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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1949)
PAGE EIGHT T H E NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THU RSDAY, JUNE 9. 1949 was presented with a corsage that had been made by Mrs. Holland n e u Laurence. Mrs. Joe Maughan and Mrs. J. P. K yebtese ol Ontario were presented with past presidents LE G IO N A U X IL IA R Y IN S T A L L S pirn. Members o f the Nyssa and O n The hall was beautifully decor tario American Legion auxiliaries ated With floral arrangements that held Joint installation services at had been prepared by Mrs. Sid the Nyssa veterans hall Monday Buioidge and her committee. R e evening. Mrs. Earnest Sielofl ol freshments were served by Mrs. L Burns, district president was the H. Fie liman, Mrs. H. O. Hopkm, installing officer. T h e following and Mrs. A. L. Heidi, assisted b; officers from Nyssa were installed: Beverly Burbidge, Shirley Tram of Mrs. Kerm it Lienkaemper, presi and Judy Lewis o f the junior aux dent; Mrs. E. H. Fleshman, first iliary. vice president; Mrs. Homer Jack- —I - HONOItKL) A T SHOW ER son, second vice president; Mrs. Lucille M y rick, secretary; Mrs. Don Mrs. James Savage was the hon Graham, treasurer; Mrs. H. E. C'ol- or guest ut a surprise pmk and lins; corresponding secretary, Mr... blue shower held at the Dale f'plton Ouncan; Chaplain. Mrs. E. Garrison home last Thursday eve D Michelson historian. ning, with Mrs. Garrison, Mi. Mrs. Sieloff, in sp eu k ii« to t h e ! Verne Chadwick and Mrs. Lesu i group, Stated that tills district I Cleaver as hostesses. Pukes for ranked as one of the highest in the the evening gumes went to Mrs. state for membership. Mrs. Bieioff Fred Savage and Mrs. George tal Notes Vaughan. Mrs. Savage was pre- sented with a baby buggy irom tne guests. Refreshment., were sol ved at the close of the eveing. D IN N E R HONORS C O U PLE Wilson W inter gave a report on the American Legion auxiliary at the ter and Mrs. Jess W alker o f Weiser, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Glenn iB etly book, "Cleft Rock”. T h e door prize Doll House with presidents and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown of Lucas, for the afternoon was won by Mrs. j Kansas and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Jo Willimasi were honor guests at Refreshments of past presidents from Adrian, Vale 1 Brown of Pittsburg. Pennsylvania. a dinner and reception held at the Alva Goodell. and Ontario present as additional strawberries, cake and coffee were woe of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glenn - s - guests. The luncheon tables wert F.NTERTAIN V IS IT O R iunduy evening, M ay 29. Guests served. Th e next meeting o f the Go T o Idaho— attractive with bouquets of flo w Mrs. Earnest Sieloff, district for the affair were Mr. and Mrs. L. group will be held at the home Mrs. "P u d " Long spent the week ers. president of the American Legion L. K reager and children; Mr. and of Mrs. G eorge Cleaver August 4 end with relatives in Boise. Her Mrs. Goode was presented a cor daughter, Evalyn. left Saturday auxiliary, who was in Nyssa on Mrs. Boo Rice and fam ily of Owy sage, and brought a special message for Nampa, where she will attend G IR L S H O LD B E N E F IT official business this week, was a nee, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Perry of to the 50 officers and past officers business college. 11 ,nj. and Mr and Mrs. Leo dinner guest at the home of Mr.>. A benefit card party was held uu Mi and Mrs. Dallas w ii- last Friday night at the Masonic who were presnet fo r the occasion R oland Laurence Tuesday evening iam i, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kimmei, hall by the members of the Job’s and a breakfa .t guest of Mrs. E. K Here From Idaho— .lr. and Mrs. Claude Smith, Mrs. Daughters. Burton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Renstronj had Prizes went to Mis. T o Attend Graduation— Mildred Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Farm er for high score at ’ Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Herrman as guests over the week-end Mr. —i — ilarl Williams and family, all of bridge, and to Eldon Ulmer for left last Saturday for Corvallis, and Mrs. P at Potter of Nampa. T R O O P ELECTS O FFICE R S syssa. traveling prize. At pinochle, prizes where they will attend the grad The two fam ilies sipent Sunday at Members of G irl Scout troop No went to Mrs. Orland Cheldelin for uation exercises at Oregon State the Owyhee dam. -5 - 4 enjoyed a swimming party at SCO UT T E A HELD high score and to Mrs. Henry H art college. Their daughter Harriet is Vale last Friday afternoon. Fol a member of this year's graduation Here From Ogden— The annua» G irl Scout tea was ley for traveling. lowing the swim the girls had a “ cook out" by the river. New o f ncid at the Masonic hall last W ed Cake and ice cream were served class. Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop and ficers elected for the coming year nesday afternoon for mothers and by the following committee; P h yl children of Ogden visited last week Mrs. lis are as follows: Partrol leader, friends of the members. Galloway, Donna Clieidelin, Visit In Nyssa— with Mrs. Bishop's mother, Mrs. Pauline Reynolds; vice patrol lead William Schireman, who is pres Donna and Lois Wilson, Keitha Visitors during the past week at E. H. Brumbach, and with other er, Phyllis Hadley; scirtoe arid ident of the G irl’s Scout council, Strautoaugh and Ann House. the O. E. Dorman home were Mr. relatives and friends in Nyssa and treasurer. Merle Burninghatn, and welcomed the girls and their guests. The party was a senior princess and Mrs. Fred Hansen and daugh- vicinity. Mrs. Schireman complimented the project for the educational fund. rep irtcr. Slierril Ohudd. outs foi some of their outstand -§ ~ ing achievements this past year, CLUB H A S D IN N E R L A U R A P. GOODE The members of the Friday even among which was the sale o f tick PRAISES VETERANS ing Mr. and Mrs. club were guests ets fur the amateur program, and he sale ol lilies for the crippled (Continued from rage 1) at a no-host dinner at the country liikiren's campaign. Mrs. Schire ■hi'» Sunday evening- Bridge fol courage to go on. man also told of plans for this For Small Homes From $43.95 lowed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "Our country was founded on Eidon Ulmer, with high score being summer's scout camp. religious principles. W e hear in A varied program was given by many places that the church has held by Warren Farmer, and sec Terms Available ond higli by Mrs. Eldon Ulmer. the troops f Mrs. C lifford Fox, failed. T h e church has not failed; Mrs. G rant Rinehart and Mrs. The meeting was the last for the we have failed the church. W e need OSTROM BROTHERS A PPLIA N C E Schireman. T h q program consist troup until full. faith in the righteousness of ed of the scout laws and promise, people, a faith in God and in such — 5— Your Westinghouse Dealer piano solos by Barbara Mosier arid a faith we must go on. S T A T E O fF IC E R V IS IT S Kristin Rinehart, a reading by “ One o f the outstanding purpos Mrs. Mae Logan of Portland, 50 and 52 North 1st Street Phyllis Fox, a solo by G arnet es of the American Legion is that late supervisor for the Royal Rit me, a tap dance by Caroline of preparedness. Many times it has Neighbors, was in Nyssa to attend Vaughan and a radio amateur pro seemed as though it were 'a voice l he meeting of the Royal Neigh gram with audience participation crying in tjie wilderness' for pre bors Tuesday evening at the I. O. by the members of Mrs. Schire- paredness, but America must be O. F. hall. Members of the On strong if she is to endure. Members tario lodge gave the closing drill. nian's troop. The tea table was arranged and of the American Legion and aux During the evening the follow - IT’S TIME FOR tile serving done by the members iliary must have faith to keep Am in.; program was presented: Piano oi Mrs. Clifford Fox's troop. erica strong” . solo by Phyllis Fox; tap dance, Kay - 5 - The national president closed her Hammun and Donna Focht; saxo B R ID G E CLUB MEETS address by status; that the faith phone solo, Hurland Fox; reading. Mrs. J. J. Sarazhi entertained the of the people as they sought to Gnu Pounds; ballet dance, Joanna Moore, and piano solo, Valde, members of her Tuesday afternoon carry out the plan and purpose of * I l. . . . I „lu t. n i U n e L icm n h ic w o n lr bridge club at her home t this -week the American Legion will help in Poulson. High score was held by Mrs. A C. keeping the heart and soul of Sallee and second high by Miss America free, and will remain fo r Eva Boydell. Miss Boydell and ever in the heart of a free people". Mrs. J. L. Herriman were guest Following Mrs. Goode’s address, players. tea was served under the auspices L O W RATES the Episcopal guild. The tea table - 1 - H O N O R E D O N B IR T H D A Y at the front of the theater was ED JAMISON & KEN POND Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kesler gave centered with large arrangements a surprise birthday party for their of blue delphinium and white peon Real Estate anti Insurance Agency son. Karl, age 12, last Thursday ies. Preceding the program and afternoon. during the tea hour, selections T h e 22 guests included K arl's were played on the solovox by Mrs. 100% Service llv Lew llcrriinan aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. G er D. O. Bybee. Some days begin with a bang, ald Goodfellow and three children Mrs. Goode was honor guest at but June 19th starts o ff with a of Payette rural route. K arl re- a luncheon given by the Nyssa Pop. T h a t’s Father's D a y ... a eived many nice gifts. R efresh iwenty-four hour recognition that ments were served by Mrs. Kesler. maybe the head o f the house is The boys played baseball during human. The movies and radio the afternoon. allows would have yo believe that Dad is no brighter than the law C H A T T E R B O X CLUB M EETS 15 n \ £ P ê - R Ï Z C T requires and that, if there are any Mrs. Harold Sisson was hostess ZXAMPL£ Of viHV stupid mistakes to be made, he'll IT PAÍS f o B u y go out of Ids way to make them. to the members of the Chatter Box He Is strictly for laughs, and ii club at her home Friday after A U 5ÍV CAP «Poní noon. Fifteen members answered you want to sneer a little, well, you've already bought your ticket. roll call with the names o f flowers So Just for a change, why not let that bloom in May. Guests for the Father know you tliink he’s not afternoon were Mrs. Washburn and in h a bad character after all? Mrs. Pearl Lundy. Ice cream, cake It ’ll really put starch In I ils morale. and coffee were served during the W £ MAXB BAQHÍV The Some banks are now offering afternoon by the hostess. .O UK riT L£ : left-handed checkbooks fo r left- next meeting w ill be held at the handed clients. And the bail ones Scott Hiatt home June 24. D 2 A L 2 T Z • will probably bounce from East to HOM E EC C LU B M EETS COMt /M foVAV West instead of vice-versa. W heth Twelve members o f the Home er you write with your left or your right, you gel the most reasonable Economics club of the grange were nests of Mrs. F. G. Holnips, as car repair prices in town at H KR- K IM A N M O TO R CO. A dandy sisted by Mrs. Roy Holmes, last Thursday afternoon. During the Father's Day g ift would be that box137r auto accessory lie's been wanting. business meeting plans were discus- A jy S S A . OR ¿¿a* -ed for tlie purpose of a new stove PWOA/Í 7 7 Phone 77. for the grange kitchen and with tlie possibility of Joining with the riding d u b in building a hall. Plans for the unnual grange picnic were also discussed. During tlie program hour. Mrs. -s- WESCO AIR COOLERS JUNE 19 Men’* Arrow Shirts Men’s Arrow Ties White ami Fancy Hand Painted and Fancy Satins 3.65 1.00 & 1.50 Stetson Men’s Hats Dress Socks A Wonderful Gift For Him Munsingwear Fancy Rayons 39c to 55c 10.00 to 18.00 Thoroughbred Hats $4.95 to $7.95 Crew Socks Sport Shirts The New Look In 50c to 75c Dress Shirts For Father Arrow and Campus Plain Pastel Colors 2.95 to 5.95 2.95 M A N Y OTHER GIFTS TO SUIT FATHER COME IN A N D SHOP FOR Y O U R F A T H E R ’S D A Y GIFTS N O W Hail Insurance Hay Insurance NEWS VIEWS Bv PLOTNER jup on gully OURèeUCTlOM^ GuMMHiiVCm WILSON BOOS. OEPI. SI ORE X-RAY SHOE FITTING Phone 32 Nys*a R E L IA B L E AWRIMAM MOTOR CO. NYSSA Telephone 1 0 8 p r o g r a m tHEATRE H errim an Motor Com pany We Have Added Two New Lines NOW FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 10 11 Janies Craig Joan Leslie Jaek Oakie -Chill Wills “ NORTH W EST STAM PEDE” Filmed in Cineeolor Here is a story of a Wild Stallion filmed in the Canadian Rockies. Actual Scenes of tin* Calgary Stampede are also shown. COLOR CARTOON T o Our Stock Of Merchandise Mat., Sat., 2:30;A(ftin. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Kvrninff* 44c-ir Inc. Tax The Public Eye S U N D A Y AND MONDAY, JUNE 12-13 Stiiring drama of powerful emotional con flicts and human weakness. . . told in a way to make women weep . . . and talk. “MY O W N TRUE L O V E ” Melvyn Douglas Phyllis Calvert Wanda Hendrix— Phillip Friend CARTO O N NEWS Mat., Sun. 1 : 39 , A dm. 30c-9c. Inc Adin. Evening* 44c-9c Inc. Tax Tax. T U E SD A Y AND W EDNESDAY. JUNE 14-15 Joel McCrea— Virginia Mayo Henry Hull Dorothy Malone John Archer— James Mitchell In “CO LO R AD O TERRITORY” A tremendous western drama in the heroic vastness of Colorado. Joel McCrea as the Mis souri outlaw tangles with a fiery Colorado Frontier Gal. CARTO O N SPORTS Is On Our INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CULTIVATOR SWEEPS Modern cultivation is high-speed cultivation — with >,.. . _t speeds up to five miles per hour. International Harvester tulu- vator .weeps are tough, sharp, dependable. * SA V E W O R K IN G TIM E * CUT O P E R A T IN G CO STS * CO N TRO L W EED S AN D G RA SS * IN CREASE FARM PRO FITS Whether you use all sweeps, or a combination o f sweeps and shovels, come in and let us fill your cultivating requirements. Be ready for bHltr culti vation, better crops, with IH Cultivator 5weeps. Xilmis.lon Fvrniiux 44c-9c. Im\ Tax T H U R S D A Y AND FRIDAY, JUNE 16 17 A scintillating story of modern marriage! Jeanne Crain— Linda Darnell Ann Southern Kirk Douglas Paul Douglas— Barbara Lawrence “A LETTER TO THREE W IV E S ” They were the smart set! but dumb about marriage .. Sophisticated! witty! Dramatic! OWYHEE TRUCK IMPLEMENT CO. & White and Wyckoff Stationery and Greeting Cards We are proud of our stationery offerings— Standard lines in a wide variety of styles and sizes— suitable for every occasion of correspondence. For men as well as women. Popularly prices, too. # 11 ^ \N e have the right greeting cards for every occasion— for that friend or relative who is sick, for birthday greetings, for mess ages o f congratulation on weddings and new arrivals; in short, for every purpose we have the cards. Hundreds to select from. PHONE 245 CULTIVATOR S W E E P S Adm. Evening* 44c-9c Inc. T u SIZE AND TYPE FOR EVERY NEED Gate City Journal Printer* and Stationers