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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1949)
reeNYSSA JOURNA « VOLUME XXXXIV NO. 20 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 2(>, 1949 TWO SECTIONS—10 PAGES MEETING NOMINEES NAMED Minister Urges DISTRICT p o s t o f f ic e lo b b y Tax For School OF EAGLES HELD Work Expected FOR FIRE DISTRICT Class Night i Is f OPEN Pupils To Live To Be Resumed Observed Here T0 u n BE t il LEFT 10 o ’ c l o c k District To Be Complete Lives j On School Job Ten men have been nom inated! for directors of the Nyssa rural The Nyssa post office lobby will fire protection district. Student body officers were in Five of the men will be elected stalled and awards were made to be left open at nights until 10 p. Postmaster as directors in an election to be individuals and groups of the Nys | m.. starting tonight. neld June 15 in the city hall. The sa high school at a class night and Lloyd Lewis announced. The post polls will be open from 8 a. m. award assembly held in the gym office department has been clusing tile lobby at 9 p. m. to 8 p. m. nasium Tuesday night. Tile post office windows will be The nominees are Wilbur A th Following greetings extended by closed at 12, noon on Saturdays, be- J. H. Wise and Son, Boise con erton, W illiam B. Russell, Harley James Heldt, student body presi Urging his listeners to “ live all finning July 2. They have been tractors, are preparing to resume Noah, Jacob Fischer, Frank Sher dent; the senior class prophecy T h e tax for school district No. of your lives", Rev. Donald Max- work the first of the week on the wood, Frank Parr, Glenn Suiter, was read by Deane Irving and (he Sept open until 1 p. m. The lobby 26-c o f Nyssa for the fiscal year field of the First Church of Christ will remain open until 10 p. m. as new school building in Nyssa, Otis Bullard and Loyd Adams. lass will was given by Neva M al 1949-50 will be $174,762.13, as com discussed four phases at personal on other days. which was tKilted several days ago loy. T h e senior class g ift to the pared to $167,102 for the present development and growth in the First class mail taken to the because oi a labor dispute. school, a public address system, was year, or an increase o f $7,060 13, baccalaureate sermon delivered be post office by 8:30 p. m. will be A wage agreement apparently presented by Howard Flanary, class according to figures included in fore a large crowd in tuie Nyssa placed on the 8:55 p. m. eustibound has been reached, but the company president, and was accepted by the annual budget published this gymnasium last Sunday night. train that evening or on title 4:55 is doing some preliminary work Mrs. M argaret Engstrom. week in tihe G ate City Journal. a. m. westbound train the next Rev. M axfield quoted Luke, who this week before resuming work. T h e student body officers wen The $7.660.13 increase is almost morning, depending upon which stated that Jesus increased In Wise halted work when a con installed by Vice Principal Charles Identical to the increase in the sature and grew in favor o f God. troversy developed as to whether T h e Payette entry in the Idaho- Steffens as follows: Deane Hunter, way it is to go. amount of the debt service, which "Jesus was admired by the Malheur county should be in the Oregon league ran in five runs in president; Ronald Jensen, vice increased from $12,589.38 to $19,251.- people", said the speaker. “ That Oregon or Boise jurisdiction of the seventh inning to spoil an president Ned Campbell, treasurer; 38. is one of our aims in life— to have the Associated General Contract otherwise interesting baseball game Cleo Flinders, secretary; Nina Lind Malheur county was host Wed This year the levy In m ills was people like us. The natural tend There is considerable d if with the Nyssa Sackers on the inter-class rivalry chairman, ana nesday to 3o eastern Jersey breed ors. 34.67 and for next year it Is esti ency is to want people to look up ference in the wage scale in the Payette diamond Tuesday night. Loretta Russell, Carlene Jones and ers, who were en route through mated by Superintendent Henry to us. I f you would have them like Prior to this year, The score of the game, the first Joan Garrison, yell leaders. the northwest to California to at two areas. you, remember people and smile. Memorial day services will be Hartley at 35 mills, providing the M rs W. W. Foster, retiring pres tend a national convention at Sac Malheur county has been under the league contest of the season for assessed valuation of the district We need the fellowship o f other Boise jurisdiction. Nyssa was 12 to 4. ident of the Nyssa P. T. A., was held in the veterans plot in the ramento. Increases. This levy includes $5<r, We are not living all of our lives Charles Collins, A. F. of L. or Nyssa cemetery Monday, May 30. The tean-s played on fairly even presented with a copy of the Tup The group o f dairymen arrived if we leave that out. Members of all veterans organ 000 for the building fund, which in Boise at 4:30 a. m. and after ganizer, announced a t Ontario last terms until the fifth frame, when elo by Val Dee Child on behalf "Y ou must attend to your phys breakfast went on a tour of the week that the wage scale for lab Payette scored five runs on five of the Tupelo staff, and a potted izations will assemble in the cetne- will be used In the erection of the ical beings. I f you do not, you are Black canyon project and the Sun- orers on the school jobs in Ontario errors and two hits o ff Syme. plant by Muss M argery Nihart on tery at 10 o'clock for the services new building now under construct ion. I f it were not fo r this Item, not living all o f your life. W e can nyslope area. Included in the dele and Nyssa had been set at $1.60 Del Dotto pitched to the last two behalf of the Nyssa Education ass which will be started at 10:30. Rev. the levy would be $124,762.13 and grow in some ways by not doing gation welcoming the visitors at an houi following an agreement oatters in the eighth inning. The ociation. Don Maxfield of the First Gliurch the millage would be approximately certain things, particularly the use Boise were Rosel Hunter and Mrs. between the union and the con Sackeis made 10 hits, only one less Individual activity awards were of Christ will be the principal 24 mills. of aldhohol and tobacco. Hope Grider of Nyssa, president tractors. The agreement was reach than Payette, but lost mainly on presented by members of the fac speaker. O f the total budget of $778,562 13, "D o not waste your motions, Graves will be decorated in the ulty for football, Tupelo, basket- and secretary of the Malheur Coun ed by splitting the difference be errors. but conserve your Jtiergy as ja r t tween the Idaho scale of $1.50 and Nyssa made its runs in the sev- ! ball. Future Homemakers of Am- morning by a join t committees of general fund expenditures amount ty Jersey C attle club. of this program of building up you: enth, eighth and ninth innings. erica, Bulldog, track, librarian, box the American Legion and auxiliary to $251,185.75. Th e remaining sums The visitors were guests at a the Portland scale of $1,70. body. The carpenters and iron work In the first of the seventh, Del ing, music, Girls' league, speech, and Veterans of Foreign Wars and are Included in the building pro luncheon held in the Ontario ject or debt service expenditures. “ Jesus increased in wisdom. In school building at noon under the ers pay had previously been set Dotto, playing right field, singled baseball and G irls’ Athletic assoc auxiliary. The levy exceeds the 6 per cent crease your wisdom; don't let you: auspicies o f the Ontario, Nyssa and tled at $2 an hour. No parade or down-town service for tlie third time in the game. iation. limitation by $73,376.38, of which mind go to seed. We need to in Vale chambers of commerce. W el Catcher Ross drove out a single, Ronad Jensen, winner of third will be held. $50,000 is for construction o f the crease our wisdom by encircling coming talks were given by Mr. putting Del Dotto on second, and place in the State in an American new building. our minds with greater sources ol Hunter and County Agent Harry Oxnam, left filder, walked to fill Legion oratorical cotest, was pres Residents o f the district w ill be knowledge Jesus prepared for a Sandquist. The response was giv the bases. M. Hartley struck out and ented with an award by Henry called upon to vote on the proposal long rime fo r his work. He took en by J. S. Adams of Ashville, S. Hartley, pinch hitting, singled Storm, commander of Nyssa post to exceed the 8 per cent lim itation up his life's work at 30 and it North Carolina, who headed the through third base, scoring Del No. 79 of the American Legion. In an election to be held In the ended when he was 33. Dotto. Syme, Nyssa pitcher, sing Mr. Storm also presented American delegation. Five representatives of grade school building in Nyssa Saying that civilization forgets the Nyssa chamber of commerce State officials who were here led to bring in Ross. The next Legion citizenship awards to Betty A proposal by Mrs, Naomi Buch- Monday, June 20. The polls will the first of the week were well two men up, S. Bybee and Herren, Winchell and C lifford Coleman. those who use only their backs and attended the luncheon. ert, operator of the Nyssa Nurs be open from 2 to 7 p. m. brawn, Rev. Maxwield urged his T o the Nyssa high school were A fter the noon meeting, the pleased with the scenic beauty in struck out. listeners to learn to “ be something". dairymen toured the Nyssa-Adiian the Owyhee reservoir section, which Hendricks drove a triple between presented the Snake R iver valley B ing home,, prompted the Nyssa chamber of commerce at its noon "So far you have lived three- section and returned to Caldwell the Nyssa Boat club and others centerfield and leftfield in the league basketball championship quarters of your lives” , the speak through Homedale to board their hope to have designated as a state eighth inning and scored later on trophy, the Snake River valley luncheon Wednesday to consider undertaking a plan for raising er said. " I t Lakes the last quarter train for continuation of the west park. a wild pitch. baseball championship trophy and more money for the Malheur M em The visitors were taken to the to make the whole. It takes the In the last inning, with one the Snake River valley and Eastern ern trip. upper reaches of the reservoir down, Beckley, playing right field, Oregon track championship troph orial hospital. grace of God to live your whole Under Mrs. Buchert’s plan, squar The Nyssa baseball entry in the Sunday by E W. Pruyn and Murle singled and scored on a catcher's ies; to Erwin Bush the cross-coun life. W e want to advance in the Marcum of the Nyssa Boat club. overthrow to second after Moore try trophy, and to Yoko Okano and es on a sheet of paper would be Idaho-Oregon Baseball league faces siijht of man, but we must stand sold for chances on, for instance a tough schedule Friday night, The visitors included J. Collins of had also singled. with Peter and John and say T Jim Rigney special service awards. a quilt. The sheet would be com May 27, when they meet the Nampa the U. S. park service, Chester want to stand for God'. I f you live The Nyssa lineup was as follows: Other awards were Thespian award. pletely covered with squares, with team and Manager George J. M it Armstrong of the state park service, Herren, lb; Hutter, ss; Hendricks, Bulldog certificates, essay awards, in thè favor of God you can make Bob Lyman, photographer, and M. of; Del Dotto, rf; Ross, c; Oxnam, frosh-sophamore Olympic cup and the outer lin g selling for $20 each, chell's "Republican 49'ers", who a success of your business and your the next rl ig $19? the third ring will pi the town lean, as an Mark Hartley set the Western A. Langelle of the state travel If; M. Hartley, 2b; Hartloo, 3b; chemistry award married life. Yau have to learn $5 and all of the inside squares opening attraction. They went by boat as Syme, p. Other players were Moore, to give and take. God has given Corrugator company softball team bureau. The girls' glee club and audience $1 each. I f all the .squares were Most recent report from the us six days and has reserved one down with no hits and no runs far as the old site of Watson, S. Bybee, Holcomb, McCready, B ill closed the program by singing the sold, the total "take" would be manager, indicates the possible for himself. Lots of time we run Wednesday evening as the Tobler’s 45 miles from the dam. ings, Glover, S. Hartley and Beck- Nyssa high school song. approximatel $3500, line-up as: First base, Ira Ure; The mt|i returned to Nyssa Sun ley. after God and take the seventh Feed company team took a decisive Chamber members suggested the second base, Jake Fischer; short from him. I f you will give your 17 to 0 victory to officially open day evening and spent Tuesday use of more expensive items, sttcii stop, A1 Chadwick; third base, self completely to God and his the city league play this year and Wednesday inspecting the vol as an automobile, to raise a great S i d Flanagan; catcher, Joo service the world w ill remember under the auspices o f the local canic area near Aroek in Malheur er amount of money Maughn; left field, E. K (T ed ) you. Only by living a four-point Nyssa Lions club. Cal. Wilson county. President Fred Bracken will ap Burton; center field, George Hen- program will you live a complete, pounded out two singles, a double, Showing of the film story of the point a committee this week to neman; right field, Emil Stunz. and a home run while Hugh Tob- well-rounded life". renowned missionary to leprosy give further consideration to the Mitchell refused to disclose his Th e girls glee club, directed by ler made a single and two doubles victims in India, M ary Reed, will starting pitcher until game time, Lynn Lawrence, entertained with to lead the Tdbler's attack against Committees of the Owyhee R id be held Sunday evening. May 29 in proposal. but indicated his pitching staff two selections, “ Bless This House" the Corrugator team. ing club and the Nyssa chamber the First Church of Christ under will consist of Oeorge Cleaver and In the second game of the eve and "In the Garden o f Tom orrow.” of commerce decided at a meeting the auspices of the First Church Don Graham. T h e "49'ers" threat Other numbers on the program ning the Ontario Tractor company Members Of the Veterans of Tuesday night to order more street of Christ and the Methodist Com en a wild game with the town team were as follows: Pracessionat, softball team won a wild 25 to 12 Foreign Wars and auxiliary will decorations for the rodeo to be munity church. and it is expected that attendance "Entrance of the Peers". Nyssa high win over the Adrian Lions. Several sell Buddy poppies on the streets of given by the riding club July 21, In 1890 a young woman who had school orchestra, directed by Lynn hurlers were used by each side. Nyssa Saturday, May 28 in memory 22, and 23. A breakfast will ibe served in will be high. just been told that she had leprosy, The mayor will throw out the The new purchases will provide slipped quietly out o f the country Brownie's cafe Saturday morning Lawrence; invocation, Rev. E. J. Bingman, with four hits, and Jay of their departed comrades. Wilson o f the Nazarene cTiurch; Bybee, with three hits, lead the Officers of the two organizations five strings of flags across Main lest her tragic secret become known at 6:30 for the girls and women first ball at 8:07 p. m. hymn, audience, led by Rev. Don- assault on the Adrian hurlers. said “ the Buddy poppies are the street. The decorations will be and cause a panic among those who will sell poppies for the Am aid S. Campbell of the Methodist Heuter hit a home run for the personal symbol of our departed erected by July 1. albout her. Seeking only anonimity erican Legion auxilliary in ob church; scripture reading, Rev. winners to help their cause. Judd comrades and exem plify the spir As the annual kids day pro and an opportunity to live out her servance of Memorial day. Ap M axfield. prayer, Reverend Camp was Che big gun in Adrian losing itual ties that exist in the per gram sponsored by the chamber of remaining years in useful service, proximately 20 are expected to at bell; hymn by the audience; bene cause with two singles and a home petuation o f their memory. It Is commerce will be held July 21, the she hurried back to India, where tend the breakfast. diction, Arvel L. Child, president of run. F’rom early morning until night- a day of remembrance and re children will be permitted to at she had already served term of Preliminary arrangements for the The last game of the evening dedication and the public expres tend the rodeo free of charge. six years as a missionary o f the fnll, the volunteer workers will be organization of the Black Canyon the Welser stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was the most thrilling for the sion and observance of our pledge The committee recommended that Methodist church. on the streets offering memorial W ater Users association were made and recessional "Pom p and C ir crowd to watch as it was a pitch to honor the dead by caring for a parade be held the last day of Only once again was this lonely poppies to be worn in honor o f the at a meeting of farmers living on er’s duel between Bob Wilson of the rodeo, according to Olean Wells, cumstance", Nyssa high school or the living. exile, Mary Reed of Lowell, Ohio, dead of the two world wars. The tiie gravity unit of the project in Waggoned Motor company and Bill T h e poppies, made by disabled who reported on the meeting at the to return to her own people. A t an 1500 poppies ordered by the aux the New Plymouth (high school chestra. Beus and Lloyd Lewis of the M. I. veterans, are sold to raise funds chamber Wednesday noon. The Isolated mission outpost in the foot iliary were made by veterans in tile building Tuesday night. A. The M. I. A. team scored twice for welfare work. high school band will play for a hills of the Himalayas, snowcapped veterans hospital at Roseburg. Four members elected as com in the ‘b ottom half o f the seventh small parade that day. "O n the public response to our mitteemen will select a fifth com peaks looked down upon her fot inning to nose out the Waggoner Pack Meeting Held— Announcement was made at the 52 long lonely years. Except for Poppy day appeal depends the aux mitteeman at lait'e. T h e commit The Western Riding Clubs ass Motor company team by the score A fam ily picnic for all Cub Scouts chamber of commerce luncheon times when she pitched her tent iliary's ability to carry forward its teemen will act as a board of dir ociation met Tuesday evening at of 7 to 6 after Waggoner’s had and their families was held Monday that Irene Jayo and June Peterson at missionary convocations, and ex work for the disabled wur veterans ectors. the I O .O F. hall in New Plymouth. lead during the entire game. W ay- evening at the city park. Following had been selected to receive the cept for tlhe visits of those few who and for the children from whom Art Hann presided and M. C. A1 Muncarr, editor, promised that nard Talbot was the outstanding a picnic supper, races were held 4-H summer school scholarships had the fortitude to make a 10-day war lias taken a father's support” , 3euell explained tiie reasons for Each pack pony journey over mountain said Mrs. Hugh Tobler, poppy formation of such an organization. the first issue o f the Sportsman hitter in this game, with two for the Cub members. Winners in awa-ded by the chamber. Beus the races were Dirk Rinehart, Ron- scholarship is worth $20. trails to visit her, she lived apart chairman of the Nyssa unit. "W e and Horseman magazine would be doubles and a home run. T h e guest speaker was Charles and Lewis were Stingy with the ny Roth and Ronny Buchner In from civilization as known in this would not like to go to them with Baker, manager o f the Pacific issued by June 1. empty hands. Poppy day contri Supply, who spoke on the proposed Dorothy Robins, former world’s hits, but their wildness almost the 50-yard dash, Dirk Rinehart, Arrivals At Nursing Home— country. Babies arrived at the Nyssa Nurs •'Mary Reed", a four-reel motion butions give us the means to serve Columbia valley authority. champion cowgirl, was a special caused their undoing. They only Donny Nolan and Ronny Buchner allowed three hits to the W ag in the 100-yard dash, Jerry Dority, ing home during the last few days picture In color with sound, had them with more than words of guest at the meeting. Darrel Cartwright, Dee Shuster, as follows: May 15, to Mr. and iMrs. its nation-wide premiere showing cheer” . A discussion was held on the goner team. H O S P IT A L A U X IL IA R Y MEETS The next league games will be ______________ a Ron- girl, weighing 9 October 22 at the Moody Memorial Ronald Smith, Joe Carl Madrid, T yler and possibility of cutting the number T h e regular monthly meeting of HONORED A T P A R T Y of entries for the fall field day played Thursday, June 2 under the ny Buchner in the three-legged pounds, 5 ounces; May 16, to Mr. church in Chicago, during the an the hospital auxiliary was held Arvel Child, president of the Monday afternoon at the parish meet. The group also considered lights on the Nyssa high school race and David Patch, Donny Nol- and Mrs. Henry Carrall, a boy, nual convention of the American the possibility of sending only two grounds. Schedule for the evening an and Ronny Buchner In the sack weighing 9 pounds, 4 ounces; May Mission to Lepers, co-operative ag Welser stake of the L D. S. church, hall, with Mrs. Ed Frost presiding. race. The following prizes fo r the : 17, to Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy ency of Protestant churches for and Mrs. Child were honor guest.-, During the business meetings plans representatives from each of the will be as follows; 7. p. m. M. I. A. vs. Ontario event were donated by Nyssa mer- a girl, weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces; work among leprosy victims. at an affair arranged by the Nyssa were discussed fo r the "white ele three district groups, making six Tracrtor company; 8:20, Western chants; Records, Peterson Furni- May 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin second ward last Thursday evening phant sale to be held in August. entries. No decision was reached Corrugator vs. Waggoner Motor ture store; canay and knife, Nyssa Gahan, a boy, weighing 9 pounds, Here From California— at the school gymnasium. Olenn The members voted to pay special in regard to this matter. ounces; M ay 19, to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orrell of Peterson was in charge o f the var recognition fo r the work done by T h e host clubs were the Nyssa company and 9:40, Tobler's vs. Tavern; candy, Sweet Shop; gun, Wilson's Dry Goods store; shirt, Mrs. Valentine Santillanes, a boy, Chico, California were visitors over ied and interesting program, which the G irl Scouts on the talent show and New Plymouth Riding clubs, Adrian Lions. Bracken's; stereoscope, O w y h e e weighing 6 pounds; May 21, to Mr. the week-end in the home of Mrs. consLstPd of musical numbers, read ticket sale. T h e treasurer's report serving a record-breaking crowd of Dru? company: baseball, Lemon's and Mrs. C. L. Derrick, a boy, Upholstering Planned— L. C. Pounds. Mrs. Orrell is a ings and a sliglit-of-hand perform by Mrs. Harry Miner showed $1545. 100 . An adult upholstering class will Western store; ball point pen, Gate weighing 7 pounds, and May 22, to daughter of Mrs. Pounds. Mr. and ance. Bishop D. H. Christensen The meeting next month will be T h e program for the afternoon, held in Ontario, with Vale, Weiser j be conducted from M ay 31 to June City Journal; billfold. Firestone Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hale, a girl, Mrs. Orrell also visited her broth- : presented President and Mrs Child arranged by Mrs. Ward Tylet, In 9 in the home economics rooms _____ _______ ers, Olenn Pounds, postmaster at with a hand-painted lamp from store; knife, M arshall-W ells; knife, weighing 7 pounds, 8 ounces. and Ontario as hosts. cluded a piano solo by Irene Jayo of the high school building. The g^er Hardware company; watch, Adrian, and Roy Pounds of Nyssa. the second ward. Following the ; and 'Birds o f Paradise", a piano classes will start at 9 a. m. Any Golden Rule; knife, Henneman program, dancing was enjoyed O ffice Hours N a m e d - Here From Prairie— duet by Sylvia and Irene Jayo. Mrs. Hours of the selective service To Install Officers— Home-made cakes and punch were Chet Mosler and Mrs. John S ta ff Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Wilson and woman Interested in the course Is Hardware company, and knife, N ys invited to contact the instructor, served by tiie relief society of tiie Th e new officers of the V. F. W office in Ontario beginning June sa Pharmacy. daughter of Prairie C ity visited ord, accompanied by Mrs. K . E. 1 were announced Wednesday. The auxiliary w ill be installed at a second ward. Out-of-town guests Keveren, sang "One Fleeting Hour" Sunday with Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Charles Steffens. office will be open from 9 a. m. meeting to be held tonight. Mrs. attended from Owyhee, Vale and and ''L et the Rest o f the World Here From Bates— Mrs. Addle Wilson and Aden W il Mr. and Mrs. John Markle and to 12, noon and from 1 p. m. to Wanda Sykes of Ontario will be Parma. Oo By". son. Mr. Wilson is a brother of Eagles To Meet— The Nyssa Eagles lodge will hold daughter, Janice, of Bates visited 5 p. m. Mondays and Tuesdays the Installing officer. Mrs. Ward and Aden Wilson and The guest speaker for the after installation of officers Wednesday Sunday with Mrs. Ida Ward and from 8:30 a. m. to 10:30 a. m. Take Track Places— a son of Mrs. Addie Wilson. noon was Dr. Lester Scott, who night. June 1 at an open meeting Mrs. William Coleman and family. Wednesdays. Free Dance Planned— Leo Long won fourth place In talked on “ Cancer and Its T reat for members, their wives and in Mrs. Markle to Mrs. Ward's niece. Attend Ontario Luncheon— A donation dance sponsored by the Javelin event and Floyd Hale ment” . Following his talk, Dr. Scott Guests At Dinner— Installation w ill be Several merribers of the M al the Home Economics club of H ie fifth place in the h ijh hurdles in answered questions concerning can Mr. and Mrs. Haight, Mrs. vited guests. heur Tuberculosis and Health as Boulevard Orange will be held In the state track meet held last cer from the audience. Pounds and Mi's. J. C. Beam were followed by a dance and potluck Here From Idaho— With 25 Mrs. M attie Thomason and neph sociation from Nyssa attended the the Japanese hall Saturday, May week-end In Corvallis. T h e next meeting will be held dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Wild lunch. The women are asked to furnish food for the lunch. ew of Ruyert, Idaho are visiting luncheon honoring Miss Margaret 28 to raise money to finance a relay teams entered, officials quali at the parish hall June 27. Sunday. fied six teams. Nyssa placed sev friendR and attending to business Beattie in Ontario at the Moore new kitchen. enth. so was not permitted to Going To Hawaii— here. Mrs. Thomason is a former hotel Tuesday. Miss Beattie, who Leave For Salem— Attend league Meeting— has served as executive secretary Babies Born To Nyssa Couples— enter the final heat. Mrs. John Long and Mr. and Nyssa resident. Mrs. Elroy Brady has received and Nyssa's city councibnen of the health association for the j Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stoker are the her port call and plans to leave C ity Manager E. K. _______ Burton ___ went ____ Mrs. B E Edwards left Tuesday to Baker "Wednesday evening to morning for Salem. M r and Mr.-.. To Give Rummage Sale— past two years, Is leaving this week 1 parents of a girl born May 17 at I Vlsil At Ironside— today from San Francisco with her attend a meeting sponsored by the Edwards are returning to their at. Paul'sHptacopal guild will hold for her home in Oregon City. Mrs. rhe Holy Rosary hospital On Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear children, Barbara and Jimmy, to League of Oregon Cities. Repre- home after visiting for the past a rummage sale June 1, 2 and 3 Bob Davis of Ontario is the new May 18, a girl was born to Mr. | visited Sunday with Mrs. Ed Beam Join her husband, T/Sgt. Brady at sentatives of the league dtocussed two weeks at the home at Mr and from 1 30 to 4 p. m In the parish executive-secretary at She assort- and Mrs. Oscar Bratton at the Holy and her son, Arthur, and daughter, Hlckam field, Hawaii. Sgt. Brady la a former resident of Nyssa. new legislation affecting cities. J Mrs Long ball. | at ion. I Rosary hospital. I Barbara, at Ironside. Rev. Maxfield Deliver. t Sermon At Baccal aureate Service One hundred persons, including 30 visitors, attended a district meeting of the Eagles lodge in Nyssa last Sunday afternoon. The lodge initiated nine memb ers, including six from Nyssa. Don M. Graham o f Nyssa delivered the principal address, speaking on "Eagledom ” . Short talks were given by v is ito r officers. James Reeves of La Grande, district director presided at the business session. The visitors complimented the local lodge on its hall and club rooms Following tire lodge session, the wives of members served a lunch. $7660.13 Higher [ U n i o n Reports Agree- . ment Reached On Labor Scale at $1.6U Higher Operating Costs, Now Building Cause Of Increase Payette Beats Nyssa 12 To 4 Dairymen Visit Malheur County Memorial Day Services Set Visitors Taken On Owyhee Trip Chamber Plans Hospital Help REPUBLICAN 49’rs PLAN TO WALLOP NYSSA TOWN TEAM OPENING SOFTBALL GAMES ARE PLAYED ON NYSSA DIAMOND VETERANS TO SELL BUDDY POPPIES ON STREETS SATURDAY Ilodeo Publicity Plans Developed MARY REED FILM TO BE PRESENTED POPPY SALESMEN WILL START EARLY ON DAY’S PROGRAM WATER USERS ON BLACK CANYON TO ORGANIZE GROUP PLANS OUTLINED BY RIDING CLUBS J