Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, M AY 19, 1949 Classified Advertising soil. FOR A ll or any part. SALE— good shape. You buy the repair tied and required to appear at the Business jShirial Kntcs bu ildin g.! orders and we give you the car. County Court Room in the Court M ain street location, lot size ¿Sxllfi. Leo Fite, welding and repairing, House at Vale, M alheur County, M ain street. phone 016J1. '¿latte. Oregon, at said time, to then and there show cause, if any there be, B ER NAR D EASTM AN G IR L S L E A G U E IN S T A L L S Insurance Real Estate M IS C E L L A N E O U S — General truck why said Account should not be Miss Mildred Morrison w as In ing. John Barnett and Kenneth Phone 64 settled, allowed and approved and stalled as president of the Adrian Reece, phone 123-R. lJtfc. said estate distributed and said Girls league at a m other-daugh FOR SALE M IS C E L L A N E O U S — Need money? 40 acres, 4-room home, basement, administratrix discharged. R A T E : T w o cents per word ter each issue. Minimum, cash ir ter tea held in the high school Loans on farms ror refinancing, 12 acres in young peach orchard, Dated and first published May auditorium Sunday afternoon. Past advance, is 30c. outlding. Improvements, b u y i n g . good soil, $12.000. terms can be ar Norma Jean Dierking Long term, low Interest, see B er 12, 1910. Date of last publication, President ranged, immediate possession. June 9, 1949. conducted a candle light ceremony.. 40 acres on Nyssa-Ontario h ig h nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. Other officers are Virginia Cook, 3Atfc. E D N A B. C O W L IN G way. lays perfect, good soil, 4-room Joyce McGinnis, sedan, good condition. Bob Thom p home. Administratrix of the Estate ol vice-president; secretary, and Betty Culbertson, 150 acres of good row crop land M IS C E L L A N E O U S — Available now, son. aiattc Ernest G. Cowing. Deceased reasurer. two miles from Nyssa, water pum p Electrolux cleaners and air puri H arold Henigson fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. Under a false ceiling of dark F O R S A L E — Household .furniture, F O R S A L E — Unpaimeil cabinets ed front the river, two pumps, Attorney for Adm inistratrix Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, paper tapers, and with cocoanut lihone 266-W, Fred Braun, across i and chests of drawers. Cabinets $13500. terms can be arranged. trees, animals, and jungle shrub 17mtfc. 80 acres new 5-rooni modern phone 067-J4. IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F bery, the following program was street from undertaking parlor, i are in section and can be bought home, 22 x 24 grade A cow barn, TH E STATE O F O R EG O N TOR animals picked up free. ISMIxx-1 complete or In sections. Nyssa loafing sited 62 x 24, good milk Dead presented: Piano solo, M y rn a Lane; THE C O U N T Y O F M ALH EUR Lum ber company, phone 118-W. house, lots of water, close to Nyssa, For prompt service call collect. vocal solo, Marilyn B arns; reading, F O R S A L E —S m all greenhouse with In the M atter of the Estate of ISDtlc immediate possession. Ontario— Ontario G rain Co. 53 "White Lilacs', Norm a Schindel; E D W A R D J. B U R R O U O H Deceas vocal solo. Loretta Van De W u 'e r; foundation and benches, $350. $100 | P arm a— P arm a Seed Oo. 25 S ix-room modern home, located ed. also known as E. J. B u n o u g n FO R SALE!— Strawberries, raspber two d a n cin ' numbers, tap duet, 100 white enamel wood range for $¿5, | on one acre joining Nyssa, good Nyssa—<Maln plant Notice O f Final Account ries. grapes, fruit and shade trees, dancing classes of the L a Frawil Idaho-O rrgon Rendering Co. soil, nice lawns, garage, full base beet whipper *¿50. one fat ewe N O T IC E IS HEREBY G IV E N school, with T. Carol Bybee as ac dw arf pear and apple trees, also ment. lamb. G u y M . Moore, route 1, :hat Uie undersigned, Andrew J. companist; tap duet, Celia Bybee Stark Bros, representative. Lewis Thirty-seven acres ideally" located M IS C E L L A N E O U S — W e have mod Nyssa, Oregon. 19m2xc Nursery. 31mtfc for suburban home. e m Foley machines fo r filing saws Swan, Executor of the estate of and Billy Russell; instrumental Edward J. Burrough, Deceased, has baritone solo, Dolores Auker, vocal F O R S A L E — 445-locker plant, in For your insurance needs contact and sharpening lawn mowers. Also F O R S A L E — Russet eating pota filed his Final Account as said solo, "Through The Y ears", Mrs. grinding. Patterson saw cluding fully furnished tw o-bed- M el Beck at G rigg Bros. Butler scissor L. J. shop, 300 block No. 1st street. Executor in Uie County Court of Alice Nishitani; reading, Carolyn rootn modern living quarters, $10.- toes, bring your own sack. for good dependable service. Malheur County, Oregon, and that Josephson and son, Payette, Idaho, Schiemer: vocal solo, "W h e n G ra n d 000 down, balance easy terms, low 24m tic G R I G G BRO S. A N D B U T L E R said Court lias appointed Tuesday, ma W as Young," Elsie Jesenko, 17mtfc Bybee Building overhead, good opportunity for m an phone 392-J. Phone 179-J the 31st day of M ay, 1949, at 10:00 M IS C E L L A N E O U S — Duplicate car • i . - . accompanied by her sister, Betty, and wife. Reason for selling, have F O R S A L E — Have farms and homes and cylinder lock keys made. H en- o clock in the forenoon of said day, The refreshment chairman was A r- opportunity to go to South America. for sale. Need more, list with Ken for the hearing of objections to | lene Piercey and the advisor, Miss neman's. 2SOtfc W rite or see J. M . Norris, Adrian, Renstrom. Phone 264-W . 29Jtfc. said Final Account and the settle- ( Mantaret Schuman. Mrs. Earl Oregon. 19M2xp W A N T E D — House cleaning or part- M IS C E L L A N E O U S — Prom pt and ment theieof. ! s arri and Mrs. Anthony Ciofalo, F O R S A L E — B aby chicks. Now Is time work. Phone 285-M. 12m2XC free pick-up or your dead, crippled N O W , T H E R E F O R E , all persons poured. The tea table had a cen- F O R S A L E —-Practically new R C. the time to order Thompson's or sick livestock. Calls received be- interested in the estate of E dward ter-piece of yellow, pink and blue Allen combination adding machine H E L P W A N T E D - Experienced far C h ek -R -C h lx for delivery every and cash register. 1250 gallon mer, must be good with cultivator Tore 9 o ’clock are picked up b ) J. Burrough, Deceased, are n o li- ¡ris. M iss M arian Price was mis- and Saturday. For water tank. Oregon Radiator Co. Wednesday and be good irrigator, above aver noon. E3flclent drivers. C all col tied and required to appear at Uie tress of ceremonies. breeds and prices write. Thom p 19m2xc age wages, good garden spot, etc. lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys County Court Room in the Court - I - son's Ontario hatchery, box 578, W rite box 81, Nyssa. Give partic sa 102-W. ruano Anim al Product« House at Vale, M alheur County, CrARDEN C ijU B (MEETS F O R S A L E — Outside -white paint, Ontario, Oregon. 17ftfc. ulars of past farm experience. Company. 6Jtfc. Oregon, at said time, to then and Mrs. D ale Ashcraft of Adrian there show cause, if any there be, was hostess to the members of the National Titanium , 5 gallon lots, 12mtfc $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lum ber F O R S A L E — One large size oil why said Account should not be A. N. K. Garden club at her home company. 12mtfc burning heating stove; one heavy W A N T E D — To rent a two or more settled, allowed and approved and Tuesday afternoon, M a y 8. D u r duty horse and cattle trailer; one bed room house by June I, per L O S T - Three-year-old collie, white said estate distributed and said ing the business meeting, it was F O R S A L E —-White rose seed spuds, lightweight utility trailer; ene manent, can give references, phone with brown marking, license No. Executor discharged. reported that tihe 300 miniature one year from certtlied. H arry 550-gallon gasoline or fuel tank. 25J between 8 and 5. Dated and first published April white satin sugar sacks, contrib Omtfc 888, answers to the name of " L a d Rataezyk, Rt. 2, Nyssa, Oregon. Leo Fife, welding and repairing, D ate of last publication, uted by the Amalgamated Sugar die," reward for return. K . E. K ev- 28, 1949 12m3xp phone 016J1. rent late potato 13Jtfc W A N T E D — To eren, phone 131-M. 12mtfc M ay 2«, 8949. company, had been completed at a ground. S ig Murakami, Rt. 1, O n A N D R E W J. S W A N special meeting, and sent to P o rt F O R S A L E — Used Oliver Beet ana T O R S A L E — One bedroom modem tario. 28a.‘.\p L O S T —O r strayed from Oarrlson Executor of the Estute of land for the National Federated Bean Drill, good condition. $125. house, garage, chicken house, small ranch, two sheers, one red and one E dward J. Burrough, Deceuseu Garden Clubs meeting. Nyssa Implement Co. 12mtfc W A N T E D — To Duy anything in barn, lot 150 x 150. $5250, $1700 H arold Henigson black, both branded T K joined on The program fo r the afternoon beef or veal. AL”o custom killed right rib. Phone Clifford Nielsen, Attorney for Executor F O R S A L E — One-bedroom modern loan. continued the general subject of and delivered to Polar Cold Stor 017R4. 12m2xp home, 2 lots, shade trees, nice lawn, T O R S A L E —Two-bedroom modern age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. flower arrangements, with Mrs. Bud N O T IC E O F S C H O O L D IS T R IC T Wilson speaking on arrangements small basement, furnace white picket fence, $2500 will home, B O N D S A L E handle. Balance easy terms, low heat, lot 100 by 120 feet, *5000, for gloss table settings. Mrs. N O T IC E IS HEREBY G IV E N Wilson told of the origin and his rate interest. Located Second with easy terms. 222 Ennis. F O U N D —il mile north O le’s that School District No. 20C of tory of glass, and of proper ar street east of underpass, first T O R S A L E — Ten acres with small house north on east side of street. home on Adrian 1 Ugh way, priced F O R R E N T — Basement apartment, corner on oil road, a . 900-20 tire Mulheur County, Oregon, offers for rangements to be used for various and wheel. Owner can have same furnished. K ing avenue, phone sale Pour Hundred Fifty-eigiit G . L. Fields. 5m4xp fo r quick sale, $2,850.00. occasions. A t the close of her 19Mtfc by paying for this ad. Childs Bros. Thousand ($458,000) Dollars in gen talk, she presented five examples TOR S A L E —‘Modern home, one 288W . ‘Mrs. E. M. Bair. Service. 19mlxp eral indebtedness bonds of F O R S A L E — 80-acre farm, 22 acres acre, large chicken house, good the of table settings, using glass con TOR R E N T — In Nyssa, duplex, in alfalfa, clover and grain. W rite said School District da/ted July 1, tainers for the arrangements, with well, Alberta avenue, $5500. three rooms and bath, 133 Ennis F O U N D — Young black spaniel, fe 1949, numbered consecutively from Frank Olson, route 2, Parm a. 5mtfc Sm all home, new, three foorns, avenue, phone 3035 Vale, D. P an ip- male, phone 01J2. Frank Parr, 1 to 458 ncUisive, in denominations » » N O P S I S OF A N N U A L 19m2xp Nyssa Implement. 19Mlxp of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars STATEM ENT F O R S A L E — 5 H. P. motor, three extra room fo r bath, will sacrifice erien. for the year uiuled December 31, 191S, phase: 10 H. P. motor, three phase; on quick sale. Terms, if needed. of tue M A K IN G IN S U U A N C I. U o .i- each, m aturing serially in numer Apartment house with two large F O R R E N T —‘House, barn, other CUSTOM S L A U G H T E R IN G P A N Y L IM IT E D Of Urcut Billiim, two-inch centrifugal pumps; small ical order commencing January 1, niuile to the Insurance CunimlsHuuidr Stock received Monday, Tuesday, of lh « Stale of Oregon, pursuant to pressure pump. Sid Burbldge 6m3xc apartments on ground floor, extra buildings on three acres, 11 i past 1951, and each year thereafter law; large room upstairs, three-room ure, two miles north of Adrian, Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. IN C O M B until paid in fu ll as per the fol Stuart Mutch, ‘1909 (Montana Ave., to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. F O R S A L E —Spotted Poland China apartment in basement, $6,800. Net premiums received. $4.106,975.06 lowing maturity schedule: Total intercut, dividends bred gilts. Fred K ralzberg, R. 1, phone 1463J, Caldwell, I d a h o N o stock received on Sunday. N Y S S A IN S U R A N C E A G E N C Y real estutc income------- 178,510.41 $18,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1951 Income from other 19m2xp Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery Nyssa. 6m3xp Ralph G . Lawrence, Agent •ources ________________ $18,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1952 290,344 7 J to P olar locker plant. Nyssa, Oregon $19,000.00 m aturing on Jan. 1. 1953 Total Income _________ $-1.575,830.22 F O R s a l e — N ow and used pianos. T O R R E N T — Two-room furnished One mile west cn Alberta avenue D1HBURHEM K NTS $19,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1. 1954 6mtfc W e sell Baldw in pianos exclusively. cabin, phone 122-J. Net amount paid for F O R SALE Phone 05R1 $20.000.00 maturing losses _________________ $1.757 971 95 on 1955 Jan. 1, G rlg g Bros, and Butler. 6mtfc N ew two-bedroom Home, utility Loss adjustment expenses 100.543.27 JA K E F IS C H E R T O R R E N T —Sleeping room with $21,000.00 maturing Oil Jan. 1, 1956 Underwriting expenses _ 1,161,776 (3 Remittances to Home F O R S A L E — Eating potatoes, W il room, hardwood floors, gad furnace private bath. One block from post $21.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1957 Office _______ 853.428.80 liam Peutz, phone 010-J2. 28atfc and hot water tank, garage. Cor office. $22.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1953 Phone 72-R. 5mtfc Dividends paid or credit- Non# ner lot, close to school, priced for ed to policyholders Will ' __ $23.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1959 A ll other expenditures T O R S A L E — 1941 tudor Ford, new quick sale $7350.00. F. H. A. terms. E L E C T IO N N O T IC E (including investment $24.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, I960 expenses, $1865.291 _ 315.812 39 paint, radio, heater, spotlight, motor Acreage with large, new modern Notice is hereby given that on $24.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1961 FOR RENT in good condition, phone 26 or see home, double garage, full basement, T otal disbursements .$1,189,534.94 the 15th day of June, 1949 at the $25,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1962 A D M IT T E D ASrtKTH Ray Linville at T obler’s Feed store, close In, some terms, Immediate Nyssa City H all, in the Nyssa Value of real cstute Floor $26.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1963 owned (m arket value) None box 48. , 28atic possession. Rural Fire Protection District, in $27,000,00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1964 Leans on mortgages and Sander collateral, e t c . _______ - None the County of M afheur, Oregon, a $28,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1. 1965 Several good dwelling lots, well V alu e of bonds owned T O R SALE!— T w o acres on high S p e c ia l, election will be held for $29.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1966 (am ortized) _________ $5,852.872 85 Reasonable way, one mile north, cash price located. V alu e o f stocks owned five Directors of said District, $30,000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1967 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high (m ark et value) _ »01,480 00 $650. R alph Lawrence, Nyssa In which election will .be held at C ash In banks and on $31.000.00 maturing on Jan. 1, 1968 way, next to P olar Oold storage. hand ___________ - 2.785.11000 surance agency. 21atfc 8 o'clock in the morning and will Prem ium s In course of $33.000.00 on m aturing Jan. 1969 1, About 3 acres, unimproved, edge collection written sines continue until 8 P. M. of said day. The interest on said bonds shall September 30. 1948 .. 259.215 38 TOR S A L E — 1937 Buick special of town on Adrian highway, good Dated this 11th day of May, 1949. not exceed four (4% ) per cent per Interest and rents due end a c c r u e d __________ 30,903.66 H. S. Sackeet annum payable semi-annually on Other assets ( n e t ) _____ 68,793.44 County Clerk the lsrt day of January and the Total admitted assets $9.958,435.33 First publ. M ay 19. 1949 L IA B IL IT IE S HUHlM.Ua A N D 1st day of July. Both principal OTHER FUNDS Last publ. June 9, 1949 and interest of said bonds shall be T otal unpaid claims $2,415,126.75 Estimated loss adjuxt- payable at the office of the Coun ment expense for un 103.053 09 N O T IC E O F paid claims ty Treasurer of Malheur County, Total unearned premiums 1,219.392 24 A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S SALE Oregon, or at the ’•’Lscal Agency A ll other liabilities 1.473.729.93 IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F of the State of Oregon at New T otal liabilities, except STUNZ LUM BER COM PANY T H E S T A T E O F O R E G O N TO R c a p i t a l __________ . $5,211,302.01 York City at the option of the Statutory TH E CO U N T Y O F M ALH EUR purchaser. deposit . $ 250 000 00 ■ p ed al sur In the M atter of the Estate of T O R R E N T — Furnished apartment Bids for said bonds must be in plus funds None with laundry facilities. Available Berkley B. Baker, Deceased. Unasnigned writing and sealed, and must funds N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y O IV E N , specify the rate of interest at June 1. Phone 72-R. 5mtfc (s u rp lu s) 4.497.133 32 Surplus as regards poli that pursuant to an Order of the which the bidder will take saui cyholder# ______ ________ 4 747.133 32 T O R R E N T — Pasture. W ill take above entitled Court dated M ay 11, bonds at par, and must be filed Total _ _ ____ 19 up to 200 head cattle to pasture 1949 in the a/bove entitled estate, with the Clerk of said School B U S IN E S S IN OR BOON KOR Y E A R in fenced, well-watered bunch the undersigned Administrator of Net premiums received _ $25.787.73 District No. 26C at the Nyssa High Net losses paid - 7,220.99 grass pasture, $2 per head per said estate will sell at private sale School In the City of Nyssa, O re Dividends paid or credited month. W ill salt and care for. on or after the 14th day of June, gon. on or before 5:00 o'clock P. M. to policyholders ______ None C all Blanche L. Hite, Nyssa, even 1949, to the highest bidder for cash, on the 8th day of June, 1949. Bids ings or write H ite brothers, star subject to confirmation by said will be opened at the office of the & route, B u m s, Oregon, 5m4xp. Court, the following described real Clerk of said School District No. T O R R E N T — Electric hand sanding property belonging to the estate of 26C at the Nyssa G rade School, said deceased, situated in the City Nyssa. Oregon, at 8:30 o’clock p. m. machine, excellent for light sanding of Nyssa, M alheur County, State on the 8th day of June, 1946. Each work. Ostrom Bros. Appliance, 50 of Oregon, to-wit: bid must be accompanied by a North First street, phone 2G9J. 3ftfc Lots Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14. 15 in certified check in the amount of Block No. 34 of Park Addition to Physician an a Surgeon Nine Thousand One Hundred and T O R R E N T —Cement mixer, gas the City of Nyssa. County of Sixty ($9,160.00) Dollars as a de Pnone 37 oline powered. Stunz Lum ber Malheur. State o f Oregon, as the posit to insure fulfillment of said H ours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Company. 14atfc same are shown on the Revised bid. D aily except Saturday and General P lat of the said City now The approving legal opinion of FOR R E N T — Polish your own Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 on file in the O ffice o f the Coun Messrs. Winfree, McCulloch, S h u l floors. Rent our high-speed pol ty Clerk for M alheur County, er and Sayre will be furnished the ishing equlpmenv. Easily handled Oregon. successful bidder. by women. Nyssa Lum ber company. All bids must be in writing and Th e District School Board of 3Atfc may be delivered to the u nder School District No. 28C, Malheur cabin. signed at te office of Clyde H. County, Oregon, reserves the right F O R R E N T — Two-room Heldt Building. Nyssa, to reject any and all bids. 14a tic Snider, Office hours Chadwick's camp. Oregon. Attorney for said A dm in 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 E M IL A. S T U N Z istrator. D aily except Saturday and Chairm an, School District No. 26C ROE FE LTO N D U N C A N Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Attest: Phone 165-J, Nyssa Administrator of the Estate of H E N R Y H. H A R T L E Y M I S C E L L A N B O U S — Insurance Is Office hours from 9 to 5 except r.(t fire protection. Any minute Beikley B Baker, deceased District Clerk Saturdays, 9 to 12. First published M a y 12, 1949 day or night you can have a fire. Published M ay 5th. M ay 19. M ay Last published June 2, 1949 Automatic fire control protects 28th and June 2nd, 1949 millions in property and life. All extinguxhers are approved by un IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E derwriters. See your local dealer S T A T E OF O R E G O N T O R T H E Union Pacific Tim e Inspector COUNTY O F M ALH EUR for free estimate. Claud Willson. Phone 5 6 -j J E W E L R Y — D IA M O N D S In the Matter of the Estate of 650 No. Fourth street, phone 128-J Sarazln Clinic W ATTKES Nyssa. 19mtfc E R N E S T G C O W L IN O , also known U N IV E R S IT Y O F O R E G O N , E u NYSSA OREGON as Earnest Cowling and E. O. gene, M ay 12 (Sp ecial)— Y O K O M ain Street a . Second M IS C E L L A N E O U S W a n t e d t o Cowling, Deceased Okano and Jim Rigney, senior care fo r children In my home, 24 N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T members of Nyssa high school, hour service, phone 111-M, Mrs. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N have been awarded certificates of Lola Reffett, 4th and Locust that the undersigned, Edna B. recognition for their outstanding streets. 12m2xc Cowling, administratrix of the work on the school paper. The O fficial Time Inspector estate Ernest O . Cowling, de awards are made by the University Union Pacific M IS C E L L A N E O U S — Refrigeration ceased. has filed her Final Account of Oregon chapters of Theta Sigm a O N T A R IO OREGON and household appliance repairs. as said administratrix in the County Phi and Sigm a Deta Chi, women’s Howard Haggardt'a Appliance R e Court Malheur County, Oregon, and men's national journalism fra - pair, 540 8. E. 2nd street, Ontario, and that said Court as appointed terities/ phone 784W 28 g <, j Tuesday, the 14th day of June, 1949, Selection was based on names M IS C E L L A N E O U S Pour your in at 10 00 o'clock in the forenoon of submitted by the high school news Special training surance needs of any kind see said day, for the hearing of* ob paper advisers. Mel Beck. G rig g Bros, and Butler. jections to said fin al Account and sessions will be held for all honored students enrolling in the university 6mtfc the settlement thereof. N O W . T H E R E F O R E , all persons In the fall. Th e sessions will be M I S C E L L A N E O U S — One 1936 interested in the estate of Ernest conducted by the two Journalism Plymouth four-door sedan, car in O . Cowling, deceased, are notl- fraternities. For Sale & WANTED LOST Found For Rent at LEGAL ADVERTISING P ro ie ssi«n a i and Business Directory PHYSICIANS LODGES Nyssa Post No. 79 SARAZIN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazln American Legion Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st 3rd Thurs. Dr. L. W. Scott Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome L. A. Maulding, M. D. WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE lor VETERINARIANS OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY DR. HAL D. WHITE Veterinarian Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore glass table settings. A t one table that had been done in a pink and blue arrangement, were shower gifts presented to Mrs. W a lter M c- partland. president o f the club. Refreshments were served at the close the afternoon by the hos tess. T he next meeting w ill be held at the home of M rs. G eorge ichweizer, with Mrs. Suitor tell ing of the national Iris convention she is to attend. at — 8— G IR L SC O U T S M E E T The members o f O lr l Scout troop No. 5 held their last m eeting In the city park. A new member, Shirley Standifer. was am ong those in attendance. , The girls played horse racing and "N ew Orleans", using G ir l Scout badges. Refreshments were served by Kristin Rinehart. - I — H O STE S S T O T H U R S D A Y C L U B Mrs. Frank M organ was hostess to the members of h er T hursday afternoon bridge club at her home last week. Mrs. Ron Cam pbell won tlie prize fo r high score and Mrs. Ray Larson the traveling prize. Guest players were Mrs. Ted Morgan and Mrs. Ron Cam pbell. — 8— E N T E R T A IN A T B R I D G E Mrs. R on Cam pbell and Mrs. Frank Cranney entertained M o n day afternoon with three tables of bridge at the Cumpoell home. Prizes went to Mrs. B u m a ll Brown, Mrs. Clyde Snider, and Mrs. Ed Frost. S Y N O P S IS O F A N N U A L STATEM ENT for the year emted December 31. 194 8. of the H A N K K H S A N D 81UPHDK3 IN S U R A N C E COM PANY of NEW Y O R K lu the state of New York, mads to the lnsurunee Commissioner of Uie feitale of Oregon, pursuant to law ; INCOME Net premiums re ceived .............. $ Total Interest, di vidends and real estate income _ — • Income from other sources ____________ -» 237.540.29 28,746.9* Total In c o m e _____$ 6^533.562 82 D IS B U R S E M E N T S Net amount paid 2.461.835 43 for pibjies ------------$ L o . sh adjustment ex- MUMl - —----- - - U n d e rwritlng ex penses ------------ Dividends paid to stockholders (cash, 1 160,000; stock. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders - ------------ -- All other expendi tures (Including In* vestment expenses $10.30004 --------- 182.688.47 2.572.487 92 160,000 00 Nona 79 000 00 Total disbursements $ 5,450,011.82 A D M IT T E D A S S E T S Value of real estate owned t market value) --------------- -- None Loans on mortgagee and collateral, etc. Nona Value ef bonds owned (amor tized) ______________$ 6,497,86197 Value of stocks owned (m arket value) ___________ - 2.222,838 48 Cush In banks and on h a n d __________ 893.024.50 Premiums In course of collection writ ten since Septem ber 30. 1948 ------- 992.536 72 Interest and rents due and accrued - 39,397 38 Other assets (n e t) 215,604.29 Total admitted assets ----------------- $ 10,861,263.34 LIABILITIES*. S U R P L U S A N D OTHER FU N D S Total unpaid claims $ 702.140 43 Estimated loss ad- ustment expense nr Unpaid claims 48.136 22 Total unearned pre miums ---------------- 6,973.475.20 All other liabilities 456.432.45 J Total liabilities, ex cept capital _____S Capital paid up _ _ $ K it e c I a surplus 1 fu n d s:________ 7.180.184 30 1 , 000 . 000.00 None Unasslgned !Kn - _________ funds (s u r p l u s ) _______ _ 2.681.079 04 lurplua ns regards policyholders _____ _____ 3.681.079.04 Total ------------------- $ 10,861,263 34 BUHINEH8 I N O R E G O N F O R T H E A Net premiums ™ lv «l iif,', Dividends ... y e ar re- ------* ‘“ 'i. or --- paid credited to policy holders ---------------- 28,51819 12.(38 84 None DR. G.W. CRAVES Optometrist Eye> Examined Phone 720 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho Personalized Gifts Graduation Gate City Lodge No. 214 I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8:30. South First Street C. J. Kopp, M. D. Physician and Surgeon DENTISTS Fry Building DR. C. M. TYLER Wilson Building JEWELRY STORES PAULUS J. R. CUNDALL JEWELRY STORE Dentist PAGE HHREE ARE ESPECIALLY APPROPRIATE FOR NAMES OR INITIALS MISCELLANEOUS Gold Stamped on such item« as: NYSSA STUDENTS HONORED BY SCHOOL STATIONERY BILLFOLDS at at BOOK MATCHES ZIPPER BINDERS Gate City Journal / Printers and Stationers