Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE C IT Y JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. TH U RSD AY, JUNE 16, 1949 PAGE SIX made a week-end trip, staying over-night Saturday in and driving to Anderson Ranch dam Sunday. (Continued from P »| i 3) Mr and Mrs. Charles Schweizer Guests included Mrs. Bessie Eidiun took members of the 4-H Riding and both the Herbert and Paul E. club to Boise Sunday to attend Bergam families. the horse show at the fairgrounds On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Garner LIBRARY BOOKS SENT TO V A LLE Y FOR S a n d and G ra v e l Glenn and diaries Schweizer made a business trip to Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ditty and family, Charlotte and Kenneth Ditty, and Sharon Query were guests at the Henry Hintz home at a fried chicken dinner Sunday. Friday dinner guest at the Lew McCoy home was James Tummel. Wednesday evening callers were Mr and Mrs. Arlan Haroldson and son /I Nyssa. Mrs. Clarence Reed returned home Monday after spending a month on a trip visiting relatives in Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma and on to see her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Richardson, in Milton, Florida. General Contracting and Building Uustom-Hui't Cabinets and Furniture Furniture Repairing and Kefinishing 114 miles north of Nyssa-Parma Junction Highway 95 Phone 023J1 W A SH E D A N D GRADED Phone 024J1 F. J. Strasbaugh Joh nson Cabinet Shop Nyssa, Oregon Notice Of 1949-50 Budget Meeting In accordance with the provisions of the Local Budget Law (Sections 110-1201 to 110-1215 O. C. L. A., as amended) notice is hereby given that the budget committee of the City of Nyssa, Oregon, in compliance with said law, prepared and adopted on June 7, 1949 the budget estimates for the City of Nyssa, Oregon, for tlie ensuing year July 1. 1949 to June 30, 1950, as set in the following tabulations. All persoas are hereby notified that on Tuesday the 12th day of July, 1949, at 8:00 p. m„ in the Council Chamber in Nyssa, Oregon, . aid budget estimates may be discussed with the Common Council, the levying board for the City of Nyssa, Oregon, und any person subject to the proposed tux levies will lie heard in favor of or against said proposed tax levies or any part thereof. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS AND LEVIES FISCAL YEAR 1949-50 Together with the actual expenditures for the fiscal years 1946-47 and 1947-48 and budget estimates for tlie fiscal year 1948-49. EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUNDS PERSONAL SERVICE Actual 1946-47 Police Chief ...................... ......... $ 2,570.00 Police 2,34000 City Mgr. Recorder 1.300.00 Office Clerk 460 00 Librarian ........ 225 00 City Health Officer 120.00 City Attorney ....... 480 00 900 00 Janitor City Grds. A i Streets 1,500 00 Auditor 240.00 Totals $10.035 00 Actual 1947-4« $ 2,640 00 3,334.03 1,300 00 460 00 225.00 120.00 480 00 900 00 1,500 00 250.00 $11,209.00 Budget 1948-49 $ 2,880.00 4,420.00 1.300.00 560.00 500 00 120 00 480 00 1,000.00 1,700.00 250.00 $13,210.00 Budget 1949-50 $ 2,880 00 5,280.00 1,400.00 560.00 500.00 120.00 480.00 1.000 00 1,700.00 250.00 $14,170.00 $ $ OTHER Office & Supplies PIT* Dept. City Hull Street Lights Emergency Bonded Indebtedness Interest on Bonds S tm t Fund S. I. A C. Prison Meals Telephones City Grds. Police Dept. Cemetery Libiaiv State Gas Tux Nyssa Airixirt Housing Municipal Judge Dog Tax Totals Grand Totals $ 330.31 2,027.04 543.82 2,150 82 902.01 2,500 00 396.59 4.385.59 224.75 362.37 162.85 1,976.23 620 45 1,245.81 100.00 00.00 1.379 35 1,608.90 249.50 $21,166 39 $31,201 39 $ 645.22 2,226.35 672 97 2,667 73 1,947 26 2,991.82 318.12 2.916.47 271.84 804.00 162.25 1,442 87 578.20 2,010.64 99.07 10.467.86 2,972.65 00.00 1,433.00 236.00 34.865.18 $46.074.21 400 00 1,000.00 600.00 2,700.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 150.00 9,800.00 250.00 400 00 150.00 2,500.00 2.900.00 800.00 100.00 10.825 00 3,000.00 00.00 IHM).(R) $39,475.00 $52.685.00 400.00 1,500.00 750 00 2,800.00 3,247.00 6,000.00 2.075.00 6,000 00 250.00 400.00 150.00 3,000.00 1,900.00 1,000 00 100 00 12,852.00 1,500.00 00.00 600 00 400.00 $44,924.00 $59,094.00 RECEIPTS Licenses Fines Hoad Fund Liquor State Gas Tnx Fund Dog Tax Street Imp. Dlst. No. 2, Installments Amount to be Raised iby Tax Levy: Inside 6";, Limitation Amount to be Raised by Tax Levy; Outside 6% Llmilutlon Totals $ 2,591.00 3.500.00 9,800 00 1.420.00 10,685.00 300.00 $ 2,700.00 3.500.00 16,299 00 17.276.00 8.150.00 $52,685 IK) 6.000 00 1.510 00 12.852.00 600.00 3,922.00 $58,347 00 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS JUNE :tU. 1949 Refunding Waler Bonds Sewage System Bonds Refunding Imp, Bonds ________ O' : • City Halt Bonds Sewn Const Outstanding outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding 5i: Bonds 4' Water Works imp Bond Street Imp Dlst. No. 2 .1 4 Street Intersection 3‘ , Waterworks Extension :! . I x'se berg Ac Stoker, Warrants Total Z Z I $ 4.000 00 8.000 00 500 00 1.000 00 14000 oo 13.000 00 33.500.00 33 500 00 located near Pensacola. Of all the * Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grosse and sights, Mrs. Reed especially en- Miss Chamberlain of Parker, South joyed the beauty of the Bayou Dakota. The guests were en route country and the gulf waters. I to Seattle. Charles Chapin was among the | The La Varr Hawkins and Don F. F. A. boys attending the stock j Strickland families spent Sunday show Tuesday at Union. They 1 fishing, swimming and picnickint were accompanied by their leader, j on the Owyhee river. Henry Reuter. I Miss Marian Price was a week- Mrs. James Robb. Mr. and Mrs. end guest at her parents home Pete Wilson, Mrs Claude Wilson,, after completing her first week's Mrs. Clarence Reed, and Mr. and training in the beauty school in Mrs. Jim Colvin made their annual Nampa. Marian likes the work trip to Idaho over the week-end very much. All members of the Pleasant Hour for canning cherries. Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk left Friday club and their families are mak by bus for Walla Walla to attend ing plans for a picnic to be held the wedding of her daughter. Miss at the Caldwell park June 19, Josephine Rataezyk of Vancouver Father's day. to John Graham, formerly of Van Mrs. Robert Albritton is visiting couver. The wedding rites were at the home of her parents, Mr to have been held Saturday. Mrs. and Mrs. Ira Price, while her hus Rataezyk planned to stop in Pen- band is attending national guuru delton on her return trip to visit camp at Fort Lewis, Washington. her sister, Mrs. Ed Tucker, who Mrs. Robert Olp served lunch has been very ill. to the Chalk Butte Grange at the Mr. and Mrs. Julian Pederson of regular meeting Tuesday evening. Hokiom, Wisconsin were house Arrangements were made for then guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. delegate to be sent to the Coos James Bayard two days last week. Bay convention. The C. V. A. was On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Bayard, discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Pederson, the Ed Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Garner left Price family and Harold Snyder Friday for a week-end fishing trip. family drove to Owyhee dam to Mrs. Richard West of Ogden, picnic.k The Pedersons left Sat mother of Mrs. Chester Bowns, urday continuing their trip to the was a Sunday visitor at the Bowns west coast. home. Mrs. West, who had left unday dinner guests at the her car here, accompanied Mr. ana Ewen Chard home weie Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clifford, driving to the Mrs. Elver Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. j east coast. She visited in Connecti- Dwayne Price of Ontario and Mr. j cut, Vermont and New York and and Mrs. Kenneth Chard. had just returned by plane Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James Chadd and to pick up her car. daughter attended the boat regatta Guests at a Sunday dinner and near Emmett Sunday. birthday party lor little Clark Mrs. Vern Garner and Mrs. W il Rookstool on his fourth birthday liam Orr are in charge of the were Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Mitchell Owyhee L. D. S. ward arrangements and daughter, Mrs. Lila Mitchell for the annual Stake Old Folk's and Val Mitchell. program to be held at the Cald Darrel Wilson, who spent a week well park Friday, June 17. A lunch visiting his grandparents in Ros and program are planned for the well, came home Wednesday, ac oldsters. companied by his grandmother. Overnight visitors at the Albert Mrs. Charles Wilson, who spent Notheis home Tuesday evening were the day visiting. On Thursday Darrel accomptanied Qr,-Jim, Omar and Loraine Hite, and Jim Abbott on a two-day fishing trip to Dry creek. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peterson and Mrs. Carl Peterson of Idaho Optometrist Falls were Thursday visitors at the Olaf Fyllingness home. They wen Eyes Examined en route to Eureka, California, where Mrs. Carl Peterson, 80 year- old, plaits to stay and visit her Phone 720 daughter. Mrs. Les Allenby. Tets Okano arrived at tlie home 718 Arthur St. of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Okano, Saturday. Tets has just Caldwell, Idaho completed his first year's course in | pharmacy at Corvallis. Payette shoppers during the wees were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hillis, Mrs. William Gregg an Synopsis of Annual Gregg. Mrs. Harold Fyllingness Statement and children and Mrs. Neil Dim- for the year ended December 31. mick made a trip to Boise Friday. 10 >8, of t fie W K8TKRN N A T IO N A L IN fJM N ITY COM PANY of San Francisco. In the State of California, made to tlie Insurance Commissioner o f ttie State o f Oregon, pursuant to law : w INCOME Nut premiums received $6,246 607.40 Total Interest, dividends and real estut«* Income. 40.360.67 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. --------- None Income f r o m other so u rces---------------- 2.312,598.59 Total Income ________ $8,599,560.75 DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid for losses $ 460,993 15 Loss adjustment ex penses 24,521.53 Underwriting expenses _ 2,240,500.62 Dividends paid to stock holders, (cash nonet, slock (none) ________ Non* Dividends paid or cred ited to policyholders-. Non* All other expenditure* ( Including investment expenses $4,462.30)-- 28.169 14 Total disbursement* _ _ 2 , 754,184.44 AD M ITTED ASSETS Value o f real estate owned (market value) Non* Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc --------- Non* Value o f stocks owned (market v a l u e ) ____ - Non* Value of bonds owned (am ortized) ________ $6.349.605.17 Cash in banks and on ____ „ hand 1,569.023 13 Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1948 _ 547,681 30 Interest and rents due _____ „ and a c c ru e d ----------- 27,729.00 Other assets ( n e t ) ------ 32,147.72 L IA B IL IT IE S . SURPLUS A ND OTHKH FUNDS ____ „ Total unpaid claims $ 655,966.10 F it imated loss adjust ment expenses for un- paid claims ________ 33.928.23 Total unearned Pre* . ~ inlums 4.214,570.16 A ’ ! other liabilities 376,012.00 Total liabilities, except canltal 5.280.476 55 Capital paid u p --------- 1,000,000.00 Special surplus fu n d s:.- None $2.24^709.83 T .itil U l'SINKSS IN h w $S V.'lt 1SH ■> OREOON »'OR THK Nt*l prtmlum* r * e * lv e « ~ Z 7 I? Net losses paid _ --------- 5.801.58 D i m . lends paid or ered- I’ ed to policyholders-. pi in. u »a I office in Ore eon. BOARD u lU A U K BU11PINO. Portlmml, Oregon 11,000.00 0204,500 00 PAINTS 11 buxine«*. Mrs. Beulah Barrett of Portland i U:> Loyd H< .ie of Salem call- - .1 on .(‘.ends in this community We uesda; afternoon. They le turned to tlie coast Ihursday. PITTSBURG W A LLP A PE R MIRRORS MADE TO ORDER Ostrom brothers Appliance Your Pittsburg Paint Dealer 50 and 52 North 1st Street Notice O f Annual School Election Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 2G-c of Malheur County, State of Oregon, that the Annual Election of said district will be held at the elementary school between the hours o f 2:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. on the third Monday of June, being the 20th day of June, A. 1). 1910, This election is called for the purpose of electing one director for a term of five years. Dated this 9th day of June, 1949. Attest: Henry II. Hartley District Clerk Emil A. tttunz ( ’haii-man, Board Directors 1 ~ ‘ T h is W e e k ’s COUPLE PLAN TO LIVE ON COAST COLUMBIA AVE„ June 16—Mr. and Mrs. Pete de Boer of Ontario called on relatives of this com munity Wednesday evening. Miss Thelma Coopsr of Oakland, California is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cooper and other relatives. Dick Groot was a business vis itor in Ontario Wednesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen ot Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Neil attended the horse show in Boise Saturday. Farmers of this community are busy baling and chopping their fresh crop of alfalfa hay. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cooper have as their house guests relatives from Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Larrson and family were Vale visitors last week. Mrs. Miles of Ogden visited her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Larrson. and fam ily. C. M. Tensen went to Sun Prairie with a truck load of sheep Tuesday. Boise visitors Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. C M. Tensen and Neil. Mrs. Kris van Zelf is visiting ai the home of her daughter. Mrs. Joe Dickson. Mr and Mrs. N. Roth and fam ily left for the coast last week, where they will make their home. Mrs. T. H. Beranek is a patient at the Nvssa nursing home COLUMBIA AVE. June 9—In the cow cutting contest at the rodeo in Ten Miles, Idaho, C M Tensen George Simt, second high by Mrs. Sunt auJ 1 >w by Dick Groot. Mr. and Mrs.'Pete Tensen were ,a Ontario Wednesday afternoon ms DR. G. W. GRAVES . *— » « — 1' » 86 . 000.00 won third unze. Several residents oi this comm- unity spent Sunday fishing at Beu- lah dam. Mr. and Mrs. Jake G ro o t were business visitors in Caldwell last week. The members of (lie pinochle club met Sunday a f’ ernoon at .u* home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot af Arcada. High score was held by U se d C a r B u y 1941 FORO FORDOR SEDAN BLACK IIE ATE R — RADIO OUTSIDE VISOR GOOD RUBBER MOTOR RUNS FINE SPECIAL $827.50 :■ H e r r i m a n M o to r C o m p an y Your Transportation Merchant I WATER DEPARTMENT OBHB F.XPEN DITURFS Actual 1946-47 City Manager-Recorder Water-Superintendent Office Clerk P.'Mri Repairs A t Supplies $ 1.300.00 1.320 00 460 00 2 388 89 H onda 1,000.00 , ' :>o $22.258 53 14,999 14 Interest on Bonds Totals Actual 1947-48 $ 1.300 00 1.320 00 460 (X) 2.428 67 15.520 50 3,000 00 742 50 $24,771 76 Budget 1946-49 $ 1.450 00 1.440 00 560 00 2.500 00 12.902 50 2.000 00 627 50 $21.50000 Budget 1949-50 $ 1,550.00 1,440.00 560 00 2.600.00 5.827.50 6.000.00 3,122.50 $21.100 00 $19.000 00 2,500 00 *21.500 00 $21.100 00 00 00 *21,100 00 $ 1.450 00 1,440 00 560 00 4 252 00 400 00 40 00 2.00000 920 00 MOO $ 1 1 .1 0 0 00 $ 1.550 00 1.440 00 560.00 8.332 00 400 00 40 00 2.000 00 84000 38 00 *15.200 OO $ 8.500 00 * 9.200 00 2.600 00 $11.100 00 *15.200 00 Attention RECEIPTS Water-Rentals Estimated Surplus-Water Fund __ Total SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES CII.V Manager-Recorder Sewer Superintendent Office Clerk Repairs At Replacements $ IH M 1Æ0 oo 46000 1,704.72 206 48 681X1 1.500 (X) 1 019 41 00 00 $ 7.578 81 Pow er Inspections Bonds Bond Interest Water Totals $ 1,300 00 1,390.00 460.00 2.747 13 219 25 64 00 2,000 00 1.080 00 00 00 $ 9.170 38 Field and Shop Service Now Available FULL STOCK OF GENUINE E M IT S FOR ALL EQUIPMENT WE SELL Expert Chevrolet Repair Work; Also Wisconsin Motors F A C T O R Y T R A IN E D R E P A IR M A N SEE US THE NEXT TIM E Y O U R E y n i'M IlN T NF. I)S I RECEIPTS Service Charges Estimated Surplus Totals . BERNARD EASTMAN. Chairman 6 .0 0 0 0 0 R 8 W HITAKER Secretary B. & M. EQUIPMENT CO. Minneapolis Moline Dealer \I|:!X0