Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1949)
TAGE FOUR THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY, M AY 19, 1949 Rose creek Friday, where they re- spent the day visiting Mrs. John in Nyssa Tuesday, and were dinner wood highway. They reported 12 guests at the home of Mr. and feet of snow at Crater lake. After port they caught some nice trout Hadley in Emmett. D. O. Bybee. Mr. Thompson attending to business at Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmtck Mrs. Mr. and Mi's. Ewen Chard and is a mixed feed expert, at the Gil visiting relatives at Pocatello, they Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Smith had drove John Handley to Boise Wed bert warehouse at Oakdale. Calif plan to visit the famous "Death dinner Wednesday with Mr. and nesday. Handley took the plane The couple, on a two- Valley” Scotty castle. Mrs. Thomp Mrs. Elver Nielsen, and the men to his home in Raymond viile. ornia. weeks vacation, traveled the Red son and Mrs. Bybee are cousins. put in a siphon crossing the high way. Both of Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen’s sons had the measles tht in Walla Walla. iast week. Little Leon Ditty also tad them. Mr. and Mrs. James Langley at Harry Garner Sunday. ended Ted Holly's concert Iasi Sunday at the Parma community at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cash :hurch Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Britton lefi Turner. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wilson re Monday for their home in Florence. Colorado, after visiting severa. turned Monday from a five-day FEATURING SQUARE DANCING Jays at the home of Britton’, trip to the Haines section. Wilson returned with poles for a new der brother, W. S. Britton. Visiting in Nampa Monday ana rick. Karen Ann Pett was a week Fuesday were Mrs. Emery Hobsor. aid Mrs. George Schweizer. Mrs end guest at the Wayne Garner 3chweizer visited at the home ol aome. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clifford and | aer daugher. Mrs. Hobson attend STARTING AT 9 :3 0 ed the annual missonary con three daughters of Ogden, spent tention of the Idaho-Oregon Naz- several days visiting at the Chest arene churches. On Wednesday er Bowns, and Ersel Be us homes. I and Thursday E. J Hobson attend Mrs. Clifford is a sister of Mrs. ed the annual Nazarene assemb Bowens, and Mrs. Beus. AH were FOR E A G L E S A N D G U E S T S ly in Nampa. He was sent as the dinner guests at the Beus home Nyssa delegate to the assembly. Saturday evening. James Langley and Mrs. E. J. Hobson drove to Boise Saturday COLUMBIA AVENUE evening to meet the plane on which Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hob Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and son and son and daughter of Leota, Kansas were arriving. Rich Neil, members of the Owyhee Rid ing club Joined other riders for an ard, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson, and his family came for outing on Grassy Mountain Sun day, May 15. j a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were Mr. and Mrs. Farna Mitchell [ and family, who have been visiting hosts at a luncheon Sunday for Mr. the past three weeks at the Wil and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. and liam Orr home, have returned to Mrs. Jake Groot of Arcadia, Mr. Senaca, as the work in the lumb and Mrs. Gerrit Groot of Apple | Valley and Mr. and Mrs. George er camp has re-commenced. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Titland Gerrit of Nu-Acres. C. M. Teensen and Dick Groot and children left Saturday for Idaho Falls. They planned on vis attended the livestock sale in On iting Mrs. Anna Ekanger's grand tario Tuesday. Girls’ Cotton Prints Mr. and Mrs. Garrit Stam en daughter, who has been ill in the Pocatello hospital, and also friends tertained Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma and Mr. Crepe Gowns Fancy and Solid in Idaho Falls. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil were and Mrs. John Timmerman of supper guests at the Elton Counsil Newell Heights. Colors, Fast Colors 8 to 16 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen of home in Nyssa Tuesday. Vera Nyssa called on relatives in this Faye Counsil and her friend, Doris 23c yard McKee of Adrian, left Thursday for community Monday evening. 69c The pinochle club met at the La Grande, for a short visit with home of Mr. and Mrs. George Vera’s brother, Harry, who is at tending Eastern Oregon College of Smft of Nu-Acres Thursday, with high score going to Jake Groot, Education. Boys’ Cotton The Busy Bakers 4-H club mem second high to Mrs. Davidson and Ladies’ Broadcloth bers met Saturday afternoon at low to Dick Groot. W ork Socks the home of Mrs. Fred Morton. Demonstrations for the day in Visit Daughter— Pajamas Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hughes left cluded lemon sponge cake making lO c by the second year group and for their home in McCall after sandwich making by the first year visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Bud Wilson and $1.49 Seconds group. Mr. and Mrs. Don Strickland vis family. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes were ited Mrs. La Varr Hawkins, who enroute to their home after spend was taken to the Ontario Holy Ros ing the winter in California. ary hospltl Wednesday for an ap Westinghouse Toaster pendectomy. Mrs. Hawkins was Here From Salem— Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Edwards of planning on returning home Sat Salem are visiting at the home of urday. Two Slice $5.95 Ontario shoppers this week were Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Long. Mrs. Harold FyllLngness, Mrs. Al- Special $3.95 I vln Ekanger, the Robert Reffeti Return From Coast— Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tubler re- | family, Mrs. Rob Thompson and turned Sunday evening from a trip Mrs. Paul Bergam. George Weil spent several days to the coast. They visited in Port- | Come In And See Our Reduced Prices On land, and with Mr. and Mrs. Tom last week at the Nyssa nursing my Holman of Corvallis. En route home for treatment for blood- Philco Refrigerators And Radios poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. Well and to Portland, they visited Rev. and four sons are formerly from Bill- Mrs. Gernhardt at La Grande. igs, Montana. Weil is working Born In Hospital— for Sid Flanagan. Sunday dinner guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brewer of X-RAY SHOE F TT NG home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Owyhee are the parents of a son Nothei.s were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. born May 12 at the Holy Rosary Phone 32 Nyssa hospital. On May 14, a boy was Olson and Mr. Olson’s sister. Eld Mortensen is now work born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Takarni ing in Nyssa on the new residence of Nyssa at the Holy Rosary hos pital. of Stan Keefer. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk returned Sunday after visiting Visits In Boise— WHATEVER-CROP GROWS HERE their son. Alie, at Quincy, Wash Mrs. Clyde Snider visited last ington. Alie also accompanied his week from Wednesday until Sat parents to Seattle to visit old urday in Boise with her mother, friends. Mrs. Davis, and her sister and Mrs. James Etherington and Mrs. brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Belle Wade of Ogden have been Wetherly of Denver. Mrs. Davis visiting the past week at the home returned to Denver with Mr. and of Mrs. Etherinton's two daugh Mrs. Wetherly. ters, Mrs. Delbert Garner and Mrs. George Folkman. On Thursday the Here From California— * — tr~ -- N ' ' — —- 4 ^ *2 two guests, and Mrs. Garner, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Thomp Folkman and Mrs. Ethel Stoker son of Riverbank, California, were May 19 at the Wallace Greg' Gregg \ planned lor Father's day. Refresh- home. were served. The next meet- Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper|.ni will be held with Betty House Cooper were called to Nampa Monday as hostess. Mr. and Mrs. John Grottvlet due to the sudden illness of M ere Sunday supper guests at the Cooper’s sister, Mrs. John Strickland was hos- i Olli Fylüngness home. Mr. and Mi's. Kenneth Loren- tess Thursday afternoon to the Pleasant Hour club. Plans were en made a trip to Boise Tues n.aue for an ice cream social to day. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer and be held May 27 at the Farl Striek land heme. A picnic is also bear; Mrs. Leota Ditty made a trip to BIBLE TEACHER TRAINING PLANNED SUNSET VALLEY, May 19- A Bible school teacher’s preparation meeting was held at the Ed Cor- field heme Thursday evening. Plans ere being made for Bible school classes to open May 31 at the Oregon Trail schoolhouse. Anoth- er tea hers meeting will be held No of her home freezer like the — FOR SALE 1940 International ton Truck. 1940 Buick 4 D. Sedan. 1948 Willy* Jeep. 1940 Chevrolet Coupe. A la tfiq / Come in and nee the difference between “ just a freezer” and a M aytag. Fits right into your kitchen. Quickly pays Mt itself ill savings through quantity buying o f food. J O ftQ S O • _ s “ Alva W atts Phone 74 Parma or 144J Nyssa ,ow m o" rt,lV g e y sissls. Corns in today #o ,ss it in actios, Nyssa Furniture Co. 0 Id-Time Dance Saturday, M ay 21 1 îagles Hall SPECIALS BILLFOLDS $1.50 up M AX FACTOR SETS SEAFORTH SETS $1.00 up COMPACTS CORTLEY SETS $1.00 up JEWELITE BRUSH TOWN SETS $1.00 up RONSON LIGHTERS $6.00 CAM ERAS $4.39 COSTUME JEW ELRY $1.00 up SETS ..... $3.25 $1.00 up $3.00 up EVENING IN PARIS SETS $1.50 up PERFUMES ... 75c up PLUS 20 , ON ALL TAXABLE ITEMS Owyhee Drug Company PRESCRIPTIONS PRECISION FILLED G. H. Peirsol Phone 255W S lì ASI lilt TO (¡¡ET-AT BOISE PAYETTE ®S§ HOUSE PAINT \ i. DEPI. STORE »I I . » V O iw ii We aim to take CARE of our own... ^ FA R M A LL C BE THERE, A L L THE W A Y ! fapj P a y the Cost on * BUDGE T B UI L DI NG T E RMS a s low a s idinary cc .\ihng. Ai ' i to neglect crops or livestock uildings need painting. Devoe House Paint allows you to do the D loss time! You’ll save on cost, )ne-Goat covers better than two sts peeling, blistering, cracking, . ng lasting, tool . . . the w a y any proud parent does. And w e see to It that our service is one oi the extra satisfactions of owning a beautiful Chrysler. W e train good men to put as much pride and craftsmanship into servicing your car as the builders put Into building it W e use only factory engineered and Inspected replacement parts, that are Identified b y the trade name MoPar. After all, as w e see It it's our business to keep your Chrysler as sweet-running, excit ing and wonderful as on ths day you bought It | Grams, grasses, field row crops, vegetables-whatever is planted in this mellow, weed-free seed bed, the new ; . all Parma11 C Tractor w ith Touch-Control will be on the job aU ‘ he way. The Farmall C is shown here with the McCormick-Deering No. 10-A Disk Harrow. For the Farmall C delivers practical 5-way power: (I) at the fn» t ° F P“ ¿‘-ng ‘/ “«••behind machines; (2) at its mount- b wP ’ {0t, ior« ard.moumed implements; (3) at the belt pulley; (4) at the power take-off; (5) at the Touch-Control power “‘ ms for raising, and regulating mounted - ¡ j ™ « - » hy hydraulic power. All at surprisingly low oper- .1 Available for the Farmall C is a full line of matched, quick- change implement units. New and simple in design, each low- cost implement mounts on the tractor to form a compact oper- change"11*" Rear mou,,ttd '™pl*ments, likewise, are quick- Implements for the Farmall C are under the complete, 2-way CynuMU , o C° n.* r h Farmall Touch-Control, th e Farmall C pulls one 16-inch or two 12-mch bottoms; cultivates two rows of wide-planted crops. Ask for full information. D E A L E R ’S NAME HERE A D D R E S S AND P H O N E Waggoner Motor Co. "C J r r «f«-W r * »u r t »• rrlcm th a t match» C h r y ila t P ly m o u th a n g m a a r in g " * 5 w ill - FA R M A LL leads the way OWYHEE TRUCK IMPLEMENT CO. & p e r month i SERVICE C. F. MINK, Manager Nyssa, Oregon I N T ERNA T I ONA L Trucks % A