Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1949)
V » wr • ^ Äaw"- 77ie NYSSA .... • »! ÊP3 V ,*sig2»V' M T JOURNAL M T # « VOLUME XXXXIV NO. IH è * TWO SECTIONS— 12 PAGES City To Extend Walks To Meet Corner Curbing Tigers Defeat Nyssa Bulldogs By 4 to 3 Score Plans Finished For Dairy Show To Be Held Here Amendment Pertaining To Garages Passed By Council Nyssa Loses In Contest For Right To Enter State Series Long List Of Prizes Will Be Awarded Owners Of Cattle T h e city council made arrange ments at a meeting in the city hail Tuesday ntght to call for bids on construction of sidewalks at places where the present sidewalks do not extend to the curb. Bids will tie opened at the June meeting of tthe council. Approxi mately 800 linial feet of sidewalk will be included in the project. T h e council passed an amend ment allowing construction of gar ages on Main street with provis ion that sale of gasoline and oil Y O K O O K AN O be conducted only inside the build ing. No one appeared at the hear ing either in favor o f or against the amendment. A. H. Boydell and E. W. Pruyn, representing the Nyssa Develop ment company, requested the city to make a sewer extension to serve the company's property north of K ing avenue between Third and Ninth streets, an area known as the new Morgan addition to the city of Nyssa. Luther F ife asked for extension of the sewer to his area west of highway 20 a few days ago. The property north of Locust avenue is also involved in the same problem. The council agreed to investigate the poss ibilities of making these extens ions. '1 he council ordered that a res olution be prepared to prohibit the .'ale and use o f fireworks in the city limits. T lie council also ordered un ordinance drawn to regulate the location and sanitary facilities ol trailer houses. DEANE IR V IN G The council extended its fire pro Yoko Okano has been named tection contract with the Idalic Canning company for another year. valedictorian and Deane Irving has been chosen as salutatorian of the 1849 class of the Nyssa high school. SENIORS HONORED The girls will appear on the grad BY JUNIOR CLASS uation program to be held in the \yssa gymnasium Thursday, May T h e members o f the senior class !6 at 8 p. m. Dr. R. K. Keiehart, were guests o f the junior class last associate professor of education at Friday night at the annual junior- Jregon State college, will be the speaker. Baccalaureate services senior prom. "M oonlight and Boses” was e f will be held Sunday, May 22 at 8 p. m. in the gymnasium, with Rev. fectively c.s.ied o(it o« the 'heme o f the banquet and prom. The Don Maxfield of the Christian banquet tables in the home econ church delivering the sermon. omics room were centered with ar rangements of red and white flow ers and tall red tapers in crystal candle holders. Each place was marked with a placec&rd attached to a rose nut-cup. The color scheme of red and white, the sen ior class colors, was effectively carried out in the menu. Clarence Suitor acted as toast master. After the welcome had been given by Deane Hunter and the response by Howard Flanary, the following program was given: "M oonlight Becomes You” , sung by Marilyn Ekanger, accompanied by Angela Peterson; “ In the Even ing", a reading by Carole Flinders; "M oonlight Bay” , a duet by Angela Peterson and Janice Campbell, ac- comanied by Adrienne Peterson; "Moonbeams o f Yesterday” , by Beverly Hoehn, an account of the activities of the senior class: and "Stargazing” , a history o f junior highlight activities; "Advice from the Gardener" by Dennis Patch, "M oonlight and Roses” , sung by Deane Hunter, Lee Anderson, Rahe W illiams and Ned Campbell, and a talk, "Bed of Rases" by R. V. Wilson. For the prom the gym was dec orated with pastel streamers and lattice flower-covered fences. In the center of the floor were a rock garden and bird bath. The orch estra played against a background of a rose-covered stone wall, with a moon shining down on the gar den. DISTRICT OFFICERS OF VFW SELECTED The Veterans of Foreign Wars held its annual district meeting in Huntington Friday. M ay 6 . O fficers were elected as follows: Wilniore Hipp, district comand- er; Wallace B. Holmes, senior vice commander; Leo Long, junior vice commander; Roy H off, quarter master, and Don Graham district advocate. The retiring command er was Raymond Raney o f Hunt ington. Those elected will be in stalled at a special meeting to be held M ay 26. Born At Hospital— Mr. and Mrs. Newbum Olen.t of Nyssa are the parents of a daughter born on May 7 at the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marcum of Nyssa are the parents at a boy born May 8 at the Holy Rosary hospital. Leave For Islands— Mr. and M-s. H. R. Sherwood will leave Saturday for San Fran cisco, where they will sail Monday for the Hawaiian islands. They will return to San Francisco June 6 . ALL BALL TEAMS WILL PLAY GAMES UNDER THE LIGHTS Representatives or the Nyssa softball team, the town baseball team and the American Legion junior baseball team met Tuesday night in the high school building to make arrangements for all of the groups concerned to play under the lights at the athletic field. T h e city baseball schedule was drawn several weeks ago and the junior baseball schedule will be drafted next week. The softball squad will fit its schedule into the ball program for the season. The softballers will play one night a week, playing one twilight ijame and two contests under the lights. They will start league play •the week of May 23. The six teams signed with the league are Waggon- ei Motor company, Ontario T ra ct or company, Adrian Lions, M. I. A., Tobler's Feed and Fuel and West ern Corrugator company. RIDING CLUB PLANS TRIP TO MOUNTAINS Members of the Owyhee Riding club and their friends interested in ridirnj, are planning another trail-ride fo r Sunday, M ay 15. All riders with horse-trucks or trailers will meet at the M itchell butte .unnel on the old road to the dam at 9 a. m. They will then proceed to the Sagebrush spring and ride from there to Grassy mountain and return to Sagebrush. Those not making the ride may drive to Sagebrush spring, where all will have ham and eggs at 3 o’clock. Members o f the newly-organized junior club are invited to join in this ride. Attend Extension Meet— Mrs. Frank Parr attended a meeting of the home extension planning committee at the W o men’s club house In Ontario Tues day. Fourteen groups over the county were represented. Mrs. Tuller of the state extension de partment was a speaker at the meeting. Three members were el ected to serve on the county com mittee. They are Mrs. Philip Keck. W hite Settlement, Mrs. Threma Elliott o l Adrian, and Mrs. Sharp of Jamison. Pack Meeting Called— A pack meeting of all Cub Scoutc will be held Friday, May 23 at the city park at 5 o’clock. The families of all the scouts will meet together for a pot-luck dinner, followed by the pack meeting, with all the dens participating. Firemen Called— A grass fire started south o f the Here From Sacrament*— Mrs. Howard Tucker o f Sacra veterans housing project on K ing avenue caused the sounding o f a mento is visitin« at the home of Mr and Mrs. N eil Larsen. , fire alarm Wednesday noon. In a game featured by few hits and several errors, the La Grande Tigers defeated the Nyssa Bulldogs on the Nyssa held Wednesday at- ternoon by a score of 4 to 3 in a sub-district high school base ball play-off. T h e defeat dropped the Bulldogs from competition that will send a team from the area east of The Dalles to the state series. The Bulldogs had previously won the county title and took another step toward the state tournament by defeating Burns last Saturday. La Grande made one run in the first inning, but Nyssa overcame the lead in the second frame. Ha’.e scored the tying run and Wilson ■gave Nyssa the lead, which lasted until the fourth, when the Tigers scored three runs on two walks, one hit, two errors and two field er's choices. Takami drove out a home run in the sixth inning. Each team registered only three hits. In addition to Takami, Chadwick and Itamura hit for Nyssa. Nyssa's batting order was as fol lows: Wilson, of; Pounds, 3b; Ita mura, If; Bowen, ss; Hale, lb: Takami, c; Chadwick, rf; Knowles ind Holcomb. 2b, and Cleaver, p. Work Halted On School Building o! A 1 V , The Nyssa high school track team Delmar Andrews. Fred Mitchell, Iron, itav Keck, Bob Wilson, Royer coached by K. K. Keveren recently i Lynn Ray, Carl Bair, Loren Ken- Chadwick, Lyle Jensen and Nrd uon the Snake River valley champ nedy. Jack M’inchell and Del Ricks, Campbell; back row— Leo Long, ionship and will send 18 men to second row— Ronald Lowe, Bob Itahe Williams, Harley Duus, Rich i.a Grande Saturday in the hope Kyte, Lloyd Bush, W illard Lowe. ard Iliten, Ronald Jensen, Joel of gaining •" >re track laurels. Lawrence Olson, Floyd Dale. Bob Mitchell, Albert Pecka, Clifford Members of t team are as fo l Wilder, Billy Post, manager; Deane Mefford and Jimmy Ltssman. lows: Front row— Elwyn Bush, Hunter, Norman Day, Denny Bar- i Photo courtesy Evans studio I LARGE CROWD FINDS NEW TALENT AND FOUR MEN ESCAPE ENTERTAINMENT AT HOSPITAL SHOW INJURY AS PLANE IS DAMAGED HERE the dancing acts. Following a By The Cub Reviewer Irvin Slater, fieldman o f the American Jersey Cattle club, and Harold Bwatt of Corvallis, exten sion dairyman of Oregon State col lege, and an official Jersey Judge, will be among the visitors attend ing the fourth annual spring J er sey show to be sponsored by the Malheur County Jersey Cattle d u ll on the Nyssa school grounds S a t urday, M ay 14. Mr. Ewalt will start judging the 4-H stock at 10 a. m. Following the judging, 4-H and F. F. A. members will participate in a judg ing contest. Open classes o l live stock will be judged In the a fte r noon. Special awards w ill be made a f ter the Judging. Tobler's Feed and Fuel will give a trophy for the championship cow and the Nyssa Elevator will (jive a trophy for the championship bull. The Nyssa chamber of commerce w ill give several smaller awards. The First National bank will give 200 feet of colored movie -film, which w ill be used in filming the show. Among the $300 worth of trophies w ill be several awarded by Adrian, O n tario and Vale business firms. Production awards for the year will be made to the owners o f tlie three high herds on test w ith the Malheur County Dairy Herd im provement association. A lunch w ill be served at noon in the gymnasium fo r a nominal charge. Attendance at tlie sliov. will be free. A capacity crowd round a lot of vocal solo by Marian Brown witli Four Nyssa men escaped Injury entertainment and some talent at orchestra accompaniment, fiv e little Work on the Nyssa school dis the home talent jamboree sponsor girls of the La Prawn School of last Suturday in an airplane ac Dancing presented a dance num trict building remained at a stand cident at tlie Nyssa airport, but the ed by the w< a-“n’s auxiliary of ber and sang "Y ou G reat Big still today because o f labor trouble, plane In which they were riding the Malheur Memorial hospital as Beautiful D oll” . They were ac was badly damaged. involving the question of which As sociation in the Nyssa theater companied by Mrs. D. O. Bybee sociated General Contractors unit The accident apparently occurred Monday night. and directed by Cleone Maw. The when George Vtiugn, piloting the has jurisdiction over Malheur The show, considered as an ex girls were Karen Bytoee, Jolecn ilune, stepped on tlie brakes as county. cellent performance, revealed tal The Malheur county court, meet With J. H. Wise and Son. contractors, ent new to the residents of Nyssa. Morris, Linda Myriek, Shirley Ash he plane was taking off. -he right wheel in the air and the ing Wednesday authorized the fo r stopped work on the school build Tlie lovely voice of Mrs. Arthur by and Dixie Servoss. Another dancing group, from the 'eft wheel still on the runway, the mation of the Nyssa rural fire ing last Thursday evening, with Servoss gave effectiveness to her the general understanding that impersonation of Beatrice Kay. In Betty Wilson Duncing school, pre orake on the left wheel became protection district. sented a pleasing performance. The effective and swerved the machine A meeting of all farmers within work will not be resumed until an old-fashioned pink and white girls, accompanied by Mm. Lloyd from the runway. T lie fuselage the district w ill be held at the the labor situation is settled. costume. Mrs. ¿'•rvoss sang 'T a k e L » .vis. were Nancy Skee 4, Kurren was badly damaged and one of city hall Monday^ at 8:30 p. m. for Until January of this year, M ai- 1 Me to the Ball Game", "And the Fife, Glendon Haminon, Carolen the landing gears was pulled out. the purpose o f nominating direct heur county was under tlie juris Band Played O n " and "Peg O ’ My Brandt and Janice Lewis. Both wings were damaged, one ors. The county court decided that diction of the Boise AGC. but at Heart.” ' Reed R ay gave his usually fine quite badly, according to Gordon an election will be held the middle that time the Oregon general con Charles Lynn Taylor, introduced Schwelzer, who owns the ship. of June for selection o f five d ir tractors decided this county should by Master of Ceremonies Tam performance with two accordian Vaughan, accompanied by his ectors, who will organize the de be in the Oregon jurisdiction. W itli Se;>pich as "a red-headed negro selections. Claude Willson's dancing dolts son, Larry; Joe Maughan and Carl partment and take charge o f its Malheur county in the Oregon set boy from Ontario", is a compar Burningham, was taking o ff for operation. They w ill be empowered up. the waije scale here would be ative now-comer to Che vocal ranks always attract interest of Nyssa Burns to attend the Burns-Nyssa to levy taxes for operation o f the The dolls gave their the same as in Portland. There in Nyssa. Te boy, son of Charles audiences. high school district baseball champ district and attend to other bus- has always been a difference in Taylor, former professional singer, usual performance Monday night ionship game. Vaughan was fol inass. but Claud's own dancing, attempted the wage scale between the two presented a medly of songs. The fire truck and equipment to the accompaniement of Maxie lowing a plane piloted by Joe areas. Wheeler o ff tlie field. will be purchased by the district. An act, sponsored by the city Hull’s harmonica music, was not The wage scale for carpenters police and fire department, reveal equal to that of his dolls. A fter circling the field a few The city has entered into an in the Boise area now is $1.87 ed O fficer Maxie Hull and Tom I f Wayne “ George Washington" times to determine whether any agreement with the district, pro cents an hour and will be increas Seppich in a harmonica duet, Morris’ voice had been slightly one was tiurt, Wheeler and his viding that tlie city house and ed to $1.92 'v July 1. The Portland which, like practically all of tiie higher pitched he would have companions flew on to Burns. man the truck. T h e city’s com scale is $2.10. The difference in numbers on the program, drew pro given a perfect impersonation of pensation will ibe Its use o f the the wages for common labor is longed applause. truck as an auxiliary unit. They did fine A1 Jolson ((w e ll almosti. He sang GRADE SCHOOL TO even more. on harmonicas, . but three o f -------- Jolson's „.orttM favorites, , "Is I t — their ---- ---- - - spoiled . ----- — PRESENT PROGRAM JANE PARR WINS Work was stopped on the J. H. the act by letting M ax ’dance” . ‘ True W hat They Say About D ixie", Wise and Son project at Che Union A quartet of high school boys . ’'M am ie" and "April Showers." HONOR IN CONTEST T h e first four grades of the Pacific depot in Nyssa only one gave their first performance on | Cleo Flinders gave one o f her day—'Monday. T h e plasterers were the Nyssa stage. They were Ned • ever-pleasing readings, an Italian Nyssa schools will present their o ff work for one day. but appar Campbell. Rahe Williams, Deane number about playing golf and was spring program, "T h e Forty-Niners Jane Parr, daughter o f Mr. and ently the difficulty was settled by Hunter and Lee Anderson. The called back fo r an encore. Folk Festival" Friday, M ay 13 at Mrs. Frank P arr o f Nyssa, and a boys looked nice in straw hats, Tuesday. From here on, compliments 2 o ’clock on the high school lawn. member of the senior class, receiv Teachers are making effort to ed word that she had won the Contractors of the area arc ex and white shirts and trousers, but should be extended with caution. pected to meet in Payette tonight their mustaches were not so be It was only through the sympathy include the 476 pupils enrolled in state essay contest sponsored by of the audience tlmt T h e N igh t these grades in this outdoor pro the Nurses Association o f Oregon. to further discuss the labor sit coming. The Campus Caperettes, appear ingale quartet” was allowed to fin gram. MLss Parr wrote on the subject. uation. ing in a tumbling act directed by ish its number before it vanished Nursing as a Career” . For w rit T h e program will be given as Mr.-. Charles Steffens, presented a into the night (as it should have follows: Nyssa first guide, Danish ing the winning essay, Miss Parr POPPY SALE IS performance unusual in am ateur; earlleri. The only things that 1940’rs, ‘'Danish Greetings", "The will receive $ 100 , und a trip to AID TO CHILDREN ranks. W itli Carole Flinders as looked real about the performers Shoemaker Dance” and " I See Portland. She left Thursday m orn announcer, die five girls present-| were the knotty legs appearing be- Y ou "; Oregon Trail, Indian pow ing for Portland and this morning Mrs. Hugh Tobler. poppy chair ed a varied array o f stunts. T lie | low the dresses, worn by Dennis wow 1849’ers, "Squaw Dance", Pa will appear on a radio program man for the local auxiliary, has tumblers were Betty Fife, M ary Patch, Ward Wieneke, Harold Hen- poose Lullaby", "Bear Dance” and from a Portland station. Miss Parr has also been notified announced that poppies will lie on Ann Bumgarner, Geneva Sommers, igson and R. O. Whitaker, rep- "L o ve Dance” ; fourth grade. Span resenting the Lions club. (Page tlie ish welcom e. to 49’ers, "Spanish that she had been awarded the sale Saturday. May 28, which will Delorts Points and Corabelle Col man. They were furnished music tail-twister). Dance and "Dance to flic Cast- $250 scholarship given by The be known as Poppy day. by Carleen Jones, piano; Bonnie Hugh Tobler, representing the inets” ; Nyssa second grade, west Dalles clinic to a senior planning One of the things accomplished Ward, drum, and Shirley Nolan, chamber of commerce appeared in ward ho, the dancing pioneers, on entering Uie field o f nursing. by Che memorial poppy, which the a bit of horse-play. snare drum. "O Susanna” : Arcadia, nprlng 3he will enroll this full In nursing American Legion auxiliary is ask New talent was also revealed in (Continued on Page 8 ) round-up, "Buttons and B ow s”, at The Dalles general hospital. ing everyone to wear, is aid to "B u ffalo G als” and "Heel and Toe", needy- children of war veterans. LE G IO N A U X IL IA R Y ELECTS and Nyssa third grade. "The WINNING COWS IN Open Greenhouse— The number of these children Fie lion of officers o f the A m Raspa” and "Coming Through the needing aid is increasing rap en an Lotion auxiliary was held Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner of R ye” . COUNTY ARE NAMED idly, making it more important last Tnursday evening at the V et Nyssa have opened a greenhouse than ever to have a generous erans hall. Those elected to serve at 716 No. First street. The build Trophy winners In the last test response to the Poppy day appeal, for the coming year are as follows: ing Is 20 by 30 feet. The owners BEAUTICIANS OF ing period of the Malheur County Mrs. Tobler said. The bulk of President. Mrs K erm it Lienkaemp- hope to have a larger greenhouse COUNTY ORGANIZE Dairy Herd Improvement associ these contributions will remain here er; first vice president, Mrs. E. H. by fall. ation were announced Tuesday. in Nyssa to help the Legion post, Flesh man; second vice president, Winners In the 1 to 10 cow group Beauty shop owners and oper and auxiliary care for any needy Mrs. Homer Jackson; secretary. Enter Photography Class— ators of Vale, Ontario and Nyssa were Mr. and Mrs. Charley Grider, children in local veterans’ families. Mis. Lucille Myriek; treasurer, Mrs. Eldred Irving and Jerry O. W il met together at a dinner given In in the 10 to 20 cow group Glen Don Graham; corresponding sec liams of Nyssa are two of the 24 the Moore hotel In Ontario M on Peterson and In the larger herds retary, Mrs. H. E. Collins; chaplain, students to enter the annual photo day evening. Ed K er NYSSA SACKERS TO Felton Duncan; historian, graphy exhibit prepared by stud T h e Orider and Peterson herds T h e first steps were taken toward PLAY TWO GAMES Mrs. Mrs. E. D. Miehaelson, and serg- ents o f the press photography class organizing a group to be known ate registered Jerseys and the Ker eant-at-arms, Mrs. John Telisak. at Brigham Young university. as the Malheur Beauticians, with cows are hoistelns. The Nyssa town baseball team Serving on the executive com intention o f later Joining the state will play a practice game with mittee will be Mrs. Harold Henlg- Born At Nursing Home— hair-dressers association. Topll I WINDSTORM CAUSES Caldwell of the Border league „,n. Mrs. Bob Talbot and Mrs. Joe Mr. and Mrs. James Clayton of of discussion included short hair Friday night at 8:30 on the Nyssa Maughan. Vale are the parents of a son trends, minimum price level DAMAGE AT FARM field. Installation of the new officers born on M ay 5 at the Nyssa Nurs- throughout tills area, what can be The Backers will play Ontario | will be held some time in June. Ing home. The baby weighed 5 done to improve beauti services, A brief windstorm tore electric 3unday at 2:30 p. m. on the Nyssa — 5 — pounds, 2 ounces. shop hours and general shop con wiring, meters and switches from field, also in a practice game No JU N IO R A U X IL IA R Y E LE CT dition«. the tenant house o f Sid Flanagan harge will be made for the games. -p;,,. members of the Junior Am- Error Made In Car Prices— Those attending were Bonnie In Sunset valley Tuesday evening. but "the hat will probably be I ,.rjCan Legion auxiliary met last Through an error, the prices of Hunter, Ancil R. Huffaker and T h e wind Is reported to have passed.’ Friday afternoon at the home of I super and roadmaster models ap- Enid Wise o f Vale, Ruth Mc- broken a window In the Flanagan nelr leader, Mrs. Joe Maughan. pearing in the Bulck automobile Munn, Jewell Zollars. Midari Tam - residence and caused other minor To Attend Convention— j Barbara Duncan was elected presi- ad published In this issue o f the iyasu, Connie Schultz, Leona La- damage. Mrs. Olenn Suitor will leave this j dent: Beverly Burbidge, first vice Gate C ity Journal were transposed Roche and Tresa Pederson o f On week for Portland, where she will | president: Shirley Trainer, second Price« of the super series run from tario, and Maitjaret L. Sage and Suffers Stroke— ittend the National Iris ,?rowe: president; Marilu Burbidge, $2528 80 to $3657 80 and the road- Lillian R. Dunn of Nyssa. Mrs. Ray Bohler is at the Nyssa convention. Mrs. Suitor has won secretary-treasurer; Evelyn Helter, master prices run from (3114.80 to Nursing home, where she was recognition for her outstanding historian; Betty Jean Budbidge ser- $4240 80. Church Completes Campaign— taken after she suffered a stroke vork with irts, and in the develop . cant-at-arms; and Joanne M ath- T h e Nyssa Adventist church is last Sunday. Mrs. Bohler was sud ment of new strains. eny. chaplain. Roswell Boy Injured— this week completing a harvest In- denly stricken after she had re Mrs Joe Maughan spoke to the Guy Jones, son of Mr. and Mr*, gathering campaign. Thls la a turned to her home from attend •iroup on Venezuela. Group sing Tom Jones o f Roswell, Is confined yearly event for the purpose at ing church services in Parma. Mr. T o Utah— Tom Burningham left Monday ing w a e n j o y e d by those present to the Nyssa Nursing home with a maintaining and keeping up the and Mrs. Leo Bohler arrived in on a business trip to Salt Lake Refreshments were served at the broken Inj, which was Injured when medical missionary program of the Nyssa Wednesday from California close of the afternoon. City. j the horse he was riding fell. Uhurch throughout tlie world. to be with their mother. Fire District To Organized Here J