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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, PROGRAM PLANNED FOR BIBLE SCHOOL program will be given and certif icates will be awarded those at tending all 10 days of the school. On Friday afternoon a picnic is planned for the pupils and their parents or anyone interested in at tending. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Love left Saturday morning for the Klam ath Falls trout hatchery to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Green. Anne Duncan arrived by bus from OW YHEE, une 9 —Bible school Payette Wednesday to spend a few days with her great-aunt, Mts. under the auspicies of the Owyhee Martha Klingback. Her parents, Sunday school opened Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Jay Duncan, came a f morning, May 31 with 72 children ter her Sunday. enrolled and will continue through Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dempsey oi June 10. O n Sunday evening a Nampa were Sunday visitors in the Wilson W inter home. Miss Lenore Carr and Caryl Grant of Renesselaer, Indiana, Miss General Contracting and Ann Duncan of Payette, Mrs. M ar Building tha Klingback and Fred and K en Custom-Built Cabinets and neth McDonald and children made Furniture a trip to Owyhee dam Thursday. Furniture Repairing and Werner Peutz went to Beulah Refinishing dam Sunday on a fishing trip with m miles north of Nyssa-Parma W illie and Glenn McGinnis of Junction Nyssa. and Alvin McGinnis of A d Highway 95 Phone 023J1 rian. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skinner left Thursday morning for a visgt with her parents, M r. and Mrs. Dnrra- gree of Canon City, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner will visit other relatives in Colorado and Kansas before their return. A picnic dinner was served on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Martha Klingback Sunday to the following guests: Miss Lenore Carr and Miss Caryl Grant of Renes- Every person interested in keeping Owyhee selaer, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Duncan and fam ily of Payette, cemetery looking nice is asked to contribute to Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg and its upkeep. W e had to buy a new mower, leav daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ing the treasury without funds. McDonald and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and children and Money may be left with any member of the j Fred Kingtoack. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Peutz and board or at the First National bank, Nyssa, Ore. i Mrs. Werner Peutz and Wanda Owyhee cemetery board. George Schweizer. chairman; Charles made a business trip to Payette Culbertson. Werner Peutz, Kenneth McDonald and S. D. Bigelow, Monday. treasurer. Mrs. Gerald Slippy is helping in the evenings at Skinner’s store I while Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skinner are away. Mrs. Archie Moses went to Elgin, Oregon last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanders of Ontario to visit friends and attend the dedi cation of a new school building. Mrs. Mary Williams left Thurs day 'for her home in Am ity after visiting here for several weeks with with her son, Darrell Williams, and family. Mr. and Mrs. G erritt Stam of Nyssa called in the George Schweizer home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz and Wanda, and Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz made a trip to Evergreen last Tuesday and looked over the site where the W illiam Peutz are to build a summer cabin. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Douglas and sons were Sunday dinner guests at the Russell Patton, Jr. home. Mrs. Rex Walters and daughter, Brenda, and neice, Verna Adcock DR. G. W. GRAVES Optometrist Eyes Examined Phone 720 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho Johnson Cabinet _____ Shop N O T IC E PO TA TO ES ON ION S CASH BUYER Rex D. Mathews & Co. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID. CONTRACTING NOW. SEE OR CALL HERB FISHER TO M ELDREDGE Phone 272W Phone 71W O f fie Phone 49 W Guaranteed Repairs On House and Car Radios and Electric Fences PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Nyssa, Oregon B U IL D IN G O R E G O N NYSSA, of Boise called in the Ellia Walters home Sunday and Brenda stayed to spend some time with her grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barker, Mr, and Mrs. Bud Eaton and son of Fruitland, Helen Barker of Ontario, Leroy Seward of Parma, and W il burn K ellog of Niles, Kansas were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams. Mrs Mildred Hite left Monday for Pleasant Valley to take her sister. Mrs. Lenora Hawkins, back to La Grande to have the bandages removed after an eye operation performed last week. Mrs. Hite plans to stay with her sister all week. Miss Lenore Carr and her niece, Caryl Grant, of Rensselaer, Indiana, eft Monday morning on the bus for Walla Walla, where they will visit for a week with cousins of Miss Carr and then go to Bay City to visit in the Prank DeBord home for a week. Mrs. De Bord and Miss Carr are cousins also. Mrs. Emory Hobson and Mrs. George Schweizer shopped in P ay ette Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rhodes of Portland visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes were on their way home after a trip back east. Mrs. Rhodes and Mr. Skinner are cous ins. Mrs. John Westfall and children of Hines, Oregon, visited from Wednesday until Saturday with Mrs. W estfall's sister, Mrs. Darrell Williams, and other relatives. Farmers are cutting hay this week and many are hoeing their beets. Nyssa rodeo grounds. Regular practice will be held every W ed nesday evening. Here From Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bippen of Portland arrived in Nyssa Sunday for a few days visit with relatives, Mrs. William Coleman and fam ily and the Ward family. Mrs. Bippen Is Mrs. Coleman's daughter. T lie visitors left for home Wednesday. Here From Texas— Mrs. Letha Jeffrey and son. Charles, of Austin. Texas visited friends In Nyssa Tuesday. T hey were en route to California with friends on a vacation trip. Mrs. Jeffrey formerly owned the Owyhee Beauty shop in Nyssa. New GROWENA CHECKER-ETTS GROW B IG PU LLETS/ FA ST! Kiders Practice— Over 50 members o f the Owyhee Riding club turned out for the first drill practice and weiner roast held Wednesday evening at the You'll like Grow ena Checker-Etts for other reasons, too — they re ea sy to pour, don't blow from feeders, there's less waste. Growena Checker Etts are Purina Growena in a NEW FORM that grows big. w ell developed pullet« MRS. CHAS. HARRIS INJURED BY KNIFE even (aster than G row ena mash. Checker-Etts are tiny particles from mash to bite size — in lust N EW E LL HEIG H TS, June 9—The traveling library for summer read ing made its first stop last Thurs day at the homes of Mrs. George Bessendcrfer, Mrs. Maurice Judd and Mrs. Jake Borge. Mrs. Charles Harris is incapaci tated on account of running a knife through her hand Monday morning. Couples from Newell Heights who attended the L. D. 8. conference Sunday in Weiser were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Short, Mr. and Mrs. Les Stoker and Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson. M r. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz a t tended the baccalaureate and com mencement exercises at the Col lege o f Idaho Sunday and Monday, when their son, Merle, was grad uated. Merle held the honor of having the cum laude rating In the department of zoology. He will enter medical school in Portland next fall. Jewell Wilson of Caldwell visited Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd Sun day. M r. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz vis ited at the home of Dr. Hayman and w ife in Caldwell. Later they attended a tea in honor o f the seniors of the College of Idaho and their parents, Mrs. Jake Borge has been help ing vi(ith the vacation Bible school at Adrian for the past two weeks. Youngsters attending from Newell Heights are Carol, Sheron, Darrel, Norland, Terry, K ay and Dale Borge. Sharon, Jane, Sonny and Larry Goulet have Just completed nine days of Catholic summer school in Ontario. Mrs. Delores Hammon and daughter, Betty and La Nay, are the variety birds like. They eat Checker Etts better — grow faster. * *. This year be sure to grow your pullets RIGHT the Purina w a y . See us today for Checker-Efts — Grow ena. complete ration— G row ing Chow, to feed with grain. .WORM PULLETS AT 10-12 WEEKS lust mix Purina Chek-R-Ton in the feed. Chek R-Ton gets up to 93.6% of the la rge roundworms — with no shock to the birds. U se PURINA CHEK-R-TON Y O U R S T O R E WITH THE C H E C K E R B O A R D SI GN TOBLER’S Phone FEED 26 AND FUEL * * * * m P A W A Don B. Moss FIRESTONE STORE REMEMBER: Any Used Car is no better than the Dealer who sells and services it. Daily throughout Oregon, people in every walk of life are learning what this "Building Oregon” program means to them. By providing complete, easy-to-use banking services, we assist them toward individual financial security. Through these constructive banking services we help build by fam ily... farm by by business. GU ARANTEED USED CARS 1947 Chevrolet Aero sedan .......... $565 Down R. & H. Seat Covers, A one-Owner car 1938 Oldsmobile Coupe, ............... $222 Down Very clean , two tone, good rubber, R. & H. 1941 Chevrolet 5 passenger coupe .. $378 Down We want you, too, to be familiar with all our banking services because we know many of them can be most helpful to matter how large or how small your bank transactions. 1941 Buick, Super 4 door sedan .... $332 Down R. & H. seat covers, reconditioned New paint. Atk for Your "Got-Acquolntod" Booklol Howl heater A very good one-owner car 1940 Ford coupe A fine car ............................ $282 Down An excellent car throughout GOOD FISHING OR WORK CARS the 1935 Ford .................................................... $245 many ways our bank can help you. A v is itii^ Mrs. Hammon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Butterfield, in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. B ill K u rtz left tile M . L. Kurtz home Thursday for North Powder. W hile they were here they visited Walter M cPart- land and Dennis Patch in Nyssa. Mr. Goulet has installed a sprink ler system for his lawn and garden. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenn are moving onto the lower corner of Jake Borge's place. Mr. and Mrs. Merle K u rtz of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. W ill Gahley of Parma were at the M L. Kurtz home to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kurtz Wednesday. Jake Borge has completed a pipe line fo r irrigation on the east side o f his farm. Caroline Schiemer. Arlene Piercy, and Betty Lou Newbill left for Nampa Sunday to enter Link., Business college. Buy W ith Confidence ...Fam ily by family ...Farm by farm ...Business by business Th is new booklet explains in detail PAGE FIVE OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1949 copy awaits you at any banking ofhct in the First N ational Group. 1933 Chevrolet 2 door ......................... 1929 Ford Pick-up, model A $185 ........ $125 NYSSA BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK Nyssa Motors Mum* notait otrosí! laauaAMci coaroaanoa Main Street • • • . Phone 188J