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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1949)
COUPLE BACK FROM VISIT IN MISSOURI THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THUSDAY, JUNE 2, 1949 evening. Their daughter, Mrs. Vio let McKee and her four children returned with them. Gordon Toombs KINGMAN KOLONY, June 2—Mr. and Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. J. G. Lane and and Mrs. Jam es Sneed and children Myrna called Mrs. at the Jim Phifer of Letha, Idaho spent Monday at home Friday evening. Mary Ann Thiel and Myrna Lane the Guy Moore home. at the Reuter home in Mr, and Mrs. W alter Pinkston visited Adrian Sunday. drove to Likely, CaUfornia Thurs Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleaver re day and returned home Monday I turned home from Missouri Sunday night. They recently purchased the place farmed by Mr. and Mrs. John Auker and family last year. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane visited Corene Ward of Parma Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. J. G. Lane. Mary Ann Thiel, Myrna Lane, and Ronald Lane shopped in Nyssa Friday. Mrs. John Thiel and daughter, Catherine, returned home Sunday morning from a three-weeks visit Old-Time Dance FEATURING SQUARE DANCING Saturday, June 4 with relatives in Nebraska and South Dakota. Mrs. J. A. Perry of Medford is visitmg her brother, L. L. Kreager. She arrived here Saturday from Denver, where she had been vis iting her son. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toombs and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Scott were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer Friday evening. Arlene Piercy and Shirley Sparks took first place in their dairy foods demonstration given in On tario during the 4-H spring fair. Little Daniel Hall and his m oth er, Mrs. David Hall, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kreager. Mrs. Earl Winn of Adrian called on Mrs. J. G. Lane and Myrna Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Scott of Reubens, Idaho arrived at the home of Mrs. Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toombs, Tuesday a f ternoon. The plan to return to their home Sunday. Mrs. Art Sparks, Mrs. Dale Ash craft, and Mrs. J. G. Lane were STARTING AT 9:30 For Your Plumbing Needs BATH SETS, WATER HEATERS AND PRESSURE SYSTEMS CALL FOR EAGLES AND GUESTS J. C. S M I T H Eagles Hall 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 286-J among chose attending the home extension meeting at the Harvy Hatch home in Big Bend. Bullet luncheon was prepared and served under Mrs. Miriam Collord's sup ervision. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kreager and family were in Caldwell on bus iness Saturday. Mr and Mrs. J. G. Lane and Myrna called at the Lou P rajt home In Newell Heights ts.turday evening. Ardyce Hurst of Boise was home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst ac companied by their son, David left Thuhsday morning to spend a week with their daughter, M il Earnest Weeks of M yrtle Creek, Oregon. Keith Lane of Corvallis is spend ing the week-end -with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane Johnny and Catherine Thiel and Henry and Teddy iRutfean have been attending Bible school at the Catholic church in Ontario the past week. Shirley Sparks and M yrna Lane attended a slumber party given by Barbara Hatch of Adrian Monday night. APPLE VALLEY FOLK LEAVE ON VISITS APPLE VALLEY, June 2—Mrs. Grover Finley of Nyssa was a Sun day overnight guest of her mother, Mrs. M artha Norland, and attend ed the Memorial service at the cemetery Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller of Mel ba were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson Sunday. Miss Joye G ann and Daniel Norland were married Sunday at the home of her sister. A reception for them was held at the home of his mother, Mrs. M artha Nor land, with 57 relatives present. Mrs. M artha Norland accompan ied her daughter, Mrs. Gene Stev ens to Boise last Thursday. Local residents charivaried Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell were guests Saturday evening at the Cedric Caldwell home in Parma. Mrs. Allen McMann, sister of Mrs. Cedric Caldwell, and Mr. Mc M ann were guests at the Caldwell home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dutro of Nampa were guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Garold Horn and children went to Midvale, Cam bridge and Council to visit relatives and stop at the cemetery at Mid vale on their return. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hild, Jr., and Mrs. Henry Horn went to the M ann’s Creek cemetery Monday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stout spent the week-end in Bend, Oregon at the home of Mr. Stout's aunt and uncle. Noma Stout spent the weekend- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stout. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. G arrett were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garold Horn. PAGE FIVE Dee McOinty, a trained nurse from North Dakota, mother of Mrs. the St. Benedict hospital at Ogden. Briggs, returned with Mr. and Mrs. The guests helped two-year-old Briggs for a visit. Ellen Ann Bowus celebrate her K. Hiano of Ontario was a guest birthday Sunday before they re at the C. T. Okano home Friday turned to Utah. evening. The Claude Wilson family a t Mr. and Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. tended the junior league baseball Haven motored to Baker Sunday game in Adrian Friday. staying overnight with the Jack Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishitani Albrecht family, and on Monday and son, David, visited at the H. K. visiting the Glenn Larson family Hashitani home Saturday and had at La Grande. diiiner there. LaMarr Orr, who made one of his Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briggs a t cross-country flights Saturday, flew tended a family dinner in Boise at to Roosevelt, Utah, carrying flow the Henry Bowers home, with th e ! ers to his grandmother, Mrs. Jenny Bob and Jake Albrecht families. I Orr, who is visiting in nearby Mt. Mrs. Christina Havens of Linton, Emmons. P R E S C R IP T IO N S PRECISION FILLED OWYHEE DRUG COMPANY G. H. Peirsol Phone 29W Emergency Phone 29R IT’S TIME FOR Hail Insurance ' AND Hay Insurance LOW RATES Ed Jamison Cr Ken Pond Real Estate and Insurance Agency 100',', Service KAISER-FRA2ER _ APPRO VED ^ S ervice Sales & Service If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. ROOKSTOOL BOY IS * BURNED BY GRAVY BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa (Continued from Page 4) Twin Falls, Idaho. They all vis ited in Boise and Mountain Home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reffett of John Day arrived Friday to spend the week-end at the John Reffett home, returning Monday evening. Rosalie McCoy of Meridian arriv ed Saturday to visit at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy. Week-end visitors at the Chester Bowens home were Bowens' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norton Bow ns, Chester’s brother, Ray, and Miss MUTCH OIL CO. BUILDING PERMITS Mildred Phillips, construction, EnnLs avenue, lots 16 and west 20 feet of lot 17, block 16, original townsite, $2000, 20 by 22, frame. Highway 30—East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 Morrill Rake A NEW SIDE DELIVERY RAKE m fm h s Hurry! IIMITED TIME ONLY! LOOK AT ZCNtTH 1=- Q m I__ _ A Rakes Clean Fully Automatic Any Tractor May Be Used Eliminates Excess Rolling and Leaf Shatter Floating Action For Border And Contour Raking Maintenance Cost Minimized Timken Equipped Standard Rubber ^7 — j Extra Fro zen Food Extra l a r g e Extra Flexible A u tom a tic Seal-Tite Stora g e Sp a ce Tw in C riip e rt Food Arrangem ent D o o r Latch — across th* top and holds 50 slid in g on plastic runners g lid t Adjustable shelf arrangem ent Ea sy to grip hand le for easier silently In and out Keeps fresh e a sily epening-~-outom atic fingertip foods freshl oconomicol use of shelf area. to 6 0 lbs froion food— full 1 Vt-CV- ft. rearranged for most I d o sin g. Eliminating Chains Y e t there’* more, m a n y more feature* . . . *uch a * the a ll-*teel - O n e - p i e c e " cabinet; the triple plated chrome »helve* that adjust up or d o w n , slide in a n d out, or are qu ic kly r e m o v a b le for »torage of large item* such a * w ate rm elon *; the he rm et n u m b e r 1 b u y in a p o s t - w a r freezer-refrigerator. A n d n o w , extra va lue for you, if y o u act n o w — this $ 5 0 trade-in a llo w a n c e ce b o x or refrigerator, re ga rdle ss of condition, it the b ig g e t t refrigerato r v a lu e today. Y o u o w e yourself the convenience i f M i * m od ern styled Super De Luxe Z en ith — te e it today! M ARSH ALL W ELLS STO RE SEWRIGHT AND TERRY, Owners Phone 165W Nyssa, Oregon Im perial Tesolite* feature* a dr,m i new color* . . . color* endors'd by famous interior rfecorater* Quirk, easy, economa al too. $3.54 a gal. Stunz Lumber Co. Sprockets $439.00 ically s e aled -in -tte el m e c h a n is m that it b a c k e d w ith a fiv e - y e a r w a r r o n t y — in writing! . . . features that m ake the Zenith the for you r old Gears YOU SAVE MONEY! YOU SAVE TIME! B & M EQUIPMENT GO. Phone 270W Nyssa, Oregon