Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1949)
PAGE SIX TH E N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, N YSSA, OREGON, Mrs. Anna Gregg and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and family. Mrs. Grover Cooper and Mrs. James Stephans attended a com SUNSET VALLEY, June 8— Mem mittee meeting Saturday afternoon bers of the Chalk Butte Home in Ontario at the home of Mrs. Economics club met Wednesday a f Clinton Keaslmg, chairman of the ternoon at the home of Mrs. El annual Oregon-Nebraska picnic. ver Nielsen. A demonstration o il Members of the entertainment textile painting was given by M rs.! committee made plans for the an Grover Cooper. Visiting guests were 1 nual picnic to be held the second Mrs. Rhodu Mettlin, Mrs. Ewen j Sunday in July at the Nyssa park. Chard and Mrs. Chaney of Nebras- j Unexpected visitors ut the Grover ka. who is visiting her daughter, J Cooper home Monday included Mr Mrs. Ernest Smith. The next meet and Mrs, Bud Tolman, Mr. and ing of the du b will be held at Mrs. Virgil Hline, Mrs. Ada Sny the home of Mrs. Robert Olp der of Boi..e and Mr. and Mrs. July (1. Harold Snyder and daughter, m.ik- Sunday evening visitors at the 13 for supper. Mrs. Ada Snyder William Oregg home were Miss | was an overnight guest at the Lillian Grn;g of Salem and her [ Cooper home, while the Pline fam finance. Leo Baton of Eugene; ily stayed overnight at the Harold WOMEN OF CHALK BUTTE CLUB MEET HOUSES FOR SALE Financed Through F. II. A. 10 per cent down payment Choice of Three I louses C. K. OLSON Phone 251-W MAKES HAY SILAGE UiQiucJk/i Twin... WITH LESS WORK...FEWER MEN _J This marvelous new Geld Forage Harvester will help you get greater production ami bigger profits. 'Jakes the heavy back breaking work of putting up hay urn I tilling the silo . . . dues the |obs faster and better than they were ever chute before. • Pick* it)» mid chop* D R Y H A Y • Pick* up Mini i hop* G R A SS S||.AGK from windrow • 1*1« ks up him ! ch op * < DM 111 N E D S I RAW w h i'h save* «tom ge .uni make* better betitlilitf. e tc.) chop« ami drop!« it lulu wagon. E. W. PRUYN ONE MAN can operate it. Sell-powered t»v an efficient engine. Au easy pull lor a tw o plow trio lor 'Hie Geld Forage Harvester is FINELY KNGI NF.KRKD . . ha* the t»c«t. «■h nn cutting nn-chn main minie I miiioiì .’« id other Geht ma* him *. Stim i colu i nu l mu throughout. Coate in a n d iee it Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts M EQUIPMENT CO. Filone 270W Thomas Jones. Anyone with sug- Frost reported on the proposed for- two children of Firth. Idaho left SUMMARY REPORT Tuesday morning for their home gestions Is invited to contact a ination of a community chest. The GIVEN ON CLINICS after visiting over the week-end member of the committee. | committee was authorized to pro- as guests of friends, Mr. and Mrs. HELD IN COUNTY A committee headed by Bernard ceed further with its investigations. Andrew Titland. Six-year-old Marion Potter of A summary report issued this Idaho Falls is visiting at the home i week by the Malheur county health of Ailan Titland. Mr and Mrs. James Chadd and department revealed that during daughter picnicked Sunday at the March, April and May 1838 indiv Weiser park with the Clyde Dider- iduals were given immunizations at icksen and Homer Didericksen clinics held by the department m families. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott of Pay co-operation with local residents. Of the 1938 individuals. 620 were CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS ette were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Scott's grandpar pre-school children, 1141 grade ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell. school children and 77 high school WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe and daughters visited Monday at the children. Three hundred and forty- SCREEN DOORS were vaccinated against homes of Burl Collins in New Ply seven mouth and Victor Johnson in Cald smallpox. 1731 were immunized Phone 118J Free Estimates well. Mrs. Veva Castle, who has against diphtheria, 314 immunized .spent the past week at the John against whoopng cough and 262 son home, returned with the Wolfe against tetanus; 497 were given family. first innoculations for from one to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willards ana three of the diseases and 1441 were children left Wednesday on then given "booster” innoculatioiis for way east to attend a reunion of from one to three of the diseases Mrs. Willards’ family in Sioux and / or vaccinations for smallpox. FOR Falls, South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs The schools served Included Nys Willards had spent a week visiting sa grade school, including Arcadia at the home of Willards' sister, and Oregon Trail; Rtdgeview, M c- Mrs. Albert Notheis. Dermitt, Folly Farm, Juntura, Iron Mr. and Mrs. Don Strickland side, Westfall, Harper, Grove, WÜ1- and daughter and Mr and Mrs. owereek, Lincoln, Annex, Valley LaVurr Hawkins had a fried chick View, Owyliee, Adrian, Lower Bend, en dinner Sunday Sunday at the Wade, Lindberg, Conklin and Vale. WASHED AND GRADED Wyatt Smith home. Mido Okano arrived home Sat urday after completing the third CHAMBER SELECTS Phone 024,11 year’s work at Washington State HOSPITAL HELPERS college at Pullman. Mido is study ing pharmacy. A committee was appointed by Many of the L. D. S. members President Fred Bracken at a lunch attended the quarterly stake con eon of the Nyssa chamber of com ference held all day Sunday in merce Wednesday noon to consider the Welser high school gymnasium. means of raising additional money Nyssa, Oregon Little Gary Rookstool is reported for the Malheur Memorial hos getting along fine after his severe pital. burn. Part of the bandages have Members of the committee are peen removed. Harry Miner, Robert Thompson. Mrs. James Langley retunied Robert Talbot, Edison Child and home Monday from the Samaritan hospital. Callers during the week were Mrs. Jesse Gregg, Mrs. Will iam Gregg and Mrs. Pete Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. 'Hobson att ended the graduation exercises of the Northwest Nazarene college over the week-end, and were Sun day dinner guests in Nampa at the Floyd Perkins home. James Lang ley and two sons were also dinn er guests. THf « to a n NORTH ■ TMf fXCITlNO EAST Elmer Ellison oi Arena valley was a week-end guest at the home of Mr.* and Mrs. Ora Newgen. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Britton and five children of Canon City, Colo rado arrived Monday at the home of W. S. Britton, brother of Aldred The Britton family plan on stay ing here. Over 30 attended the young peo ple’s monthly meeting at the Ass embly of God church Friday even ing. Games were followed by supp er. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wolfe and family were dinner guests at the I Carl Mitzel home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Grottveit of j Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Titland. Miss Marian Price left Sunday I for Nampa, where she will take a 10'j months course of training at the Peacock Beauty school. She was graduated last week from the Adrian high school. Pick your f a v o r i t e vacationland, Sunday evening visitors at the pack your bag, and head for pleas Hlroto Okano home were Mr. and ure unlimited by G R E Y H O U N D . 3 6 0 C m . Ft. ra p a city . I f Mrs. Roy Harai and children ot See m ore — go one way, return w M a. 40* h igh , 9 ' deep. Newell heights. a n o t h e r . R oom y, a ir -con d ition ed As over 80 per cent of the res S u p e r - C o a c h e s provide genuine idents of Sunset valley have long "PAYS FOR ITSELF IN A SEA SO N ." That’s what many travel enjoym ent — a n d th e re a re been signed up for telephones, they fanners say about this famous F a r m h a n d Hydraulic no lo w e r ta re s! Let your G reyhound are all wishing success for the e ff Agent help plan your trip today. Loader with its big Hay Basket that sweeps up windrows orts made by the Grange organiza at 15 m.p.h., stacks hay high and fast with its 21-foot tion. JO IN GOLD RUSH DAYS reach (26 feet, with Pushoff attachment). Lifts Vi ton o f The Owyhee L. D. S. primary IDAHO SPRINGS, COLORADO hay in ’/a minute with smooth hydraulic power con lues made plans for primary classes THE FRONTIER DAYS to be held every other Thursday trolled from tractor. Saves work . . . saves time . . . saves CHEYENNE, WYOMING during the summer months. C h i l costs by doing the jo b o f a whole crew o f men! Seven : U N I C ALIFORNIA C E N TE N N IA L dren from the ages of three to 12 years of top performance on thousands o f farms proves will be divided into three group FREE I W rite o r p h o n e fo r F R E E that F a r m h a n d is your best buy for haying—and for ings for the study of foreign count F O L D E R S d e s c rib in g A m a x i n g more than 50 tough lifting, loading and moving jobs on ries and the life and customs of A m e r ic a T o u r s — p le a s u r e -p la n n e d your farm. See it I the different people. v a c a tio n s, in c lu d in g h o te ls, tra n s Mr. and Mrs. Joe Saito m / u . 1 p o rta tio n , s p e c ia l s ig h tse e in g — a ll daughter, Carrie, of Ontario, and toe o n e low coat! Mi and Mrs. Leonard Newgen of Nyssa were supper guests of Mr. Depot At and Mrs. Thomas Nishitanl Sun day evening. Carl’s Doll House Wednesday evening visitors at the Delbert Garner home were Mr. GREYHOUND I P i n s IN COURTESY! and Mrs. Dewey Garner oi Enunett. Charles Share of Ontario was a visitor and dinner guest at the Lyman Pomeroy home Wednesday on his way to Sagebrush to help | in the annual gathering of horses in the hills. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin. | accompanied by Mrs. Merrick, are planning on attending the Eastern Oregon College of Education grad- j uatlon excercLses at La Orande BUILT TO LAST PRICED TO SELL \ June 10. Marjorie Merrick and Beth Chapin will receive then diplomas at that time, and then t eturn home with their parents. The Idaho Power company had to turn the electricity off for sev eral hours Tuesday while the rec lamation drag-line was moved ac- | cross Hie road from the H. A. j Wilson farm to the Ora Newgen farm. The drainage ditch work is moving right along. Mrs. Ira Price and daughters, Hci iui'dme and Marian, visited Tuesday at the Otto Wolfe home in Nampa. Attending the picnic and bah I Daveno and Chair Sets at our regular low prices and with each set game in Boise Sunday were the Casmier Rataezyk, Frank Rataezyk , and Harry Rataezyk families. It was an annual affair Boise vs Gooding Boise won by a score ot 16 to 15. Snyder home. Mrs. Charlie Schweizer was hos- tcss Thursday afternoon to 13 mem bers of tne Sun-et auxiliary. A vis it in.; gue.t was Mrs. Christine Hav ens of Soutis Dakota, who was cel- eorating her bath birthday. Mrs. Havens is the mother of Mrs Frank Briggs. Rcfrestunents were served. i :.i■ July meetim will be held at he home of Mrs. Nelson Field. Mr and Mrs. Jotin Reffeit left Wednesday for Danville, Illinois to attend the Keffett family reunion lield annually ill the Garfield park of Danville, when all of the 12 Reffeit brothers and sisters and their families get together. Mr. and Mrs. Reffett plan on touring the juthern states also, returning home in ab mt a month. Last week was an unexpectedly jusy week for Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmiek. On Monday. Mr. and Mrs. intonio Arrizabaloga and two chil- lren of Boise arrived, accompanied iy Paul Cox of Los Angeles. Paul Cux, a Nyssa high school graduate and son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox, former residents of this vall ey. has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Arrizabaloga of Boise and al so cousins In Ontario. Cox is now employed in the Santa Monica, California oil fields on construc tion and maintenance work On Wednesday, Cox visited the farm ol Mr and Mrs. Dimmiek, who att ended the riding club drill practice and welner roast and William Buff ington of Nampa was an overnight guest. Then on Thusday, relatives ol Mrs Dimmiek, who had been visiting at Raymonsville, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reeves and dau ghter, Jo Ann, arrived. Reeves had recently finished attending a school on refrigeration In Portland. Mrs. Reeves i a niece of Mrs. Dimmiek. Accompanying the Reeves was Mi Reeves' sister, Miss Marcia Reeve., ol Raymondsville, Texas, who plans on living in Weston, Washington, where Mr. and Mrs. Reeves reside Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb mov ed Tuesday into their newly-pur chased home in south Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. James Robb were dinner guests at the Homer Dider- icksen home in Caldwell Sunday. Ontario shoppers during the week were Mrs. Harold Fyllingness, Mrs Henry Hlntz, Mrs. Robert Ditty, Chariott“ Ditty and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Styhl and Separate F O R A G E It LOW Lit elevate* tin- for.uc into ado or iuom and accessories Phone 56-W Nyssa, Oregon TH U R SD A Y, JUNE 9, 1949 Qstrom (Cabinet Shop Sand and Gravel F. J . Strasbaugh Take choice... SAV6 5 /VIEWS ) WORK WITH YOUR FARMHAND LOADER PLUS HAV BASKET Farmhand ^ Hydraulic Loaders B. 81 EQUIPMENT CO. FURNITURE We buy everything we can from this man l l r g o es Ivy a lot «1 names, lives in almost every tow n and city in the West, ami even if you d o n ’t recognize Ins picture, you probably know him well, l i e ’s your local b u sin essm a n ... Instead ol centralizing all our buying, we make it a point wherever possible, to do business with Special Purchase - - Swing Rockers $ 2 9 .5 0 each New Davenos FREE |H-oplc in the home towns we serve. Paper, pen cils, paint, hose, carpentry, shovels, electric lights, engineering, p ipe...all the things it takes to keep a company like ours g o in g are bought on this basis. Last sear, more than 10.000 businesses in the Wes« received orders Iron« .s«.iii>l.iril ut ( .ilitum i.i lor more d u n UM million dollars w orth o l oc|tu¡s- ment, supplies and services. S t a n d a r d O i l C o m p a n y of C a l i f o r n i a Taxi TERMS $ 4 9 .5 0 I 7-way Floor Lamp I Cocktail or Coffee Table FREE DELIVERY Trailways But Depot It Always Pays to Shop, First and Last at Phone 217 ED. CASE’S FURNITURE BARGAIN CENTER Dave Thomas U. S. 20, No. of Y , Nyssa