Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THUSDAY, JUNE 2, 1949 I room, hardwood floors, gas furnace and hot water tank, garage. Cor ner lot. close to school, priced for I quick sale $7350.00. F. H. A. terms. Several good dwelling lots, well | located. 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high way, next to Polar Cold storage RATE: Two cents per word fcr each issue. Minimum, cash ir About 3 acres, unimproved, edge of town on Adrian highway, good advance, is 30c. soil. All or any part. BERNARD EASTMAN Insurance Real Estate Phone 64 FOR SALE—-100 bushels of com; Fcr Sale locust posts. Gerrit Stam. Clark STOCK RANCHES. FARMS AND HOMES FOR SALE 26m2xp FOR SALE—1937 Plymouth coupe, boulevard. Stock ranch in Idaho. 1880 acres 37,000 mileage. Eva Boydell, 201 deeded land, 400 acres school land So. Third. 2J2xp F O R S A L E—Strawberries, Frank leased 10 years at a time. All fenc Graham, 7 miles southwest of Nyasa 26ni3xp ed, 6‘a miles of woven wire, best FOR SALE—60 to 70 tons baled on Ivanhoe. fences and ¡best set of buildings in hay, 1949 crop, Ideal Gas & Ap SALE—High grade Holstein the county. 1 house 24 x 34 with pliance. 2J2xc FOR cows, with D. H. I. A. records. upstairs, 7 rooms and bath. 1 new FOR SALE—Plywood trailer house, LeRoy Herrman, 2'_- miles west on house 24 x 32, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, 26m3xp store room, living room, bath, two in good condition, 8' x 18’, daveno, Columbia. Move, table and built-ins, good FOR SALE—Outside white paint, closets. Extra good barn 48 x 60, 114 story, all planked partitions and tires and good paint, $560 cash. Titanium, 5 gallon lots, floors, hog house 24 x 48, milk Write 'box 44, Parm a or phone National $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber house, 2 wood sheds, family orch 135W, Parma. 2J2xp. company. 12mtfc ard. 700 acres pasture, 200 acres FOR SALE—One double unit Per FOR SALEl—80-acre farm. 22 acres in one tame pasture, soil is black fection milker (used) with new in a if alia, clover and grain. Write loam, 9 miles from timber. This motor and pump, installed for $150. Frank Olson, route 2, Parma. 5mtfc place will run a lot of cattle and is a very good money maker, $45,- Nyssa Implement Co. 2jtfc FOR SAIE—1937 Buick special 000 total price. TOR SALE—11 foot cultipacker. in sedan, good condition. Bob Thomp 80 acres of as good row crop good condition, reasonable price, son. 21atfc land as lays in Canyon county, Bob Sunamota, Rt. 1, Ontario, modem 10 room house, barn, across from Cairo school. 2j4xp FOR SALE—Unpainted cabinets grainary, machine shed and other and chests of drawers. Cabinets good (buildings, $12,000 down, bal FOR SALE—1942 Hudson coupe, are in section and can be bought ance of $12,000 on easy terms. low mileage, J. K. Griffiths, 222 complete or in sections. Nyssa We have some good acreages Ennis. 2j2xp Lumber company, phone 118-W. for sale, from 1 to 20 acres, homes 16Dtfc on most of them. FOR SALE—-Used Kelvinator "coke” A nice home with all the modern box, $09.50. Ideal Gas and Appli FOR SALE;—Russet eating pota conveniences, Including automatic ance. 2jtfc toes, bring your own sack. L. J. dish washer, two nice bed rooms, TOR SALE—Used Norge electric Josephson and son, Payette, Idaho, lots of shade and you can walk 17mtfc down town on sidewalks all the range, 0 months guarantee, only phone 392-J. way. This home is priced at only $97.50, one used Nonge washer FOR SALE;—Have farms and homes $6,200, including some nice furn with new '4 horse motor, good j for sale. Need more, list with Ken iture. condition, $47.50, terms. Ostrom 29Jtfc. A cozy small home of 4 rooms, Brothers Appliance. 26mtfc Renstrom. Phone 284-W. large shady grounds, extra pump FOR SALE—Baby chicks. Now is to water grounds, very well located, FOR SAIiE-1939 Chevy, (Master 85 coupe, good tires, heater, seat cov the time to order Thompson's only $4,000. We have many other homes for ers, good condition, phone 255W. Chek-R-Ohlx for delivery every For sale. '26mtfc Wednesday and Saturday. breeds and prices write. Thomp How would you like to step right TOR SALE—Used Westinghouse el son’s Ontario hatchery, box 578, into a going business, own it and ectric range, excellent condition, all Ontario, Oregon. 17ftfc. a new (building with nice living automatic with deep well, $99.50 quarters for only $9,000? We have FOR SALE—One bedroom modem Ideal Gas and Appliance 2jtfc it, a confectionery-restaurent com house, garage, chicken house, small bination with practically all the FOR SALE!—1937 Ford coupe 85. barn, lot 150 x 150. $5250, $1700 school trade, Including stationery, Keith Herrman, 2'¿ miles west on loan. gifts and many other highly profi Columbia. 26m3xp. FOR SALE—Two-bedroom modem table lines. Let us show you this. home, small basement, furnace! You are under no obligations what FOR SALE—Used Oliver Beet ana Bean Drill, good condition. $125. heat, lot 100 toy 120 feet, $5000. soever, if this does not suit. ED JAMISON AND KEN POND Nyssa Implement Co. 12mtfc with easy terms. 222 Ennis. TOR SALE—Ten acres with small Real estate and Insurance Agency 100’,' Service FOR SALE— Two-bedroom mod home on Adrian highway, priced Nyssa, Oregon ern home, $3500 with easy terms. for quick sale, $2,850.00. Two houses with extra lots, good TOR SALE—Modem home, one FOR SALE rentals, will consider trade for farm acre, large chicken house, good 150 acres of good row crop land, property. well, Alberta avenue, $5500. to Nyssa, water pumped from Small home, new, three rooms, close New home, small, will trade for river, $13,500, terms can toe ar extra room for bath, will sacrifice ranged. trailer house. Eastern Oregon Produce Auto on quick sale. Terms, if needed. One business lot for sale on Apartment house with two large Main street. court, located just north of grade apartments on ground floor, extra school building. Four lots for sale, suitable for FOR RENT - One acre, close in, large room upstairs, three-room either business or residential. apartm ent in basement, $6,800. with small house. Three-bedroom modern home, TOR SALE— Business building. paving and curbing paid, immedi NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Main street location, lot size 25x116. ate possession. Ralph G. Lawrence Main street. Six-room modern home on one FOR SALE New and used pianos. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY acre, adjoining Nyssa, insulated, We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent hardwood floors, full basement, nice Grigg Bros, and Butler. &mtfc Nyssa, Oregon yard, productive soil, immediate possession. FOR SALE -Eating potatoes, Wil FOR SALE Five acres, joins Nyssa city limits, liam Peutz, phone 010-J2. 28at>fc Acseage with large, new modern $1500; $1000 down. FOR SALE Two acres on high home, double garage, full basement, We have a party wanting a good close in. some terms, immediate way, one mile north, cash price modern home, with full basement, $650. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa In possession. close to Nyssa school. New two-bedroom home, utility surance agency. 21atfc 40 acres, lays perfect, good soil, on the Nyssa-Ontario highway, will consider trading for town property in Nyssa. 20 acres, three-bedroom modern home, old Owyhee water right, lays good, excellent soil, best buy in any acreage. New two-bedroom modern home on corner location, paved street, curbing and on sewer, small down payment, G. I. loan to be assumed. 94 acres, 64 acres irrigated, lays good, cheap water, crops can be bought with it, five-room modern home, good buy. For insurance or a loan on your PHYSICIANS LODGES property see Mel Beck. GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER Nyssa Post No. 79 ' SARAZIN CLINIC Bytoee Building Phone 179-J Classified Advertising professional and Business Directory Dr. J. J. Sarazln American Legion Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. L. W. Scott Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome J -J ! - —-L— " • W ANTED WANTED— To Duy anything in beef or veal. Also custom killed and delivered to Polar Cold Stor age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. g g ^ L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 C. J. Kopp, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Fry Building Oflice hours 10 to 12; and 2 to S Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Gate City Lodge No. 214 FOR RENT—Sleeping room, first house west of Boise-Payette Lumb er yard, phone 143J. 26m3xp FOR RENT—Pasture, will handle about 40 head of cattle. V. H. H an sen, 2 miles north on Third street. 26m3xp DENTISTS DR. C. M. TYLER Wilson Building JEWELRY STORES Phone 165-J, Nyssa Office hours from 9 to 5 except Saturdays, 9 to 12. PAULUS JEWELRY STORE J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street a . Second Phone 56-J Sarazln Clinic NYSSA OREGON WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY Official Time Inspector lor Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON For Rent I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8:30. South First Street FOR RENT—For summer months, three-room furnished house, phone 02R11. 26m3xp FOR RENT -Basement apartment, furnished. King avenue, phone 288W, Mrs. E. M. Bair. 19Mtfc FOR RENT—Electric hand sanding machine, excellent for light sanding FOR RENT Floor Sander Reasonable Rates VETERINARIANS DR. HAL I). WHITE Veterinarian Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore - S T l’NZ LUMBER COMPANY work. Ostrom Bros. Appliance. 50 limited by section II. article XI, of specify the rate oi interest at North First 3treet, phone 289J. 3ftfc the Constitution of Oregon. which the bidder will take said The reasons for increasing such bonds at par, and must be filed FOR RENT—Two-room furnished levy are: with the Clerk of said School cabin, phone 122-J. 6mtfc Increasing enrollment and higher District No. 26C at the Nyssa High operating costs plus the fact that FOR RENT—Sleeping room with School in the City of Nyssa. Ore private bath. One block from post $50.000 00 has been included in gon, on or before 5:00 o'clock P. M. office. Phone 72-R. Smtfc this budget for the benefit of the on the 8th day of June, 1949. Bids building fund, necessitate this in will be opened at the office of the FOR RENT—Furnished apartment crease. said School District No. with laundry facilities. Available The amount of tax, in excess of Clerk at of the Nyssa Grade School, June 1. Phone 72-R. 5mtfc the 6% limitation, proposed to be 26C Nyasa, Oregon, at 8:30 o'clock p. m. levied for said year is $73.25138 on the 8th day of June, 1949. Each FOR »«ENT —Cement mixer, gas Dated this 26th day of May, 1949. bid must be accompanied by a oline powered. Stunz Lumber Attest; certified check in the amount of Company. ltatfc HENRY H. HARTLEY Nine Thousand One Hundred and District Clerk Sixty ($9,160.00) Dollars as a de FOR RENT— Polish your own EMIL A. STUNZ posit to insure fulfillment of said floors. Rent our high-speed pol Chairman Board of Directors bid. ishing equipment Easily handled by women. Nyssa Lumper company. The approving legal opinion of ELECTION NOTICE SAtfc. Notice is hereby given that on Messrs. Winfree, McCulloch, Shul er and Sayre will be furnished the F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. the 15th day oi June, 1949, at the successful bidder. Nyssa City Hall, in the Nyssa Chadwick's camp. 14atfc The District School Board of Rural Fire Protection District, in the County of Malheur, Oregon, a School District No. 20C, Malheur MISCELLANEOUS Special election will be held for County. Oregon, reserves the rignt MISCELLANEOUS—I will not be five Directors of said District, to reject any and all bids. EMIL A. STUNZ responsible for debts incurred by which election will be held at School District No. 26C anyone other than myself. Glen 8 o'clock in the morning and will Chairman, Attest: P. Corfield. 26m4xp. continue until 8 P. M. of said day. HENRY H. HARTLEY Dated this 11th day of May, 1949. District Clerk MISCELLANEOUS — Hemstitching H. S. Sackeet Published May 5th, May 19, May done in my home. Leave with Mrs. County Clerk 29th and June 2nd, 1949. Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa First publ. May 19. 1949 Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duf- Last publ. June 9, 1949 fin. 26m tfc NEWELL YOUTHS NOTICE OF MISCELLANEOUS—No muss, no TAKE 4-H HONORS ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE fuss, call us, rockwool insulation. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF We have our own insulation blow THE STATE OF OREGON FOR NEWELL HEIGHTS, June 2— ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp Those Irony Newell Heights who THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR any. 26mtfc In the M atter of the Estate of won ribbons at the 4-H spring show held in Onturio in clothing B. Baker, Deceased. MISCELLANEOUS -Custom baling, Berkley NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 2 were Mary Stoker, blue; Karen wire tires, Robert Cannon, 4'4 miles that to an Order of the McKinley, blue; Gay Harris red; southwest oi Nyssa on Adrian high above pursuant entitled Court dated May 11, Roberta Vanderpool, white; cloth- way. 26m8xp 1949 In the above entitled estate, inti 3, Adele Hamilton, blue; Marcy McKinley, blue; styling cloth M I S C E LLANBOUS—Insurance is the indersigned Administrator ol Ann 2, Mary Stoker, blue; Karen not fire protection. Any minute said estate will sell at private sale ing McKinley blue, and champion ol day or night you can have a fire. on or after the 14th day of June. her clothing 3, Adele Ham- Automatic fire control protects 1949, to the highest bidder for cash, mon, class, and champion and millions In property and life. All subject to confirmation by said Marcy blue Ann McKinley blue; home- extingushers are approved by un Court, the following described real derwriters. See your local dealer property belonging to the estate of making, Gay Harris, red; Charlene for free estimate. Claud Willson, said deceased, situated in tihe City Harris, red; cooking 2, Francene 650 No. Fourth street, phone 1’28-J of Nyssa, Malheur County, State Peterson, blue; Charlene Harris, blue; demonstrations. Gay Harris Nyssa. 19m tfc of Oregon, to-wit: Lots Nos. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15 in and Charlene Harris, blue on Block No. 34 of Park Addition to homemaking; Jenefer Thompson, MISCELLANEOUS—Four your in the City of Nyssa, County oi blue, dairy foods. surance needs of any kind see Nell Stoker left for Utah Tues Malheur. State of Oregon, as the Mel Beck, Grigg Bros, and Butler. same are shown on the Revised day. She will accompany Joyce, 5m tfc her sister, home. General Plat of the said City now MISCELLANEOUS—General truck Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Osborn of on file In the Office of the Coun ty Clerk for Malheur County, Bakersfield, California were guests ing. John Barnett and Kenneth of the Kenneth Smith family S at Oregon. Reece, phone 123-R. Utfc. All bids must be in writing and urday. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? may be delivered to the under Mr. and Mrs. Schafer took the Loans on farms for refinancing, signed at te office of Clyde H. Popping Porker Pig club and King- building, improvements, b u y i n g . Snider, Heldt Building, Nyasa, man Kolony club Scouts to the Long term, low Interest, see Ber Oregon, Attorney for said Admin Snively swimming pool Friday eve nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. ning. The swim was followed by istrator. 3Atfc. a wiener roast. Eugene and Charlene ROE FELTON DUNCAN Administrator of the Estate of Harris were guests. MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, Berkley B. Baker, deceased Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kurtz and Electrolux cleaners and air puri family of North Powder are spend First published May 12, 1949 fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. Last published June 2, 1949 ing the week at the M. L. Kurtz Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idaho, home. phone 087-J4. 17mtfc. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Harris STATE OF OREGON FOR THE and family were at Payette Mem Dead animals picked up free. orial evening. COUNTY OF MALHEUR For prompt service call collect. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Borge and In the Matter of the Estate of Ontario—Ontario Grain Co. 63 ERNEST G. COWLING, also known family were at Payette Memorial Parma—Parma Seed Oo. 25 as Earnest Cowling and E. G. day. Nyssa—Main plant 100 Cowling, Deceased Mr. and Mrs. George Harris of Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Weiser were at the Charles Harris NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN home Sunday. MISCELLANEOUS—We have mod that the undersigned, Edna B. ern Foley machines lor filing saws Cowling, administratrix of the and sharpening lawn mowers. Also estate of Ernest G. Cowling, de MERRY MATRONS OF scissor grinding. Patterson saw ceased, has filed her Final Account OREGON TRAIL MEET shop, 300 block No. 1st street. as said administratrix In the County 24m tfc Court of Malheur County, Oregon, OREGON TRAIL, June 2—The and that said Court os appointed Merry Matrons club met at the MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car Tuesday, the 14th day of June. 1949, home at Jessie Chard Wednesday and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- at 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of afternoon. May 25. Ten niembeis neman’s. 250tfc said day. for the hearing of ob and one guest, Hazel Farr, were to said final Account and present. The afternoon was spent MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and jections settlement thereof. socially. In a quiz contest Alice free pick-up or your dead, crippled the NOW, THEREFORE, all persons Holmes won the prize. The next or sick livestock. Calls received be Interested in the estate of Ernest meeting will be held June 8, with fore 9 o'clock are picked up by G. Cowling, deceased, are noti Alta Fry as hostess. Roll call to noon. Efficient drivers. Call col fied and required to appear at the be a tea towel exchange. Hazel lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys County Court Room In the Court Farr joined the club. Lunch was sa 102-W. laano Animal Products House at Vale, Malheur County, served by the hostess, assisted by Company. 5Jtfc. Oregon, at said time, to then and Alta Fry and Alberta Bowen. there show cause, if any there be, The Busy Needles 4-H sewing CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Stock received Monday, Tuesday, why said Account should not be club with Mrs. 'Alfred Adams as allowed and approved and leader, won seven prizes at the Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. tn. settled, said estate distributed and said 4-H sprint; fair in Ontario last to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. administratrix discharged. week. Betty Anne Boenig and No stock received on Sunday. Dated and first published Mav Mary Joan Russell were awarded Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery 12, 1949. Date of last publication, first prizes, Irene and Sylvia Jayo to Polar locker plant. June 9. 1949. and Harryette Gardner took sec One mile west on Alberta avenue EDNA B. COWLING ond place and Lila Mae Holmes Phone 05R1 Administratrix of the Estate of and Carrol Adams third places. JAKE FISCHER Ernest G. Cowing, Deceased Three 4-H club scholarships to .sum Harold Henigson mer school at Corvallis in June LEGAL ADVERTISING Attorney for Administratrix have 'been awarded to Lila Mae Holmes and Irene and Sylvia Jayo. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF NOTICE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis and THE STATE OF OREGON FOR BOND SALE family of Nampa were dinner THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN In the Matter of the Estate of that School District No. 26C of Synopsis of Annual FRANK R HARTRANFT. Deceased Malheur County, Oregon, offers for Statement Notice to Creditors F or ( I « year endr<! perrm her Ml, sale Pour Hundred Flfty-eignt lilts ,it tlir V i o l i . ANT INM KAN t ' K NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thousand ($468,000) Dollars in gen CO M PAN Y n i NKW YOKK. In th e » U t e iti NKW YOKK, m aile tn th e that the undersigned, Harold Hen- eral indebtedness bonds of the inaurarne cum m lHsiiner o f tiie ut oi O regon, pursuant to law: igson, has been appointed Adminis said School District dated July 1, INCOMK trator with the Will annexed of 1949, numbered consecutively from N et Prem ium s received $ 2 ,5 0 4 ,7 6 5 T o ta l Interest, dividends the estate of Frank R. H artranft, 1 to 458 inclusive, In denominations and real e s t a t e i n c o m e 9 1 ,1 8 5 In com e »' r o h i o th e r deceased, by the County Court of of One Thousand ($l,000i Dollars eourcea _______________ 2 ,4 5 6 Malheur County. Oregon, and has each, maturing serially in numer T o ta l Income ical order commencing January 1, qualified as such. DJHBl/KHKMK ¿M r N e t am ount paid for NOW, THEREFORE, all persons 1961, and each year thereafter Iosa** $ 1 ,0 5 1 .2 1 7 53 L oss a d ju s tm e n t ex having claims against the estate of until paid In full as per the fol 68 471 09 p en ses ______ . ____ - Frank R. Hartranft, deceased, are lowing maturity schedule: U n derw ritin g e x p e n s e s „ 7 6 5 .1 6 2 .1 0 d iv id e n d s p a i d to s to c k * hereby notified and required to $18,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1951 holders (ca sh , $ ----- sto c k $2 present the same, with proper $18,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1952 D iv id en d s pal . ht or cre- vouchers, duly verified, within six $19,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1953 dlted t<i policyholders »Olle A ll other expenditures m (6) months from the date of this $19.000 00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1954 (In cluding I n v cut frient exp en ses, $ 3 9 5 .4 3 1 2 4 .8 8 2 81 Notice, to the undersigned, a t his $20,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1955 office at Nyssa, Oregon, which $21,00000 maturing on Jan. 1, 1956 T o ta l disbursem ents $2 0 0 9 ,7 3 4 45 A DM ITT ED AHHKTH place the undersigned selects as his $21,000.00 maturing on Jail. 1, 1957 V alu e Of real estate $22,000 00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1958 ow n ed (m ark et value» Non# place of business in all matters L oan s on m ortgages and $23,000 00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1959 connected with said estate. collateral, etc _____ - None V alue o f bonds owned Dated and first published May 28, $24,000 00 maturing on Jan. 1, I960 (am ortized » $ 5 .8 7 1 .5 7 9 10 $24,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1961 V alu e o f stock s owned 1949. (m a r k e t value» 1 3 4 ,1 9 5 0 0 $25,000 00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1962 C a s h In bunks and on Last publication June 23, 1949 hand _______ - - 9 6 9 .6 4 3 7 1 $26,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1963 P rem iu m s In course o f HAROLD HENIOeON $27,000 00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1964 collection w ritten since S ep tem b er 30, 1948 1 6 6 ,1 8 7 97 Administrator with the Will an $28,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1965 In ter e st and rents due nexed of the Estate at Fank R. $29.000 00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1966 and accrued ------- 4 0 .2 8 0 <9 O ther a s s e ts ( n e t ) ____ 1 0 9 169 86 Hartranft, Deceased. $30,00000 maturing on Jan. 1, 1967 T otal adm itted a ssets »7 2 9 1 .0 5 6 43 $31,00000 maturing on Jan. 1, 1968 L l A H lI .n IK. Sl ' HIM . I S AND O THER KUNDH Notice of School Election Upon $33,00000 maturing on Jan. 1, 1969 T o ta l unpaid claim s . $ 1 ,1 3 7 .1 4 5 86 Question of Increasing Tax Levy The interest on said bonds shall E stim a ted loss adjust- m ent expense for un- Over Amount Limited by Section not exceed four (4%) per cent per paid claim s « -------- 6 1 ,6 5 8 73 of s I unearned prem ium s 1,151.90.» ih II. Article XI, S tate Constitution. annum payable semi-annually on A ll ottier lia b ilities - - 8 7 2 ,7 1 9 ;2 Notice is hereby given that an the 1st day of January and the T otal lia b ilities, excep t „ election will be held Monday. June 1st day of July. Both principal c a p ita l ____ $ 3 .2 2 4 .4 6 3 09 C ap ital »alt up $ 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 20. in School District No. 26-c of and Interest of said bonds shall be 8 p surplus funds _ None Malheur County, State of Oregon. payable at the office of the Coun U n assign ed funds (su r- plus» _______ 3,0**6,593 34 tram 2 OO p m until 7:00 p. m at ty Treasurer of Malheur County, Surplus as regards p o ll- ___ cyh old ers ____ $ 4 .0 6 6 .5 9 3 34 the Nyssa Grade School In said Oregon, or at the Fiscal Agency school district, for the purpose of of the State of Oregon at New _ $ 7 .2 9 1 .0 5 6 43 T o ta l . .. KH8 IN OKEGON KOK T H E KUH1NKH submitting to the legal voters of York City at the option of the N et prem ium s received $ 2 .4 0 0 0 3 said district the question at in- purchaser. N et lo ss e s paid - • « u4 creasng the tax levy for the fiscal Bids for said bonds must be in D ivid en d s paid or cre dited to policyholders - None year 1949-1959 over the amount writing and sealed, and must PAGE THREE guests last Sunday at the Alfred Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doering of Anderson ranch dam spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen and family. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Cleaver were also dinner guests at the Bowen home. Lila Mae Holmes attended a slumber party at Lois G am er's home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mi's. Harold Flvecoat and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Alfred Adams. ARCADIA TO HAVE VACATION SCHOOL ARCADIA, June 2— Daily vacation Bible school will begin at Arcadia June 13. Classes will be held from 9 a. m. to 12, noon for a period of two weeks, with Miss Wilma Bullard and Miss Beulah Com as teachers. All children are invited Garland McKinney, who has been visiting his sister the past two months, went to Nampa last week to work. Mrs. Ray Sparks and Mrs. George Moeller attended the 4-H fair in Ontario last Friday. Nell Bowers took her 4-H sew ing club to the 4-H fair Friday. In the division 2 group, Violet Dry- dale took first prize and Loretta second prize. All the girls re ceived merits of awards. In the IA tgroup, Shirley Schilling took first prize, Jean Moeller second and Norman Benedict third prize. Ethel Bullard of Hermiston spent the week-end here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Hurst and family spent Monday at Weiser with relatives. A family dinner of the Bullards family was held at the Otis Bull ard home (Memorial day. Eddy Behymer of Mountain Home spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard, while hts parents. Mr. and (Mrs. Melvin Behmer went to Seattle to attend the funeral of Mr. Behymer's fa th er. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold G arren of Pasco, Washington spent the holi day here and at Nyssa. Donald Garren who has attended school at Nyssa accompanied them home. (Mrs. Dale Lakey and girls of Boise spent the holiday here with her mother, Mrs. Anna Dail and other relatives. Miss Wilma Bullard left Saturday night for Portland to attend com mencement exercises at the M ult nomah school of the Bible. She will also attend the wedding of Miss Patty Hall and Dave Hozen June 5 at the Central Bible church. Miss Hall and Mr. (Hozen were school friends of Miss Bullard at Multnomah school of the Bible. Miss Betty Bullard accompanied her on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. John McKinney of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKinney and daughter of Eagle were dinner guests tn the home of Mr. and (Mrs. George Moeller. Gorgon Keele of Payette is vis iting his sister, Mrs. Norman Hipp and family. Mrs. Ted Bates was called to Boise Friday because of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Mar garet Gobble. Mrs. Lee Taylor left Friday with her family for Hays, Kansas, where they will visit two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers and family visited in the George Moel ler home Sunday afternoon. Miss Wilma Bullard, who has been employed in the Nyssa tele phone office resigned Saturday to teach Bible summer school under the supervision of the American Sunday school union. Return From Coast— Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartley and family loft Friday for Falls City, Oregon, where they visited Mrs. Hartley’s .parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. G rant. Here From Walla Walla— Mrs. John J. Norris spent S at urday, Sunday and Monday In the Jim Norris home in Newell Heights. She returned to Walla Walla Monday evening, making the trip by plane. To Portland— Mrs. J. W. Rigney Is In Portland this week attending the teachers conference on special education. To Kansas— Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb and family left last Thursday to visit relatives at Troy and Luray, Kansas. E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56-W Guaranteed Radio Repair PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Nyssa, Oregon