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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1949)
P A G E SIX T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L , N Y S S A , O REGO N. T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 19, 1949 close of the evening by Mrs. Louise music, and a talk on the united of crime and accidents is just as Swarm Day Planned— Wernick, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneln nations. important as the apprehension of ] A ll Bee-hive girls, their mothers and teachers, will hold their annual Renstrom, Ed Frost and Glenn § _____ criminals. Brown. M O TH E R -D A U G H TE R T E A Nine important rules at safe ! Swarm day in Caldwell Saturday The annual mother-oaughter tea drivnar were discussed at some beginning at 11 a. m. Special pro T h » e honored at the meeting glven by [he Chris league and S J S f M p Æ T ^ J r v ed by gram P A S T O FFIC E R S HONORED numoers, awards and a cov Special honor was extended to Mond“ y evenmg were Mrs. Hilda fu tu ic Homemakers association of aU drivers. drivers, practically all auto- ered dish lunch will be part of the thc past matrons and patrons at Tensen, Mrs. A. H. Boydell, Mrs J the Nys-ia hicn school »# > held last mobile accidents could be ellmin- celebration. Mrs. Archibauld of a meeting meeting of the Eastern Star Mon- J Sarazin, Mrs Ethel Crawf >rd. Friday night. The mothers arid ated. safety council leaders said. a Ontario is stake beekeeper. in the gymnasium, T h e nine rules are as follows: day eveniis;. Corsages were pre- Miss . Kva Boydell, Mrs, Bernard daughters met Seti Iranian, '‘ here Girl's league installation Keep y * car in good mechanical Instructors Meet— sented to the past matrons, and u \^rs, W illiam 1 . ,prVll'P a'31 Vip’.H rP V l k » > . • II.. al 1 i held. rhe following condition. Bert Lienkaeuiper, Mrs. Eva >ervice boutonieres to the past patrons The regular class meeting of the Uncial Nntcs by Mrs. Eva Boydell end Mrs. Frank Miller o f Ontario. Nellie Hightower Mrs. John Beckham provided piano Gilbert of Colorado, and Mr. anu Vlrs. Frank Miller uf Ontario. selections for the meeting. -5 - Mr. and Mrs W illiam ochireman and Cecil Morrison told of the W EDNESDAY E V E N IN G BRIDGJ CLUB M EETS special meeting they had attended Mrs. Harry Miner was hostess t< last week at Idaho City when special degree work was put on by Lhe members of her Wednesday evening bridge club at her horn* the Boise chapter. High score was held Following the meeting, bridge, .ast week. p.nochle and bingo were in play, by Mrs. Ed Frost and low score b. Burningham. Gut- with Mrs. Ed Frost having high Mrs. Tom Nellie High- score at bridge and Mrs. Jake Sim players were Mrs lower. Mrs. Alice G ilbert and Mis. mons huh score at pinochle. Refreshment* were served at the Katherine Peterson. - FIRST C LA SS S h o e Sh in e M INE RS B A R B E R SHOP ■ ■ 8 - DELPH1ANS M E ET The Delphian society met last Friday morning at the home of Mrs Bernard Eastman. Mrs. Glea Billing , as discussion leader on the subject, "Russia, a New Civiltz- ati in". Topic leaders included Mrs. Orant Rinehart, Mrs. Dale G ar rison. Mrs. Gerrit Siam, and Mis. Wesley Browne. - 5 - W OM KN'S S O C IE T Y T O M E TT There will be installation o f tile new officers of the women's so- cicty of the ____ Methodist ____ _____ church Thursday, May j « ' a t 2 p m. u! the church. The program for the afternoon will consist o f special a ■ a a ■ a ■ DAIRYMEN YOU CAN USE DDT! The federal security agency and the department o f agriculture issued the following statement on April 5, 1949 after a meeting of the principal gov ernment agencies concerned with the utilization of DDT in the national and international health and economy. “A number of statements have been published during the last several days which have misled and alarmed the public concerning the hazard of using D D T as an insecticide . . . The food and drug administration has not prohibited the use of D D T in spraying dairy cattle and barns . . . There is no justification for public alarm as to the safety of the milk supply from the stand point of D D T contamination.” TOBLER’S FEED AND FUEL Phone 26 USE P U R I N A D D T P R O D U C T S T O C O N T R O L FLIES A R O U N D D A IR Y B A R N S Spray Early —Spray the Building Spray the Cattle, and re-spray when necessary according to directions on the package. o a os ■ a n h u ■ a N Y S S A Telephone 10 8 p r o g r a m THEATRE F R ID A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 20-21 S P E C T A C U L A R T H R IL L S Sabu Gail Russell Turhan Bey Anthony Caruso Aminta Dyne In “SO N G OF IN D IA ” The rich splendor of Exotic India! The wild savagery of the growling jungle! Mat.. Sat., 2:30; Adm t0r-9c inr. Tax Atlill. tlvnilnuH 44*'-9c lo r. Tax S U N D A Y A N D M O N D A Y , M A Y 22-23 The heart-warming story o f three desperado es who kept a promise to a w om an ! -John Ford’s Legend of the Southwest "T H R E E G O D F A T H E R S ” IN T E C H N IC O L O R W IT H .John Wavne Pedro Armendariz B U G S 'B U N N Y C A R T O O N Mat., Sun., 2:30. A dm. SKr-fc, Inc. Tax. Adm. livening* Itc h- Inc. Tax T U E S D A Y . M A Y 24 B A R G A IN N IG H T Roy Rogers— Andv Devine In “ N IG H T TIM E IN N E V A D A ” Filmed in Color 2-Reel Featurette Sports Color Cartoon AdmLxxion 3tr-9f, Inr. Tax. W E D N E S D A Y A N D T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 25-26 W alt Disney’s Technicolor “SO D E A R T O M Y H E A R T ” Burl Ives Beulah Bondi Bobby Driscoll— Harry Carey The simple, heart warming, tender and hu man story o f bygone boyhood days. Told with the masterful Disney touch. SPORTS NEW S M U SIC Al* Adm. t - m iiif n 44c-9c Inc. Tax veterans agriculture instructors and high school agriculture instructors in this vicinity Tuesday night in the high school building was hign- lighted by a visit of two state officials. Elmer Sullivan, assistant state supervisor of vocational agri culture; Prof. H. H. Gibson uf O re gon state college, and Mr. French of the veterans administration with headquarters at La Grande attend ed the meeting, which extended from 4 o'clock until 9 p. m., except for time spent at dinner, which was served by the wives o f the instruct ors. I contest. T h e best 4-H exhibit was shown Year in and year out j by Ronald Peterson of Nyssa j route 1. you’ll do well with the Other 4-H division winners were j as follows: Heifer under one year— 1 Diana Hardman, Vernon Miller of Vale route 1 and Mary Miller of Vale route 1; heifer, over one year and under two— David Hurst of Nyssa route 1, Janice Kemble of Ontario route 1, and Ronald P et erson; mature animals, over two years—Jerry Wright of Nyssa route 1, Dale Peterson and Delbert P et erson. T h e best F. F A. exhibit was shown by Deane Hunter. T h e judges were Harold Ewalt of Corvallis, extension dairyman of Oregon State college, and Irvin Slater, western fieldman of the American Jersey Cattle club. Leeds The championship bull and championship cow trophies were a- warded by Tobler's Feed and Fuel and the Nyssa Elevator. Other awards and financial support were Accident And Indemnity Co. given by the Idaho Power company. Vale Supply, G rigg Bros, and But ler. Farmers Co-op creamery, On tario chamber of commerce, Nyssa chamber of commerce, Adrian chamber o f commerce. Service Cen SEE ter of Vale, American Jersey Cat tle club, the United States National bank, Ontario -branch; the First National -bank of Portland, Nyssa branch; Vale Consucers co-oper ative. Ontario Grain company, the insurance .jjjjtiifr . Real Ostato Malheur Drug company of Vale, and the Vale Grain and Feed. Lunch was served during the Phone 64 noon hour by the women of the Malheur Jersey Cattle club, which Nyssa. Oregon sponsored the show. HARTFORD Gladys Lewis, not have stickers on the windshield treasurer; Janice Cair.poell. report or windows which have not been er, D inna Cheldehn, senior rep- approved by the secretary of state, .toem ative and Carlene Jones, pay cluse attention to driving at .reshman guardian. Song leader; all tunes, do not drive too close will be Betty Hadley and Nina to the vehicle ahead, never cut in King. too close when passing another follow in g the installation cere- .enlcie, keep the car under con- r.ony, Marian Brown and Betty roi al all tunes, never drive an Hadley sang M other” . The style automobile follow in' the consump- how presented by tlie hign schoo. .ion of any alcoholic liquor, and end adult sewing classes under the lever pick up hitch-hikers. direction of Mrs. Cnarles Stef- .ens, presented m e girls wearing ¡•urents O f Son— New Chairman Appointed— tresses and suits made in the A son was born May 14 to Rc-v. Ersel Beus was appointed as lasses. Evelyn Long was narrat- md Mrs. Roland Wuest of Wilbur, jr lor the style snow. Music foi Washington, former Nyssa resi geneology chairman of the Nyssa .he style show was furnished by dents. The baby weighed 7 pounds, second ward at a meeting held He has chosen Janice Campoell, wno sang "Alice ’ ounces. Rev. Wuest is a L u th Sunday evening. Joseph Flake and Rosel Anderson Slue Gown" and " S m i l i n g eran minister. as his counselors. Amasa Hammon ln rou jh ". She was accompanied was formerly chairman. ay Angela Peterson. Cane Week Proclaimed— Refreshments were served in the In conformity with a procla- Return From Portland— home economics rooms o f the high I mation issued by Governor Douglas Mrs. Carl Seburn and son. Jack, school. Presiding at the punch McKay, George Henneman, chair oowLs were Mrs. J. R. Winchell man of the Nyssa city council, has have returned to their home aftet spending last week in Portland. and Mrs. Luray Traibert. Members proclaimed the week of May 15 to of the F. H. A. assisted about the 21 as "W h ite Cane W eek ", which 1 Mrs. Sebum was guest of her daughter, Marie, at Oregon State rooms. I is to educate the people as to the college at Corvallis for M other’s Mrs. Virginia Steffens is advisor purpose of the white cane and to week-end. Muss Marie Seburn was {or 11,1 f ’.u' dre Homemakers nasuci- caution observance of it by giving lecently elected president of her and Mrs rum blind persons right-of-way when sorority. Alpha Gamma Delta, and ,s advisor for the Girl s league , they are carrying the cane will be chapter delegate to the —8— I ___________________ international convention of the A D R IA N 4-H'ERS M EET Hospital Auxiliary To Meet— sorority to be held at Roanoke, The Delightful 4-H club cooks, The hospital auxiliary will hold members o f the third year cooking its May meeting Monday at the Virginia, July 1 to 7. Miss Seburn division at Adrian, held their final parish hall at 2:30. Guest speaker is also undergraduate represent ative on the Phi association meeting at tlie home of Avadna for the afternoon will be Dr. Lester council. Peterson Friday evening. Scott. Music will be furnished by- Several of the girls will be en Mrs. Chet Mosier and Mrs. John Visit At Sheaville— tering special contests at the Stafford. Irene and Phyllis Jayo Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear spring fair, Avadna Peterson, bread will provide some piano selections. visited friends near Sheaville Sun making; Shirley Sparks, cake bak day. ing, and Arlene Piercy, $1 dinner. I.eaves I-or Portland— T lie girls practiced their food Mrs. Frank Morgan left last Here From llomedale— demonstrations which were includ week-end for Portland, wlXere she Mrs. Edsmer Fenn and daugh ed in their menus. Jenifer Thom p will visit Mr. and Mrs. Clay M or ters of Homedale visited Tuesday son demonstrated a dairy fix at gan and their new baby daughter. with Mrs. Ida Ward and Mrs. salad, and Arlene Piercy and Shir William Coleinan and family. ley Sparks demonstrated a dairy Attends Assembly— food meat loaf. Mrs. Verena Beam left Sunday Return From Utah— T h e 4-H Cooking club 1 met at foi North Bend to attend the Mr. and -Mrs. Albert Coleman j the Vernon Parker home wiUi the ess ions o i the Rebekah assembly and son, Rodney, returned Tues- | leader. Miss Shirley Sparks. Cherry of Oregon as a delegate from the day from a week's visit with rel pie was the project. Nyssa lodge. atives in Utah. HONORED A T P A R T Y Mr. and Mi’s. H. R. Sherwood were guests of honor at a sur- ! prise bon voyage party held Wed- ■ nesday evening. May 11 In the i parish hall by the Episcopal guild. Thirty friends in attendance played ,tames arranged by Mrs I Grant Rinehart after which re- fre hments of ice cream, cakes and coffee were sprved. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood were presented with gifts from tlie guests by Mis. Hilda Ten- I sen. G IR L S T O HOLD T E A T h e Nyssa G irl Scouts will hold their annual tea June 1. Guests will be mothers, sponsors, council I members and friends of scouting. I Registration will be completed. OFFICERS, S A F E T Y C O U N C I L DSCUSS T R A F F IC PR O B L E M S To Assist Girls— Mrs. George Poulson and Mrs. V A L E M A N B IG G E ST Gladys Cooper were chosen by W IN N E R A T SH O W Chairman Afton Mitchell to assist in the L. D. S. girls association (Continued from Page 1 in Nyssa. Johnson; senior get-of-sire, (four animalsi—Clifford W right; junior Accepts Position— get-of-sire—R. H. Hunter and Sons: Miss Selma Stam, formedly of produce of dam—Lewis Johnson: Adrian, has accepted a position breeders calf herd— R. H. Hunter, in the First Security bank in Nam and breeder's young herd—Lewis pa. She lias been attending the Johnson. Nampa Business college. In the 4-H division, June Peter son of Nyssa route 2 won the fitting Budget Committee Meets— and showmanship contest among Members of the buck'et committee senior members and Diana Hard- | inet in the schoolhouse Wednesday man o f route 1, Nyssa, won the ! night to draft the 1949-50 budget fitting and showmanship contest a- j for school district No. 26c. Mem mong junior members. Gordon bers of tlie budget board, acting Hunter of Nyssa route 1 took sec- ; in co-operation with the school ond and Leon Besendorf o f route 1 board, are Elden Yergensen, E, H, won third in the junior division Brandt, Gordon Ray, Otis Bullard and David Hurst of route 1 and and R G. Larson. The budget will Dale Peterson of route 2 won sec be published in the Gate City ond and third, respectively in the Journal next week. senior fittin g and showmanship At the regular meeting o f tlie Nyssa public safety council in Carl's Doll House M ay 16. Sergeant Walter Walker o f the state police , and Chief Orville Maze and Maxie I Hull o f the Nyssa police force met with the council to discuss the I problem of traffic safety in this I area. The police officer! atatad that i king for advancement I of safety Is not wasting his tune or efforts and that tlie govern ment encourages safety organiz ations in its work. Also, safety is considered an lndiapensible iqjrt of ixilice work in that the prevention NEWS VIEWS R.v Lew llrrn m xn Gen. Om ar Bradley gave the Senate a short course in advanced geography, and wound up by tell- | ing the Senators that "America's first line o f defense lies in tlie heart of Europe.” That's a long way to | go to get pushed around, but the I General's logic is as sound as a I prime ripe melon. I f you s4t m j \our rocking chair and wait for j the enemy to arrive on your door- | step you're going to have your hands ns full as a new boy at a ta ffy pull. T h e time to stop a runaway train is before it realiy ets rolling downhill. I f an enemy is «topped over there, he won't have to be stopped over here, j rhat makes sense. Chicago burglars stole $15011 loot from F a il Smith's home, and carted It o ff in Sm ith's luggage They didn't even leave him hokiing the bag I f your car isn't operating at lieak performance it's stealing mon ey from you every mile you drive. Keep your car in condition at H F R R IM A N M O T O R C O W e re thinking of putting up bleachers so you folks can watch our mech anics at work These boys are really marvels, and what they don't know about your car could be engraved on the head of a pin with a blunt axe. Bee them at H errim an M o to r Com pany mm HARTFORD IN S U R A N C E Bernard Eastm an L A D IE S ’ G ir ls ’ Pajamas Cotton A Reg. $2.50 9 8 c Sizes 10 to 14 N ig h t G o w n s Reg. $3.45 Ass’t. Sizes $ | . * 9 Spun Rayon Material 9 Patterns and Colors 250 Yards, 39 inches Nationally Advertised Brand Regular Price $1.15 a yd. 49c yard SH°iS STY LISH L O N G W E A R I N G SHOES For Boys and Girls— See Our C O M P LE T E SE L E C T IO N N O W ! BRACKEN'S Dry Goods — Shoes — Clothing X-Ray Shoe Fitting NYSSA OREGON m ** PER ly fi --- ----------- 1 ' ' CO/VYM SX* ____ CO/VY£#/c> W A M AfAM’S ¿A06VAGE SPECIALS FOR MAY 20-21-22 C igarettes A n y Brand !$1.39 White King 1Per C arton 2 Pounds Nucoa Lard Canned Salmon UQc 4 Pounds 39c Per can m Soap G ia n t Size 5 2 c box Pound Bacon I iyc O r Squares Large Pound Frankfurt :ers 3 0 c Best G rade Pound mm 45c Stew ing 1Beef 19 c W ILLIAM IS FO OD M ARKET RH O NE 2S4-W PRICES G O O D T H R O U G H S U N D A Y FREE D E L IV E R Y