Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 9, 1949 NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING trssyrs , j t s s discussing the budget ior the fiscal school year, beginning July I. 1949 and ending June 30, 1950, hereinafter set forth. P BUDGET Schedule 1 Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balances Total AU Funds IT E M ( 1 ) (3) (3) Estimated Receipts from Delinquent Taxes ..... ................... ....... ..................... .........$ 3.000 00 County School Fund .......... ................................... ....... 20,000 00 Basic School Support Fund ........ ........................... — ...---- 104.000 00 Stale Irreducible School Fund ......................... ...... 1.500 00 Vocational Education ................................................. ........ 9.500 00 Sale of Supplies, Property, or Equipment ................. ...... 2.000 00 Rentals ......................................... ...................... ...... 800 00 Other Sources ...................... ....................... ............... ...........- .... $458.000 00 Estimated T ota l Receipts ...................................... .... $598.800.00 Estimated Available Cash Balance or Deficit (Add Cash Balance— Deduct D eficit) ............... ...................... 8 , 000.00 11. Estimated Total Kegfcpts and Available Cash Balance or Deficit $606.900.00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. Schedule II— General Fund Junior High High Schools Schools 6. Total Expense of Gen. Con. $ 3.000.00 20,000.00 104.000.00 1500.00 9.500.00 2,000.00 800 00 $458.000.00 $458.000 00 $140.800 00 8 . 000.00 00 00 $458.000.00 $148,800.00 Estimated Estimated Expd. Expd. for the for the Ensuing Ensuing School Yr. School Yr. in Detail by Totals IT E M (1) (2) G E N E R AL C O N TR O L 1. Personal service: ( 1 ) Superintendent ........... $ 2,937.00 (2) Clerk ............................ 500.00 (3) Stenographers and other office assistants .... 727.50 (4) Compulsory education and census ....................... 276.75 2. Supplies ................................. 150 00 Elections and publicity 3. 100.00 4. Legal service (clerk's bond. audit, etc,) .......................... 100.00 5. Other expense of general control: (1) ..................................... 250.00 ( 4 ) Estimated Expenditures Elementary Schools I. Construction Fund i from bond sales) General Fund (3) 1,175.00 200.00 (4) (6) (7) Expenditures for Tw o Fiscal Years Next Preceding the Current School Year Detailed • First Year Expenditures for the last Give Yearly Year of the Totals Two-year Period (9> (8) 1,762.00 300.00 $ 5,874.00 1,000.00 $ 5,763.00 1,000.00 $ 5,283.50 291.00 436.50 1,455.00 1,375.00 1,334.75 110.75 75.00 40.00 112.50 90 00 60.00 500.00 315.00 200.00 500.00 250.00 200 00 187.50 344.09 353.38 40.00 60 00 200.00 2,225.00 100.00 150.00 500.00 500.00 42130 $ 2,031.75 $ 2,971.00 $ 10,044.00 $ 11,813.00 $ 8,514.46 850.00 $ 3,140.00 $ 6,115.00 $ 5,890.00 $ 5,656.00 00.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800 00 1,414,89 95.00 50.00 995.00 465.00 110.00 $ 5,515.00 770.00 •260.00 $ 8,945.00 685.00 250.00 $ 8,625.00 74427 246.49 $ 8,060.65 71,742.00 $ 22,504.75 « 42,705.00 75.00 3,410.00 1,900.00 25.00 1.420.00 600.00 200.00 2,025.00 50.00 $136,951.75 6,475.00 300.00 6,855.00 2,550.00 $125,637.00 7,000.00 250.00 6,280.00 2,650.00 325.00 77,452.00 150.00 $ 24,699.75 1,100.00 $ 46,060.00 1,575.00 $154,706.75 $ 97,053.96 3,736.57 625.51 4,55223 2,243.30 148.50 3,308.99 $111,669.06 $ 5,041.25 IN S T R U C T IO N — Supervision Personal service: (1> Principals ........................ $ 2,125.00 (4> Stenographers and other office assistants ................. 00.00 2. Supplies, principals and supervisors ....................... . 210.00 100.00 3. Other expense o f supervision. 4. Total Expense of Supervision $ 2,435.00 t $ (5) Budget Allowance in Detail for the Current School Yr. $ 10,044.00 589.94 . » 6,129.16 II. 1. H I. IN S T R U C T IO N —Teaching 1. Personal service: (1) Teachers ........................... $ (2) Veterans Program .......... 2. Library supplies, repairs ...... 3. Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) . 4. Textbooks ............................ 5. Tuition to other districts ..... 6. Other expense of teaching . . 7. Total Expense of Teaching $ IV. O P E R A T IO N OF P L A N T J. Personal service: (1) Janitors and other employees ........................... $ 2. Janitors' supplies .................. 3. Fuel ......................................... 4. Light and power ................... 5. W ater and Sewer ................... 6. Telephone ............................... 7. Other expense of operation ... 8. Total Expense of Operation $ M A IN T E N A N C E & R E PA IR S Repair and maintenance of furniture and equipment ... $ 2. Repair and maintenance of (1) Buildings S i Grounds ... . (2) Grounds ......................... 3. Other expense of maintenance and repairs ............................. 4. Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs $ $ $ 8,850.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 300.00 160.00 37.50 15,347.50 s $ 2.848.00 750.00 500.00 500.00 100.00 50.00 12.50 4,760.50 600.00 $ 200 00 $ 3,932.00 1,300.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 210.00 200.00 50.00 $ 8.392.00 $ 15,630.00 4,550.00 4,000.00 3,200.00 610.00 410.00 100.00 $ 28,500.00 $ 8,945.00 $154,706.75 $ 28,500.00 1,405.00 $143,222.00 $ 13,800.00 2,460.00 3,000.00 2,550.00 610.00 250.00 100.00 $ 22,760.00 $ 10.809.85 2,739.06 3,335.04 2.88826 451.40 323.03 143.65 $ 20,690.29 $ 4,397.09 ) 74,748 46 MISSOURI COUPLE M O VIN G TO K O LO N Y K IN G M A N K O L O N Y . June 9—Miss Ruth Kellogg and Wilm er Kellogg of Salina, Kansas and Rosco K el- logBd of Nyssa visited at the J. G. Lane home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ellen Sparks was a dinner guest at the Art Sparks home S a t urday. T. H. Holiday, who is a brother of Mrs. N. P. French, and his wife and her mother, Mrs. E n a Price, all of Ukiah, Oregon, visited at the N, P. French home Sunday. Bonny Rae Reuter has been staying at the J. G. Lane home since Friday night. Her mother was called to Baker, where hei father. H. P. Ritter, is in the hos pital, after undergoing a major operation. Shirley Sparks is convalescing from a tonsil operation. She was operated on Thursday. Peggy Ann Howard of Woods Cross, Utah is staying a month at the Max Howard home. Val Peterson o f Woods Cross, Utah visited at the M ax Howard home over Decoration day. Mrs. James Sneed and sons, Jim my and Johnny, were overnight quests at the Guy Moore home Sunday. Jimmy Sneed is spend ing a month at the Guy Moore home. Mr. and Mrs. Max Howard were in Weiser Sunday to attend an L. D. S. stake conference. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark of San Francisco are spending their vacation at the Guy Moore home. Mr. and Mrs. Seri Roberts of Ontario were dinner guests at the Ouy Moore home Sunday. Vernal Salter of Woods Cross, Utah visited at the Glenn Salter home over Memorial day. Mrs. David H all and son, Danlal. left Tuesday morning for their home in Coolidge, Arizona. They have beerg visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kreager. T h e 4-H saddle club m et Sunday with 18 members. They did some drilling and practiced for the horse show in Boise. Kenneth Olson’s father of Woods Cross, Utah is visiting here for a lew days. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst and David returned home Saturday a f ter visiting a week with their daughter, Mrs. Earnest Weeks of M yrtle Creek, Oregon. Don Elliot was a Sunday dinner guest of Ronald and K eith Lane M ary Ann Thiel accompanied Betty Lou Jarvis, Lorraine Hite, Molly Connaughty, P at Linville. Tom my Stevenson, and Charles Adams, to Snively’s swimming pool Monday afternoon. Mrs. Archie Moses accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Burt Sanders of O n tario to Elgin Sunday morning to attend the dedication ol a new school building. They returned home Monday evening. Henry Reuter and daughters, Donna and Slierryl, were Sunday dinner guests at the . G. Lane home. T h e household furniture o f Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleaver arrived this week from St. Louis, Missouri. A girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. James Phifer at the Nyssa Nurs ing home M ay 30. She was nam 1. VI. A U X IL IA R Y AGENCIES 1. Health service: Supplies and other expenses ............................... $ 2. Transportation of pupils: (1) Personal service ................ (1) Supplies and other expenses ............................. . (3) Repair and replacement o f busses .......................... 3. Total Expense of Auxiliary $ Agencies 700 00 2,10000 60000 $ 2,000.00 1,400 00 $ 4,800 00 18750 62.50 550.00 800.00 2,887.50 $ 962.50 $ 3,150.00 $ 7,000.00 37.50 $ 12 50 $ 25.00 $ 75,00 $ 7,000.00 1,400.00 $ 1,865.69 3,000.00 1,800.00 3,000.00 1,611.38 800.00 480 $ 7.000 00 $ 6,481.87 $ 75.00 $ 15.76 ed Kathleen. Mrs. Phifer returned trom the nursing home Friday and is at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toombs. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Holiday and sons stopped at the N. P. French home on their way to Lincoln, Nebraska. Mr. Holiday is Mrs. French's nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Claren. e Burd of Ontario were Sunday dinner guests at the N. P. French home. Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace and child ren of Coolidge. Arizona have ar rived to toe with Mr. Lovelace, who has been farming in the Kolony .his year. Howard Holland of Coolidge is visiting with them also. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Day of Adrian took Sunday dinner at the Arthur Case home. T W O RESIDENTS OF BIG BEND INJURED CHURCH G R O UP TO MEET THIS W EEK A PPLE V A LLE Y , Junt » —Mrs. Conley Wilson’s sister. Mrs. Glen Johnston, and son o f Caliente, Nevada are here to spend a week at the Wilson home and the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell. Miss Erma Abbott o f Roswell en tertained Miss Ferguson In her home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hild, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. H ild, Jr., went on a fishing and outing trip last week-end to Lost lake from F ri day until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dick spent the Memorial week-end In W alla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. James Tuning were Sunday dinner guests o>f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frltts. The W. S. C. S. will meet at the church this week. All ladies are invited to attend. A ll the Clarkson fam ily are sick this week with the mumps. Reverand and Mrs. Ernest and his brother, Paul Ernest, were Sun day dinner guests at the Leigli home this week. Many farmers of this section are haying this week. Tlie Gooing girls’ cousin. Miss Carol Dice of Boise, is spending the week with them. Miss Rosalie Horn stayed last week with her “ Grandma” Oarrett in Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilde of Nyssa and Mr. and' Mrs. Dwight Seward spent Memorial day at the home of Emery Rathibun. Mrs. Don Seward, Mrs. Dwight Seward, Mrs. Severt Fox and Mrs. Roscoe Kellogg are teaching Bible school in the Nyssa Nazarine church. The classes started M on day and will last two weeks. Miss Constance Horn Is staying this week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hild, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hild will bring her home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shultz. Mrs. Martha Norland and A rt were visitors at Owyhee at the home of her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnson went to Caldwell on business M on day. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Piltcher were Sunday visitors at the home of his parents, M r. and Mrs. B. E. Piltcher. B IG BEND, June 9—Glenn Will- .ams, attorney, was a guest at the Charles W itty home Saturday. Stork shower for Mrs. Eminit 3tutheit was given Thursday at the Bullen home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and Mrs. K in g’s brother, George Tureman, who is a former resident o f the Bend, called Friday on W. W Looney in Caldwell, who is also a former resident of the Bend. Mr. Looney is 92 years old. The Jolly Janes met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Zeb Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W itty and boys returned home Saturday from Sterling, Kansas, where they at tended the graduation exercises ol their two daughters, Lorina and Carol, and son-in-law, Herbert Oillen. Mr. and Mrs. G illen and Carol also returned with them to Big Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Joe K in g and George Tureman of Eureka. C ali fornia, went to Buker Decoration day. While there they visited Mrs. Kiisi's and Mr. Tureman's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hurdiman. Dale Teter was thrown from his tractor Saturday, and escaped with minor injuries when he was run over j> a lloat. Mrs. Elizabeth Stradley and son, Raymond, are working in the beets on the West farm in Newell Heights. Joe King caught his finger in a corn sheller on his farm May 27. The finger was broken and badly torn. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stradley and family spent Decoration day at the home of his brother, Elmer Strad ley of Nyssa. Johnny W itty was awarded a Has Heart Attack— Mrs. Damon Savage, who suffered Malheur county Pomana Grange 4-H scholorship for the summer a heart attack Monday, is receiv- In treatment at her home. school at Corvallis. PAINTS PITTSBURG W A LLPA PE R MIRRORS M ADE TO ORDER Ostrom Brothers Appliance Your Pittsburg Paint Dealer 50 and 52 North 1st Street DANCE $ 13.119.83 V. $ PAGE SEVEN C O W H O LLO W H ALL $ SATURDAY, JUNE II 5,198 26 SPONSORED BY 4,520.00 1,548 00 2,372.00 8,440 00 8.700 00 7,692.02 1,630.00 655.00 980.00 3,265.00 7,200.00 3,120.24 2,000 00 800.00 1.200.00 4,000 00 12,000.00 13,740.59 8.187.50 $ 3,015.50 $ 4,577.00 $ 15,780.00 $ 15,780 00 $ 27,975.00 $ 24,568 01 445.00 1.800.00 $ 2.245.00 $ 870.00 3.500 00 $ 4,370.00 $ 2,410 00 10.900 00 $ 13,31000 $ $ 13,310 00 $ 2,355.00 9,800.00 $ 12,155.00 $ 30.000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 25,000 00 917.02 2,250.00 2,650 00 7,075.00 7,675.00 5,404.89 100.00 350.00 $ 23,000.00 750.00 $ 57.825.00 750.00 $ 33,425.00 850.00 $ 7471.91 V II. F IX E D CHARGES 1. Insurance ................................ $ 1.095.00 5.600.00 2. Retirem ent ............................ $ 6,695.00 3. T otal Fixed Charges C A P IT A L O U T L A Y S 00.00 New buildings ........................ $ 2. New furniture, equipment and replacements 2,175.00 3. Other capital outlays: (1) Library books ............ 300.00 4. Total Capital Outlays $ 2,475.00 s 1,721.08 8,312.05 $ 10.033.13 Owyhee Riding Club SQ U A R E DANCE FEATURED $ 21,161.57 ADMISSION, INCLUDING TAX $1.20 $ 5,116.47 LU N C H SERVED M il. 1. IX. DEBT SERVICE— $ 32,360.00 Schedule V I— Summary of Estimates of Expenditures, Receipts and Available Balances, and Tax Levies $ 19,460 05 $778,562.13 (3) $301,310.75 Bond Int. Si Sink. Fund Total Sch. I l l (4) $ 19,251.38 606,800 00 148,800 00 00 00 458.000 00 171,762 13 152,510.75 1925138 00 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 00 00 00.00 $174,762.13 $155310.75 $ 19,251.38 « 00.00 $101,38.5 75 $ 7327638 $ 82,134 37 $ 73376 38 $ 19,251 38 $ 00 00 $ $ 00 00 00 00 N ON-BONDED t $ X. $ 57,825.00 EM ERGENCY .............. 1,200.00 1200.00 ........................ —- ........................ $ 1.200.00 $ $ 600.00 600.00 t 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ $ 432.22 432 22 $271375.00 $197,622 20 263 13 00.00 00.00 Total Schedule II— General Fund— Total estimated expenses for the year—sum of items 1-6. II-5. 1I I - 7, IV-8, V-4, VI-4, V II-4 , V II-7 , $301310.75 $ $149304 02 Schedule III — Bond Intere$t and Sinking Fund D EBT SERVICE-BOND IN TE R E S T AND S IN K IN G F IN D 1. Principal on bonds (include negotiable interest - bearing warrants issued under section 111-1016, O. C. L. A.) ............... Interest on bonds 3. Total Schedule III— Debt Service-Bonds and Interest $ 10,500 00 8,75138 $ 19,25138 $ 1945138 $ 10,500 00 2.069 38 t 12388 38 $ $ 5300 00 1.986 26 7,486 26 t 1633601 E S T IM A T E O F T A X LEVY ( 1 ) T otal estimated expenditures . . DEDUCT: T otal estimated receipts and avail able cash balances (Schedule I ) . Amount necessary to balance the budget: .......................................... AD D : Estimated amount o f taxes that will not be collected during the fiscal year fo r which this budget Is made .............. Total estimated tax levies fur ensuing fiscal year Analysis of estimated tax levies: Amount Inside 6% limitation Amount outside 6% limitation .. 1, ....... • 00.00 $304,800 00 $203 200.00 $508,000 00 —.......t 00 00 $304300 00 $203200 00 $506.00000 $508,000 00 $350,000 00 $ 40.000 00 $350,006.00 $ 40.000 00 $ 00.00 Schedule V — Special Improvement Fund (Serial Levy, Etc.) SPE C IAL IM PR O V E M E N T FUND- 1. New buildings ............ ............ 2. Total Schedule IV — Special Improvement Fund ---- --------- 2 ( ) General Fund T otal Beh. I I (5) $458.000.00 Indebtedness Schedule IV — Construction Fund (From Bond Issues) C O N S TR U C T IO N FUND— 1. New buildings 2. T otal Schedule IV — Construction Fund T ota l All Funds Const. Fund Tot Sch. IV $ 00 00 $ 26,000 00 $ 47377.71 t 00 00 $ 26.000 00 $ 47377 71 t 20.944 91 Amount of bonded indebtedness (include all neg otiable Interest-bearing warrants issued under $ 69,750 00 section 111-1016, O. C. L. A.) 2. Amount o f warrant indebtedness on warrants issued and endorsed "not paid fo r want of 00 00 funds" 00 00 4. Total Indebtedness isum of Items I, 2) $ 69.750 00 Dated this May 18, 1949 Approved by Budget Committee, M ay 18, 1949 Signed: Signed: H E N R Y H A R T L E Y , District Clerk. r . Ci W H IT A K E R . Secretary, Budget Committee R O LARSON, Chairman, Budget Committee E M IL A. STU N Z, Chairman, Board of Directors