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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. TH U RSD AY, JUNE 9, 1949 Classified Advertising FOR SALE — 1937 Plym outh coupe, FOR R E N T —Lante three-room fur- 8 o'clock in the morning and will 37,000 mileage. Eva Boydell, 201 nished basement apartment, phone contuiue until 8 P. M. of said day. So. Third. 2J2xp 251-W . 9J2xc. ! Dated tins U th day o f Mav. 1949. H. S. Sacked FOR SALE—Practically new Johti FOR R E N T -Basement apartment, County Clerk Deere. 7-foot mowing machine on furnished. King avenue, phone First publ. M ay 19. 1949 rubber, phone 179-J, Nyssa. 9jtfc | 288W. Mrs. E. M. Bair. 19Mtfc Last publ. June 9, 1949 FOR SA LE —Salstoerry scooter, see FOR R E N T —Sleeping room with IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T OF Doy Bibbey at Bracken’s. 9jtfc private bath. One block from post T H E S T A T E O F O R E G O N FOR office. Phone 72-R. Smtfc THE C O U NTY OF M ALHEUR FOR SALE In the M atter of the Estate of advance, is 30c. Acaeage with large, new modern P O R R E N T —Pasture, will handle F R A N K R. H A R T R A N F T . Deceased home, double garage, full basement, about 40 head o f cattle. V. H. H a n Notice to Creditors close in, some terms. Immediate sen, 2 miles north on Third street. N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N possession. 26m3xp that the undersigned. Harold Hen- F O R SALE—Good used 10 x 10 New two-bedroom home, utility igson, has been appointed Adminis For Sate umbrella tent with floor. 4 arm room, hardwood floors, gas furnace FO R R E N T —Two-room furnished trator with the W ill annexed of spider. Western Store. 271 Main. cabin, phone 122-J. 6mtfc the estate of Frank R. Hartranft. F O R SA LE — 1941 Plymouth Fordor and hot water tank, garage. Cor 9jtfc .sedan. Buy dad a real Father’s day deceased, by the County Court of ner lot, close to school, priced for FO R R E N T —Furnished apartment it lit. M om and the kids would en Malheur County, Oregon, and has quick sale $7350.00. F. H. A. terms. Available qualified as such. joy it too and it sells for only $895. FOR SALE— Used Oliver Beet and Several good dwelling lots, well with laundry facilities. June 1. Phone 72-R. 5mtfc Herriman Motor Co. 9jlxc Bean Drill, good condition. $125. located. NOW, TH E RE FO R E , all persons Nyssa Implement Co. 12mtfc having claims against the estate of 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high FOR R E N T -Cement mixer, gas > Prank R. H artranft, deceased, are FOR S A L E —This is hard to believe, 1940 Chevrolet cab-over truck >PO R RALE -New and used pianos, way. next to Polar Cold storage oline powered. Stung Lumber hereby notified and required to About 3 acres, unimproved, edge brand new motor, heavy duty tires! We sel1 BuWw‘ n Pianos exclusively, Company. 14a tie present the same, with proper of town on Adrian highway, good dandy beet bed, only $745, Herri- ' R *os- and Butler. 6mtfc vouchers, duly verified, within six soil. A ll or any part. FO R R E N T — P o ls h your own <6> months from the date of this man M otor Co. 9jlxc SALE Eating potatoes. W il- B ERN ARD E ASTM AN floors. Kent our High-speed pol- Notice, to the undersigned, at his Insurance Real Estate ishing equipment. Easily handled office at Nyssa, Oregon, whicn F O R SALE -No ordinary car. tins hum * * * “ *• « * '» ■ by women. Nyssa Lumber company. place the undersigned selects as his Phone 64 1947 Ford club coupe, tan, radio, FOR SA LE — Two-bedroom mod --------- --------------------------------------- 3Atfc. he’ater. This one’s been baibied. ern home, $3500 with easy terms. FO R SALE— One bedroom modern ’ ------------------------------------------------ place of business in all matters Real dependability, mechanically Tw o houses with extra lots, good house, garage, chicken house, small F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin, connected with said estate. perfect. Be the lucky someone, Dated and first published M ay 26, 14atfc $1395.00. Herriman Motor Co. 9jlxc rentals, will consider trade for farm barn, lot 150 x 150. $5250, $1700 Chadwick's camp. property. loan. ! ------------------------------— --------------- 1949. Last publication June 23. 1949. New home, small, will trade for FOR SA LE —Two-bedroom modern FO R SALE— 1934 Plymouth coupe. M ISCELLANEOUS H A R O L D H E N IG SO N Good motor, good tires, good paint. trailer house. home, small basement, furnace Administrator with the W ill an Eastern Oregon F*roduce Auto heat, lot 100 by 120 feet, $5000 M ISCELLANEO US— For faster and Good gosh why not drive it away nexed of the Estate o f Fank R for $195. gjixc court, located just north of grade with easy terms. 222 Ennis i better service on commercial photos Hartranft, Deceased. school building. POR SAiLE— Ten acres with small ‘u,d weddings, fam ily groups, F O R SALE —6 head of horses, all FO R R E N T — One acre, close in, home on Adrian highway, priced I ^ ouses' machinery in action or registered Morgans, some broke to with small house. shots to suit you. be sure you get Notice of School Election Upon fo r quick sale, $2.850.00. Question of Increasing T a x Levy ride, number one parade horses, N YS SA INSU R ANC E AGENCY Day or night, FO R SALE —‘Modern home, one what you want. Over Amount Lim ited by Section some gated, Charles Cowdrey, 101 Ralph G. Lawrence anywhere, any job. Phone your acre, large ahicken house, good II, Article X I, State Constitution. Belmont street, Caldwell, Idaho. order in, we will call. Phone: Notice is hereby given that an 9j2xp FO R SALE—24 foot Schults trail well, Alberta avenue, $5500. studio 103W, night calls, 023J5 or Small home, new, three rooms, er house, electric refrigerator. Bu 290-W. 2Jlxp. election w ill be held Monday, June F O R S A L E —Sewing machine, in tane cook stove, Lloyd Pharaoh, extra room fo r bath, w ill sacrifice 20, in School District No. 26-c of good condition, priced $45, Mrs. Leo Apt. No. 8, Veteran’s Housing Pro on quick sale. Terms, if needed. M ISCELLANEO US—I will not be Malheur County, State o f Oregon, Apartment house with two large responsible for debts incurred by from 2:00 p. m. until 7:00 p. m. at Chard, 018 N. 1st St. 2j3xp ject. 2j2xp apartments on ground floor, extra anyone other than myself. Glen the Nyssa Grade School in said F O R S A L E - T w o acres on high FO R SA LE — 1937 Ford coupe 85. large room upstairs, three-room P. Corfield. 26m4xp. school district, for the purpose of way, one mile north, cash price Keith Herrman, 2'4 miles west on apartment in basement, $6,800. submitting to the legal voters of 2<im3xp. FO R SA LE — Business building, M ISCELLANEO US — Hemstitching said district the question of in- $600. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssu In Columbia. done in my home. Leave with Mrs. surance agency. 21atfc F O R S A L E —Strawberries, Frank Main street location, lot size 25x116. Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa creasng the tax levy for the fiscal Main street. year 1949-1959 over the amount F O R SALF1— 60 to 70 tons baled Graham, 7 miles southwest of Nyssa Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duf- limited by section II, article X I, of N Y S S A IN SU R AN C E AG E N C Y 26m3xp lmy, 1949 crop. Ideal Gas & Ap on Ivanhoe. f i n . 26m tic the Constitution o f Oregon. Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent pliance. 2j2xc FOR SA LE —.High grade Holstein T h e reasons for increasing such Nyssa, Oregon M ISCELLANEO US— No muss, no levy are: FO R S A L E —Plywood trailer house, cows, with D. H. I. A. records. FOR SALE —Stock ranch, 400 acres, fuss, call us, rockwool insulation. Increasing enrollment and higher in good condition, 8' x 18’, daveno, LeRoy Herrman, 2'a miles west on 30 acres o f irrigated alfalfa, free We have our own insulation blow operating costs plus the fa ct tha: 26m3xp stove, table and built-ins, good Columbia. water right, berries and fruit trees, ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp $50,000.00 has been included In tires and good paint, $560 cash. FOR SALE—Outside white paint, on good road open the year around, any. 26mtfc this budget fo r the benefit of the W rite box 44, Parm a or phone National Titanium, 5 gallon lots, mail route, extra good barn 40 x 50 M ISCELLAN EO U S—Custom baling, building fund, necessitate this in 135W, F*arma. 2j2xp. $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber and chicken house. wire tires, Robert Cannon, 414 miles crease. 12mtfc Five-room modern home, full southwest of Nyssa on Adrian high T h e amount of tax, in excess of F O R SA LE —One double unit Per company. 26m8xp the 6% limitation, proposed to be fection milker (used) w ith new FOR SALE— 80-acre farm, 22 acres basement, soft spring water, elect way. levied for said year is $73,251.38. motor and pump, installed for $150. in alfalfa, clover and grain. Write ricity, only $12,600, will consider a Dated tills 26th day o f M ay, 1949. M I S C E LLAN EO US—Insurance is Nyssa Implement Co. 2jtfc Frank Olson, route 2, Parma. 5mtfc trade for a 20-60 acre farm. 57 acres, six-cow barn, sheep not fire protection. Any minute Attest: H E N R Y H. H A R T L E Y F O R SALE— 11 foot cultipacker, in FOR SALE:— 1937 Buick special shelter, good road, new seven room day or night you can have a fire. fire control protects good condition, reasonable price, sedan, good condition. Bob Thomp modern home, $8200, easy terms, Automatic D istrict Clerk can be bought with the crop. millions in property and life. All E M IL A. ST U N Z Bob Sunamota, Rt. 1, Ontario, son. 21atfc 40 acres on the Nyssa-Ontario extingushers are approved by un Chairman Board o f Directors across front Cairo school. 2j4xp FOR SALE!—Unpaln ted cabinets highway, four room home, lays derwriters. See your local dealer F O R S A L E —1942 Hudson coupe, and chests o f drawers. square with the world, will con for free estimate. Claud Willson, N O TIC E O F Cabinets low mileage, J. K . Griffiths, 222 are in section and can be bought sider trading for town property. 650 No. Fourth street, phone 128-J A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S SALE Ennis. 2j2xp complete or In sections. Acreages, 1 to 20 acres, good lo Nyssa. 19mtfc IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T OF Nyssa FO R 'SALE:— Used Westinghouse el Lumber company, phone 118-W. cations, some with nice homes, good T H E S T A T E O F O R E G O N PO R M ISCELLANEO US— Four your In ectric range, excellent condition, all spots to build. T H E C O U N T Y O F M A LH E U R 16DtfC automatic with deep well, $99.50 150 acres, good productive soil, surance needs of any kind see In the M atter o f the Estate of Ideal Gas and Appliance 2jtfc FOR SALE:— Russet eating pota cheap water set-up, no alkali, only M el Beck, O rigg Bros, and Butler. Berkley B. Baker, Deceased. 5m tic N O T IC E IS H E R EB Y G IVEN, toes, bring your own sack. L. J, $13,500, some terms, close to Nyssa. FO R S A LE —Used K elvinator "coke” One city block for sale. Josephson and son, Payette, Idaho, M ISCELLANEO US— General truck that pursuant to an Order of the box. $69.50. Ideal Gas and App li 94 acres, 64 acres irdigated, lays 17mtfc ing. John Barnett and Kenneth above entitled Court dated M ay 11, ance. 2jtfc phone 392-J. good, cheap water, crop can be Reece, phone 123-R. U tfc. 1949 in the above entitled estate, FO R SALE— Have farms and homes bought with it, five room modern the andersigned Administrator of FO R SALE— Used Norge electric for sale. Need more, list with Ken home. M ISCELLANEOUS— Need money? said estate will sell at private sale range, 6 months guarantee, only W e have several residential build Loans on farms ror refinancing, on or after the 14th day o f June, Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. $97.50, one used Norge washer ing lots. building, Improvements, b u y i n g . 1949, to the highest bidder for cash, with new >4 horse motor, good F O R SALE:— Baby chicks. Now is A business lot for sale on Main Long term, low Interest, see Ber subject to confirmation by said condition, $47.50, terms. Ostrom the time to order Thompson’s street. Court, the following described real nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. Brothers Appliance. 26mtfc Chek-R-Chix for delivery every For insurance or a loan on your 3Atfc. property belonging to the estate of Wednesday and Saturday. For property see M el Beck. said deceased, situated In the City F O R S A L E -1939 Chevy, M aster 85 One used Smith and Barness M ISCELLANEO US—Availab le, now, of Nyssa, Malheur County, State coupe, good tiles, heater, seat cov breeds and prices write. Thom p piano. Come in and look over our son's Ontario hatchery, box 578, Electrolux cleaners and air puri of Oregon, to-wlt: ers, good condition, phone 255W. Lots Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 in 17ftfc. selection of Baldwin pianos. fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. 26mtfc Ontario, Oregon. G R IG G BROS. AND B U T LE R Block No. 34 of Park Addition to Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, Byfoee Building Phone 179-J phone 087-J4. the City of Nyssa, County of 17mtfc. Malheur, State of Oregon, as the same are shown on the Revised Dead animats picked up free. W ANTED General P la t o f the said C ity now For prompt service call collect. on file In the O ffice o f the Coun W A N TE D — T o buy anything in Ontario— Ontario G rain Co. 53 ty Clerk for Malheur County, beef or veal. Also custom killed Parma—Parma Seed Co. 25 Oregon. and delivered to Polar Cold Stor Nyssa— Main plant 100 All bids must be In writing and age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. may be delivered to the under W A N T E D — Washing and ironing or M ISCELLANEOUS—W e have mod signed at te office o f Clyde H. children to care for. Mrs. Earl ern Foley machines fo r filing saws Snider, H eldt Building, Nyssa, Leach, ninth block north on First and sharpening lawn mowers. Also Oregon, Attorney for said Adm in street. 9jlxp scissor grinding. Patterson saw istrator. R O E F E LT O N D UNCAN shop, 300 block No. 1st street. Administrator of the Estate of 24m tfc For Rent PHYSICIANS LODGES Berkley B. Baker, deceased First published M ay 12, 1949 F O R R E N T —Furnished three-room M ISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car Nyssa Post No. 79 Last published June 9, 1949. S A R A Z IN CLINIC apartment. Bennett's apartments, and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- 250tfc phone 123- or Brownie’s cafe. 9j2xp neman's. Dr. J. J. Sarazln American Legion IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F TH E PO R R E N T —Apartment on Fourth M ISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and S T A T E O F OREG O N FO R T H E Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. street, one block north of Main. free pick-up or your dead, crippled C O U N T Y O F M A LH E U R Dr. L. W. Scott Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. See 'Mrs. Crismon, No. Second or sick livestock. Calls received be In the M atter of the Estate of street. 9J2xp fore 9 o’clock are picked up by E RNEST O. C O W LIN G , also known j Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome '• ___ ___ __ noon. Efficient drivers. Call col as Earnest Cowling and E. O. 1 FO R R E N T —Between 6 and 7 acres lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys Cowling, Deceased Gate City Lodge L. A. Maulding, M. D. for late spuds, green crop ready sa 102-W. raano Anim al Producta N O TIC E O F F IN A L AC CO UNT to plow under. E. E. Cloninger, Company. Physician and Surgeon N O T IC E IS H E R EB Y G IV EN SJtfc. No. 214 Upper Sunset valley. 2j2xp Pnone 37 that the undersigned, Eklna B. I.O.O.F. CUSTOM SL A U G H T E R IN G Cowling, administratrix of the Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 FOR REÎNT—Electric nand sanding Stock received Monday, Tuesday, estate o f EYnest O . Cowling, de Daily except Saturday and Meets every Monday machine, excellent for light sanding Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a . m. ceased, has filed her Final Account Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 work. Ostrom Bros. Appliance. 50 to 6 p. m. and FYlday 8 a. m. to 12. as said administratrix In the County night, 8:30. North First street, phone 269J. 3ftfr No stock received on Sunday. Court of Malheur County, Oregon, South First Street C. J. Kopp, M. D. Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery and that said Court as appointed FOR R E N T -S le e p in g room, first Tuesday, the 14th day of June, 1949. to Polar locker plant. Physician and Surgeon house west o f Boise-Payette Lumb DENTISTS One mile west on Alberta avenue at 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon of er yard, phone 143J. 26m3xp Fry Building said day, for the hearing of ob Phone 05R1 O ffice hours jections to said final Account and JAKE FISCH ER PO R R E N T —For summer months, DR. C. M. TY LE R 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 the settlement thereof. three-room furnished house, phone Daily except Saturday and NOW, THE1REIPORE, all persons Wilson Building 02R11. 26m3xp LE G A L ADVERTISING Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 interested In the estate o f EYnest Phone 185-J, Ny*sa O. Cowling, deceased, are noti F O R SALE:— 10 head Guernsey, N O TIC E TO C O N TR AC TO R S Office hours from 9 to 5 except jew elr ¥ ~ stores cows, some m ilking; fresh; spring Sealed proposals will be received fied and required to appear at the Saturdays, 9 to 12. County Court Room In the Court ers, terms to reliable party, phone 027J4, Ontario or see evenings, 1 in the office of the C ity Manager House at Vale, Malheur County, of the City of Nyssa, Oregon, until PAULUS J. R. CU ND ALL Oregon, at said time, to then and mile west, 3/4 south on Sunset drive. 9j2xp 8:00 p. m., June 14, 1949, fo r the there show cause, If any there be, JEW ELR Y STORE Dentist construction of concrete sidewalks why said Account should not be Union Pacific Tim e Inspector in various portions o f the city. Phone 56-J settled, allowed and approved and Specifications and p r o p o s a l said estate distributed and said J E W E L R Y — D IAM O N D S Sarazln Clinic FOR RKNT blanks maybe obtained at the City administratrix discharged. W ATC H E S N YS SA ORBQON Manager’s office. Main Street a . Second Floor Dated and first published May T h e right is reserved to reject 12, 1949 Date of last publication, any and or all proposals or to ac June 9, 1949. Sander OPTOMETRISTS W YC K O FF cept the proposal deemed best for EDNA B C O W LIN O Reasonable the City. JEW ELR Y STORE Administratrix of the Estate of DR. J A. M C FALL By Order of the Common Council. EYnest O. Cowing, Deceased O fficial Tim e Inspector lor Rates E. K. B U R TO N Harold Henlgson Union Pacific DR. JOHN EASLY C ity M anager Attorney fo r Administratrix O N T A R IO OREGON Pub. June 2-9. R A T E : Tw o cents per word fcr each issue. Minimum, cash ir Professional and Business Directory PAGE THREE FARMER FAM ILY IS PIONEER D AU G H TER S M OVING TO MONT. OF U T A H O R G A N IZE ARCADIA. June » —Mrs. Martin Farmer and children went to Boise May 29 to meet Martin Farmer, who came by plane from Miles City, Montana. T hey returned by car to Miles City, where they will make their home. Mr. Martin has employment there. Several of the farmers have their hay cut and ready to stack or bale. Otis Bullard shelled corn for Tony Marostica last Saturday. Eldon Strevy of Breineton, Wash ing is visiting his sister, Mrs. Cecil Houston, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dali and boys of Nyssa and Harold Dail, visited Mrs. Anna Dail Sunday. Cecil and Harold Houston left last week for Washington to visit their mother, who is seriously ill. Mrs. Mary Satterlee and children of North Hollywood, California vis ited Mrs. Satterlee’s brother, E’av Corn and family last week. Mrs. Parley Feik entertained a group of boys and girls at her home June 1 on the occasion of the ninth birthday of her dueghter, June. Oames were played. R e freshments of cake and ice cream were served. June was the re- cepient of many gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and Donald and Charles Bullard and Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and family fished at the Beulah dam last Wednesday. The smimming party planned by Nell Bowers' 4-H Sewing club at Snivley's hot springs June 2, was postponed until a later date. The Arcadia Sunshine club will meet at the home of Mrs. L. E. Robbins. Gem avenue, June 10. A bufeft luncheon will be demon strated by Marian Colford. Mrs. Lee Dail and sons of Nyssa spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard. Norvelle Robbins made a busin ess trip to Union Monday in his truck. The Arcadia Sunday school Is holding a contest in memorizing scripture verses, with two sides, ’ Reds” and "Blues” . Elach person gives a verse each Sunday In al phabetic order, beginning with the letter A. They go to the letter H for next Sunday. Each member counts one point and each new person with a verse counts five points. The losing side will en tertain the other side at the end of 14 weeks. Miss Wilma and Betty Bullard icturned home the first of the week from Portland, where they spent a week. Ethel Bullard retudned home this week, alter a visit here with rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hipp and family went to the Owyhee dam Sunday. President M innie L. Sorensen of Nampa and her secretary, Lavina Beus of the Canyon county district, met in Nyssa Friday evening ana organized the “G ate C ity camp", of Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Th e purpose of these camps are to per petuate the names and achieve ments of people who went to Utah before 1869 and preserve historical landmarks and relics. T h e central company has quarters in the state Capitol building at Salt Lake City Mrs. Arvilla Swensen was elected as captain. Cassie Campbell, first vice-captain; Bessie Bair second vice-captain, Ebiuna Kesler, secre tary and treasurer, Ruth Irving, historian with Bessie W. Hamman as assistant; Mrs. George Paulson, registrar, Mrs. Howard Bair, class leader, and Faiuiie B. Child, chap lain. These offices will be held for two years. The camps are nation-wide, and also include Canada and Hawaii. The organization is non-sectarian, and non-political. The 12 ladies at the first meeting will be known as the charter members o f the Nyssa camp. Any lady who can prove her ancestors went to Utah before the year 1896 is ellgable to Join. They meet each third Thurs day at various homes, and serve light refreshments after the bus iness, lesson and historical docu ments are read. The next meeting will be held at the home of the new captain, A r villa Swensen. W . P. ERW IN W IN S HONORS IN AR M Y For high academic proficiency and outstanding soldiering, Recruit William P. Erwin, 18, of Nyssa, was selected as student battalion com mander during his first week of training at the fifth division lead ers’ course, Fort Jackson, South Carolina. I t is extremely rare that a first week student is designated fo r this honor, Erwin being the third such recipient in the two-year history of the school. Erwin is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Erwin of Nyssa. H e is now on detached service at Class 90 of the course, his permanent station being the 30th medical company, 3rd division, Port Benning, G eorg ia. As Battalion Commander, Erwin assumes the temporary rank of student colonel, whose functions he performs while leading troops In ranks. iA second honor was also added at the end o f Ills first week when Erwin wus chosen student of the week, after an extremely rigid in spection o f appearance. A three-year enlistee, EYwin plans to make a career of the army— in the medical corps. For Your Plumbing Needs BATH SETS, W A T E R HEATERS A N D PRESSURE SYSTEMS C A LL J. C. S M I T H 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 286-J Morrill Rake A N E W SIDE DELIVERY RAKE , V ETER INAR IANS DR. IIA I. D. W H ITE Veterinarian Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore STU N Z LUM BER C O M P A N Y ELECTION N O TIC E Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of June, 1949, at the Nyssa City Halt, in the Nyssa Rural Fire FYoteetion District, In the County of Malheur, Oregon, a Special election w ill be held for five Directors of said District, which election will be held al Work Shop Conducted— Leon Myers scout executive for this district Is conducting a series of workshops for den mothers of Cub Scouts at the grade school. The classes are held every other week, and Instruction U given in hand crafts and woodworking. Rakes Clean Fully Automatic Any Tractor May Be Used Eliminates Excess Rolling and Leaf Shatter Floating Action For Border And Contour Raking Maintenance Cost Minimized Timken Equipped Standard Rubber Elim inating C hains G e ars Sprockets $ 439.00 Y O U SAVE M ONEY! YO U S A V E TIME! B & M EQUIPMENT GO. Phone 270W Nyssa, Oregon