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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1949)
TH E N Y S S A G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L, NYSSA. OREGON TH U RSD AY, MAY 19, 1949 PAG E T W O The G a te C ity KI.AS8 V. P O W E LL S tB S C R IP X IO N - Journal - K ATES One Year Six Montini Single Copie« is ti ictly in Advance; Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act A D V E R T IS IN G KATES .3,00 »1.35 .05 40c 49c 2c Ojien rate, lier Inch National, p H inch ClikV.itteda, per word Minimum 30c at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyvsa, Oregon for transmission Mulls, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1379 C h u rc h N o te s T IIE i 'l l I RC'll O F THE NAZAKE N E Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor 10 a. m „ Sunday school. 11 a. m., morning worship *w - vi e, congregational and special singing and sermon. We are not having any services ut night on account of the bac calaureate service at the school. Services every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. ments". Anthem: “ T o Thee Oh Dear, Deal Saviour” by Mendels sohn. There will also lie a solo by Ralph Mate. 1 p. m , fellowship dinner for members and friends of the church. If the weather is right, It w ill be held In the park. I f not, It will tie In the •hunch basement. Bring a basket lunch and Join the fellow ship. 7 p. m., youth fellowship. There will be no youth fellowship or eve ning service as the church is co operating in the baccalaurate ser vice at the school. C A T H O LIC CH URCH M E TH O D IST C O M M U N IT Y Park Avenue and Third Street CHURCH Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor Donald S. Campbell, Minister All of the Catholics o f Nyssa arc urged to attend communion Sun- 9 15 a. m., church school. II a. in., morning worship. Ser day. May 8. It is the first year mon: “ Keeping Our Appoint anniversary of the church and 1 HE MAKES HAÏ ui Q um  j & i SILAGE Tim... WITH LESS WORK...FEWER MEN This marvelous new Celil Forage Harvester will help you get greater production and bigger profits. Takes the heavy bark-breaking work out of putting up hay and filling the silo . . . does the jobs faster uud better than they were ever done before. 'icka up mnl chops DRY HAY. • Hick* up aiui chupa GRASS SILAGE from windrow. • I’ h ks up unit chops C OM MINI: I) STRAW, naves storuge und makes better bedding. • R w crop nttnuliiment culs HT A N D I N I . L O H N (calie. etc . ) l'llO|M Ulld drops it inf o v a fe * . • K RI/OW Bj i¡mrnte FORACI 1 1 1t elevateli the ftunta' luto mi I u or mow • UNI MAN cun operate it. • Sell powered by an < Iheient engine. An may oull tor u two-plow tractor. The Ciehl Fornffe Harvester is K IN K Y KNGI- NK.KRK.I) .ho* the Inst, chan culling mrclui niHiu made I hdh . ua iu other t*ehl uiut hiucs. Sturdy construction throughout. Came in and iee it Mother’s day. Confessions will be I Donald Brewer Thursday night at t night between the Boise Pilots and the Twin Falls Cowboys. heard Saturday evenir^ from an Ontario hospital. Mrs. Joe Totoricka and son, Ur until 9 p. m. Mrs. G rant Patterson and Mrs. Wayne Barrett made a trip to bano, of Boise are visiting In the Sunset Valley Mendazona home this Twin Falls Friday for seed beans. Hipólita Community Hall Mrs. Mendazona is Mrs. Mrs. M ary Williams of Amity, week. A. R. Herring, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Oregon arrived Tuesday morning Totoricka's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams Morning worship, 11 a. m. Ser for a visit with her son, Darrell and Mary Ellen, and Mrs. Mary mon Lneme "God's Revelation" Williams and family. There will be a baptismal and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culbert- Williams of Amity and Mr. and dedication service for babies ana ;on and Larry made the trip with Mrs. T. H. Brewer were Sunday children at the morning worship the Owyhee Riding club Sunday a- dinner guests in the Ernest Bark :iour. oove the Owyhee dam The group er home in Ontario. "Mac" McMillan sipent the night You are always welcome. trucked their horses to Sagebrush and rode on from there. They with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner on his way to Boise from Portland, ASSEMBLY OF GOD cooked and ate their dinner in the where he had purchased a new Sterl D. Spies/., Pastor hills. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Classes Mrs. George Schweizer and Mrs. car. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz cal for all ages. Emory Hobson drove to Nampa Morning worship. 11 a. m. Monday morning. Mrs Schweizer led in the N. E Hatt home Sun Junior church. 7 p. m. visited in the home of her daugh day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Van- Evening evanglistic, 8 i^-m. ter. Mrs. Kenneth Ahrens, and dewall of Nyssa had called in the Tuesday, prayer and Bible study, with friends, and Mrs. Hobson a t Hatt home during the afternoon. Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and I p. m. tended a churah conference. The Friday, young peoples meeting. two women returned to their homes Mrs. George Schweizer were Mr. You are welcome to attend all Tuesday night. and Mrs. Earl Schweizer and child ervices. Owyhee pupils graduating from ren of Ontario, and M r and Mrs. the eighth grade will hold their Bud Vanscoy and children of F A IT H * U TH E R AN CHURCH commencement exercises at Adrian Fruitland. Services will be held at 8 p. m high school Monday evening, May Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Calhoun of Rev Elmore Carlson of Nampa In 23. Payette visited in the S. D. Big charge. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow were elow home Tuesday afternoon and Sunday dinner guests in the James had dinner there. SUNSET V A LLE Y Mrs. James Langton and Mrs. Stephen, Sr. home. ASSE M BLY OF GOD Word has been received here by Jennie Sturtton of Los Angeles vis Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz that ited one day last week with their Sunday school, 10 a. m. a son, weighing 8 pounds, 13 ounces, ( neice and family, Mr. and Mrs Worship services, 11 a. m. was born last month to Mr. and Donald Hite of Mitchell butte. Rev. Robert K riner will hold ser Young People, 7 p. m. Mrs. Harry Choat of Vancouver. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. The baby, named Arthur James io vices at Owyhee Sunday school Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. the second child in the Cheat fam Sunday, May 22. Prayer meeting ily. Mrs. Peutz and Mrs. Choat will be held at the home of Mrs ST. PAU L'S E PISC O PAL C IIC R C II i ;ire sisters. Martha Klingback Wednesday eve- Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon nlng, M ay 25. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and Church at 9 on first, third and ald. and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony fourtli Sundays; at 4 p. m. on sec- Ciafalo of Adrian attended the children were Sunday dinner guest; ball game in Boise Wednesday of Mrs. Martha Klingback and . ont* Sundays. Holy communion on first Sun day. Church school at 10:30 a. m. O W Y H E E P. T. A. TO SPONSOR PICNIC OWYHEE. May 19- The Owyhee P T. A. met Tliursday evening at the schoolhouse. The members de ckled to have the last-day-of- school picnic Tuesday. M ay 24 Parents are to furnish lunch, ice cubes and table service. Ice cream is to be furnished by the P. T. A. Games and contests will be held for both children and adults, with priz es for the winners. Refresmenls were served by Mrs. Claude Wilson and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin. Rosetta Herring played "Here We Have Idaho", on the piano, Doris Cook played "A iry Little Fairy” , and Jo anne and Jeanne Crocker and Dons Cook sang "When the W hite A z aleas Start Blooming” and "Sunset T rail", accompanied by Mrs. Bill Cook. The pupils of ihe Adrian grade school were winners in a track meet Friday at the Adrian high school, with five schools competing. Adrian had 171 points and Owyhee li!0 Doris Cook was responsible for 28 of Owyhee's points. This year scholastic ability was consid ered as well as athletic competition, with each pupil allowed to enter three events In each. Mrs. Mildred Hite of Ln Grande spent the week-end here and went to Ontario to see her new grand son. who was born to Mr. and Mrs. For Hire! INSURANCE COMPANY to take risks you can’t afford Remember, liability coverage defends you against damage suits. Collision insurance repairs your car. Medical Payments take care o f those hurt. Robert F. Thompson Frank T. M o rg a n A g e n c y EVERYTHING Potted 2-year field grown roses Potted Peonies— Named varieties It’s not too late to make that evergreen planting LEWIS NURSERY FIFTH ANNUAL AMATEUR Rodeo and Races Sunday, M a y 2 2 — 2 P. M . O n ta rio Fairgroun ds Saddle Bronc Riding Calf Roping Horse Races Novelty Races Sponsored by the Sage and Saddle Club Admission 50c and $1.20, Including Tax FARM MACHINERY NEW FURNITURE 1— 22-Horsepower caterpillar, 1— Model L John Deere tractor, 1— Cultipacker, practically new; 1— New Hansen’s special ditcher, 1— Two-row Ford beet puller, 1— New 3-section harrow, 1— Used 3-section harrow, 1— 2-way Oliver horse plow, 1— 2-Way John Deere horse plow, 2— Sulky plows, 1— 4-Row beet drill tractor, 1— Jamesway hog feeder, like new; 2— Pump jacks, 2— Derrick cables, pulleys, 1 Jack- son fork, 2— Sets o f harness, 1— Walking plow, 1— Electric fencer, 1— Cross-cut saw, 1- New Lawn Mower, 1— Metal dump-bed for army truck; 1— Side delivery rake, McCormick- Deering; 1— John Deere hay rake, 3— Hay derricks. 1— New 11 cu. ft. International home deep freeze, 1— New Geyser oil burning hot water heater, 1— New Westinghouse automatic record player and radio, 1 New Essex air conditioner — 3500 cu. ft. per minute. Big enough for large home; 1— New Crane toilet combination, 1— Complete set new hardware for home; 4— New Slipper chaira for bedroom, 3— Vanities and benches, 1— Comb, chest and desk, 2— Chrome children’s tables— double, 2— Chrome child ren’s tables— single, 2— Chrome children’s tables— chaira to match. FEEDS AND FERTILIZER l urnitu^e company We*ve Planted Them For You SATURDAY, MAY 21 Several calves, including 1 vealer; Several pigs, 1— Horae, 1— Guernsey heifer. c INTERMOUNTAIN Attend Dance Review— Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee and daughter. Celia, attended th e "Dance T im e" review presented by the Virginia Maus school at Boise Saturday. Th e affair, held in the Boise Junior college auditorium .was attended by over 300 persons. Sponsored by the members o f the Vale Ward o f the L. D. S. Church; proceeds to be used for completion of new building. All items are donations and will go to the highest bidder. Place: L. D. S. Church grounds, west o f Hansen’s Blacksmith Shop in Vale. Sale starts at 1:00 p. m. Lunch will be served on the grounds. LIVESTOCK 2495 Caldwell BIG PUBLIC SALE 1— Dining room table, Chrome Dinette set, like new; 1— New upholstered rocking chair, 1— Electric hot plate, 1— Electric clock, 1— Oil heater, 1— Coal heater, 1— Electric water heat er, 2— W ater soften er, 3— Baby buggies, Sev eral ranges, Breakfast sets, Dining room sets, Sofas, Daybeds, Some furniture like new. $ Chandler and sons o f were out-of-town guests. Medical payments also on trucks HOUSEHOLD GO O DS Distinctive in many wavs, this fine lamp is notable for combining classic and las.cful modern design. Lustrous rayon sa.instrand shade ss iih rolled trim matches base — gleaming goKI finished ami tired china hand decorated in choice ol five rich colors. Over .'*) inches will) china finial. Gorgeous in pairs, at a price juur triends w ill never guess. £«.»/> o n ly ,. i Fred. In the afternoon, the group called at Che R. L. Kriner home in the Lincoln district. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon ald and children were dinner guest in the Ray Fletcher home in Homedale Sunday. Prayer meeting was held W ed nesday evening at the Herschal Gregg home with George Gregg leading. Rev. and Mrs. R. G. 500 Pounds daily feed, 500 Pounds laying mash, 2000 Pounds wheat, 700 Pounds barley, 3— Tons baled hay, 1200 Pounds sulphate of ammonia, 1— Ton baled straw, Lumber, Brick, 2— Tons phosphate. FOOD ITEMS MISCELLANEOUS 1 Motor boat, 1— Tent, 1— New rabbit plane, Shrubs, Short handled hoes, 1— Electric clipper, - Quarts gray outside paint, 2— Jars Lustre- cream shampoo, 20 Feet o f 2-foot concrete pipe, 1 Roll 48-in. wire netting, 1— Electric hand floor sander, 1— Brand new shuffle board, 10 Gallons paint, Sdt of new U. S. Royal air ride tires, 1934 Dodge sedan, good tires— runs like a top ; New heavy duty truck generator, 2 New cultipaker wings, Several sets windows and frames, Venetian blinds for full house, New doors, also screen doors, Roofing paper, Sev eral beds and springs, Chrome chaira, Timbers, Writing desks, Dairy bottling equipment, Gro- cries, flour, lard, sugar, etc., Davenoes, Daven port and chair, 2 Used washing machines, Elec- ti ii stove, Brand new foam rubber Sleepcraft mattress and box springs, Concrete pipe, Large heavy plywood buffet cabinet, Prize winning l.uci motor boat, 2000 ft. rough fir dimension lumber, 1000 ft. dressed 1 x 12 lumber, New butane apartment size cook stove, 1932 Chevro let coupe,good condition; Several new 600 x 16 tires, 1 New Norge washing machine. 70— Sacks potatoes, Many cases commercially canned goods, Home canned goods, Pies, Cakes, etc. POULTRY Chickens and ducks Every family wilt contribute .omething of value to be »old; many more item, are expected to be turned in— .om e new furniture, more farm machinery, live.tock and Mi.cellaneou. item. Phone 176-W NYSSA, OREGON COLS. BERT ANDERSON and JOE CHURCH, auctioneer. L. H FRITTS clerk