ! for LJ Store Your Grain To Assure At Least Loan Value For Every Bushel Produced Come in today for full information about Butler Steel Grain Bins. Let us show you why they are easier to erect and why they give your grain better protection. Ju n e 19 PAGE SEVEN It’s here! the K a i s e r T r a v e l e r A luxurious s e d a n . , , a big c n r j j a c a r r i e r I / j / .:***•- ' —— HM '£dm m -J* World's first 2-ln-l car.,.the a m a a s i n y K a is e r T r a v e le r *2088* Come In right away! Bring your friends and family! W e'll gladly give you (and them !) a free demonstration! It's a factl Nothing like il! You never saw so many uses in a car much value I One m inute the Kaiser T aveler is a smart 6-passenger s e d a n just to seconds it’s a big cargo carrier. Kaiser has really worked wonders with this unbeat­ able combination —enduring utility with endearing beauty! You need a Kaiser Traveler I See it I Drive it I Buy it today 1 Immediate Delivery. Fair and square trade in allow­ ances. hf.o.b. factory. Transportation, Ior al taxes ( i f an\j extra. MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 3 0 -East o f Town Phone 287 Ontario, Oregon’s lowest-priced liiy car -t ■ ' ' > \ • electric COOKING KEEPS KITCHENS COOL This is the time of the year when home- Don’t take a chance on losing hard earned grain profits. Store your grain in Butler loan-eligible grain bins. keepers, using old fashioned stoves, be­ Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. PHONE 245 -J gin thinking of ways and means of serving the family salads and other cold dishes, to keep from cooking in PO TA TO ES a hot, uncomfortable kitchen. Women who use an automatic electric range never have that problem, because electric cooking O N IO N S keeps kitchens cool. Walk into any kitchen where a modern electric range oven CASH B U Y E R R ex D. M ath ew s & Co. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID. is being used and unless you're told, you'll never know it's on, because perfect insulation keeps the heat where it belongs. Use the oven as much as possible during these hot days— you can cook a complete meal in its roomy interior And you don't have to stand guard. Automatic controls will start the oven and then shut it oft when your meal is done to perfection . . . and your CONTRACTING NOW. sox SHIRTS SLACKS JEWELRY TIES HATS BILLFOLDS Nyssa Golden Rule kitchen remains cool and comfortable. Stop in at your dealer's store today and see the wonderful SEE OR CALL selection of automatic electric ranges. There's a style and size HERR FISHER TOM ELDREDGE Phone 272W Office Phone 49 W Phone 71W to fit every family budget. Keep cool and live better with elec­ tricity. I D ££ocPuci&j A H O ? P O W E R Dots So MUCH- Colts So LIT T LE!