Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1949 PACE TW O ing through August, services at 1 V em Cleaver attended a pink and in this field. Following the luncheon, the St. Paul's Episcopal church will be | blue shower for Mrs James Savage held on the First and Third Sun at the Dale Garrison home Thurs group joined with the 4-H clubs for a Joint meeting of group sing day evening. days only at 9 a. m. Mr and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and ing. musical numbers and the 4-H Editor und P u b lh h tr G ary enjoyed a chicken dinner at spring style show. KI.ASS y. P O W E II. F A IT H ' I T H E R A X CHURCH Services will be held at 8 p. m the Loyd Cleaver home Sunday Rev. Elmore Carlson of Nampa in evening. A D V E R T IS IN G R ATE S Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day. Mr. 81 1IS< K IP T IO N HATES charge. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver picnicked One Year ......................... $2.D0 Open rate, per In c h .......... 40c and fished at Owyhee dam Sunday. SUNSET V AM .E Y \ f £ S,X Muntili ... $125 National, |xr in d i 40 ASSEM BLY OF GOI> Single Copies .05 Cla-isilieda, per word 2c Rev. Joe £.. Hudson, Pastor (Strictly in Advance* Minimum 20c Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship .services, 11 a. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. ni. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission C IV IC C LU B MEETS The June meeting oi the Nyssa Uirough the United States Mails, as second cla.-»s matter, under M IS S IO N A R Y B A P T IS T U IIU R l II Civic club will be held at the home the act of March 3, 1879 Elder II. F\ Gage of Mrs. G errit Stam Wednesday, Missionary Pastor June 15 at 2:30. A ll members und Sunday school. 10 a. m. friends are invited to attend to Morning service, 1 1 a. in. hear Warren Carneflx of the Carn- Evening evangelist, 8 p. m. Young people's service. 7 p. m efix nursery give a talk about tub Junior church, 7 p. m. Preaching service, 8 p. m. erous begonias and their culture. Tuesday, Bwle study and prayer I'he meeting will be the last m eet Wednesday prayer service, 8 p. ut ■ervice. ing of civic club until September, ASSEMBLY OF GOD Friday, young people. CHURCH OF C H R IS T __ Steri D. Spies*. Pastor Don R. Maxfieid, Pastor P T. A. C H A IR M A N NAM ED ST. P A U L’S E PIS C O PAL CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. m. At a recent executive meeting of 10 a. m „ church school hour. Beginning June 1 and continue- Morning worship, 11 a. m. 11 a. m., worsliip service and the Nyssa Parent-Teacher associ ation, held at the grade school, the Lord's supper. By Bingham *‘W A RT” The Speed Cop 7 p. m., young people’s meeting. theme for the coming year was —|— chosen. Around this theme "C or <l/T O U T TN I BA* ", f M l COURT P IN O S ( D U T J ,g r ovo et/ am /-rv» HOI O E flC tO - nerstones for Living, the Home, the »A ' MAHN A M I D 0 * 0 0 C r U lt-fV A S ' ) 7 H A T Î M /.AST C A T H O LIC CHURCH m UU.M I i s k i ' « . t i f - A P tc A oa b io m a m r H i» >4 YUU BUXKING \ l o o P Attili NO T H A T |< H A I Í O I O A N D I J F i l l / T lA O S School, the Church and Commun Park Avenue and Third Street Muir wf/oMO rno f i N i y o u F i h v T i g iD iti * i /Al I K in DM j STATION /j. MAIN T O TN I t o o « TM« i OOLL A S S / ) Cl f p tU L f 1 iN tlfa S K . / ity ”, the P. T . A. will build its Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor HON W MlLl YOU \ VÍOY IDCA I N*V«B , ' / P t m [j u P i r MAW l CUI TO H I ABO Of fcUtM , - y 1 u the coming year. 'Die hour of Sunday mass will be program for A P f ilt r y N H 6 LIGENCE ' 8 30 through the montlis o f June Special emphasis will be placed on Here’s a value you can’t afford to tudy groups, spiritual training, miss! Tw o popular General Electric July and August. clocks in one L»ig, low-price economy safety, and square dancing. package. You save $1.55. ACT N O ll ! Mrs. John Schenk, president, has Sunset Valley This offer limited for a short time announced the following chairmen Community llall only. for the coming year program, A. R. Herring, Pastor THE DEB ALARM» Frank Parr; membership, Mrs. Or- Sunday school, 10 a. m. Small, smart, and land Cheldelin; hospitality and re Morning worship, 11 a m. sophisticated. A bed side Maker-upper with Sermon Topic, "God's Divine, and freshment, Mrs. Carlos Buchner; a c h a r m o ! its ow n . room representative chairmen, Mrs. Hoiy Revelation.” Iv o r y -c o lo r -p la s tic You are welcome to attend all Grant Rinehart; publications, Mrs. Durlin Hammaii, safety, Mrs. Earl THE PANTRY; Kitchen these services. wall clock, trim pia» Alexander; Cub Scouts, Bernard tic case. Large, easy Eastman; publicity,, Mrs. Dennis TH E CHURCH OF THE to-read dial. Patch; recreation, J. L. Herriman; NAZARKNE / __ APPROVED ^ ^ health, Mrs. Chet Mosier; parent Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor education, Mrs. Leo Gonyer: com 10 a. m.. Sunday school. munity singing, Mrs. Jesse Rigney; 11 a. m., morning worship service, square dancing, Mrs. Mary Sallee; congregational and special singing budget and finance, Grant Rine and sermon. hart; historian, Mrs. Mel Beck and 7:15 p. m., young people, teenage juvenile protection, Mrs. Clyde THE M E TH O D IST C O M M U N ITY Snider. The Gate City Journal b u r ia l 5\ntes NEEDED REPAIRS “ PUT OFF” TOO LONG MAY COST YOU EXTRA DOLLARS L O O K AT YOUR ROOF < x rr?y! MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS NOW! Wise home owners keep their building roofs in proper repair. They know that there’s no rea son for delaying thejob because ALL roofing materials are EASY TO GET AT BOISE PAYETTE! jr ike 'Bride C h u rch N o te s -for flie Uome^hr No. 1 Red Cedar Shingles ........... $12.00 per sq- Composition Shingles .................. $ 9.75 per sq. Roll Roofing (Smooth Surface) $ 2.65 per roll On Budget Building Terms as low as $5.00 per month K A IS E R -FR A Z E R l SERVICE) S a le s & S erv ice If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan- ics to put your car in the best of condition. • V CHURCH Donald S. Campbell, Minister 9:45 a. m., church school. 11 a. m , morning worship. 7 p. ill., youtli fellowship. 8 p. m., evening service. WOMAN WILL VISIT MOTHER WHO IS ILL BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa M U TC H OIL CO. Highway ¡10— East of Town Phone 287 | Ontario, Oregon BUENA VISTA. June 9- -Mrs. S B Hoffm an accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Orville Maze to Nebraska to be with tier mother, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Eutene Cleaver and Cheryle were In Ontario Friday. Mrs. Lester Cleaver, Mrs. Howard Day. Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, M rs Jim Ritchie, Mrs. Eugene Cleaver, Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and Mrs. La MAKE MORE MONEY BY STORING YOUR GRAIN Limited supply of - SIOUX - Steel Storage Bins now available! - 8 - C O U N T Y P T . A. MEETS Mrs. Charles Carroll, P. T. A legioiiul vice president, was the main speaker at the Malheur county P. T. A. council in Ontario last Friday morning, May 27. Fol lowing her talk, Mrs. Carroll con ducted a question and answer session on the problems of P. T. A. Mrs. W. W. Foster of Nyssa, county P. T. A. president, announ ced the following committee chairmen: Mrs. Dwane Alder, pro- ram; Mrs. Don Fonda, Vale, pub licity; Mrs. George DeHaven, Adrian, goals; Mrs. Wayne Chestnut, Ontario, membership; Mrs. Eugene Becker, Vale, health; Mrs Jesse Rigney, Nyssa, except ional child; Mrs. Darrell English, Wade, hospitality; Henry Hartley. Nyssa, legislation. A no-host luncheon was held at noon when reports on the state convention were given. Mrs. John Elfering and Mrs. Kenneth Greenfield of Vale told of the phases of the national theme brought out at the convention dealing with the home, the school and legislation. Mrs. Laura French, president of tire Union county Parent-Teacher association, report ed on the panel of university stud ents who talked on world under standing. Mrs. Jesse Rigney, who is state chairman for the exceptional child, told of the work that is being done Too Late To Classify FO R R E N T —Small modern house, completely furnished, $35. B. Frost, phone 80 or 18-W. 9Jlxp .vi,"*" Save with - S I O U X - . . . E itr a Valu« a t No Extra C ost! t no » FOR SALE I will cut first crop I alfalfa hay starting Friday or S at urday. No weeds. I f you care to see it inquire at stores at Adrian. It's all lor sale, would like to bale it. O. W. Cummins, route 3, Parma, Idaho. • u iN im i p • Increased farm production may actually mean decreased farm income for you if you don't have adequate storage facilities Government figures show that 70 to 95% of various grain crops are first stored on the farm before moving to marketing channels. Safe, adequate storage facilities lets YO U set the market price. You don't have to sacrifice your crop because you don't have adequate storage facilities. Soon Pays For Itself! The higher prices you get for your crop when it is properly stored will soon pay for your investment in - S IO U X - Steel Storage Bins. Stop worrying every year about changing market conditions, freight car shortages, and lack of elevator space. Get fire-proof, rodent-proof, easily-erected - S IO U X - S T E E L BINS. New wider doorway permits easier entrance, easier filling; easier conversion to utility building when empty. Tw o doors assures tight closing and locking, avoids sagging Only - S IO U X - construction includes sturdy tix-ply 1" ribs «v«ry 22V|* of height, shoveling or sacking hopper or both, sturdy corrugated walls, extra large ventilator, and water-tight roof that will support man's weight. life Have These Popular Sizes .. . 5795 00 »Jixc FOR R E N T —T liree- room modem house. See at 499 N. Fifth street, phone 162-M. 9J2XP W A N TE D — Man to operate feed store on salary and commission, phone 183-J. W2xc. Hennenian Hdw.Co. Nyssa, Oregon c . F- m i n k , Manager “ W A R T ” The Speed Cop By Bingham f o L * s t h i s i s ’ w a h t ; a n o t h is i S T h e W i d o w T h i s i s l o r o b l o w - o u t T h i s B E A N S ' fH C [T m C S f t C O C O P .. S O (¡M -S A V f R . R I C H . WHO V IE S W IT H T H E 0 0 & W A R T iS C O N N A M E D R IO M ÎMC * A R T n t t T T r » A Ç J O ÎO U S C O t f O R T H E W ID O W S T A N T C O M P A N IO N OU M '$ N O S E ( p t h i s i s p o r k ' the C A T WHO B E L 0 NCS TO T H E W ID O W T H IS 15 J IM P 7 I E - A N N E l o r d B l o w - o u t s o n l x * M E A N S o r LOCOM O TIO N i 0 L M m i r , 1 . * • i l l WA N T E D 1500 CHERRY PICKERS Good Wages Easy Picking Trees Loaded Camping Privileges SEASON STAR TS JUNE 10 COME! EMMETT, Emmett Cherry IDAHO Growers Association Attention MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE FARM EQUIPMENT OWNERS Field and Shop Service Now Available FULL STOCK OF GENUINE PARTS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT WE SELL Expert Chevrolet Repair W ork; Also Wisconsin Motors FACTORY TRAINED REPAIRMAN SF.E US THE NEXT TIM E YOUR EQUIPMENT NEEDS REPAIRING B. & M. EQUIPMENT CO. Minneapolis Moline Dealer