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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1949)
THE N YSSA GATE CITY .JOURNAL, N YSSA, OREGON TH URSD AY, M AY 19, 1949 PAGE FOUR after having dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Garold Horn's home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fritts and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tuning of APPLE VALLEY, May 19—The P I Almeda, California were visitors T. A. served lunch at the J oh n : Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher sale then held a social at Tuning of Baker. Dr. and M rs Newport of Boise the school house that evening. The members ate the "hot dogs” and were Saturday evening guests uf Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stout. Dr pie left from the sale. Mr and Mrs Robert Crosswhite and Mrs. Newport are neighbors of Caldwell and Douglas McDonald of Marvin Stout. P. E Piltclier went to Boi^e and were guests Saturday at the Clar- Nampa Saturday on a business trip. ence Fritts home. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Horn and , A male quartet from Nampa children and Mr. and Mrs. Ger sang Sunday morning and Sunday ald Horn went for a drive Sunday night at the community church. along the Black Canyon project Then in the evening they sang SOCIAL HELD BY APPLE VALLEY PTA for Mrs P. E. Pilcher, who has ! OFFICERS NAMED not been able to attend church for BY HEALTH GROUP several weeks. Marvin Stout was home for the At the annual meeting of the week-end. His wife left by plane irom Boise Saturday afternoon for Malheur Tuberculosis and Health Portland and McMinnville on a association held at the Moore hotel jusin« s trip for the Oregon Mut Tuesday, May 8. officers were elect- ual Fire Insurance company. Mrs. 1 ed for the coming year. The officers flout is an employ of the insurance j are Homer Anderson of Ontario, in n in Boise. She will be away president; J. L. Herriman of Nyssa, vice president, Harold Rhodes of three or four days. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hild, Sr. Ontario, vice president; Mrs. Madge iccompamed Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Flegel, secretary, and Bill Blacker- .hid. Jr. to Homedale to visit Mr. j by of Ontario, treasurer. Guest speaker for the meeting uid M r J i m Seavy and see their was L. P. Putnam, field organ- .lew baby P. E. Piltcher attended the fun I ization director for the Oregon eral of his sister, Mrs. Bean, in ( Tuoerculosis and Health associat- 1 ion. director for the Oregon Tuber- Nampa Monday. FOR MURESCO p I Sand and Gravel WASHED AND GRADED Phone 02-4.J1 I I I HOT WATER KALSOMINE ; Modern Colors— Easily Applied I Now In Complete Stock At The F. J. Strasbaugh NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY MRS. GEO. CLEAVER HOSTESS TO CLUB Nyssa, Ore. I Rhone 118W culosis and Health association. Mr. \ er. David Highland and Alvin Putnam presented a short film en Cleaver. The honor guest received titled You Can Help’', which pre a gift. sented a clear picture o f the pur- I pose and plan of the local health | EXTENSION UNITS association. Mr. Putnam told of the MEET IN ONTARIO early history of the fight against tuberculosis, including the origin Members of 15 Malheur county of the seal sale in Denmark, and later of its Introduction into this extension units met May 10 at the country. He outlined the purposes Women's club house In Ontario to of the association, and of the select next year's extension pro vital part played in the associ gram. Each club submitted a list ation of the volunteer membership of projects they would like to have and workers, who are drawn to These were tabulated and voted gether to carry out these purposes. upon by one member from each Mr. Putnam spoke of the ac club. The projects selected are the use complishments of Sadie Orr Dun- batv president of the Oregon Tub of sewing machine attachments, erculosis and Health association, in pattern alteration: shrinking and the field of health, which were pressing woolens, better dresses responsible for her being awarded made of wool, the family business the public health award for out and law, care of rugs and uphol standing service, at a recent state stered furniture, the use of basic conference of public health workers. tools, oven meals, food for enter The members present at Tues taining and unifying the furnish day's meeting gave special rec ings in the home and arrange These ognition to Ted Berreth. retiring ment o f clothes closets. president, and to Mrs. Edna Perris, demonstrations will start in Oct county health nurse, for their work ober. Mrs. Margaret Tuller and Miri in the association. Dr. Fred O. Graeber and Henry am Colford assisted with the pro Enders of the county health de gram planning. A potluck buffet lunch was served partment and Mrs. June Davis, new executive secretary, were pre at noon by the Good Neighbor club of Ontario. sented to the group. Preceding the talk of the even ing, Mrs. Herman Frietag, accom ARCADIA SEWING panied by Mrs. W. W. Wilcox, sang CLUB GATHERS two songs. IE FARM EQUIPMENT Field and Shop Service Now Available FULL STOCK OF GENUINE PARTS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT WE SELL Expert Chevrolet Repair Work; Also Wisconsin Motors FA CTO R Y TRAINED REPAIRMAN SEE US TH E N E X T TI ME V'OUIi EQUIPMENT NEEDS REPAIRING B. & M. EQUIPMENT CO. Minneapolis Moline Dealer Here From California— Ralph Gisler and Herman Chunn of Camarillo. California visited Saturday at the home of Mr. and | Mrs. Aloert Pteiler. AROADIA, May 19—Nell Bowers met with her 4-H Sewing club May 14 with 10 members pres ent. After the business meeting, plans were made for the display of the year’s work at Arcadia schoolhouse Friday night, May 20 at 8 o'clock. Everyone is invited. Ice cream will be served by the Arcadia Sunshine club. Each fam ily is to furnish a cake. E. M. Hauser, county club agent, may be present to show a picture. Charlie Thompson of Emmett visited his sister, Mrs. Anna Dail, Sunday afternoon. Elmer Stradley, Otis and Don Bullard and George Moeller fish- j ed at the dam Saturday. They made a good catch of croppies. Garland McKinney went to Boise Friday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McKinney for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Behymer BUENA VTSTA, May 19—Leslie Topliff spent Thursday at his ranch near Ola, Idaho. David Highland is working for the Reclamation bureau. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodell of Caldwell called at the Edward Top liff home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff were dinner guests at the Warren home near Parma Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Klashing and Dennis were Sunday dinner guests at the Alva Goodell home. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram at tended to business near Ontario Thursday. A large crowd from this com munity attended the Nyssa-La Grande ball game Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. Jim Ritchie was in Ontario Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy called at the Leslie Topliff home Sat urday evening. Mrs. Geonge Cleaver was hostess to the Out-Our-Way club at her home Thursday afternoon with nine members attending. Refreshments of sandwiches, po tato chips and iced tea were serv ed. The next meeting will be held at the Guy Tanner home June 9. Mrs. Loyd Cleaver entertained Saturday evening in observance of her husband's birthday. A buffet lunch was served to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day, I Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mr. and j Mrs. Eugene Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. | Claude Day. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grif- fetts, Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Cleav- Attention and son and Mr. Behymen's mother from Mountain Home spent the week-end in the Otis Zullard home. Otis Bullard has purchased a new Chevrolet pickup. Mrs. Fred Schilling and infant son returned home last week from the Ontario hospital. Visitors in the Geonge Moeller home Sunday were Mrs. Ben Hous ton, Mrs. Cecil Houston and child ren, Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKinney, Mrs. Paul Moeller and girls and her grandmother, Mrs. House of Chula Vista. California and Mr. and Mrs. Buel Hickey and son of Ontario. August Moeller and Joan Matherly. Nell Bowers and her 4-H sewing club plan a swimming party to be held at Snively's hot springs June 2. Mr. and Mrs. Cole and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Schoen, all of Nyssa, and Mrs. Anna Dail were dinner guests Friday evening in j the Theo Matherly home. Guaranteed Costs no more than ordinary netting, yet is built to last longer and give you better service. Unrolls FLA T Like a ' Rug W on't buckle or curl. Easier to stretch up tight. Neat looking. Radio Repair DOUBLE Rust Protection PETERSON Galvanized coating over copper bear ing steel wire . . /resists rust right down to the core. W e have this netting on hand. Your choice o f heights and mesh sizes. Come in! FURNITURE CO. Nyssa, Oregon Stunz Lumber Co* PURINA made the Ztyfewnce/ f ? j \ 'A ) POUNDS HEAVIER at a o w e e k * 21 MORE EGGS V" , P er b i r d at 32 w e e k . ro o k at its clean and sweeping lines so un- I y mixtakably Huick the room expressed in its broad beam the level-going smooth ness shown in its sizable length. Here's Comfort filth a capital Now — slip in. Settle hack. Take in the spread-out room everywhere—even to extra room overhead front super-soft seats that cradle you deeper. R e n notice this: You can really see! Dynaflow Drive,* lively Fireball power, coil springs all round, and big soft tires, and extra-wide rims for comfort with safety. See for yourself at the nearest Huick deal er’s, where you will find your dollars buying so much you’ ll get your order in fust. H I ' 1 1 'K See more of everything easier through its higher and wider windshield set in narrower corner posts through its deep side win dows, and its one-piece rear window that makes parking and hacking up so much simpler. The PURINA GROWN PULLETS laid MORE EGGS early! And all at prices that make this beauty the buy of the year! ...T h a t'» the story of the Battle of the Pullets demon- strdticn at the Purina Re search Farm. Everything about the two flocks of birds w as equal except — the growing ration. You can see the difference g re w - n l n n v h a n n i l th e .* « ’ f t -a l u m a Silk-smooth D Y N A H O W M l W e n larged glass a r e a • • F U U - V K W VISION from SW IN G -IA SY DQ O RS and e a s y access ‘ LIVING S fA C t " IH Tt»IO »S wish D e e p -C ra d le cushions • lu o yan t- ing pullets right makes! This year grow your pul lets the Purina way. Big, well-developed birds lay ing lots of full-sized eggs early do pay off. Stop in and see us today for your pullet growing needs. riding Q U A M U H JX CON SttMNGiNG-lively H I M ALL STRAIGHT- SIGHT ROWS» Wish S I L f SITTING V A I V I U fT H S plus Hi hCXSffi IN G IN i MOUNTINGS • Cruiser-Line V tN TV O R TS • lo w -pressu re »res on S A flT Y »IDS RIMS • D U RtX M A H N O S, main and con \ our win'le outlook is broadened and driv ing becomes safer and more fun because high visibility here goes along with comfort. necting rods • BOOT B Y H SH i» 'w u t •S 'undord on ROADMASTSR. optional 01 s i fro coif on SURER modal*. ft S t do plenty of other things—like TOUR STORI WITH THE CHECKERBOA H A n n b f l l r r o n u i i n n h t l r * n r i ‘ h n i l l I I I I l H I r i l l h n il tl ifit-m Twn# in HENRY J TAYLOR ABC Network every Monday evening. Roberts Nyssa, Inc. Second St. and Good Ave, Nyssa, Oregon TOBLER’S FEED AND FUEL Phone 26