V TUE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1949 PACE FOUR ADRIAN BOY SCOUT DRIVE NETS $315 ADRIAN, June 9—The Boy Scout drive in the Adrian community, has at the present time netted $315.00, with other donations still coming in for a later count. Mrs. Junior Matthews was a Sun day dinner guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Case, in Arena valley. Cliff and Bill Looney, sons of Mr and Mrs. Bill Looney, are con- iuied at home with the measles. Miss Esther Polgeman of Nampa was a Sunday visitor at the home ot Mr and Mrs. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Looney and son of Caldwell visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney, Mi and Mrs. E. E. Parker, and Mr. and Mrs. Henderson. Mrs. Ellen Soarks of Boise is spending part uf her vacation visiting her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks. Mrs. Fern Hansen is aptnding this week visltng in Vale with Mr Hansen's sister, Mary Flowes. Mrs. William Ashcraft attended the L. D. S. conference in Weisci Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Bob Hamilton of Arock were Thursday evening vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ashcraft. On Thursday, June 16 the Free Methodist church in Adrian will N otice 0 f A n n u a l School 1Election Notiee is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 26-e of Malheur County, State of Oregon, that the Annual Election of said district will be held at the elementary school 1Detween the hours of 2:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. on the third Monday of June, being the 20t! day of June, A. I). 19 49. This election is called for the purpose of electing one director for a tei m of five years. I )ate< this 9th day of June, 1949. Attest : Henry H. Hartley District Clei k Emil A. Stunz Chairman, Board Directors The Oliver No. 22 Mower Is just as good as the old Oliver horse mower we’ve heard so much about TWO CASTER WHEELS ROLLER CHAIN OIL BATH DRIVE HEAVY RUGGED CONSTRUCTION Look The No. 22 Over Before You Buy Fits Any Tractor “ The House of Oliver” Nyssa Implement Company have a special speaker, Rev. Jacks of Payette. He will show a movie about the work and accomplish ments of the missionaries. Mis WUUam Ashcraft visited Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. Nelson In Nampa. Mrs. Glenwood Pounds visited in Vale Sunday. Her niece. Mi^s D ana Hart of SusanvlUe, Cali fornia accompanied her home for a short visit over Monday. Glenwood Pounds and Rich Holly made a business trip to Vale F t .- iay. Mr-. Henry Reuter left Friday for Union to be with her father, who is ill. Mr. Reuter and daugh ter. Donna, left Tuesday to join her. Mr. and Mrs. Quiftley «nd Mr. and Mrs. Cahill of Nyssa were ;ue^ts Sunday at the home of Mr. an I Mr, K. I. Peterson Henry Moore, son of Rev. and Mrs. Henry Moore, is home from i college at Sterling, Kansas for the summer. Miss Arlene Peterson is visiting | iier parent , Mr. and Mrs. K I. Peterson, for the summer. She has been teaching for the past year in the high school at Scap- Ijoose, Oregon. Mis-, Beiiy Moore of Portland visited her parents. Rev. and Mrs. | Moore, from Thursday until Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly and Ted, and Jim Miller fished over Thuis- lav on the north fork of the Malheur river. Mrs. Phyllis Shan) of Pocatello visited her sister, Mrs. E. E. East man. over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and son, Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly and son. Ted, Mrs. Ray Holly and daughter, Sylvia, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Timmerman and Rich Holly were guests Tuesday evening at a birthday party given at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Pounds in honor of their daughter, Mrs. Rich Holly. Mrs. Gcrritt Timmerman of New ell Heights visited Mrs. Rich Holly Friday. „ „ Miss Scliuman left Tuesday morning for Chicago. Mrs. Eleanor Sullivan of Boise, and Muss Verda McKee of La Cioiu-» Washington, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keller. Mr. and Mis. Charles West and Mis. Ada Pearl Scott were Cald well shoppers Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Ed Hansen and family are new residents of Adrian. They have opened a new drug store here. They are not complet ely settled but have their store open for business now. They plan to have a grand <»|>ening at a later dale. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown at tended an Eastern Star meeting in Nyssa Monday. Miss Patricia Smith was an over night guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mackey and family were Thursday evening din ner guests at Uie home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mackey. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Helton of Boise were overnight guests Wed nesday at the home of Mrs. Helt on's brother, Jerry Mackey. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lydy and duiiiihter of Madras and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mackey and family were dinner guests Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gowey. Mrs. George DeHaven of Adrian and Mr. and Mrs. Day Landau of Nyssa were Sunday visitors at 'he home of Mr. and Mrs. Bottenheim- er of Roswell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis visited Suturday night with Mr. and Mrs. John Mumns of South Owyhee. The Garden club will tour with their leader. Mrs. George DeHaven. Tuesday, inspecting gardens of all 4-H Garden du b members. Mrs. Mary Powell and brother, Tom Welsh, had dinner Sunday with a childhood chum, Mrs. Cecil Scott, and her father, Charles Purdy. They also visited another friend. Mrs. Geuff Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Brewer, Mrs. Mildred Hite and Mrs. Threl- ma Elliott visited Sunday with Mrs. Jimmy Wilson and new baby son in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Norris, Miss Schurnan and Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright fished Sunday on the Little Malheur. 4-H MEMBERS GO TO SUMMER SCHOOL NU-ACRES, June9—Mr and Mrs. John Blalok, returned to Klamath Fails, Oregon from Ohio, called on Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Blalok and Mr. and Mrs. Sager and fam ily went to the New Plymouth Baptist church Sunday evening to Hear Dan Gilbert of Washington, D. C. speak. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Sager and Marjorie of Middleton were Mon day afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sister. Mrs. Merl Thomson and Gary left Tuesday for Lyons, Kansas to visit her mother. En route they will stop at Rawlins, Wyoming to visit her brother and sister there. Mrs. Thomson and Gary plan to be gone about two weeks. Names of the 4-H members go ing to Moscow 4-H school this summer were listed last week but the following names were left out: Terryl Samuels, Horace Wood and Dale and Carol Montague. Mrs. F. C. Fry took five o t the children to Payette early Sunday morning to catch the bus for Mos cow. On the way home. Mrs. Fry stopped in Fruitland at the Ever green Auto court to see her son, Richard, and had breakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Curtis. Fri day afternoon Mrs. Fry made a business trip to New Plymouth and returning home, she called at the were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. friends. His address is Roger Jen and Mrs. Frank Preston. Denny kins, S. R. 269-29-73 USN, Com p Arisen Davis residence. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen were Thorpe returned to Caldwell with any 49-121. U. S. N. training cen Sunday supper guests of Mr. and his mother after spending two ter, San Die«o 33, California. weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Preston. ' Mrs. Frank Olson. Mr and Mrs. Ira Tish of Green- Joy Cullen left Tuesday with Mrs. leaf were Thursday evening guests A ttend G raduation— Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daly went Robinette far Squaw creek for a of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans. two-week vacation in the moun Roger Jenkins is now stationed to McMinnville last week-end to tains. in San Diego. He said he would attend the graduation of their son, Mrs. Wherry and Jake Myer of appreciate any and all letters from John F Daly, from Linfield college. New Plymouth were Sunday sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney. Ed Meroney purchased a new Oliver "70" tractor. Most of the farmers of this com munity started putting up the first cutting of hay this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit at tended the pmochle party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Grool of Arcadia Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henne called at the Lyle Gordy home in Home- dale Sunday and found that Mr. Gordy was in a hospital in Boise. Richard Grasmick underwent an appendectomy at the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario Tuesday, re 8:30 p. m., under the lights turning home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrin Woll of Baker, Oregon were Monday even ing guests at the home of Mr. and •/ Mrs. L. O. Hawley. Mr. Woll is Mrs. Hawley's brother. Adm. 60c and 25c, Inc Tax Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Climer and twin daughters of Boise were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Caward and Mrs. Harry Ames of Caldwell. Mr. Evans and Mrs. Ames are brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Keck j and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Keck's parents in , Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Church and Ellen Sager were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hailey Sager and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Taylor and family of Wilder and Mrs. Ann i Thorpe and Jeannie of Caldwell i American Legion Junior Baseball TUESDAY, JUNE 14 Nvssa Field USED FURNITURE FOR SALE LUMBER AT PRE WAR PRICES Yellow Bowl Pipe Cam era $ 8 5 .0 0 Tawn Sets 8 MM Nylon Shave Brush Ronson Lighters Tie Packs Razors $1800 and $21.00 We Also Have 1 x 12 Rough Lumber For Hay Slips at .$55 Good Velour Cover $ 2 7 .5 0 Sew ing M achine Very Good Condition DO YOU NEED MONEY TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? $ 8 .9 5 D in in g Table Solid Hardwood Two Leaves COME IN AND SEE US $ 1 7 .5 0 Sin gle Bed, Steel We can take care of all your expenses, in cluding labor and material, on any re-mod- eling job. Coil Springs, Cotton Mattress $950 Ice Boxes Good Condition N YSSA LUMBER CO. Nyssa Furniture Co. John E. Ostrom, Owner 1 Block West of II. R. Depot COFFEE, Mission, 2 lb. Tin ....................... 89c DOG FOOD, Please, 3 cans ....................... 25c “ DIRECTOR FRUIT COCKTAIL, Del Monte, 2»/* Tin ...36c PINEAPPLE, Del Monte, No. 2 tin ........... 33c BILLFOLD JELLO, assorted, 3 for ............................... 25c SHOE STRING POTATOES, BISQUICK, large size, each ....................... 45c SUPER SUDS, large size, 2 for ................. 45c KOOL-AID, 48 pack carton, each ...... HAM HOCKS, for flavoring, tb ............... 29c The ftP» s o t t m en w a n t T w o h a r * ke y i j i kefv a n d o t h e r e * J u » iv e 1««. ture» tìlack levant f r a m e d p ig sk in . $1.99 BOYSENBERRY JAM. Del Monte, 1 lb jar, 2 for ............................................... 43c CLEANSER, Swifts, 3 for ^ 5 1 2'/2 Tin, 2 for 35c HAMBURGER, fresh ground beef, 31bs $1.00 SAUSAGE, Lean Pork, 3 lbs ................... $1.00 .................... 27c LUNCH MEAT, Minced Ham, 3 lb s ....... $1.00 CATSUP, Argo, 14 oz. bottle, 2 for ........... 25c KIPPERED HERRING, tasty, tb ............. 42c Hours: Weekdays— 8 a. m. to 9 p. m Sundays— 12 noon to 9 p. m. Bronze Horses Plus 20' ; Tax on Taxable Items Prescriptions Precision Filled Phone 255-W 2nd and Good Wilson’s Super Market Owyhee Drug Company G. II. Peirsol $ 2 9 .5 0 Daveno Paint in 5 Gallon Lots, $3.50 gallon WAXED PAPER, Kitchen Charm 125’, Ea. 20c His Soap Schick Electric ÿ'-i '-k i.. .... COFFEE, Mission, 1 tb Tin ....................... 45c Courtley Fitted Kits g jqMITV Sunglasses $ 2.00 j POH T H IS M Cameras S e ts ^ 1x4, 1x6, 1x8 Rough, $48 Thousand SUNDAY, JUNE 19 Revere Movie V— « * 4 ---- ^ Ml mm Modern Methods Make Shopping Easier Here Phone 21 JUNE 10, 11 and 12 FREE— Parking and Delivery