Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1949)
T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L , N Y S S A , OREGON- T H U S D A Y , J U N E 2, 1949 P A G E SIX 4 -H s c h o l a r s h i p G IV E N O W Y H E E G IR L OWYHEE. June 2—'Maxine Kygar was named by E M. Hauser to • the 4-H .scholarship award ed by the Owyhee P. T. A. Maxine has been a member of a 4-H sew ing club for two years and a cook ing club for one year. Mr. and Mrs D P. Pullen and son. Pred of Meridian and Mr. and Mrs Pullen’s daughter. Wilma of Compton, California were dinner guests in the home of Mr. Pullen's sister, Mrs. S D. Bigelow, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hutchinson and Bunny of Seneca were guests in the Wilson Winter home over the week-end. Bunny w ill remain for a longer visit at the Winter home. Mrs. Hutchinson and Mrs Winter are brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. T. H Brewer pic nicked in the park at Payette M on day. Prank Raymond returned from Lostine Sunday, but Mrs. Raymond and sons stayed as their uncle is .till very ill. Mrs. Charley Culbertson and Bet ty and Mrs. Dorothy Slippy and children were in Ontario Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jones and Mr and Mrs. Bud Jones of Boise visited in the Byrd Walters home Sunday and took Linda Jones home with them. Linda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones, had come FOR Sand and Gravel W ASHED AND home from Boise with her aunt, Mrs. Byrd Walters, Friday and .pent the week-end here. M r and Mrs. Lou DeGoode of Jgden arrived Saturday for a visit vith her parents and other rel- tives. They were house guests n the Lynn Kygar home until Monday morning. Jesse Ditty, Jr., of Boise spent i few hours at home Sunday vis- Ung his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Barker and amily of Ontario, and Mi's. Howaid Ivans and Anne of Parma were ¡unday dinner guests in the Darrell Yilliains home. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald md children visited in Homedale ¡unday. Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves of Nyssa took Mrs. Jesse Ditty and Mis Werner Peutz to the Owynee dam Monday afternoon to see Mr. Ditty, who is working there. Mr and Mrs. Ru-sell R. W olf, Jr., and children o! Seattle and Mrs. Harriet Smuckal of Walla Walla Taxi GRADED Phone 024J1 C h a n g e d L o c a t io n T ra ilw a y s Bus D epot F. J. S t r a s b a u g h P h o n e 217 Nyssa, Oregon 24 Hour Service left Saturday morning for their home after spending a few days nere in rhe Martha Klingback home. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Newell and •hildren and Mrs. Leota Ditty were guests for breakfast in the T. H. Brewer home Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Newell were en route to ¡.heir home in Tacoma Mr. and Mrs. Orson Barrett and M. .,. Earl Beasley and son of Ogden I . Friday morning to return to .heir homes after spending a few Jays here in the Grant Patterson home. Mr. and Mrs. George Schreiber ,f Boise and Mr and Mrs. Byrd Walters drove to^Jwyhee dam Mon day afternoon. The Martha Klinkfoack home was ■.he scene o f a fam ily dinner Thurs day evening in observance o f the weddiisg anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and children, Mr. and Mrs. Russell W olf and children of S eat tle. Mrs. Harriet Smuckel of Walla Walla, Fred Klingback, the honored guests and their children. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton and M r and Mrs. Jake Groot called in the Lou Pfeiler home in Ontario Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer, Mrs. Leota Ditty, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dodson and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs Robert D itty and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves, Mrs. Jesse Ditty, Mr and Mrs. Chet Newell and children, and Charlotte and K en neth Ditty went to Boise Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson were hosts at dinner Saturday night for Mr. and Mrs. Prank 6#V IT S EASIER TO GET AT BOISE PAYETTE Design No. 4137, advertised in June American Home Mjganne by Weyerhaeuser COMPACT YET SPACI OUS because of Good P la n n in g ★ You Can Build This Home on Convenient FHA Terms For details consult your local Boise Payette yard This design is proof that a home can be built economically yet provide an interior that has desirable "roominess." Its compactness also makes it a convenient l.w*me for living. if Study the floor plan. Note how the corner placement of windows allows for broad interior wall spaces and, at the same time, provides the light necessary for a cheery home atmosphere. Yet, the overall dimensions are such as to effect important economies in construction. i f ★ Q u a l i t y Ma t e r i a l s ★ B A L S A M WOOL S E A L E D BLANKET TYPE I N S U L A T I O N if Through attention to roof lines and the use of contrasting siding materials the designer has achieved a distinction in exte rior appearance seldom found in compact, four-room homes. ★ SCHLAGE HARDWARE ★ HARDWOOD FLOORS ★ C U R D S C A B I N E T S AND WOODWORK r it 1 1 I ★ No. 1 RED CE D AR S H I H u l ES OR F I R S T GRADE COMPOSITION SHINGLES ★ DEVOE PAINTS Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Max M it chell. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Garner, and Mr. and Mrs. Devon Larson, and picnicked in the Nampa park. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Marshall and Mr and Mrs. Lee Householder were Sunday dinner guests in the Lee Strickland home. Sam Bradley and Red Shaw of Homedale fished over the week end on the L ittle Malheur river near Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters, Mr and Mrs. Bud Jones and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jones picnicked Sunday on the lawn of the Byrd Walters home. Miss Lenore Carr and her niece. Caryl Grant of Rensselaer, Indiana, arrived Moday night for a visit with Mrs. Martha Klingback and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Klintgback, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Klingback and sons, Mrs. Adam Klingback and Mrs. Lee Dishner and daughters of Emmett were dinner guests in the Martha Klingback home Tuesday evening and attended the gradua tion of Fred Klingback in Adrian that evening. Jack Walters and John Lawrence went on a fishing trip over the week-end. T h e D o w n P a y m e n t Is A l l a H o m e R e a l l y Costs SYNOPSIS OF A N N U A L STA TKM K N T For the year ended December 31. 1948 of the K ED K RA L INSU RAN CE COM PANY o f R A R IT A N TOW NSHIP. In the state o f NEW JER8EY, made to the Insurance commissioner of the state o f Ore^oivpursuant to law; Net premiums received $15,156,146.54 Total Interest divi dends and real estate in com e_____________ 942.455 90 Income from other sources ____________ 269,167 66 Qstrom (Cabinet Shop CUSTOM W IN D O W B U IL T AND C A B IN E T S DOOR FRAMES SCREEN DOORS P h o n e 1 18J F r e e Estim ates •'PAYS FOR ITSELF IN A SEA SO N ." T h a t’s what many farmers say about this famous F a r m h a n d Hydraulic Loader with its big Hay Basket that sweeps up windrows at 15 m.p.h., stacks hay high and fast with its 21-foot reach (26 feet, with Pushoff attachment). Lifts Vi ton o f hay in Vi minute with smooth hydraulic power con trolled from tractor. Saves work . . . saves time . . , saves costs by doing the job o f a whole crew o f men! Seven years o f top performance on thousands o f farms proves that F a r m h a n d is your best buy for haying— and for more than 50 tough lifting, loading and moving jobs on your farm. See it! Farmhand ( w ;Hydraulic Loaders B. ft M. El The New Telephone Directory DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid for losses ... $ 5.525.459 65 Los* adjustment ex penses ________ ____ 428,389 70 U n d e r writing ex 4 984.048 49 penses Dividends n a 1 d t o stockholders (Cash. $680,000, s to c k n o n e _____________- Dividends p a i d or credited to policy holders ____________ All other expendi tures (including In vestment expenses W ill Be Closed 680 000 00 Nona 474,666 19 Total disbursements. $12 092,564 03 AD M ITTED ASSETS Value o f real estatt owned (market _ Nona v a l u e ) _____________ Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc _ Nona Value o f bonds owned (amortised* . . $17.694.134.20 Value of stocks owned (market value» 18 268.832 28 Cash in banks and on 5.489 101 64 hand -------------------- . Premiums In course o f collection w r i t t e n since September 30. 22 842 SO 1949 _______________ Interest ana rents due O 1 505 08 and accrued ------- - 16.225.53 Other assets ( net > - Toal admitted assets $41 892.642 13 L IA B IL IT IE S . SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims- $ 5.228.555 37 Estimated loss ad uat- ment expense for un paid claims _______ 385 104 46 Total unearned pre m iu m _______ - _____ All other liabilities-. Total liabilities, ex cept c a p it a l......... $20.493 9 5 9 «? Capital paid up $ 4 000 000 00 Friday, June IO Any name changes or corrections must be received at the Nyssa office, telephone 174 NOT LATER TH AN June IO S p e c ia l surplus funds* 1 973 500 76 IV i s 1 r Tbtal___________ $«1 Nyssa, Oregon To Gooding— Mrs. A. C. Sallee and Miss Doro thy Ed holm left Saturday for returning to her home after teach ing in Nyssa. and Mrs. Sallee will visit with her parents at Gooding. Total Income - .........$16 167.770.10 funds ( sur plus» 15 425 16170 Surplus as regards s i r ---- pohcvholders ( ’. F. M IN K , Manager Leave For Spokane— Mrs. Bernard Frost and her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDowall, who have been visiting here from Tw in Falls, left Tuesday morning for Grangeville and Spokane, where they will visit Mrs. Frost s sisters. NU-ACRES, June 2— Mrs. F. C. Fry was a Sunday afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. Sissle of Ontario. Richard Jenkins was an over night guest at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry Saturday. Richard and Ruthelee Sissle of Ontario are planning to be married June 25. Mrs. Sweet and children of Nyssa were Monday afternoon guests of Mrs. F. C. Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston and Bill Thompson made a 'business and pleasure trip to the Emmett section Sunday afternoon. Frank Olson received word of the death of his mother at North Platte, Nebraska. He left Saturday night to attend his mother's fun eral. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney and Joy were Monday morning callers at the home of Mrs. G. G. Wherry at Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney and Joy were Saturday afternoon call ers of Elbert Robinette at New Plymouth. Pvt. Jake Smlt has been transfer red to Ft. Lewis, Washington. W hile enroute to his new station, he and a friend, Sgt. Wood, vis ited with P vt Smit's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Smit over the Memorial day week-end. He told of visiting in Washington, D, C, where lie took many pictures of places of Interest. M r. and Mrs. F. C. Fry and M ary Jo Jenkins made a business trip to Caldwell Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown of Chillicothe, Missouri stopped F ri day afternoon at Che home of Mr and Mrs. M. C. Seuell, while en route from Baker. Oregon, where they attended Betty Brown's grad uation exercises. Betty will re turn to Missouri with them for a visit. The plan to see California and other southern states en route home, M. C. 6euell and Clyde Butcher attended a reclamation m eeting at Notas Thursday night. Six children in the Cecil Evans | family have the mumps. K yle Sager also has the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Ross anil family of Nampa were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T h o m as Evans. Sr. Mrs. M ary Ballard and fam ily of Parma were Sunday afternoon guests at the Evans home. Lloyd Seuell was a Sunday din ner guest of MLss Betty Buskirk of Parma. M ary Jo and Larry Jenkins and Jacquelyn Orcutt were selected to attend the 4-H short course at the University o f Idaho this year. The young people are selected accord- I For home plans, specifications, materials, financing and aid in construction depend upon your Boise Fayette yard Here From Portland— Guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Louis Maulding are Mrs. Maulding's mother, Mrs. Roy Lwwis, and her sister and nephew, Mrs. Ada Parker and Vern Parker. N U - A C R E S M A N ’S M OTHER SUCCUMBS J 111 C O O P E R A T E W I T H 1 0 Ü 1 C O N I R A C T O R S ing to their merits; they have to be at least 13 years o f age and i have three years o f 4-H work Fouteen were selected from the county, with three of them from the local 4-H club. • h r iV ffU o « o t « in 11« M 2 4« S92 «4 2 1J jir . M io N YK vk et rtc r «I I v e ' S Kr; k padd ------- - Ì* 1 • i u:d er erfi*;**d tu patlcjr- hold cr« ------------------ ro R In, M l- TH ii 259 117 TO 545 63 Malheur Home Telephone Co.